The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2394: No man's land

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c_t; Yuan Ren felt like he had walked from hell, and the most terrifying thing was that when everything was settled, he still couldn't get out of hell. -79-

Looking at the sluggish Meng Guang and Yuan Feng with a smile on his face, he really felt that the world had collapsed.

The power of the higher **** has left him now. Now he is afraid that even a middle **** can kill him, and the imprisonment in the yuan **** makes him understand that everything he has has been seen The strange young man is in control of his life and death.

"Yuan Ren, right, from now on, everything you own is mine. If you don't cooperate, you and your two brothers, I'm afraid to say goodbye to this world."

Looking at Yuan Ren's face was dull, and it was difficult to recover for a long time, Yuan Feng gave the other party enough time to adjust, but he still had a lot of things to do next, of course, he couldn't let the other party stay so dull. .

"you you………………"

With a look of surprise, Yuan Ren felt that he had a lot of questions to ask, and he could see Yuan Feng's frown suddenly, but he couldn't say anything wrong.

At this point, there is no need to say anything. Obviously, Yuan Feng in front of him has already controlled him and Meng Guang on the side, and he has a clearer understanding of the means of Yuan Feng.

The terrifying realm of the world before, he has never cultivated for so long, he has never seen it. In the terrible realm of the world that he wants to come, only the king can perform it, but today he saw it in a higher god. .

If it wasn't for Yuan Feng's only three pairs of wings, he would really think that Yuan Feng in front of him is a god-level powerhouse.

Of course, after all, if a king sneaks into the mining area, I am afraid that it has already been discovered by King Mencius or other kings under King Mencius. After all, there will be special induction between the kings. No one can Silently enters a king's territory without being noticed.

Kou Kou Feng Fang Jie Yue Gu

"I am willing to take orders from you, I only hope that you will let me go."

At this point, he can only confess his fate right now, no matter what, Xiao Minger has been held in his hands, and now he really doesn't want to die like this.

"As long as you are obedient and obedient, your life is of no use to me. [Fast update, refreshing website pages, few advertisements, I like this site the most, be sure to praise]" With a slight smile, Yuan Feng said to the other party His performance was quite satisfactory. He didn't really want to kill the other party. Still, he came here just to make money and didn't want to kill him!

"What do you want me to do? It's true, I can only do so. After all, there are many guards in this mining area, and our three brothers are just one of them."

Yuan Feng's attitude made him somewhat relieved. At least he knew that Yuan Feng still needed him to do things, so he wouldn't kill him so early.

"It's very simple. I want to know where the highest-level deposits in this mine are located. This should be fine for you, right?"

The last time he dug more than a dozen Zhongpin Shenjing veins, it was simply not fun for him. This time, he needed higher-level minerals to accumulate more energy and prepare himself for the power of the king. reads ;.

"Is a higher-level mineral?" In fact, even if Yuan Feng didn't say, he could think of the other party's purpose. As for the higher-level mineral, of course, he couldn't possibly not know.

Can't help but be too alone

"I only know the distribution areas of three top-grade **** crystal veins, but each area is guarded by a lot of strong men. The easiest to start is naturally the one guarded by our three brothers."

The three mine brothers are mainly guarded by the three brothers. If there is any difference, then the three brothers will be punished, and there may even be ‘life’ concerns.

The top-grade **** crystal veins are precious treasures that look at the whole world of God. In the entire primitive jungle mining area, there are only three veins of Shangpin Shenjing that he knows. One of them is in the area guarded by their three brothers, and it is also the area where their three brothers are mainly deployed.

"You're fairly honest, let's go. Go to the area you are most familiar with first." Nodded, Yuan Feng could feel that what the other party said was true, and that he could dig the veins of Shangpin Shenjing immediately. My heart is full of joy.

"Come with me! |"

One glance at Yuan Feng and another gloomy side of Meng Guang, Yuan Ren finally stopped talking, and headed for the Shangpin Shenjing mine he knew first.

Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. When he thought, he took over Meng Guang's body, controlled the other party to walk in front of himself, and finally followed Yuan Ren.

With Yuan Ren, a guide who is familiar with the terrain, and Meng Guang's pass, the entire mining area is just like his own post-'flower 'garden. Even if someone sees them, he will never dare stop them. .

After a shuttle, Yuan Ren finally brought Yuan Feng and Meng Guang to an area that didn't look much different. Although the whole area looked no different from other places, Yuan Feng could still feel it. Obviously, there are many more people visiting the area around the area than in other places, and there are obviously things like the Xuan array forbidden around the entire area. It should be the masterpiece of the brothers Yuan Rensan.

Sun Yuan's most emotional learning skills

The three brothers, Yuan Ren, are also smart people, and they are not directly guarded here, because in that case, the location of the Shangpin Shenjing mining area will be exposed.

With Yuan Ren in, the prohibition around the mining area is naturally not a problem. As for those who are watching around, of course when they see Yuan Ren and Meng Guang, they of course obediently leave.

Who would not recognize Meng Guang within the realm of King Meng Xuan's territory? When those mid-level god-level guards saw Meng Guang, they naturally knew what they should do at this time. Everyone knows that if you see Meng Guang's secrets, it will be a routine thing to be killed and killed.

Therefore, when Yuan Ren brought Meng Guang to Shangpin Shenjing Mining Area, the entire area was basically cleared, and only the three members of Yuanfeng were here. Do whatever you want!

Enemy and Vengeance

"That's it. The Shangpin Shenjing mine area is not large, but there are at least dozens of Shangpin Shenjing veins in it. What do you want to do, though?

This mining area is mainly guarded by their three brothers. If there is any difference, then the three brothers will be punished, and there may even be ‘life’ concerns.

However, until now, he really has no choice. After all, if he does not follow Yuan Feng's instructions, then he will die now, and even his two brothers may not escape.

Yuan Feng's strength, he has already learned, although he had a catch-up element in it before, but he is more clear, even if it is opposite, he will still be easily handled by Yuan Feng, there is no room for resistance .

"Very good, next, you can look around. If someone comes, you push him to the front desk, understand?" Then, he couldn't help but point Meng Guang aside.

"I'll do it." Nodded, Yuan Ren naturally knew what he was going to do, and speaking, he left quietly and went to inspect around.

"Shangjing Shenjing veins, you must be careful this time, there must not be any 'wave' fees."

After everything was arranged properly, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. As soon as he raised his hand, the Chixiao sword had already appeared in his hands.

"Puff puff!!!!"

Between the sword qi, a deep pit with a diameter of several meters appeared in front of him, and then the top-grade **** crystal ore shining with infinite light appeared clearly in his sight.

"Well, it is worthy of the top grade **** crystal veins. This quality, this energy, is really not comparable to the top grade **** crystal."

Seeing the appearance of the veins, Yuan Feng suddenly turned his eyes on, and he didn't want to think about it. He just sunk into the pit and turned the "fine" ore out of the "naked" into a large piece, and then politely Put away.

Time is not long. It is convenient to extend an underground passage under the pit. The crystal clear top-grade Shenjing ore can be seen everywhere around, around, and around the underground passage. You can knock down a piece and take it outside. Head of baby.

After digging the mine 'hole', Yuan Feng summoned Xiao Ba. Then, one by one, Warcraft appeared one after another, and began to work in the underground world of this mining area.

Outside of the "hole" mouth, Meng Guang watched. They were in the underground world, and outsiders couldn't see it. This time, he just digs as much as he wants. If he can, he doesn't mind taking this as the center. The entire virgin jungle mining area was hollowed out.

This is not impossible, you know, there is Xiao Ba, his Warcraft subordinates are almost inexhaustible. Although these Warcraft subordinates are only demigods, they dig up the ore. Efficiency is still okay.

For Xiao Ba, now that there are so many **** crystals as energy sources, it is easy to produce Warcraft's subordinates. His task is to produce Warcraft, and then distribute a large number of Warcraft everywhere. Divinely excavating.

Yuan Feng himself was not idle. Speaking of which, the veins of Shangpin Shenjing were hard. Only after he had opened the veins of Shenjing in front, then could the Warcraft subordinates dig.

In this way, under the command of Yuan Feng, the endless army of Warcraft began to rag wildly in the entire mining area, and more and more top quality **** crystals were thus transferred to his own physical world.

Perhaps for a super strong man such as King Meng Xuan, a top-grade **** crystal vein is nothing at all, but for Yuan Feng, as long as he holds all of this top-grade **** crystal vein in his hand, then the next shock A stronger realm can at least be more certain.


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