The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2367: Ray of hope vip

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c_t; Although Zao Wou-ki's strength is good, compared with super strong players such as Mu Tie Shen Wang, it is naturally much worse. [Fast updates, refreshing website pages, less advertising, like this site the most, be sure to praise]

For this desert area right now, he really didn't see anything wrong. In addition, he has always been upright and moving above the ground, but he didn't think about what would happen below the ground. .

However, after the reminder of King Mu Tie Shen, he slowly put his attention to his feet, and with his further observation, he found that the vast desert in front of him was really not so good. same.

"Curious places, weird, there must be weird !!!"

No matter how much they are super strong, when they really start to pay attention, of course, Zao Wou-ki can discover the unusualness of the desert below.

In his eyes, although the desert is indeed no different from the ordinary desert, when he slowly penetrates his mind downward, he can feel that the bottom of this desert will never be endless. The yellow sand is reads ;.

"It turns out that, it seems that under this yellow sand, there should be a super-large group hidden deep, and even I was almost deceived."

His eyes narrowed for a moment, but at this moment, he was full of curiosity under the desert below him. You know, it's not something anyone can do to be able to even get him confused.

"Master Shenwang waits a moment, Rong Ren shot, and turned this yellow sand area into the sky."

Regardless of what's under this desert, he obviously won't let it go. Of course, he would also like to take a look at what kind of big group is hidden under this sky full of yellow sand.

"Be careful, don't capsize in the gutter."

Seeing Zhao Wuji flexing his muscles, Mu Tiewang couldn't help but smile, but reminded the former. I don't know why, when he felt the desert below, there was such a thing as wrong in his heart. It's not a dangerous feeling. As for what it feels like, he can't say a bit.

"Capturing the ship in the gutter?" Upon hearing the reminder of Mu Tie Shen, Zhao Wuji couldn't help but hesitantly, then he pouted, apparently dismissing the reminder of Mu Tie Shen. (

In the Nether, only the superpowers such as Mu Tie Shen Wang can make him helpless, and besides Mu Tie Shen Wang, he really does not believe that this Nether can pose too much threat to him. The previous Zhuochen Chen was an exception, but Chuanchen Chen had been escorted to the kingdom of God by Mu Tie Shen, and it was no longer possible to cause him any trouble. Thousands)


Between thoughts, Zao Wou-ki raised his hand suddenly. Suddenly, the black long sword appeared in the hand for the first time, and released a magnificent light. A horrifying force also began to gather around his long sword. Looking at his posture, it seems that he wants to split the desert below with a sword.

"Let me see who is hiding underneath and drive me !!!"


The horrible Jianmang went straight to the desert below and slashed down. This sword almost used his 50% of the strength. Under this sword, even the super-competent super strong, I am afraid that they must die. Seriously injured.

King Mu Tie's eyes could not help but narrow his eyes slightly. He also wanted to know what kind of situation would be under this desert, and why even he felt such a strangeness.


The black Jianmang surged in the wind, and finally banged on the yellow sand below. What a horror of Zhao Wuji's strength, this time bombarded on the yellow sand. Immediately, almost all the yellow sand hit by the swordsman was evaporated directly, but the black swordsman was not offset by the trend, but continued. Tearing the desert below.

"Well !!!!!!"

No one can describe the horror of this sword. The most intuitive feeling is that after the sword was cut, almost a tenth of the yellow sand of the entire desert directly turned into black smoke. This shows the strength of Zhao Wuji.

"Crunch !!!!"

Finally, when Jian Mang continued to go deeper and spread farther away, the black Jian Mang was eventually met with unknown resistance, and it was a strange noise.

"Well? Really weird !!!"

Seeing that the Jian Mang cut out by him was obviously blocked by unknown energy, Zhao Wou-ki narrowed his eyes instantly, and his heart became more and more surprised.

It can be seen that the energy below this desert is not bad, and He is able to resist all his attacks. Of course, the main reason here is because he didn't use his full strength. Moreover, the energy of this sword has been almost consumed by the yellow sand of the sky. Otherwise, this is a hindrance and it is impossible to resist his attack at all. under.

"Well, it's quite deep, but even if you try to hide, you can't even avoid the excavation of this seat and drive it to me !!!"

He glanced at the place where resistance was the greatest. When Zao Wou-ki moved, he cut a sword at the bottom again. This sword, however, used his strength of at least six layers, and this time the attack The goal is clearer, no need to worry about power being consumed.

"Brush !!! Boom !!!!!!"

With a bang, the entire desert seemed to explode directly. Suddenly, the yellow sand was filled with unknown fragments, and the entire sky was filled with speech.

"Woohoo !!!"

There is flying dust everywhere in the entire sky. When you look at it, you ca n’t see the situation below. I do n’t know when, a simple atmosphere is released from below, like it has been sealed for millions of years. The seal was finally opened the same.

"I don't know where to sacredly come to my clan of celestial pythons, who have lost sight of it, and hope to forgive me !!!"

The sky was soaring, and at this moment, an unusually sweet sound suddenly rang out in the smoke, as if the sound was magical. Between the words, the sky ’s smoke was slowly settling down. Down, soon, the whole world was restored to Qingming. A woman who was exposed in clothes and showed strength all over her body appeared for the first time in the eyes of Mu Tie Shen Wang and Zhao Wuji.


Whether it is Mu Tie Shen Wang or Zao Wou-Ki, obviously they did not expect such a scene to appear, and when they saw such a woman who suddenly appeared, the first feeling of the two was a bit stunning, almost It was subconscious. Both of them forgot to take the shot, and looked up and down the woman in front of them.

"A beautiful woman, it is unexpected that in such places as the Nether, there will still be such charming creatures. It is rare, really rare."

Mu Tie Shen Wang did not rush to shoot at this moment. Speaking of which, as a superpower in the divine realm, he can definitely be said to be well-informed. In a place like the divine realm, who has he never seen?

However, frankly, among the creatures he has seen, being able to be as spiritual and powerful as the woman in front of him is really rare.

At least, as a male, he was really amazing the first time.

Zhao Wuji's situation is similar, and even slightly worse. After all, his realm is far worse than that of Mu Tie Shen Wang!

"Master God, this ........."

Glancing at the sudden emergence of the woman, and glanced at the underground palace that had already appeared below, Zao Wou-ki hesitated slightly, but finally looked at the King Mu Tie God in the sky and asked softly.

In the current situation, he naturally cannot easily decide. As for how to solve it, it is better to give it to King Mu Tie.

"You step back! Reads; !!!"

Mu Tie Shen Wang's eyes never moved. He heard Zhao Wou-ki's inquiries. He waved his hands and motioned to the other side, while his body was fluttering and slowly descended downward.

"Tian Yao Python tribe, alas, it seems that the underground palace below is where your ethnic group is located, but I don't know, where have all your tribe people gone now?"

Standing in front of the woman, Mu Tie Shen's eyes flashed an indescribable color. Obviously, the person in front of him had given him a strange idea.

"The people of the Tianmon Python family have always been scarce. What you see is all of the people of the Tianmon Python family. Dare to ask you to destroy my eternal foundation of the family of Tianmon Pythons. I wonder why?"

The expression of the patriarch of the python monster has been very indifferent. Speaking of it, she had felt it when Mu Tiewang and Zhao Wuji came, but I did not expect that the celestial python family was so hidden that they were still unable to. To escape the fate of being discovered, this time, she really didn't dare to imagine the results of the celestial python family.

Whether it was Zhao Wuji or Mu Tie Shen, he felt the inexplicable pressure of horror. In the presence of such superpowers, she even felt very strenuous to speak, but at this time she had to fight hard. After all, she didn't show up, so it wasn't just her that was unlucky.

Fortunately, as early as a few days ago, the Tian Yao Python family began large-scale concentration and transfer. At this moment, the members of the entire Tian Yao Python family have basically been included in the physical world by the three princesses. Therefore, although the underground palace was breached, the casualties of the Celestial Boa family were not great.

"Rare human beings? Well, it's okay to use such words to deceive others. As for the king, how can you be cheated?"

Hearing the words of the prince of the demon python, the king of Mu Tie Shen couldn't help but grin, and then continued, "Well, no need to say any more, give you a chance to be my personal waiter from now on, if you behave OK, King will consider helping you. "

It is rare to meet such a high-quality woman, even he is indeed a little tempted. Speaking of which, swallowing some of the great conquerors is not very effective for him. But to get such a woman, it would be better than at least to devour a few great perfectionists.

"What? Be your servant?"

When the voice of King Mu Tie Shen dropped, the patriarch of the Tianyue Python could not help but hesitated, and his face was involuntarily cold.


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