The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2198: Breakthrough (three more)

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Chapter 2198 Chapter Breakthrough

Here is a spacious and bright underground world. The entire underground world is huge, but there are various buildings in it. In the middle of countless buildings, a huge underground palace is different from other buildings, standing there as a leader, showing a different kind of nobility.

At this moment, in a secret room of this underground palace, a beautiful demon flame woman is lazily lying on a soft couch, beside her, there are two handsome maids serving. . However, these two girls are not ordinary girls, because their cultivation is actually a demigod.

Whether it is the demon flame woman on the soft couch, or the two maidservants serving on the side, they are all exposed, almost a few pieces of veil cover, except for the key parts, which are basically all exposed.

Unfortunately, no one can appreciate such a blood-soaked scene. Of course, even if someone really wants to appreciate it, it can only be said that they don't want to die.

"Sir patriarch, elder elder seeks to meet outside the door, I wonder if the patriarch wants to meet?"

Just when the demon girl and the two maids were enjoying such quietness, there was a sudden announcement from outside the secret room.


Hearing the person outside the door, the prince of the celestial python on the bed couldn't help but frowned slightly, and then waved his hands to signal that the two maids could step aside.

"Let it come in !!!"

While wearing a few poor clothes that she had few on her body, the prince of the Tian Yao Python whispered to the outside, and when the voice dropped, she raised her hand and opened the door of the secret room directly. However, the door to the secret room is not a normal space, but a simple teleportation array.

It can be seen that the patriarch of the Tianmon Python family is usually very alert.


Almost immediately when her voice fell, a light flashed out of the teleportation mysterious array, and then a spirited old man appeared in the back room.

"I've seen the Patriarch !!!"

When the old man entered the back room, the first time was a gift to the patriarch of the demon python, but it was somewhat restrained.

As the elder of the Tianmon Python family, its position in the Tianmon Python family is definitely important, but in the presence of the Tianmon Python family leader, it will always feel that it is several times lower, but it is not dare There is no disrespect.

As a super big group with a long tradition, the Tianmon Python is naturally not as simple as it looks. It is not a fake elder, but that does not mean that among the Tianmon Python family, he is under the patriarch. The strongest person.

"The elder does not need to be polite. I wonder why the elder is here?"

The patriarch of the day demon python still lay lazily on the soft couch, with a charming face on his face.

She is quite satisfied with the elder. Speaking of which, the current six elders of the Tian Yao Python family are actually not too different in strength, but whoever wants to be the elder is actually saying it herself Count. In the end, she chose the person in front of her, and personally improved the strength of the other party, making the other party the new elder of the Tianmon Python family.

Of course, no matter who it is, as long as it is a member of the Tianmon Python family, then it is her subordinate. To put it bluntly, it is her slave. She can do whatever she wants.

In her eyes, the elder in front of her looks no different from the two maids behind her.

"Master Patriarch, the five elders have been detained by the Patriarch for a while. He wants to know that he has made a mistake. He also hopes that the Patriarch can open the net and release it from the dungeon."

The elder's expression was slightly correct, and it seemed that he had struggled with his heart before finally gritting his teeth and saying his purpose.

The five elders in his mouth were the ones who shot Yuan Yuan at the beginning, so that the Tianmon Python family lost the immeasurable monument. After it was determined that the infinite monument can be regained, the Tianmonpython clan leader would It was locked in a dungeon, and until now it has not been released.

The dungeon of the dungeon python family is not a fun place. No matter what level the strong man is, when he enters the dungeon, he will basically lose half his life. Even if the five elders are good, I am afraid it will be difficult to persist. .

It has always had a good relationship with the five elders. If it were not for knowing that the patriarch was really angry, it would have pleaded with the five elders.

After such a long time, it believed that the patriarch of the demon python should have died, and then came to ask for elders' favor.

Of course, this is actually for the sake of the Tianmon Python family. After all, the pure blood of the Tianmon Python family is too few and too few. If there is anything wrong with the five elders, then for the Tianmon Python family, it will definitely not be a good thing.

"Is the elder here to plead with the five elders?"

Hearing the words of the elder, the prince of the Tianyue Python on the soft couch couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and the expression on his face was really unreadable.

Xiu Wei has reached her current state. As long as she doesn't want it, no one can see through her thoughts, and the elders in front of her are obviously even less capable.

"Yu, Lord Hui, the subordinate did come to court the oldest five." Taking a deep breath, the elder was also prepared to be scolded. It was betting that the prince of the demon python had died. , Bet the other party will not really want to kill the five elders.

"The elder can take such a big risk to intercede for the five elders, which is really rare, and it seems that this seat did not choose the wrong person."

With a charming smile, the patriarch of the day demon python was now showing comfort.

To tell the truth, she has actually waited for a long time. Of course, she doesn't want her dwarf pythons to be all cold-blooded, and no one dares to stand up and plead for the five elders.

If every member of an ethnic group only cares about their own gains and losses, and does not care about the lives of others, then it is difficult for such an ethnic group to survive forever.

Fortunately, the elder she chose did not disappoint her in the end. At least, she knew that there was still a trace of warmth among the celestial pythons.

Human warriors have a lot of emotions, which are not comparable to Warcraft, which is why the final state of Warcraft evolution still belongs to human form.

I have to admit that the human warrior is the primate of all things. As for Warcraft, of course, it also has its own advantages, but it is a little worse than the human warrior.

"Elder patriarch, although the five elders have made mistakes, they have paid a lot for the entire ethnic group, even if they have no credit or hard work. In this incident, the five elders are also guilty of ignorance, so their subordinates really He begged the patriarch to let go of the five elders and give it a chance to recover. "

The dungeon is definitely not a long-term place. Counting the time, the five elders at this moment may have been tortured into an inhuman form. If it is delayed, it will not know what will happen.

"Giggle, don't worry, the elder, listen to the clan first." He waved his hand, and the elder monarch signaled the other party to be calm and calm, and then continued, "the elder really thought that the five elders were being held in prison. Got the dungeon? "


Hearing this from the prince of the day demon python, the elder could not help but hesitated a little, and his eyes flashed brightly.

"I also hope that the patriarch expresses it clearly." With a look of joy, it suddenly saw a hint of light. It seems that there should be another secret behind the matter, and it seems to be better than it thought. .

"Giggle, don't hide the elders. The five elders have already been sent by their clan to perform special tasks, and the work has passed. When the time comes, it will return with merits. At that time, its previous mistakes were Can be written off in one go. "

Detaining an elder in a dungeon is of course not a stupid thing she can do. After all, no matter how much torture the other party should be lost or lost, it is better to let the other party be guilty of sin and make them grateful. And it will be very hard.

Of course, the tasks performed by the five elders are not the tasks that ordinary people can bear. If there is any negligence, I am afraid they will not be able to return.

Then again, if it is not because the five elders have made such a big mistake, then it may not accept such a task. In the final analysis, this is a very risky supplementary method given by the celestial prince to the other party.

"The fifth child is on a special mission?"

By the time the Tianyue Python clan's voice fell, the elder's face suddenly became bright, and the whole person suddenly became very happy.

There is no doubt that the news is too comforting for it. The five elders secretly performed the task instead of being trapped and tortured in the dungeon, which made it feel that the patriarch who originally came from the home was so enlightened.

It does not know what tasks the five elders performed, but no matter what the task is, it is better than being trapped in a dungeon and suffering. It can be said that after knowing the actual situation of the matter, it is now no longer worrying.

Since it is to perform the task, there is a natural possibility of falling, but even if it falls, it is also a glorious death, it is better than useless.

"Relief now, Elder?"

Seeing the happy expression of the elder, the prince of the Tianmon Python could not help but smile, and continued, "The reason why I didn't tell you before was to let everyone know that no matter what you do in the future, you must use your brain more. The brain is so bad that it must be punished. "

This is her way of doing things, as well as her routine, as to whether it is useful, that is not what she can control.

"The patriarch is wise, the patriarch is wise !!!"

At this moment, the elder had admired his own patriarch, and of course, he was more grateful. Although it is not the benefit, but as the elders of the Tianmon Python family, this is no different from its own benefit.

"Well, let's not talk about that anymore. How is the second child in the secret environment? Is there any big movement?"

As soon as the look was right, the patriarch of the Tianyue Python suddenly smiled and asked quite solemnly.

Since this time, she hasn't really cared anything at all. The only concern is the situation of her second daughter.

Since the decision was made last time, she has put her second daughter in the holy place of the Celestial Mania tribe to receive her baptism in the holy realm, but until this moment, her second daughter still has not left the holy realm. It came out, and there was no news at all.

In this regard, she has been dying for a while, and has no idea what to do.

"Master Hui, there is still nothing moving in the holy realm. It seems that the baptism of the second princess will take a while."

When the elder python clan talked about this, the elder slowly became calm, his brows frowned subconsciously.

For the second princess of the Tianmon Python family, he was more concerned than others, and even it was originally proposed to put the second princess demon flame into the sanctuary for baptism.

However, since the flames entered the holy realm, there has been no movement at all. In fact, it has always felt a faint worry.

The holy realm is the most mysterious place of the celestial python family. According to the theory, originally people outside can affect the situation in the holy realm, but I do n’t know why. After the demon flame enters the holy realm, the people outside are basically There is no way to know what is going on inside, it seems that some unknown changes have taken place in the holy realm.

No one knows whether such a change is good or bad, anyway, the second princess demon flame is in the holy realm at the moment, but everyone dare not do anything to the holy realm!

"Hey, the second child has been in the sacred realm for so long. This is very rare in the history of my demon python family. I don't know what happened to her now, and whether there will be any danger."

Hearing that there was still no news from the second princess demon flame, the prince of the day demon python couldn't help sighing, but she was quite helpless.

"The patriarch is assured that the second princess and her celestial body are in good shape, and the old slave believes that she has stayed in the holy realm for so long. This should be a good thing. Maybe she is now realizing a higher realm, even It may be that the impact is higher than the seven-turn demi-god realm! "

There are many unknown secrets in the celestial realm of the Tianmon Pythons. In the history of the celestial pythons, every person who enters the sacred realm to receive baptism has different benefits. As for the demon flames, No one can be sure of the benefits before she comes out.

"I hope so, but then again, if the second child really surpasses the semi-god realm seven turns at once, but jumps to realize the realm of the semi-god realm eight turns, this will probably be very important to her. It's dangerous! "

If the monster flame is really lucky to realize the realm of Bazhuan, then when she comes out of the holy realm, she will be greeted by Bazhuan, and she will not be robbed of that level. I know if I can help my daughter survive.


Said by the patriarch of the Tian Yao Python, the elder is no longer talking, because this is also the situation it is worried about.

It is not that the higher the realm realized in the sacred realm, the better. If Yaoyan really realizes the true meaning of the eight-turn demi-god realm and achieves the eight-turn demi-god realm, then what she has to face, but It's eight rounds of robbery.

Seven-turn and eight-turn robbery. Although they are only one level behind, their powers are quite different. Obviously, no one wants to let the evil flames stand the test of eight-turn robbery as soon as they come out.

"Forget it, this matter is not what I can do. If the second child really reaches the realm of eight turns, then it will lead to eight turns of robbery, then look at her luck and fortune!"

She shook her head. The patriarch of the Tianmon Python didn't know what to say, but she always felt that her second daughter was very unusual and definitely not like a person who would die halfway. Everything depends on the will of God. .

"Om !!!!!!"

Just when the voice of the patriarch of the dwarf python had just fallen, a sound of space shaking suddenly spread across the entire underground world.

"Well? What's the situation? This is ........."

Suddenly, the sound of spatial vibrations changed the face of the Tianmon Python clan, and then came the surprise.

"It's in the holy realm, the second child, the second child is about to break the level !!!"

Feeling the direction of the spatial shock, the patriarch of the Tian Yao Python no longer cares about the others. When he moves, he leaves the place directly.

"Eragon went out mainly?"

When the elders of the demon pythons flashed away, the elder also showed a touch of joy, and then he said nothing, and flew away from the same place and headed towards the holy realm.

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