The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2368: Helpless vip

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As early as when Yuan Feng wolf-ridden ran back from Wandering Realm, the patriarch of the Tian Yao Python knew that the real disaster in the world of beast gods would soon be coming. .し w0. Read the latest chapters in full

At the moment, the arrival of Mu Tie Shen Wang and Zao Wou-Ki undoubtedly proved all her conjectures.

As one of the oldest ethnic groups in the beast **** world, the identity of the patriarch of the demon python naturally needs no further explanation. She has always been born and killed, and she can do whatever she wants, whether it is a human warrior or a warcraft. Qualifying in front of her.

However, at this moment, when Mu Tiewang talked, she wanted to make her a slave, and she really couldn't react to it for a while.

However, this time is different from the past. Although he feels the indignation from the heart for the insufficiency of Mu Tiewang, he knows what to do at this moment.

The fools can see that the Mu Tie Shen King and Zao Wou-ki in front of her are definitely bad visitors, and the eyeliner scattered by the dwarf python family has already returned the news, so she knows very well that once any of her One word upset the two in front of her, so she was definitely more than dead.

"Two people, my Tianmon Python family has always had no dispute with the world. I also hope that the two will be able to open up one side and will be grateful in the future."

Taking a deep breath, the Tianmon Python clan really didn't know how to solve the current predicament. Now, she can only go one step at a time, crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Yuan Feng was still retreating in a secret room at this time, and he didn't know what was going on. It was obviously beyond expectation at this time. As for the others, the entire Tianmon Python family, that is, her own daughter, can still be regarded as a master, but it is also impossible to be the opponent of these two people, even if she appears in vain.

Therefore, at this moment, she must find a way to hold on to the two people as far as possible, and strive for more time and opportunities for her tribe.

"Bold, Lord God King asked you to be your servant. That was a great gift to you. You not only thanked you quickly, but you dared to refute it. Is it impatient to live?"

Hearing the words of the chief of the Tianmon Python, he did not wait for the King of the Iron God to speak, but Zao Wuji, who was behind him, stood up first and scolded at the chief of the Tianmon Python.

Speaking of which, he is very enthusiastic about the patriarch of the Tianmon Python, but he knows clearly that regardless of whether Mu Tie Shen Wang takes it as his own, he has absolutely nothing to do with it anyway.

Therefore, he was reprimanding each other, apparently not because of good intentions. Hot

"Well, don't be so blunt, you're scared."

Mu Tie Shen Wang is still laughing, but his smile now is obviously different from before. Obviously, at this moment, he is also a little angry.

"My king has always been unwilling to force others, but what I want to do must be done in the end, to give you one last chance to be my king's servant, otherwise you and the creatures below will have to die."

As the supreme king of the divine realm, as long as he is the female he sees, basically he can't escape the palm of his hand. It is rare to find such a stunner in the Nether, and he will never let the other side go by any means.

"you guys………………"

There was a flurry of panic on the face of the patriarch of the python, she knew that the other party was obviously not playing with her. Perhaps, if she said even a word, then waiting for the celestial python family would be boundless Of nightmares.

It was just that she was really reluctant to let her be the servant of the other party. To be honest, if she really wanted to let her choose, she would rather die by herself, she would never be humiliated by this child.

Enemy hates the owner without learning

However, this time is not as simple as her own life and death. Her choice is related to the entire Tian Yao Python family. This is what makes her most tangled and overwhelmed.

"It seems that you haven't taken the words of the King into your heart, since that's why ............... come out for me !!!"

Seeing that the princes of the demon pythons were hesitant to say words of submission, the God of Mu Tie is naturally not very happy. With his eyes narrowed slightly, he suddenly waved at the underground palace below.


The earliest moon art of the enemy's hatred

Just a simple wave, the original underground palace that only exposed the tip of the iceberg was suddenly exploded, and as the palace exploded, suddenly, a whole dozen or so figures were directly caught by an invisible force.

These dozens of figures are all demigods. Three of them are the most eye-catching. When the three women were arrested, the prince of the demon python, who was already disturbed, was almost directly scared. Fainted.

Not far away from the unscientific post

"No! Boss, second, third ........."

Seeing that her three daughters were all caught by each other, she knew that she really had no choice.

"Well, good, good. I can't think of a lot of stunners in a low-level world. It seems that this time I really made money !!"

The three princesses of the Tianmon Python family were caught out. At this moment, the King Mu Tiejin was almost full of eyes and almost drooling.

You know, the three princesses of the Tianmon Python family are more charming than one, especially the two princess demon flames who have been trained in the semi-god realm, and they will not be worse than the Tianmon Python family. .


"Master Patriarch helps !!!"

The three princesses and a dozen elders of the Tianmon Python family seemed helpless at this moment. At this moment, they could only pin their hopes on the chief of the Tianmon Python family to keep their own. Little life!

"Don't call it !!!"

Of the more than a dozen people, naturally, the second princess demon flame is the most calm, and speaking, she followed Yuan Feng to go north and south, and she went through several life and death tests. She was not as afraid of death as others.

Fateful Science and Technology

"Mother, are you okay?"

The yelling and yelling of other people was screaming, and the first consideration of the demon flame was the safety of his mother.

"I'm okay, second child, why don't you and you leave first ..." Seeing her daughter, the patriarch of Tianyue Python couldn't help feeling a little bitter, and said, before she appeared She had already ordered the other party to find a way to go, but now it seems that the other party did not seem to listen to her.

"Mother, you are the patriarch of the Tianmon Python family. Because of you, the Tianmon Python family is a complete group. If you have a three-length, two-short, the children and all the people will not live alone."

Sun Yuan and Qiu Yuan are not hated for science

Yao Yan's face is very firm. She has always known one thing, that is, the entire family of Tian Yao Python, only her mother can run it. As for her, there is no way to carry this banner. . The reason is without him, because her mind is not on it.

Maybe, if she sacrificed her mother, the celestial python family can indeed continue, but that is definitely not what she can accept.

"You ......... hey !!!"

Hearing her daughter's words, the prince of the Tianmon Python was really anxious and angry. Such a situation was definitely not what she wanted to see, but at the moment it seems that everything is beyond her control.

Vengeance, Far-distance, Far-distance, Hatred, Seal, Secret

"Stay on the side and don't talk." After calming down, the prince of the demon python said to the demon flame and others, that is, he turned his gaze to the opposite King Mu Tie Shen.

"Master God, I am willing to agree to all the requests of Lord God, but I also hope that Lord King will let my three daughters and several elders."

Under the eaves, she had to bow her head, and now she has no choice. Aren't they sacrificing yourself? Only after her daughter and the people leave, she will find a way to end herself, and she will never really be the niece of the other party.

"Hahaha, do you want to understand at this time? But it seems a bit late!" Hearing the words of the prince of the day demon python, the king of Mu Tie Shen laughed aloud, "Well, don't ask the king for conditions, from From now on, there are only four mothers and daughters of the Tianmon Python family. As for the others ... "

After turning his eyes, Mu Tiewang couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and then waved his hands behind him.

"Subordinates understand !!!"

Enemy ground to ground

Seeing the Mu Tie Shen waving his hand, Zhao Wuji, who had been staying behind, would immediately understand. Between the movements of the body, he was already in front of the elders of the Tian Yao Python family.

"Well !!!!!!"

With a muffled sound, all the elders of the Celestial Python family became pure heaven and earth aura, dissipating between heaven and earth. Soon, in the entire space, there were only Celestial Python leaders and Her three daughters.

"Do not!!!!!"

Seeing the elders of the Tianmon Python clan exhausting their lives, the Tianmon Python clan suddenly sighed, but unfortunately, she was suddenly trapped by a force all over her, but there was no way at all.

"The one below doesn't stay !!!!!!"

When Zhao Wou-ki wiped out more than a dozen elders of the Tianmon Pythons, the King Mu Tie God continued to order. Obviously, from the beginning, he had decided to destroy the entire Tianmon Pythons.


Sun Di Qiu, Far Earth Division

Zhao Wuji naturally had no problems. When the words of Mu Tie Shen Wang fell, he went directly into the underground palace below, opened the killing mode again, and slaughtered the members of the Tianmon Python family.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

"Well !!!!!!"

With the sound of a loud noise, a scream followed by a scream filled the entire underground palace, and all the people of the Tianmon Python family had not yet had time to transfer, all falling under Zhao Wuji's sword.

At this moment, the Tianmon Pythons finally failed to escape the crisis of the beast **** world, and eventually became a member affected.

ps: Entertain the last guests tomorrow, it will be easier after you finish! !! In other words, did you suddenly find yourself making friends? Haha! !! !!


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