The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2055: Risk is dangerous (four more)

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Chapter 2055 Risk Is Risky (Fourth)

Outside of Purgatory God Mountain, there is almost no one in the beast **** world who knows nothing about the Super Warcraft Sky Monster Python. At this moment, it is still in human form, sitting quietly on a volcanic rock in the outer area of ​​Purgatory God Mountain, waiting boringly With the return of Yuan Feng.

She has been waiting here for a while. Yuan Feng told her to wait here. Although she was not very willing, but the thought of the terrible heat wave below the mountain of Purgatory God, she just dispelled the idea of ​​going with Yuan Feng, honestly. The ground waited here.

"Last time, he stayed in that crater for more than a month. I don't know how long he will stay in this time. However, he didn't want to practice in it this time, so It shouldn't stay too long, right? "

With one hand on his chin, the demon python at this moment really felt kind of bored. She is a person who is not able to sit idle and let her sit quietly. She really ca n’t sit still. If it wasn't because the person who made her wait here was Yuan Feng, then she would be early Leave first.

"Wait slowly, no matter what, he should not lie to me, and leave me here."

Today, she has a lot of trust in Yuan Feng. Since Yuan Feng told her to wait here, she will definitely come back to her. In this regard, she is almost convinced.

As time goes by, the Tianmon Python can't help but gradually feel a sense of inability to sit still, but her trust in Yuan Feng still made her choose to stay in place and wait for Yuan Feng to return.

"Boom !!!!!! Bang Bang Bang !!!!!!"

However, while the Tianmon Python kept calming herself and waiting so slowly, at some moment, a huge roar suddenly entered her ears, the huge The ringing sounded almost a moment of stun for her, and she didn't want to think about it, she just moved and stood up.

"Well? What's going on? Where's the explosion? Why does it sound like ........."

Her face sank a little, and she was sure for a moment. The direction of the explosion sounded exactly the direction of the fire peak that Yuan Feng had gone to. As for the specific location, it should be below that fire peak.

"No, is Yuanfeng in danger?"

Hearing the horrible explosion that passed from the peak of the fire, the sky demon python was sinking in his heart. He wanted to fly forward to watch the fire peak that Yuanfeng went down. What happened? misfortune.

"Boom boom !!!!!!!!!"

However, just as she was about to move, a bang followed by a bang, but it came from under the fire peaks. Obviously, at this moment, the 981 fire peaks of Purgatory God Mountain were all in. The explosions occurred one after another in a moment. As for why they exploded and what kind of results would be caused, it is certainly impossible for people outside to know.

"Bang Bang Bang !!!!!!"

Accompanied by a roar from the ground, the time spent talking, the fire peak of 981, almost exploded almost instantaneously, and everything, all in a flash of time. The magma lake swallowed up, and the pillars of fire spewed out from the underground world. In an instant, the entire mountain of Purgatory God truly became a human purgatory.

"What? This, this ......... how could this be happening? What happened? Yuanfeng? Yuanfeng?"

The body that had just rushed forward was lifted back by the force of terror almost instantaneously, and the sky demon python that had been lifted back had already turned pale and there was no trace of blood.

In the eyes, all the magma columns soared into the sky. Eighty-one fire peaks have disappeared, and the horrible explosion made her smell the thick death threat. It can be said that at this moment, no matter what kind of strong person As long as you are trapped in this environment, there is basically no possibility of survival.

"Yuan Feng, come out soon !!!"

Taking a deep breath, the Tianmon Python calmed down as much as possible, and then shouted at the terrible purgatory **** mountain range.

She has just discovered an interesting target, but she hasn't had time to study the other party thoroughly, and the other party has to be left in the flames in front of her, so she can't accept it.

Of course, as for whether she was anxious because she lost her interest goal, or because of other reasons, it was only her own heart. In short, she absolutely does not want Yuan Feng to die, and she does not want to at all.

"Yuan Feng, you promised me to keep me following you, don't you want to keep your word? Come out, hurry up for me !!!"

The whole mountain of Purgatory is still blasting insanely. Eighty-one fire peaks, each of which seems to have been secretly connected. Therefore, under this explosion, it can be said to be moving the whole body. And this level of explosion, she could not approach it at all.

"Come out, come out !!!"

The usual flattery, at this moment, I didn't know where she was thrown to. At this moment, all her minds were placed on the horrible purgatory in front of her, looking forward to the moment when the miracle appeared.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

Eighty-one fire peaks soon disappeared into invisible form for a short time, and the underground magma emerging from Peng Chung stopped at this moment, but only when the entire mountain of Purgatory God subsided, Yuan Feng's body, however, still didn't show up, as if she was really left underneath.

"No, it's impossible, he's so powerful, he can't die so easily, I don't believe it, I don't believe it !!!"

The wave of energy that has exploded gradually subsides, but the Tianmon Python can no longer take care of the rest. When the body moves, it is the flash of fire that arrives at the place of the fire peak that Yuan Feng chose before, but the central fire at this moment Feng hadn't even had any ash long ago, and she wanted to find Yuan Feng from it, so it was even more difficult to start.

"Really, really dead?"

After a long time, the entire Purgatory God Mountain finally completely calmed down, with only a slight breeze, still blowing because of the rolling waves of heat, but although the wind is warm, the heart of the Sky Monster Python is Some are cold.

At this moment, if Yuan Feng is still alive, he should have escaped from below, and since he has n’t escaped yet, then in all likelihood, I'm afraid he has really been left in Purgatory God Mountain.

"Why did God treat me like this? I managed to find a goal, but I just died in front of me like this. Is this God punishing me?"

With a bitter complexion, the Heavenly Monster Python really felt very heartache at the moment, and it was a heartache never before seen.

At the first sight of Yuan Feng, she was attracted by a special breath on the other side, and she was fascinated by the wonderful feeling she had never had before.

After that, she kept telling herself that she was full of curiosity about Yuan Feng, so she kept following Yuan Feng, basically staying true to her.

However, last time, Yuan Feng named her. At that time, she found that she had become more and more attached to Yuan Feng. If she was to follow Yuan Feng because of curiosity, I am afraid She would not believe it herself.

Especially that time, in order to save Yuan Feng, regardless of her own life safety, she almost lost her life. After that, she felt her heart more.

"Don't die, Yuan Feng, please don't die like this, please !!!!"

Standing stupidly on the magma, the Tianmon Python really didn't know what to do now. She suddenly discovered that without Yuan Feng, she didn't even know what to do next. It seemed that all she could do was to follow behind Yuan Feng and be an obedient follower.

"Hum !!! Hmm !!!!!!"

As the demon python murmured to himself, looking forward to the miracle, a muffled sound came suddenly from a place not far from her, and I heard a movement coming from one side, She was almost subconscious, looking at the direction of her voice.

When she saw the sight of where the sound came from, she was still sad, as if she had lifted the clouds and fog, and finally saw the scorching sun, and it became clear all of a sudden.

"Yuan Feng !!!!!!"

The color of excitement overflowed with words. At this moment, the sky demon python had a feeling of returning from **** to heaven.

In the eyes, a ragged figure looks like it was sprayed out by a force. However, although it is very embarrassing, the sky demon python recognized it at a glance. This suddenly sprayed out from below. Not others, but what she is looking forward to, Yuan Feng!


Yuan Feng's body spewed out of the underground magma, but when he was sprayed from the underground world, he seemed to be drained of all his powers in an instant, and fell straight straight down.

"Are you finally out? It seems that this time I picked up a little life !!!"

At the last moment of staying awake, Yuan Feng knew that he was finally out of the trap. However, although he was out of trap, his strength had been completely exhausted. If no one was here to help, then answer He came down, I'm afraid it would be very dangerous.

However, he believes that even if he has no energy left at this moment, he should still be able to survive, but he still has some confidence in this.

"Is the dragon that has more than six turns in the demigod? It doesn't seem to be a big deal."

At the last moment, Yuan Feng finally flashed such a thought in his mind, and then he felt a black in front of him and fell straight down.

"Well? Yuan Feng !!!!!!"

Not far away, Tianmon Python just saw Yuan Feng burst out from below, but just when she was still excited about Yuan Feng's appearance, she suddenly discovered that it seemed that Yuan Feng was moving towards Fell off, but passed out.


At this time, she didn't have time to think about it. When she was in shape, she had already come to Yuan Feng, but she didn't want to think about it. She grabbed Yuan Feng and moved her foot to leave the Mountain of Purgatory Range.

"What a serious injury, how could you suffer such a serious injury? How did this happen?"

Holding Yuan Feng's body in his arms, the Tianmon Python can feel that Yuan Feng at this moment is really a bit dangerous, and it can even be said that it is on the edge of exhausted lamps.

Obviously, before the Big Bang, all of them were acting on Yuan Feng's body without any reservation, and in all likelihood Yuan Feng was exhausted to resist.

At the moment, he should finally succeed, but because his power has been exhausted, and his body has been damaged to varying degrees, at this moment, of course, he can't keep himself awake.

"The last time I was hit hard, my life was almost caught in the flames. This time, it seems that I'm here to save you!"

Taking care of Yuan Feng, Tian Yao Python couldn't help taking a deep breath of fresh air. Then he took a look at Yuan Feng, and when he was in shape, he took Yuan Feng out of the place.

She didn't know what Yuan Feng had encountered below, but in all likelihood there should be an opponent, because Yuan Feng herself couldn't make such a big movement.

Since the place is full of unknowns, of course, it is better to leave the place sooner. After all, if there is any trouble in a while, she doesn't know if she can't solve it.

Yuan Feng's strength was somewhat counted in her heart, and the thought of a character like Yuan Feng being hurt so badly, she did not dare to stay here.

"Brush !!!!"

The light flowed, and the Tianmon Python took Yuan Feng, and soon left the Mountain of Purgatory God, heading straight for a primitive dense forest in the distance.

Yuan Feng's injury is definitely not mild. It takes a lot of time to rest and adjust his breath, and the current environment is certainly not good. Having said that, at this moment, Yuan Feng is already the master of human slaughter. At this time, if the Tian Yao Python moves something wrong, he really will be in the middle of it.

Fortunately, Tian Yao Python did not shoot at Yuan Feng. It seems that she really put all her energies on Yuan Feng's body at this moment, but the energy in it is how to be faster Restoring Yuan Feng's strength and healing Yuan Feng's injuries did not take advantage of this opportunity to control Yuan Feng's intentions.

Yuan Feng also had an absolute opportunity to be bad for her before, but he didn't do it in the end, and now that she is, she will certainly not be bad for Yuan Feng.

Not long, Tianmon Python found a very quiet cave, and temporarily arranged Yuan Feng in the cave. The next process, I am afraid that she can not help too much, how long can it be restored, But it can only be seen to what extent Yuan Feng's Nine Turns Xuan Gong can work.

ps: On the penultimate day of the month, the brothers with flowers started to cast flowers. Although Xiaoyan was busy during the day and day, the update was still strong enough, please praise! !! !! !! !!

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