The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2197: Active visit (second more)

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Chapter 2197: On Your Own (Part Two)

After some simple preparations, Yuan Feng finally set out on his journey to find Dahei alone.

Regarding the location of Dahei, he is currently positioned as a certain hidden world group in the beast **** world. Since it is to find the hidden world group, it is best to use a hidden world group as the medium. Then through one hermit group, slowly go out to other hermit groups.

In search of the hidden world, of course, you ca n’t run around like headless flies. In that case, you may not find the target at all, but you are wasting your time.

After some thought, Yuan Feng finally thought of a goal, a goal that he didn't want to mention much at first, and this goal is naturally the Tianmon Python family.

There is no doubt that the Tianmon Python family can definitely be regarded as a hidden world group, and in this group, there must be a person of great consummation, and from the strong ones, maybe you can find other hidden world groups. News.

In any case, the Tianmon Python family has some relationship with him. His immeasurable monument was obtained because of the monster flame, and the Tianmon Python family finally fought with him from beginning to end. , They are considered to be related to each other.

Of course, this time going to the Tianmon Python family, it is entirely possible that they will conflict with the Tianmon Python family, but now he is bold and has so many super powerful people on his body, naturally he is not afraid of anything. conflict.

In addition, he went to the Tianmon Python family, of course, not without any sincerity. If he could really get the help of the Tianmon Python family, then he would not mind giving a promise to the Tianmon Python family.

From the site of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan to the mad sand domain where the Tianmonbo clan is located, the distance is not close. Fortunately, Yuan Feng's speed is fast enough, so although it is far away, he has not spent too much time talking.

Along the way, Yuan Feng did not let himself just rush, he has not forgotten that his own Warcraft companion Xiao Ba, at this time still needs some powerful Warcraft to level up!

Therefore, along this way, he chose to choose, but it killed a lot of Demigod Realms with more than six turns of Warcraft, and gave them all to Xiaoba, letting the other party to devour as he wanted.

Xiaoba is undoubtedly the happiest person. Speaking of which, I am afraid that no one in the entire beast **** world can be promoted as easily as this one. You must know that no ethnic group can be extravagant enough to use ten heads and half gods for six turns. For World of Warcraft, to complete a member of the semi-god realm with five turns, he has been promoted to six turns, and there is no ethnic group that can use dozens of heads of seven-turn Warcraft to complete a six-turn member.

In this world, only Yuan Feng can have such terrible strength. As for other people, there is only envy and envy ...............

Yuan Feng is not very clear about the specific position of the Tianmon Python family. After all, he followed the demon flame to the Tianmon Python family, but was driven away after half a walk, and eventually failed to reach the Tianmon Python. Where a family is.

However, although he doesn't know the exact location, but the general position of the Tian Yao Python family, he still heard some from the Yao Yan.

First of all, the sky monster pythons live in the range of wild sandy areas, and are a deserted area. There are harsh areas of sandstorms everywhere. In the range of wild sandy areas, such places should be conspicuous. That's right.

"Kuangsha Realm, finally set foot in this world, but I don't know, where is the Tianmon Python family hiding? !!!"

Standing on a sand dune, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

At the beginning, he was almost about to enter the range of the Kuangsha domain, but unfortunately he was only one step away. He was rushed back by the strong man of the Tianmon Python family.

This time I finally set foot on this soil, the feeling is really a little different.

The Kuangsha area looks very wide, because almost everything you see is covered with golden yellow quicksand. As for vegetation and other things, it is basically rare in the Kuangsha area.

But having said that, although the mad sand domain looks extremely desolate, in this vast world, it still has many large ethnic groups, and the strength of these ethnic groups cannot be underestimated.

"Tian Yao Pythons, I don't know if I can really make a profit this time."

When his mind was released, his gaze couldn't help but start to glance at the whole world, and soon, he determined a direction, a direction that made him very emotional.

"It should be in this direction !!!"

Although he doesn't know where the Tianmon Python family is, there is another person in the Tianmon Python family that is closely related to him, and the existence of that person is like a beacon. He has enough guidance.

Regarding the demon flame, there was never any complaint in his heart. Some were just a deep apology and shame, and after that incident, he and the other party were already virtually connected.

The madness at the time allowed him to completely occupy the opponent, and since then, he has been able to faintly feel the demon flames, just like now, he feels that the demon flames should be in this direction, and as long as If you find the demon flame, then it won't be too far away from finding the demon python family.

"I don't know if I haven't seen you in such a long time. What is the situation of Yaoyan now, and bye this time, will she blame me for taking away her immense monument."

Nowadays, he has great strength, and basically nothing can make him feel scared, but when he thinks about the flames, he suddenly feels a sense of anxiety.

He didn't know exactly what he thought of him in Demon Flame's heart. Perhaps the other party could understand what he had done. Maybe the other party didn't care about the reason and just thought he was doing too much. What he thought, obviously he couldn't guess.

"Can't control that much, I will tell her my reasons clearly, if she does not forgive me, then I have nothing to do !!!"

There are not many things that he can care about, and Yao Yan's view on him is one of his concerns. However, no matter how strong he is, he cannot change the idea of ​​Yao Yan, so everything is still Let it be, take one step at a time.

Having figured this out, Yuan Feng shook his head, and then flew straight to the direction he chose. Faintly, he couldn't help but look forward to it. As for what he expected, only he knew it.

With the general direction, Yuan Feng is not too difficult to find the old nest of the Tianmon Python family. You should know that he also has advanced skills such as blood curse and magic. By then, as long as the Tianmon Python family is identified, In the general direction, he didn't believe that he couldn't find the eyeliner left by the Tianmon Pythons.

In addition, even if the Sky Monster Python family really has no eyeliner to stay outside, he can also allow Xiaoba to take a little time to produce some more suitable Warcraft, and at the same time, he can also dig the nest of the Sky Monster Python family come out.

I do n’t know how long it took to fly, Yuan Feng did n’t remember how many rough areas of yellow sand he had swept, and it was not until this moment that he realized that the original demon flame told him something about the demon. The information of the python family's old nest is basically the same as not telling him.

Of course, this is not to say that Tian Yao Python is intentionally guarding him. She is telling the truth, but it is not specific enough.

Fortunately, with the breath of the demon flames, he can roughly sense the position of the Tian Yao Python family. Therefore, for some places that are passing by, he has explored and continues to rush.

Along the way, he found that Warcraft living in the mad sand domain basically prefers cats under the yellow sand, and there are relatively few ethnic groups that actually live on the yellow sand, but it is definitely not to be underestimated.

It seems that Kuangsha Realm should be a favorite place for snakes of Warcraft. Along the way, he saw the most types and number of snakes of Warcraft. Some of the powerful Viper clan seem extremely dangerous.

In addition to the snake-type Warcraft, the various Lizard-type Warcraft in the Kuangsha domain, and even some weird Worm-type Warcraft, seem to be harder and stronger than other regions of Warcraft, and it feels more dangerous.

Basically, all the Warcraft in the crazy sand domain should know how to use poisons, and their poisons are obviously very dangerous. Even if they exist like this, they will not be afraid of the poison of the other party. The strong man who is also a perfect demigod is afraid to hide far away.

Yuan Feng did not have the energy to provoke these poisons. His goal was clear. As for the scenery on the road, he had no mood to appreciate it.

After flying through the yellow sand and passing through the next door, Yuan Feng felt that he had already reached the central area of ​​the mad sand domain, but the breath of the demon flames seemed to pass from the distance in front. This forced him to tighten his nerves and continue on his way.

Finally, after almost a few days on the road, Yuan Feng finally came to an endless area of ​​wild sand, and almost arrived in this wildly killing area, and Yuan Feng stopped slowly, and Perceived quietly.

This is a different induction method than mind perception. He doesn't know how this induction comes and how it works. In short, he just has an unspeakable induction and can feel the existence of the demon flame.

"Yu, it should be here. It looks like this is a forgotten place forgotten by the world, but such a concealment is a bit self-defeating."

After feeling a bit, Yuan Feng could not help exhaling lightly, but basically he had identified the boundless wild sandy area in front of him.

It's just that whether or not the Tianmon Pythons are really in this crazy sand zone, everything still has to be tested.

ps: It ’s been a long time, brothers and sisters, come to support a few flowers, give Xiaoyan some motivation, roar! !! !!

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