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Chapter Two Three Thirty-two

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

A loud noise rang out suddenly between the heavens and the earth. The time spent talking, a world-fighting war, was in full swing.

"Well, humble human warriors, you still don't have to fight dying, give up resistance, we will make you more comfortable to die."

Fourteen Blackbirds face fierce human beasts in the beast-god realm. However, although they are not dominant in number, the battle has just begun. There are fifteen beast-god president figures. It was completely suppressed by the black birdman.

No way, these black bird people in Tianjizong are indeed much stronger than the fifteenth congress. In addition, these people who have grown up are escaping everywhere, and now they are overtaken by black bird people. Instinctively, they There is a kind of fear under your heart.

In this case, of course, they have only been suppressed in this battle!

Of course, no matter what, they still have the advantage of the number of people, even these black bird people, it is absolutely impossible to easily kill these people.

If you want to be able to destroy these people, I am afraid that only Zao Wuji, the Supreme Master of the Heavenly Sect, will do it himself. It is a pity that Zao Wou-ki is not here at the moment, and it is impossible for him to come here directly.

"Damn bird people, wanting us to be arrested is simply a crazy dream !!!"

"Hum, don't think you have an extra pair of wings, and you are invincible. If you want to kill us, you will have to pay a huge price !!!"

"Kill, let these birdies know how great we are ..."

As a powerful man who has practiced for many years and has run a large force, the chairpersons naturally understand their current situation. Speaking of them, they really don't really want to desperately fight with these birdmen. After all, they have no strength to win. Even if they fight to the end, they can't win.

However, they are even more clear that at this time, they must not be defeated, because once they admit defeat, they will be dead waiting for them. This has already been felt by these black bird people.

The only thing they can do now is to die with these black bird people. As for the final decision, whether it is life or death, is beyond their control.

The aftermath of the horrible battle turned the surrounding dense forest into ruins. Although all the presidents were forced by the opponent to retreat steadily, no matter what, everyone was a strong demigod. It was indeed not so easy to die when he released all his means.

"Father, you must survive !!!"

At the time when the powerful men broke out in a terrible war, among the ruins below, the young lady of the Chamber of Commerce of the God Machine Ruan Xinrou was hiding under the ruins and staring nervously at the battle above.

The battle of Shi Cai started, and she hid under Ruan Jingtian's instructions, but she was not brought into the physical world by Ruan Jingtian. You know, even Ruan Jingtian himself doesn't know if he can resist this time. If he can't resist, even if his daughter is brought into the physical world, I am afraid he will be buried with him.

In this case, it is better to let her daughter hide, there is a chance for survival.

This time, she escaped from the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, except that she was Ruan Jingtian. At the critical moment, Ruan Jingtian had no time to bring her alone, but she also showed concern for her.

It is a pity that she could not do anything besides silently praying for her father at this moment, and she felt really sad about this.


Almost in the time that Ruan Xinrou was worried about, in the upper circle, there were several presidents who were slightly weaker, but they had already shown defeat. One of the presidents was hurt by the swordmanship of the bird in black. , And then did not even have time to react, it was madly stirred into a mist of blood.


Seeing that there was a casualty on her side, Ruan Xinrou could not help but tremble a little, and couldn't help screaming, because she could feel that the fall of this president would definitely open up the fall of her own. screen.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Sure enough, almost when the first president was destroyed by the strange sword of the other party, the rest of the presidents were undoubtedly a little scared. When talking, the individual presidents were completely trapped. Passive is all about being beaten.

In fact, for everyone, they lack a truly desperate momentum, because for so many years of pampering, they have long forgotten what the battle between life and death is like.

To put it plainly, they are too afraid of death one by one, but looking at their opponents, they only know to complete the instructions of Zao Wou-ki, and they look very indifferent to death.

In addition, these black bird people not only have the advantage in speed, but also have the dual advantages in the spirit soldiers and strength. Such a battle is really not fair to them.

"No, go on like this, I am really going to be destroyed by them !!!"

Above the sky, Ruan Jingtian was also playing against a horrible black birdman at the moment. When he saw someone falling, his heart shook slightly, and he was full of anxiety about the future.

In addition, he can feel that his opponent seems to have suddenly increased his strength at this moment, and almost every swordman will hurt him.

The black swords in the hands of these black birdmen are very scary. Someone was swept by the sword horn before, which basically meant touching them. Therefore, they must do everything to avoid the sword horn of the other side.

"Well, how dare you be distracted at this time? Seek death !!!"

In this astonishing work of Ruan Jingtian, the black birdman who fought against him couldn't help laughing, and the laughter didn't stop. The black sword in his hand suddenly crossed a beautiful arc, and went straight to Ruan. The terrible vitals have been cut.

"not good!!!!"

Ruan Jingtian also realized his momentary intention, and at this time, he couldn't think much about it. He almost used all his powers, and at the last moment avoided the key points.


However, although the vital part was avoided, the opponent's sword was eventually cut at his shoulder position. At once, one of his arms was directly detached from his body and withered directly in mid-air. , Turned into a ball of powder.

"His, a horrible swordman !!!!!!"

The arm was detached from the body, and he should have been able to grow a new arm immediately, but the fact is that there seems to be a special energy above the opponent's sword, making it impossible for his arm to grow again. At least, it never grew out during the battle.


In the ruins, looking at his father's broken arm, Ruan Xinrou could not help but let out a cry of sorrow. He even rushed out from under the ruins and went straight to his father.

She knew very well that Ruan Jingtian, who had lost an arm, could not be the opponent of the man in black at all. I was afraid that it would take a few strokes to fall completely under the opponent's hand.

At this time, of course, she couldn't just watch her father die, and even if she was going to die, she had to accompany her father.

"Xin Rou, don't come out !!!"

Although fighting all the time, Ruan Jingtian's mind has always been concerned about his daughter. When he heard his daughter's exclaiming and watched his daughter flew towards him, he A heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

Seriously, by now, he no longer expects that he can survive, but he really hopes that his daughter can survive, and that is not a dead death.

But watching his daughter run out, he didn't think that these black bird people would have the so-called compassion and compassion.

"Well? There's one hidden here? Well, it's still a female?"

When Ruan Xinrou flew out, the black birdman fighting Ruan Jingtian couldn't help shining his eyes, and his face flashed the instinct of all male animals.

Their ethnic groups also have females, but they are relatively few. In the upper world, they will often rob females of other ethnic groups. Among them, human warriors are definitely their first choice.

Ruan Xinrou can definitely be said to be an extremely perfect woman. Even if a foreigner meets, she will still be tempted.

Therefore, although he saw Ruan Xinrou flying away towards Ruan Jingtian, the black birdman who fought Ruan Jingtian still did not shoot Ruan Xinrou, but let the other party fly to Ruan Jingtian.

For him, one more Ruan Xinrou was like nothing at all. After all, a small character like Ruan Xinrou could kill him by blowing his breath.

"Xin Rou, why are you running out !!!!!!"

While stopping the blood at the broken arm, Ruan Jingtian complained to her daughter.

Ruan Xinrou had been very secretive before. If she hadn't ran out by herself, outsiders might not have been able to find her. However, the other party ran out at this moment, so I really can't afford to talk about it!

He could feel the excited look of the black birdman across from him. If his daughter fell into the hands of these aliens, the consequences would be unthinkable.

"Dad, how are you, not badly hurt?"

Ruan Xinrou didn't care about her father's reprimand and blame at all. At this moment, she was obviously completely cleared up. If she really couldn't live, she would be willing to die with her father.

"Hey, it doesn't matter what hurts, this time, I'm afraid I can't even save my life !!!"

Shaking his head and sighing, Ruan Jingtian couldn't help but glance around, but at this instant, two presidents were hit by their respective opponents and killed directly. The situation is very similar to him. It was just that his own daughter suddenly popped up here, so that the opponent stopped for a while, otherwise, at this moment, he might be dead.

"Xin Rou, you really shouldn't come out."

Looking back, Ruan Jingtian couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. He died when he died, but if he brought his daughter with him, he would really hate himself very much.

As a father, he has no ability to keep his daughter. What he says is his own incompetence.

"Dad, the daughter is not afraid. If the father has three strengths and two weaknesses, the daughter will never live alone." Ruan Xinrou's stubborn look at this moment had completely set aside life and death.

The God Chamber of Commerce is gone. If she loses her father again, then she really doesn't know how she will live.

"Ah, that's it, that's it, it's useless to say anything !!!"

With a sigh, Ruan Jingtian was helpless at the moment. No matter how he complains about his daughter, the fact is that it can't be changed, so he really doesn't need to continue to complain about his daughter now.

"Well, human little girl, rest assured, I won't kill you, I'll hurt you well when I kill your father, hey !!!"

When the father and daughter talked, the black birdman on the opposite side did not want to wait any longer. In the strange laughter, the black long sword flickered with black mang again, and went straight to Ruan Jingtian and beheaded.

At this moment, Ruan Jingtian had been injured, and he was no longer able to fight back in the face of the black bird attack again. I am afraid he can't hide from it.

"Don't hurt my dad !!!"

Seeing Jian Guang struck, Ruan Xinrou couldn't help but stand in front of Ruan Jingtian, trying to block the sword for the other party. However, her body was extremely weak, even if she stood in front of Ruan Jingtian, she would eventually die with the other party, but it was impossible to block the other's sword.

"Well? Little girl is dying? !!!"

Seeing Ruan Xinrou standing in front of Ruan Jingtian, the birdie in black could not help frowning, a hint of hesitation flashed on his face. However, at this time, it was difficult for him to pull back, so in the end, his sword was chopped down towards the father and daughter.

The horrible Jianmang chopped towards himself, Ruan Xinrou only felt like a small boat in the stormy sea. Soon, he would be directly drowned by this towering wave!

She closed her eyes subconsciously, but at this moment, she was ready to fall.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, just as Ruan Xinrou was ready to fall, and died generously, a shock of space came suddenly, but it gave the whole world an unspeakable breath.

"Huh, **** birdman, you must be mad, here comes the death !!!!!!"

"Brush !!! Boom !!!"

Along with the sound of cold humming, a Jianmang suddenly lighted up, and then, a loud blast opened and drew the attention of everyone on the battlefield all at once.


Ruan Xinrou had her eyes closed at the moment, but at this moment she suddenly realized that it seems that the sword-sword just now didn't hit her. Otherwise, she shouldn't I have the ability to think.

Almost subconsciously, she opened her eyes, and just as she opened her eyes, a familiar and unfamiliar figure appeared in front of her, and she saw With this special back, a flash of light flashed through her mind, and an indelible figure quickly became clear.

ps: I wrote three chapters with pain, it's really the limit! !! !! Less than the last hour of this month, brothers with flowers will give flowers to Xiaoyan, thank you everyone! !! !! I will not make any promises next month, because there are too many uncertain factors, but Xiaoyan will definitely work hard to update and strive to be better than this month! !! !! Goodnight everybody! !! !!

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