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Chapter two thousand three hundred and thirty-three homeless

The whole world suddenly quieted down at this moment. Everyone's attention was focused on the young man who suddenly appeared, a group of succesful human strongmen, who were all startled at the moment. So it's more of a sense of uncertainty.

However, when more than a dozen black bird people saw the figure that popped up, it was almost a momentary effort. All black bird people were like ghosts, all of them were upright and their bodies were upside down. They all trembled slightly.

On the battlefield, Ruan Jingtian, president of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and Ruan Xinrou, the young lady of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, also looked at the man in front of them, but the other party was facing away from them, so they did not Can't see the other person's face clearly.

However, although they can't see their faces, the familiar atmosphere from the other person's body, as well as the unique back view, let them recognize the other person the first time!

"Yes, is he?"

At the moment, Ruan Xinrou's eyes were full of indescribable colors. At first, she thought that she and her father would be dead. However, no one could think that at a critical moment, Yuan Feng had suddenly killed.

Although it is not known whether the two of them were saved because of this, even if she only saw each other at this time, she suddenly felt a sense of contentment.

"He, how could he show up here? Was it a special trip to save us?"

Seeing Yuan Feng in this situation, the feeling can't be described by words. At this moment, she felt that her heartbeat was accelerating a bit, but it was like a little deer ramming.

However, when Ruan Xinrou was thinking wildly and thinking was almost chaotic, Yuan Feng in front of him turned slowly and glanced at her, and smiled slightly.

However, it was a pity that Yuan Feng just smiled at her, then turned her head back, and didn't say a word to her.

In fact, Yuan Feng didn't want to say hello to the other party, but the current situation seemed to have no time to say hello.

"Huh, the birds of the heavenly sect, today, I am Yuan Feng going to the sky, are you ready to die?"

Eyes swept across the black bird people, Yuan Feng's eyes were full of deep hatred.

Previously, he left the dwarf pythons with Dahei and Demon Flames. The first time, with the help of three immortal monuments, he determined the position of a group of birds in black. Then, he was galloping all the way to the team of Blackbirds.

With the accurate target orientation, he can even lock the target's movement at all times, so he didn't waste any time on his way.

Along the way, he has always had feedback through the infinite monument, always observing the team of black men, and only in these few days, he was watching these dozens of guys burn and plunder, The beast **** strongmen who died in their hands were simply countless.

It can be said that in the past few days, his anger has accumulated to a limit. If he does not vent his words again, I am afraid that he may be driven crazy!

The only thing that didn't let him think is that when he finally caught up with these black bird people, he just happened to meet a group of human superpowers. It seems that this time he came quite timely, after all, if If these black bird people kill these dozens of great conquerors, then the impact on the beast **** world will be very huge.

"It's the man that the suzerain warned, flee !!!"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, the black bird people who were never able to die were like mice and cats, and they did n’t know who shouted. Then, all the black bird people would It suddenly exploded, and fled in all directions.

Since more than thirty bird-men in black died in Yuan Feng's hands, Zao Wou-ki has given instructions to every subordinate. No matter who he is, as long as he sees Yuan Feng, he must do his best at the first time. Escape, don't hit Yuan Feng hard.

And Yuan Feng's image has naturally passed on to everyone's knowledge of the sea. At this moment, when Yuan Feng appeared, these black bird men felt the horror of the other person for the first time. In addition, the black sword held by Yuan Feng was the sword they used. In other words, in Yuan Feng's hands, their people must have died.

"Well !!!"

At this time, I can't care so much. As long as they can escape from Yuan Feng's magic claws, they are worth the effort to eat milk.

"Hum, want to run? How easy is that, the black demon flames, you protect them !!!"

Seeing more than a dozen birds in black running away, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help but a flash of light. Between the thoughts, the shape of Dahei and Demon Flame appeared first, and he was a figure , Went straight to the black bird people chased up.

"Million swords return to death !!! Give me death !!!"

Although the speed of the black birdmen is extremely fast, Yuan Feng's speed is also not slow. After all, his true strength is much better than these black birdmen, and at such a close distance, even if the opponent runs again Quickly, but it is impossible to throw him off.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

The black long sword trembled, and the dark awns flickered away, but it was almost the work of the glaives. The two slow-starting black bird men were directly divided into two by the awns and exploded directly. The mist of the sky.

Yuan Feng's swordsmanship has reached the realm of the mysterious sword. As long as some means are incorporated into the sword, it is enough to kill these black bird people. What's more, the swords in the hands of these black birdmen are not trivial. He is very easy to use.


One sword killed two black bird people, but Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. When he was in shape, he chased up to another black bird people.

"Today, don't even try to escape one of you !!! All die for me !!!"

The fall of each of the beast **** powerhouses is vivid. At this moment, all the anger has turned into strength, and his strength can be said to have been exerted by 120.

In addition, the two immeasurable monuments entrusted to him by the Dragon Emperor have doubled his strength. As long as his mind is moving, the entire world of beast gods seems to be providing energy for him, so that he does not need to. Worry about consumption.

This means that there are other people on the battlefield. If not, he would have used the killing tricks to solve all these black bird men in one go.

Of course, it's the same without killing. This is not the case. Looking at it, each birdie in black was caught up by Yuan Feng, and he was killed one by one as if he was chopping melon and vegetables.

The strength of these black bird people was indeed not weak, but because Zhao Wuji gave them instructions, they had inexplicable jealousy about Yuan Feng in their hearts, so when they saw Yuan Feng, they There wasn't even a resistive mind, almost just thinking about running away.

As everyone knows, the more they do, the faster their demise. Who gives Yuan Feng's strength a unimaginable boost after getting two immeasurable monuments?

"Sell, this ... this ..."

"Okay ......... So scary, am I, am I dreaming?"

"His ... how is that possible? How is this possible? Killing these birdies is like chopping melon and cutting vegetables?"

"Who exactly is this person? How could it be so strong? This is too exaggerated ..."

When Yuan Feng displayed his skills and destroyed the Black Birds one by one, on the battlefield, all the presidents who were lucky enough to survive all opened their mouths and looked at them in disbelief.

I have to say that everything is changing too fast and too fast. Just the moment before, they were still dying and struggling under the hands of those powerful black birdmen, but the next moment, these horrible black birdmen actually became The ants in other people's hands were talking dead.

In this regard, in addition to their shock, there are only thick and incredible.

"Dad, he ... how could he be so strong?"

Ruan Xinrou was also stunned by the changes in front of her. While staring at Yuan Feng chasing the bird in black, she couldn't help asking her father. Frankly speaking, she really had the wrong feeling at this moment, because in any case, she couldn't connect the Yuan Feng in front of her with the Yuan Feng in her impression.

"Huh, freak, this guy is just a freak !!!"

With a deep sigh, Ruan Jingtian could only watch the performance of Yuan Feng dumbly, and in his heart, it was completely unbelievable. If it wasn't because he was familiar with Yuan Feng, he might not be sure. The young man who easily harvested the black birdman in front of him was the young man who was almost an enemy of him!

Now think about it, you had cut off the land to pay Yuan Feng, which was all right and totally worth it. Let's not say that Yuan Feng saved their father and daughter's lives at this moment. Imagine if he really stood in the wrong team at the beginning and eventually opposed Yuan Feng, then the God Chamber of Commerce is probably gone. Right!

Not to mention the God Machine Chamber of Commerce, even if they are two fathers and daughters, I am afraid it has long been history.

"What are you all doing? You have to gather up soon. Are you waiting for death?"

Just as the strong men watched Yuan Feng slaughter the black birdman suddenly, a low drink came suddenly, but it was the **** and the demon flame sent by Yuan Feng that started to gather everyone. .

Dahei and Demon Flame originally wanted to help, but now it seems that Yuan Feng under anger doesn't need their help at all, and for now, they still protect the survivors.

"Eh? Gather, right, right, everyone will come together soon !!!"

"It has been saved. This time it has really been saved. It seems that God is not mean to us."

"Don't say so much, let's get together first ..."

With Dahei's low drink, all the presidential powerhouses gathered together for the first time, but almost subconsciously, everyone gathered around the father and daughter Ruan Jingtian. After all, after Yuan Feng appeared before, he rescued the father and daughter for the first time. Among them, I don't know if there is any hidden feelings.

Ruan Jingtian's father and daughter did not expect that they became the center of everyone. Soon, the ten great conquerors who fortunately survived came to the father and daughter, but they looked at the black and demon flames aside for the first time.

Yuan Feng went after those black bird people, but it was already gone, but Dahei and the Demon Flame were still there, and they had heard Yuan Feng's words before. Since Yuan Feng let the two protect them , Then it naturally shows that the strength of these two people is definitely better than them.

"You are the presidents of the major chambers of commerce in the beast **** world?"

Just when the president-level strong men gathered together, and looked at the Demon Flame and Dahei with a little suspicion, the sound of the Demon Flame sounded for the first time and asked them.


Hearing the enquiries from the demon flames, each of the presidents and strong men was slightly delayed, but in the end, everyone turned their attention to Ruan Jingtian, and even faintly pushed Ruan Jingtian to the front desk. Obviously, they are planning to let Ruan Jingtian be their spokesperson.

"Yu, God Machine Chamber of Commerce Ruan Jingtian, I've seen Master Tian Yao Python !!!"

Seeing that everyone else was looking at himself, it was obvious that he was going to push himself to the front desk. Ruan Jingtian couldn't help taking a deep breath, but hurried to stand out, saluting to the demon flame.

He is not too unfamiliar with the demon flames. Let's not talk about the breath of the demon python released from the other side. At first, Yuan Feng and the demon python appeared on his site many times. If he doesn't know the other, then But I really can't justify it.

However, what also made him feel incredible is that the original flame was nothing more than a small character with a demi-god six to seven turns, but today, the other party is so powerful.

He can feel that if he fights against each other, I am afraid it will be difficult to hold on for too long!

"Is the chairman of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce? I heard Yuan Feng talk about you, well, don't be so restrained, just stand up and talk!"

Seeing Ruan Jingtian saluting to himself, Demon Flames could not help but wave his hand to signal that the other party did not need to be polite. She hasn't seen each other, but she still hears about the name of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. At least, when Yuanfeng first came to the Tianmon Python family, she mentioned to her a little relationship with the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. .

"It turned out to be a strong man of the Tianmon Python family, and I am polite !!!"

"I've seen Lord Tianmon Python, thank you for your help!"

"Thank you, Lord Demon Python ..."

After listening to the dialogue between Yao Yan and Ruan Jingtian, the presidents knew that the demon girl in front of her turned out to be the strong one of the Tian Yao Python family. For a moment, they did not dare to neglect and hurried to salute one after another.

The position of the Tianmon Python family in the beast **** world is still quite high. At least, these people will not provoke the Tianmon Python family, especially after seeing the demon flame at this moment.

"Okay, don't be so polite."

Seeing everyone respecting himself, the demon flame could not help but wave it, seemingly did not like this kind of etiquette.

"How come you strong human beings come together? Also, how is your chamber of commerce now?"

Dahei doesn't know much about the outside world, so at this moment, basically, the flames are inquiring everyone, so that they can accumulate useful information for everyone.

"Hey, Lord Tianmon Python has no idea. The chambers of commerce controlled by us are now wiped out by those black bird people. We are lucky to survive, it is quite difficult!"

It's not difficult to die. Ruan Jingtian also had a piercing feeling at the moment. His tone of speech was much more euphemistic than before.

Having said that, he is no longer the president of the China Chamber of Commerce, and now he does not have any advantages at all, and it is always good to be low-key.

"Well? They were all destroyed by those **** orniths?"

After hearing Ruan Jingtian's introduction, Demon Flame could not help but frowned, and could not help feeling sympathetic to those grown up.

"This is the end of the matter. Do n’t be too sad. The world of delusion and beast **** are both experiencing calamity. It is not easy for you to live."

She is not very comforting, but what she said is really true. Nowadays, it is quite difficult to survive in the world of delusion and beast-god. As for wanting to preserve your great power, it is easier said than done. what!

"What? Was attacked on Wulei?"

When the flames of the demon flames fell, each of the presidential strongmen was shocked, and everyone's eyes flashed an unspeakable shock.

They are still discussing, the beast **** world can not stay, they can go back to Wulijie to occupy one acre of three-point land, but now it seems that Wuliangjie can't go back!

"The situation without the delusional realm is probably worse than the beast-god realm, because these **** bird people are the first force of the delusional realm, the people of Heaven Extreme!"

Seeing the horrified look of everyone, Demon Flame did not hide anything. At this time, it should be the most suitable for everyone to recognize the current situation.

"People without boundaries? Uh, this ........."

With more and more explanations of the demon flames, everyone present was a little confused. Only then did they realize that the root of the original problem turned out to be in the Wandering Realm. It is ridiculous that they still want to go back to the Wandering Realm to develop!

"Specific circumstances, let's talk about it when Yuanfeng returns. Right now, the only thing we all have to do is to save our lives for a while and then think about something else."

Too specific, of course, she is not very clear. Furthermore, she does not seem to need to talk too much with these people. It just suffices to let these guys recognize the current situation.

When I saw the demon flames, I stopped talking, and when I grew up one by one, I didn't talk too much at this moment. However, under their hearts, there was no way to restore peace. After all, the beast-god realm is about to end, and the no-god realm can't go back. Their future is simply dim, making people see no hope.

Fortunately, they saw Yuan Feng at this time. Perhaps the emergence of the latter is an opportunity for the entire beast **** world as well as for all of them. As for what will happen, it is not what they can imagine.

ps: In the new month, ask for a few flowers and give a little motivation to Xiaoyan! !! !! !!

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