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Chapter 2056 Waking Up

In the quiet cave, Yuan Feng's figure now seemed to fall into a deep sleep and lay there quietly. His breathing is very even, and there is no bad expression on his face. At this moment, he can be said to be abnormally calm.

At the same time, not far from his side, the body of the Tianmon Python was sitting quietly next to him, with one hand on his chin, and quietly watching Yuan Feng lying there. The face was full of indescribable colors.

"It's a pervert guy, so terrible underground storms, he couldn't even kill his life. I don't know what material his body is. When he wakes up, he must ask him exactly."

I don't know how long I watched it like this, but the sky demon python finally sighed, and his face was full of admiration.

When Yuan Feng was blown out by an underground lava explosion, she brought Yuan Feng here. Originally, she thought that Yuan Feng's situation would be very dangerous, so she had already prepared everything to help Yuan Feng to heal her injuries. Who knows, just when she was about to heal Yuanfeng, she found out that Yuanfeng's body had no problems at all, and she was self-conditioning.

In her feelings, Yuan Feng's body seems to have another consciousness of self-operation. Yuan Feng's injury can be recovered without the need for Yuan Feng to control it at all.

Although it was hard to believe this situation, it seemed to be the case, but she couldn't help but believe it.

"Yuan Feng, Yuan Feng, what kind of person are you? Why is there something in me that fascinates me so much? Why is this?"

Yuan Feng, who was asleep, seemed to be more attractive in her eyes. To her heart, she really did not know what was attracting her, especially when Yuan Feng was unconscious. At that time, she became more and more fascinated by Yuan Feng.

However, she didn't know that the most attractive thing about Yuan Feng's body was actually Yuan Feng ’s Devouring Wuling, or the special breath emanating from Devouring Wu Tian ’s Spirit. When Yuan Feng was awake, he would take the initiative To suppress the emotions of Tian Wu Ling and condense the breath of Tian Wu Ling, but now, the situation is obviously different.

Without Yuan Feng's active control, the breath of swallowing the sky martial spirit can no longer be suppressed, so of course, it will become more attractive to her.

"Hey, I don't know if I follow you like this, is it right or wrong? Maybe, I really should be hard-hearted and keep a distance from you!"

To be honest, if Yuan Feng is a World of Warcraft, of course, she can follow Yuan Feng at all times. She can really commit herself to Yuan Feng and control Yuan Feng's mind. In short, these are what she said Never mind.

It can be said that Yuan Feng is a human warrior. Speaking of which, human warriors are uniquely endowed with the highest super existence in the world. Even the end point of World of Warcraft is actually developing towards the evolution of human beings.

It can be said that the human warrior is very dangerous. If it is for the sake of insurance, she should really stay away from Yuan Feng as soon as possible, or even find a way to control Yuan Feng. Even when Yuan Feng is unconscious, she will swallow Yuan Feng directly. Already.

However, up to now, if you let her control Yuan Feng, she really can't do it, let alone swallow each other.

"You saved my life in the first place, and I saved you now. In theory, you and I have nothing to owe, but it seems that the connection between us is going to be even closer! "

Rare Yuan Feng is unconscious, and there are no other outsiders here, but the Tian Yao Python can't help but say everything he thinks about, and it can be regarded as expressing his own mind!

Although she had controlled a lot of Warcraft and human warriors before, those guys basically lost their self and lost their hearts after being confused by her. Those guys did not even have the qualifications to be her audience.

But Yuanfeng is completely different. Yuanfeng is by far the only person who makes her tempted. To her plain words, she wants to say to Yuanfeng.

"Forget it, you can't hear it, you still get better, don't worry about me."

After muttering to himself for a while, the Sky Monster Python finally sighed quietly, instead of continuing to speak, but stared at Yuan Feng quietly again, and looked at it with a smile.

For her now, watching Yuan Feng so quietly has made her very satisfied.

However, she didn't notice it. When she murmured to Yuan Feng, Yuan Feng, who had been lying there with her eyes closed, suddenly raised her eyebrows at one moment, only However, his movements were relatively small, and were not discovered by the Sky Monster Python.

In the following time, the Tianmon Python was so quietly guarding beside Yuan Feng, and the latter was completely caught in endless sleep, and he couldn't wake up for a moment.

The injury he suffered this time can be said to be very serious for Yuan Feng. When all the magma and flames of the underground world exploded together, he even felt the threat of death, if it was not because his body passed With the blessing of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, then even then, even if he is immortal, there is absolutely only half a life left.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, his Nine Turns Xuan Gong played a great role, it was able to resist such a horrible big explosion, and in the end, it only caused him some injuries without hurting the root.

And this time the traumatism obviously also reminded Yuan Feng. He already understood that no matter how strong the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, there is also a limit. This limit will continue to break through as he improves. However, now he has reached his own limit. If he encounters an attack that is more horrible than the previous explosion, then I am afraid that he will still finish.

As time goes by, Yuan Feng slept for a whole month this time. In fact, the big explosion of underground magma blew his entire body into chaos. He did need some time to recover, and such a period Time can never be too short.

On this day, Tianmon Python is as usual, still staring at Yuan Feng without waiting, waiting for him to wake up, and just when she stared at Yuan Feng, it seemed that she was already a little lost. Sighing softly, it woke her up.

"Yu, it's almost recovered. I can't think of it. Now, I will still encounter such a big crisis. It seems that in the beast **** world, I really have to be more careful in the future."

A gentle sigh of relief, Yuan Feng's eyes slowly opened, and the bottom of his eyes was filled with happiness for the rest of his life after looting, and his heart lingered after the death line wandered.

He was really dangerous this time. Speaking of it, only a horrible guy like him could do it. If he changed to another person or Warcraft, even if it was a demigod seven turns, eight turns, I am afraid We are going to be bombarded in the big bang!

"Eh? Yuan Feng, you woke up !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's sigh, the Tianmon Python first stunned slightly, and then shouted in surprise.

It's been more than a month, if Yuan Feng doesn't wake up again, I'm afraid she really has to find a way to help, of course, even if she really does, I'm afraid I can't really help.

In fact, when Yuan Feng was asleep, he had always been protected by the Devouring Wuling. If Tianmon Python attacked Yuan Feng at that time, it would be counterattacked by the Devouring Wuling. It's going to help. The Tianmon Python obviously realized this, so it didn't rush.

Of course, although Yuan Feng's surface looks completely unconscious, in fact, his spirit was guarded by the Devouring Wuling at the moment when the big bang started, it can be said that he was fused with the Devouring Wuling One, therefore, he is not completely clear about what is happening to the outside world, but it can also be faintly shared with the Devouring Wuling.

This is a wonderful situation, not to mention that it is difficult for outsiders to understand, even if it is Yuan Feng himself, I am afraid that he may not be able to clearly explain the situation.

In the final analysis, Yuan Feng will not let himself completely fall into a state of no resistance. If he was really attacked before, then the devouring martial spirit will immediately stimulate his mind and let him wake up quickly Come over to the enemy.

"Great, Yuanfeng, you finally woke up. If you continue to sleep, I'm afraid I can't wait to go first! Giggle !!!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng waking up, the joy on Tian Yao Python's face couldn't be concealed. Of course, she never concealed her true feelings. Speaking of which, she had already shown her affection for Yuan Feng. Interest, it is just that Yuan Feng ignored her. If it was someone else, I'm afraid she would have been taken down already!

"Oh, I don't have any opinion, even if you leave now, I will not have any dissatisfaction."

Hearing the Tian Yao Python joking at himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile a little, also smiling at the former. He certainly knew that the other party would not leave, after all, if the other party wanted to leave, then he would not wait until now.

Over this period of time, Tianmon Python murmured to him almost every once in a while. Tianmon Python thought he couldn't hear it, but in fact, he heard everything in his ears, just not Any comment on this.

In any case, of course, his dignified human warrior could not have anything to do with a World of Warcraft, and, faintly, he could feel that one day, the demon python would definitely leave him, so now he , There is no need to drive the other party away, maybe when the time is up, the other party will leave silently.

"Giggle, really a conscientious guy, I have guarded you for so long, and you rushed me out as soon as you woke up. If I had known this, I would swallow you while you were unconscious. All right."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the Tianmon Python couldn't help laughing, but also knew that Yuan Feng was talking to her, so she wouldn't be really angry.

"Okay, don't make a mess, tell me quickly what happened before, why the whole underground world suddenly exploded, and even the whole Purgatory God Mountain was destroyed?"

She was always very curious about what happened before. She really wanted to know what kind of situation Yuanfeng had encountered and what kind of strong man she encountered. She was able to make such a big movement. Come.

"Yu, it's really thrilling to say it. Originally, I heard the words of the chief of the Chiyan Jinlin family and came here to find a friend of it, but I didn't expect that his friend was long gone. Nowadays, the Purgatory God Mountain has a blue dragon, which seems to be called the King of Green Dragon. It seems that this guy is afraid that he has at least a half-god realm and six turns! "

Speaking of his experience, Yuan Feng's heart sighed a bit. This time, he really escaped from the dead. If he runs slower, he may not be able to run out of the flames before he is unconscious.

"What? The King of Green Dragon? The state of demigod around six turns?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Tianmon Python exclaimed suddenly, her face was full of shock. She never expected that under the mountain of Purgatory, Yuan Feng encountered such a terrible guy. .

Although she had basically lived a secluded life before, she had heard of the well-known King of the Qing Dynasty in the beast **** world.

Wang Qing is not an ordinary character. Long, long ago, this guy has been a strong man in the demigod and five turns, and after so many years have passed, the guy is afraid that he has passed the sixth robbery and became A super powerhouse with six turns in demigod!

Yuan Feng actually met the King of the King of Purity under the Mountain of Purgatory, and eventually escaped from the opponent's hands. In this regard, she really didn't know what to say.

In short, now she looks at Yuan Feng again, her eyes are completely different.

"That's right, it's a king of green pheasants, and it should be at least a six-turn demigod state. Speaking of which, fortunately, I have used some strategies and some sudden attacks, otherwise, let alone be It hurts him badly, even if he can escape, I'm afraid he will talk twice. "

Thinking of the horror at the time when King of the Qing Dynasty was at its heyday, he still had a sense of fear and resentment. This time it was really dangerous. If there were any choices, he would never be idle to challenge the King of Qing existing.

"What? You, you can hit the King of the Green Dragon? Hurry up, tell me, what's going on? I want you to tell me one by one."

I heard that Yuan Feng not only escaped safely, but also severely damaged the well-known strong king of the beast **** world, Tian Yao Python was really more and more curious at this moment.

Qing Qing Wang's role, even if she encounters, she has to go around, but Yuan Feng can still hit it hard. Want to come to this middle process, it will be very exciting!

"It's okay to talk to you. The thing is like this. Before I went down to the Mountain of Purgatory God, I just wanted to find ..."

After organizing the language, Yuan Feng then described his experience under the Purgatory God Mountain, and told them all in 151. When it comes to the key points, the Tianmon Python is like he is immersed in himself. From time to time, she even exclaimed, as if Yuan Feng had gone through the whole process.

Of course, Yuan Feng didn't really know everything, he couldn't say anything. He didn't tell the other side about some of his secrets. For example, he could use the martial arts spirit to isolate the outside poisonous things, and he would He didn't talk to the other, but just said something casually, this is his only means.

Anyway, when he finished talking about it, the Tianmon Python became more and more admired by him. You should know that being able to survive from the hands of the King of the King of Qing Dynasty is really a rare situation.

"Yuan Feng, you guy is really right. Since you have encountered such a dangerous situation, why didn't you inform me immediately? I'd better meet you outside. The two of us are united to deal with the hope of the King of Qing. I can get bigger again. "

After listening to Yuan Feng's narrative, the sky demon python was indeed shocked and changed in the beginning, and it was difficult to recover for a long time. However, in the end, she could not help complaining about Yuan Feng.

In such a dangerous situation, Yuan Feng did not choose to ask her for help. This is obviously still treating her as an outsider. In this regard, her heart is inevitably not very happy.

"Ahem, it's not that I don't want to call you, but that the King of the Green Dragon is really terrifying. I have seen your strength. Even if you do it, it will not help me much, but it will still get you into. In a crisis, it's not as convenient as I do it alone. You see, I'm not standing right in front of you right now, are there any injuries? "

Hearing the Tianmon Python complaining to himself, Yuan Feng could not help but cough and hurriedly explained to the Tianmon Python.

To be honest, he did think about seeking help from the Tianmon Python, but when he thought that the power of the Tianmon Python could not deal with the King of Qing, he gave up the idea.

As he said, the King of Qingyan was so horrible that even if she had one more, it would still be useless. It would be better for him to face it alone and find a chance to get away.

Now think about it, if Tian Yao Python was really involved at that time, then maybe, at this moment, 80% of her was buried in flames!

He could guarantee to escape, but at that time, obviously there was no power to save the other party.

"It turned out to be this way. If that's the case, then I really blame you." After listening to Yuan Feng's explanation, Tian Yao Python nodded with satisfaction, and the mood was a lot better.

"Speaking of which, your guy's body is really perverted, so the horrible explosion just made you recover after a month of sleep. I really don't know how you did it."

Aside from other things, Tianmon Python can't help but think of Yuan Feng's horror recovery ability. She knows very well that if she changed so badly, she would sleep for a few years. I'm afraid it may not be good!

"Hahaha, this is my secret, I'll tell you when I have a chance."

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng did not intend to tell the story of the nine transfers to Xuan Gong. Speaking of him, he still has not really regarded the Tian Yao Python as a friend. There are many things that he still has to go. Precautionary.

"Okay, don't say that, I have said so much, but I forgot to let you take a look at my gain this time. However, it seems that I should thank you for saving my life."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng no longer talks to the other side. Between raising his hands, he takes out the half of the king of the green dragon and puts it in front of the Tianmon Python.

"His, this is ........."

Seeing half of Qing Qingwang's body appearing in front of him, the sky demon python's complexion suddenly changed, and his eyes couldn't help flashing a thick jealousy.

ps: In the decoration, trivial issues are involved, it is really sorry for everyone, two-in-one chapter, Xiaoyan continues to code, roar! !! !!

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