The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2138: Be in control (three)

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Chapter 2138 is in my hands

Yuan Feng and the strong man of the Zijin Marten family reached an agreement, but the two turned their enemies into friends, and ran to the battlefield not far away, starting a side view.

When the two returned to the battlefield and saw the scenes on the battlefield with their own eyes, the scenes in the eyes made them both feel a sense of air-conditioning.

"Good guy, is this the Sky Monster Python who is fighting for his life? This is really fierce enough !!!"

At the moment, the eyes of the Zijin Marten strong are full of shock. It did not expect that in such a short time, the battle between the Tianmon Python and the other three strong has reached such a level.

In the eyes, the colorful body of the Tianmon Python was already stained red with blood at this moment, and the original horror of the world was now weakened a lot, even some scale armor on his body, It was all exposed at the moment.

Of course, such a terrible situation of the Tianmon Python naturally returned considerable results. Opposite her, the three strong men of the Thunder Monster family and the Tianmo Tiger and the Ravenous Bear tribe are at the same time bathing in blood. It seems that the strong people of the Thunder Monster family have been taken care of, and even their tails have been bombarded.

The two great powers of the Devil Tigers and the Ravager Bears are not much better, basically they are not injured lightly, and the three of them want to consume the Sky Monster Python, but they do n’t know that the endurance of the Sky Monster Python is not weaker than them. In addition, she is burning her vitality at the moment, and the effect is naturally even more talked about.

Judging from the current situation, the three strong men want to consume and capture the Tianmon Python, the difficulty is by no means a bit, and the current state of the Tianmon Python will eventually lead to the loss of combat effectiveness.

"Okay, okay, what you want is this effect. Fight it hard. It's best that all three guys die, and the sky demon python directly consumes it and suffers the worst damage. Everything will be in my hands, hahahaha !!! "

The eyes of the powerful Zijin marten are filled with excitement at the moment, and they laughed with open heart. If it wasn't for the current circumstances, then I'm afraid I would laugh out loud.

May I ask what else can be compared with the situation in front of me? It's just the best situation that the fishermen have benefited from both defeats.

Yuan Feng was behind Zijin Marten at this moment. At this moment, he seemed to have believed that Zijin Marten would not be harmful to himself, so the distance from the other party was closer to a few meters, and at this time At this moment, he also saw the scene of the distant battlefield, but when he saw the scene above the battlefield, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Seeing the siege python besieged by the three strong men, there was no perfect place on her body, but even so, she still did not flinch at all. In this regard, he really felt his heart, as if there was a The sharp knife was poking fiercely.

In this world, there is nothing that will be more painful than watching your relatives go into captivity, and to this day, the Tianmon Python is clearly regarded as his own relative.

However, although blood was dripping from his heart, his face remained very calm. The touch of regret was in line with the mood he should have at the moment.

"It seems that this time, you should be the biggest winner!"

Efforts to suppress the painful feelings in the bottom of his heart, Yuan Feng was now faintly speaking to Zijin Marten. He could feel that the Zijin marten was about to bloom at this moment. Although it was calm on the surface, there was no way to hide the excitement.

"Ha ha ha, it's also fateful, of course. The most important thing is to use your mind. These guys only know how to fight hard, and they are just a bunch of reckless husbands."

Hearing Yuan Feng ’s voice, Zijin Marten suddenly fluttered. It was really very excited at the moment. There was no way to see it and it would be fully collected. At that time, not only could you capture the Tianmon Python, but also Yuan Feng's spare chess piece is for his own use. If you want to come to the infinite monument, you can't escape the palm of your hand!

"Oh, don't you think that there is a big part of my credit here?"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng can't help narrowing his eyes. He seems to be joking, and seems to be serious and authentic.

"Eh? Hahaha, it makes sense. If you hadn't led me away, I'm afraid I might not have had such an opportunity. You really contributed. But then again, you should have led me away intentionally before. , In the final analysis, to protect yourself? "

Zijin Marten suddenly understood something. Perhaps, from the beginning, Yuan Feng deliberately led it aside, and then had a good time to talk to it. Now it seems that the young man who looks like this is really so smart.

Of course, this little clever, in the face of absolute strength, is simply not worth mentioning.

"People do n’t take it for themselves, they are destroyed by nature, just like you want to find the infinite monument, I just want to save my life." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng didn't refute the slightest, but talking, his eyebrows could not help but slightly Pick, and then said, "Okay, now your victory has been set, and since you also think there is my credit in this, but you don't know, can I make another relentless request?"

"Well? Hey, little guy, I promised to spare your life. This is already a net-opening. Why, do you want to make it impossible?"

Hearing that Yuan Feng was going to add an item, Zijin Marten's eyes flashed a bit of fierceness. Obviously, he didn't like Yuan Feng to talk to him in this way.

"It's not a big deal. Right now, Tian Yao Python is fighting these three guys. Based on my knowledge of Tian Yao Python, she will definitely kill these three guys at the end. My requirements are simple, as long as The body of one of these three guys shouldn't be considered a condition for you? "

He waved his hand, Yuan Feng signaled the other party to be a little calm, and then proposed his own condition.

"A corpse? Hahaha, what a big deal I should take, this is no problem, let alone a corpse. If the Sky Monster Python can really kill these three guys, then the corpses of three of them It ’s all up to you, it ’s a little bit of my thanks to you, is that all right? ”

Hearing Yuan Feng's so-called conditions, Zijin Marble responded with a smile. Speaking of which, if it can get infinite monuments, what are three corpses?

Of course, although I promised Yuan Feng for the time being, but if the situation allows it, it still has the right to regret it. In the final analysis, it treats Yuan Feng as a dead person, and never thought about keeping Yuan Feng alive. .

"Okay, happy, I don't want that much, only one is enough."

With the consent of Zijin Marten, Yuan Feng's face could not help showing a touch of joy, it seemed that he really felt that the transaction was very smooth.

"Oh, you little guy isn't greedy, no wonder even the Tianmon Python treats you like a baby."

Zigging his lips, Zijin Marble could not help but smile at Yuan Feng, and then looked at the distant battlefield again, looking forward to the results with anticipation.

Seeing this from the other side, Yuan Feng didn't say much. He was also grinning, and he was also looking in the direction of the battlefield. At this moment, the situation of the Sky Monster Python became undoubtedly more dangerous.


It was another thunder, born in the hands of the thunder monster's strong, and when the demon python caught off guard, it hit the neck of the demon python severely, and as this thunder hit the demon python, The latter was suddenly stunned, followed by being hit by the two great powers of the Devil Tiger and the Raven Bear Clan in succession, and the injury became serious again.


However, almost immediately when the three powerful men were about to start their oppressive attack, the Sky Monster Python suddenly turned over, and when the giant tail fluttered, it was directly thrown at the nearest Tiger Devil Tiger. Body.

"Well !!! Boom !!!!!!"

At the moment, the Devil Tiger had no more energy, but this time it was sturdy and sturdy, but it was directly bombarded hundreds of meters away, and the blood blasted in the air, it seemed to be seriously injured.

This is not over. Almost at the same time when the tail demon python blasted the demon tiger, her body burned an invisible flame again and again, but she completely ignored her life and accelerated the burning of vitality.

With the igniting of this vitality, her power suddenly trembled, and once she returned, she swept down at the little devil bear that ravaged the bear clan.

"Well !!! Boom !!!!!!"

The little fellow of the Raven Bears, who hasn't waited to recover from the demon python's desperation at this moment, is also bombarded by this one, and is obviously more severely injured.


One after another, the two powerful men were blown up, and the Tianmon Python naturally found the thunder monsters who just cast a thunder, and the guys of the Thunder monsters were already scared by the horror of the Tianmon Python. You have to back off again and again, and you dare not face up to the Tianmon Python.

"Crazy, utterly lunatic !!!!!!"

The strong people of the Thunder Monster family started to curse wildly. Where would they think that in a four-to-one situation, such a situation would even appear. Now it seems that they are too underestimated. Tian Yao Python family!

"Well !!!!!!"

The strong people of the Thunder Demon family dare not sway with the Tianmon Python at all. When the opponent kills himself, the only thing it can do is to circle the opponent as much as possible. However, this method is not only It is consuming the power of the Sky Monster Python, which is also a huge consumption for itself.

"Purple gold marten, where did you go? Come back quickly, come back soon !!!"

While running away, the strong of the Thunder Monster family is the guy who does not forget to shout the purple gold marten family. Speaking of them, three of their four strong are already in a semi-abandoned state, and at this time, if the purple gold marten can suddenly join with blood, wouldn't it be possible to take down the Tianmon Python in minutes?

Therefore, it really hopes that Zijin Marten can show up soon, so that it can quickly win the day demon python.

"Purple marten, do you want the fisherman to benefit? Hurry up and get out. If you don't show up again, the three of us will leave now, and no one should want to get a monument."

The strong men of the Devil Tigers tried to suppress the injuries in their bodies, but they also roared wildly. At this moment, Zijin Marten is not showing up. He can think of it with his toes. This guy's eight achievements are to save his energy, and they will appear again when they really lose each other, or even close to the end.

If that's the case, it will undoubtedly be a dangerous warning sign for them.

After working for so long, if they ended up making wedding dresses for others, even if they were dead, I'm afraid they would never be aimless.

The little devil bears that ravaged the bear clan obviously were full of complaints against the purple gold marten at this moment, but its injuries were very serious, and there was no time to yell at all.

However, in its heart, the Zijin Marten family has already been regarded as its own enemy, and in the future, if you see the guys of this family, no matter how strong or weak, it will blow its punch.

The whole scene suddenly became very funny, the devil tiger and the ravaged bear were trying to suppress the injury and restore their strength, and the strong of the Thunder Monster family was chased around, but they were always looking forward to appearing The strong of the Zijin Marten family did not show up at all.

"Hahaha, a bunch of waste, three hit one, and it's so embarrassing, it's useless !!!"

In the dense forest in the distance, the strong man of the Zijin marten family was about to bloom. Of course, it will not show up because it is very clear. Even if it does not go out, these three guys will never be withdrawn. After all, the treasures like the immortal monument are absolutely not the three guys. May give up.

"Hit it, hit it fiercely, killing one counts one. If the demon python can kill all three guys this day, then it saves me a lot of energy."

His eyes were staring closely into the distance. At this moment, the Zijin Marten strongman couldn't wait for the Tianyue Python to catch up with the thunderous one and then kill the other two strong ones. Then, it would You can really enjoy it!


However, while Zijin Marten was thinking about these, the slightest spatial fluctuations suddenly sounded from behind him. Although the sound was very light, he still couldn't escape his perception.

"in danger?!!!!"

Feeling the coming of space fluctuations, the Zijin Marten strongman no longer cares about the situation on the battlefield, but the first time is to turn his head and want to see what happened.

"Well? This is ........."

When it turned around, it looked like a Warcraft that had n’t woke up in the eyes, but it appeared before it, and suddenly saw such a small Warcraft, it Under my heart, can not help but feel a little stunned.

You know, its strength is there. In principle, it shouldn't be so close. It doesn't have any sense at all.

"That kid ......... hiss ......... no good !!!"

When seeing a weird monster of Warcraft rushing towards himself, Zijin Marten noticed that, somehow, Yuan Feng, who had been behind him, disappeared for a while.

Seeing this scene, in his heart, suddenly a warning sign rose. You know, Yuan Feng should never disappear for no reason, but things just happen, and there is certainly no problem at all.


However, almost as soon as the warning sign of Zijin Marten just appeared, a horrible energy explosion just wrapped it up directly, and the terrible power left it without even the time to react. A cloud of energy wrapped up.

"Do not………………"

The huge cloud of mushrooms drowned everything directly, but the screams of Zijin Marten were still echoing. Obviously, up to this moment, Zijin Marten didn't understand it. It was so good. Why did a sudden and half-expected World of Warcraft come to me? Beside me, and explode without hesitation!

The self-detonation of the Demigod Realm is simply something that most people ca n’t even think about. Instantly, the center of the explosion is the center of the explosion. Good place.

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