The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2393: Fight big

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c_t; On the vast and boundless primitive jungle, there are Protoss birdmen who patrol back and forth, and every birdman who visits is repaired to the worst level of the median god. It can be said that this endless primitive The jungle is simply a web of heaven and earth. Anyone who wants to break into it must bear the danger of being discovered or even destroyed. Visit the latest chapter: reads ;.

The silence of the entire dense forest was, however, such a silence that was suddenly broken by a roaring wind.


The wind broke, and then two young six-winged Protoss men flew from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, they had already reached the periphery of the dense forest.

"The comer stops !!!!"

The two six-winged men just approached the edge of the dense forest, and a low drink suddenly sounded. Then, the three six-winged bird men flew out from under the dense forest instantly, just blocking the way of the two young men.

"Presumptuous, open your eyes and see who's here!"

The three six-winged birdmen had just stood, and one of the two young men on the other side took a step forward, yelling at the three.

"Well? Master Meng Guang? His subordinates have met Master Meng Guang!"

"Have seen Master Meng Guang !!!"

The three six-winged bird people are all outstanding under the throne of Meng Xun. Naturally, they recognize Meng Guang, the great young master. When they saw that the person turned out to be Meng Guang, everyone was shocked and hurried to the people Salute.

"Okay, are you the three brothers of the Yuan family? How's it going, is the peace here recently?"

Meng Guang also came up at this time, and his face was filled with a high-level **** 'color', and he asked the three brothers of the Yuan family.

"Master Meng Guang remembers the three of my brothers. This is the honor of my three brothers." Hearing Meng Guang's recognition of his three brothers for the first time, Yuan Tian's heart was so small. Excitement, after all, this Master Meng Guang, but is expected to inherit the mantle of God King, becoming the new God King person. [Please see the latest chapter of this book]

"Master Meng Guang rest assured that the entire mining area is very calm, and nothing happens;"

It is rare to see this young master. Yuan Tian made himself as natural as possible. As for some minor situations that happened before, he would never mention it to the other party.

"It's good if nothing happens, the three of you continue to guard, I'll go and check."

Sun Qiuchi Ghost Skill Cool Gang Ghost Seal

Hearing Yuan Tian's report, Meng Guang nodded coldly and then waved his hand to signal that the three could let go.

"Master Meng Guang, please !!!"

Hearing that Meng Guang was about to enter the mining area, Yuan Tian's brow could not help but frown slightly, but immediately returned to normal. Although King Meng Yue said that no one was allowed to enter the mining area, after all, Meng Guang's identity was extraordinary, and of course he did not dare to block the other party.

"Well !!!"

Naturally Meng Guang would not be polite to them and would not say hello, but flew with one of his guards to the dense forest below, and then disappeared into the dense forest in a blink of an eye.

"Brother, is there anything wrong?"

When Meng Guang came to the mine with his guard, Yuan Di, the oldest of the three brothers of the Yuan family, could not help raising his eyebrows, and was slightly worried about authenticity.

King Meng Yue said before that no one is allowed to be put into the mining area. Although Meng Guang is the eldest son of King Meng Yue, in the final analysis, the other party is not the king or the successor of King Meng Yue.

"There is a difference between inferiority and inferiority, we can't offend this young master." Hearing Yuan Di's words, Yuan Tian also frowned, and his eyes flashed helplessly.

Of course, he also knew that he should not let the other party enter, but if he offends this, he really suffers, so at this time, he can only open one eye and close one eye.

"Boss, go and follow him in secret, remember not to be found, as long as he doesn't come" in chaos ", you should think he doesn't exist."

After a little thought, Yuan Tian still felt that he should send someone to follow the other party. If the other party just digs a few mineral deposits and left, then the problem is really small, but once the other party 'chaos', he will have to think about his three brothers Already.

"Brother rest assured, I know how to do it."

Yuan Ren naturally understood the meaning of his elder brother, nodded his head, converged, and quickly followed the direction of Meng Guang. With his strength, as long as he didn't lean too close, there should be no Too big a problem.

"I hope that there is nothing 'chaotic'."

When Yuan Ren set off, Yuan Tian and Yuan Di could not help but glance at each other. At last, they both flickered, returned to their posts and continued to guard ............

Yuan Feng didn't know what Yuan Tian and Yuan Di were thinking. At the moment, he didn't have that much thought to think so much, because he knew that he would soon become a rich man in the divine realm!

"This pass is really easy to use. It seems that the danger this time is not in vain!"

In the dense forest, Yuan Feng didn't rush to do it at this moment. Next to him, Meng Guang, who was extremely imposing, stood here like a fool, except that his eyes were open. No trace of spiritual 'sex' can be seen at all.

With the control of the blood curse, only Meng Guang, who is left with the power of the next god, is like a puppet. He controls the opponent as much as he wants. As for every sentence that the opponent says, of course, it is also caused by He did it for him.

Right now, Meng Guang is just a pass for him, and maybe he can be his life-saving card when necessary.

"Well? There is even a little tail?"

One brow ‘Mao’ picked up, and Yuan Feng suddenly found that there was still someone following him, and his breath was still familiar.

"Well, it's really asking for trouble. It seems that even if I want to let you go."

Di Yuan Qiu Ke Gui Kao Ke Ke Tong Tong Xue Tong

For the three brothers of the Yuan family, he didn't intend to shoot at them. Before the three brothers were kicked out of the mining area, that was also the responsibility of the others. He wouldn't avenge it to that extent.

However, since the other party sent the ‘gate’ by himself, it ’s no wonder he reads ;.


When Meng Guang sat cross-legged in place, his body flickered a little, and it disappeared without a trace. By the time he reappeared, he had already reached dozens of miles away.

Yuan Ren was very careful at the moment. He knew exactly who he was following, although he was a god, but he knew the gap between himself and Meng Guang. After all, that was the son of a king, even the three of their brothers. Together, I am afraid they are not necessarily opponents of each other.

Therefore, even though he is tracking the other party, he dare not follow too closely, and dare not probe into the other party with all his heart. What he has to do is to fall far behind the other party. Once the other party has a large action, he You can discover it the first time.

"It seems to stop, but why is there no movement at all? Is this the young master really just coming to see it casually?"

I dare not explore with my heart, but I can still listen with my ears. In terms of his strength, the wind blowing within a hundred miles cannot escape his ears.

From the current situation, it seems that Meng Guang has stopped. As for what the other party is doing at the moment, it is not what he can know.

"Since I stopped, I'll just wait, I'm not in a hurry anyway."

This time he came to stare at Meng Guang, in case the other party came in the middle of the mining area. Since the other party didn't come, he certainly didn't have to follow too closely, and it was not too late to wait until the other party continued to make plans.

Having figured this out, he simply condensed his breath, and finally sat down cross-legged. In his mind, this is within the mining area of ​​King Meng Xun. There is absolutely no mention of security 'sexuality', so naturally there is no need to be too restrained.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, just as he sat down with his knees crossed, or even when he was not yet fully seated, the sound of a spatial vibration came suddenly, and the sound just sounded. Without waiting for him to respond, the surrounding space suddenly changed. Looked like.

"not good!!!!"

Seeing that everything around him disappeared, it was replaced by a frozen world. Yuan Ren knew that he was in trouble. Unfortunately, when he reacted, a terrible chill had completely wrapped him up, and when he wanted to resist again, he had no ability to read ;.

"Keep you alive, but the crime of life is inevitable, come here for me !!!"

As Yuan Ren watched as he froze, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him. This figure, which he had just seen before, was the young six-winged man behind Meng Guang. Guard!

If he could speak at this moment, he would definitely explain to the other party, but unfortunately, the other party did not give him a chance to speak at all. When he was panicked, the other party ’s palm was already pressed against his head. Above, and his strength was quickly sealed up.

Yuan Feng didn't want to kill the other party. He came here to make money, and to kill Yuan Ren, there was no good for him. Instead, he might cause unnecessary trouble. Since In this case, it is more appropriate to save the other person's life.


The frozen world disappeared, a vine emerged instantly, and plunged directly into Yuan Ren's body, devouring the strength of the other side, and soon, Yuan Ren felt that his strength was greatly reduced. I'm afraid not even one ten thousandth of the time when he was at its heyday.

Hate is far from alone

Although his body was frozen, everything that happened next was clearly felt, and that ’s why, when he felt that his power was running low, he really had the urge to die directly. .

"Oh, don't struggle, as long as you are obedient, I won't treat you like that."


Keke Keke loves Ghost Qingyan. Of course, he also knows that he should not let the other party enter, but if he offends this, then he really suffers. Just eyes.

When the world in the realm was closed, Yuan Feng couldn't help but show a bright smile on his face. When he was talking, he was moving his mind and directly activating the blood curse.

Nei Ying, who came to the door, how could he let it go?

After the field science test, the most lonely Yang hate post


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