The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2139: Successive changes (four more)

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Chapter two thousand one hundred and thirty-nine accidents again and again (four more)

The horrible explosion instantly destroyed the range in the number of squares, and the huge ripple of energy can be clearly felt even if it is dozens of miles away.

No one can describe how horrible the scene at the moment of the explosion, but anyone who sees that scene will naturally think of the four words-the end of the world!

The huge mushroom cloud condensed in the sky, but it is difficult to dissipate for a long time, and such horrible movements are naturally perceived by the four strong men who fight in the distance for the first time.

"This, this is ........."

"What's going on? What's going on? Is this a self-detonation of a demigod?"

"Good terrifying energy, this must be the horror explosion of the demigod powerhouse. The scream just now ......... is Zijin Marten? It is Zijin Marten's scream !!!!!!"

Sudden changes happened to the four strong men in the fight, and now they stopped. There was no way, such a horrible explosion, each of them could not carry it by themselves. Continue to fight without asking.

Whether it is the strong of the Thunder Monster family, or the Devil Tiger and the Raven Bear, at this moment they are obviously stunned by the sudden changes. They not only saw the horrible explosion, but also heard the strong of the Purple Gold Marten. The roar was full of unwillingness and incredible.

If they didn't feel wrong, at this moment, it seems that there is no breath of purple gold marten in the horrible cloud of energy in the distance.

In other words, the purple gold marten who was still fighting side by side with them before, has now completely disappeared. A strong man with six turns in a demigod lost his life like that!

The demigod six-turn strong man, that is not an ordinary strong man can be compared. How many demigod six-turn strong man can be found out when the whole beast **** world is added together?

"Well !!!!!!"

I almost didn't want to think about it. The three big players were out of the battlefield for the first time, and immediately gathered in one place. Only in this way, they can have a more sense of security.

The Tianmon Python stopped for a while, panting violently, while looking at the source of the explosion, and in her eyes, it was full of joy at the moment.

If anyone would feel very normal about this scene at this time, she would be alone.

To be honest, she has waited too long for the arrival of this moment, and with the sound of this explosion, she knew that she did n’t really need to worry anymore.

As long as she can annihilate the three guys in front of her, or even bring them all together, then this battle, she is the real victory.

Zijin Marten's screams were also very clear. Obviously, no matter how strong the Zijin Marten's strength is, it must be dead in the face of a big bang of this level. Besides, she believed that at the time of the explosion Yuan Feng must have done a lot of work, maybe until the time of death, Zijin Marten did not expect this scene to appear.

The aftermath of the explosion showed no signs of dissipating for a long time, but in this regard, the Tian Yao Python and the other three strong men also tacitly chose to take a break at this moment, without the first time to start again.

For Tian Yao Python, this situation is of course no harm. Even, she is thinking that if the current big explosion can scare the three guys on the opposite side, it would be really better. .

No one wants to die in vain. If these three guys leave in good faith, then she can save at least one life. Of course, if the other three are not willing to leave, then she will fight to the last breath and have to find a way to send Yuan Feng away.

For the three guys of the three major groups, they don't know if they should continue to shoot at this moment. Obviously, they need to observe a little at this moment.

The battlefield suddenly became quiet. Whether it was the Tianmon Python or the other three strong men, they were waiting for the moment when the mushroom cloud disappeared. Whether to fight or not, wait until the mushroom cloud disappears. There should be a result!

"Woohoo !!!"

Not long, a strong wind slowly blows away, and the huge mushroom cloud slowly disappears, but when the mushroom cloud disappears, the entire space is empty, there is no The purple gold marten breathed the slightest breath.

"This, this ......... Really dead? Zijin Marten is really dead !!!"

Seeing that there was no hair left in Zijin Marten, the deep inside of the three strong men once again twitched fiercely, and faintly, they also some retreated.

Everything is too weird. Zijin marten went to deal with a small human warrior, but in the end he lost his life in such a way. In this regard, they really felt a chilling spine.

"Om !!! Swipe it !!!!!!"

When the three strong men saw the mushroom cloud dissipate, but did not see the purple gold marten and felt horrified under their hearts, a small spatial vibration sound suddenly rang from behind them, at the same time The three horrible sword awns also crossed the space, and talking was behind them.

"Not good, it's dangerous !!!"

Although the three were feeling horrified by the fall of the purple gold marten, they did not completely relax their vigilance. When the attack was felt from behind, the three strong men moved at the same time and swept away. .

However, although the speed of all three of them is extremely fast, no matter what, the previous ones were still affected by the fall of the purple gold marten, and the reaction speed could not be compared with the normal time, let alone them at the moment. The injuries were not minor.

Therefore, despite trying to dodge, the horrible swordman still left a wound on each of them.

"Roar !!!!!! Hum !!!!"

Although it is only a wound that is not deep, this Jian Mang obviously has a very special power. Therefore, when the wound appeared, the three strong men all made a terrible cry, which was obviously suffered. Not a light impact.

"He Fang rat generation, get out of me !!! Boom !!!!!!"

The strongest of the Lei Yao clan reacted the fastest. After they were injured by Jian Mang, they immediately returned to God and threw out a thunder in the direction of Jian Mang's attack.

With a bang, another sword lighted up, but it killed the thunder released by the thunder monster's strong man directly into the air, and then a young man appeared in all the flashes. In front of people.

"Three, it seems that your situation is not very good, but you don't know. Compared to the purple gold marten, whose life is harder."

The young man's figure slowly solidified, and finally finally appeared clearly in the eyes of the three powerful men, but when he saw the young man, the three powerful men were already stunned, but they were even more The turmoil rose.

"Is it you? You, did you kill the purple gold marten?"

What appeared in mid-air at this time was naturally the Yuan Feng who had just killed the Zijin Marten's super strong. However, even if the three strong men wanted to break their heads, they couldn't understand at all, why Zijin Marten In the battle with Yuan Feng, the final death turned out to be a purple gold marten with six turns in the demigod.

It seems that Yuan Feng did not receive any injuries at all. Instead, he was full of warfare. Although his strength was normal, the indomitable momentum, even if they saw each other, they all wanted to escape. feel.

"Hehe, Zijin Marten? That stupid man thought he was strong and clever, but unfortunately, I just sent it back to my hometown with a little trick."

Holding the sword with one hand, at this moment Yuan Feng is like an emperor who can control his life and death at hand, and his face is full of indifference.

In fact, Yuan Feng at this moment did have a sense of spirit. You know, just at the moment, a super strong man with six demigods died in his hands, although the process was a bit long. , But the end result is still good.

Speaking of, in order to deal with the strong man of the Zijin marten family, he really spent a lot of thought, the last World of Warcraft that exploded, it was the second number that was too late to talk to him, that is, the small eight Just produced the second half of the Demon World of Warcraft.

Xiaoba has been producing the second half of the demon world of Warcraft for a long time, and not long ago, the second half of the demon world of warcraft was basically completed, but because of a little agility, it was too late. Chi was not used by Yuan Feng.

When Yuan Feng and the members of the Zijin Marten family were in a state of weakness, Xiao Ba actually strengthened No. 2 overtime, and at the most critical moment, he detonated No. 2 directly.

Of course, Yuan Feng didn't think about detonating No.1, after all, compared with No.1, the life of Tian Yao Python is undoubtedly more important.

However, even if he wanted to detonate No. 1, it would be time, and when the time was ripe, No. 2 would be ready for use.

In addition, No. 1 has been with him for a while, and it must be said that he watched No. 1 blew up, and his heart was really intolerable. However, if it is a last resort, then even if he is number one, he must give up.

Fortunately, the current situation seems to have been slightly controlled, at least, the remaining three guys will obviously not be as arrogant as before.

"Hey, what do the three of you say? Do you want to continue? If you like, I don't mind killing more super powers."

Withdrawing his mind, Yuan Feng couldn't help licking his lips, as if he was a hunter at this moment, and the three guys on the opposite side were exactly his prey.


When Yuan Feng's words fell, the three strong men could not help but tremble slightly, but they were all shocked by Yuan Feng's words. Of course, deep in their hearts, of course, there was such a hint of fear .

In any case, Yuan Feng really killed the purple gold marten. As for what method is used and whether the same method can be used on them, these are not sure things.

The situation in front of the three strong men is undoubtedly a bit grim. Of course, they do not want to give up the immeasurable monuments, but all of them are seriously injured at present, and the combat power and means of the Tian Yao Python side and Yuan Feng really let them It's elusive, and once they start fighting again, I don't know if they can handle it.

"Giggle, Yuanfeng, you're finally back. If you don't come back, I'm afraid I can't stand it!"

When the three powerful men were struggling, but they didn't know if they should retreat, the voice of the Tianmon Python came, and the time spent talking, her huge figure suddenly flashed slightly. , Changed back to the appearance of a woman, and flashed to the side of Yuan Feng.

She recovered her human form, and her body was covered with scars. Obviously, some injuries could not be recovered in a short while.

"It makes you suffer, but let me take care of the next thing !!!"

Seeing that the Tianmon Python came near, Yuan Feng almost didn't want to, he just held the other person in his arms, and almost as soon as he arrived in his arms, the Tianmon Python's figure was slightly soft. , But it is no longer the strength of fighting.

The situation is obviously much worse than she thought. She thought she could continue, but now it seems that she has burned so much vitality, which is obviously beyond her tolerance. At this moment, she, I am afraid there is no way to continue to help Yuan Feng.

Looking at the Tianmon Python in his arms, Yuan Feng's heart became more and more stinging. He could feel that the Heavenly Demon Python was obviously very dangerous at this moment. If it was not treated in time, it would be unknown if he could survive.

And the most terrible thing is that he didn't know how to heal the other party at all. The feeling of powerlessness made him feel like a madman.

"Yuan Feng, you must be alive, I don't allow you to die !!!"

Tian Yao Python's eyes have become a little blurred, and the reason why she can stay awake is basically because of a devotion, because she is worried that she will never see Yuan Feng again.

"Rest assured, no one can let me die, no one can !!!"

Tightening his arm tightly, Yuan Feng at this moment felt more and more self-blame. If he is stronger, then these sufferings do not need the Tian Yao Boa to bear.

"Ha ha ha, Tian Yao Python, it seems that you are no longer able."

On the day when the demon python was in Yuanfeng's arms, the three strong men who were originally entangled with whether to continue fighting, but now they all looked brighter, one by one, they became more and more spirited. .

Speaking of them, although Yuan Feng did not know what method was used to kill the purple gold marten, no matter what, it is more threatening to them, but it is still the Sky Monster Python, and now the Sky Monster Python has lost its combat power, then they naturally do not need to be The little human warrior frightened.

"Oh, it seems that the three are really unwilling, okay, since you are fighting, I don't mind killing a few more."

Seeing the three strong men one by one became war-fighting again, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile sneerly. One hand held the Tianmon Python in his arms, and the other hand was the Chixiao sword in his tight hands. I was also desperately prepared.

"Huh, you are so little flirting with us here, just because you are a little human warrior, can you kill all three of us? Today, both of you will die here !!!"

Regarding Yuan Feng's words, the three powerful men will never really take it to heart. Although they are injured, they have not yet reached the point of fearing a small human warrior.

"Om !!!!!! Brush !!!"

"Huh, are the people of my demon python clan waiting for killing?"

Just as the three powerful men flexed their muscles, watching as they were about to attack Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python, a cold humming came from the distant sky suddenly, and with the sound of the sound, the entire sky, It all became cold at this moment.

ps: Four more arrivals, each one is enough, talking heartily, so tired, write at night as appropriate, ask for flowers and rewards for Li Ha! !! !! !! Thank you everyone! !! !! !!

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