Under Qin Hao's intimidation, the troops finally arrived in front of a small city after trekking for a day and night.

During the day, the luminous moss on the rock walls looks very bright. Compared with the dim light in the dark night, the light at this time shines on people's bodies, looking extremely warm, and the bursts of fragrance in the air are refreshing.

But the group of people were all exhausted, and when they arrived outside the city walls, they all staggered and lay on the ground to rest.

Clark was also so tired that he had dark circles on his eyes. He had never suffered like this before. Even when he was down and out, he was still a noble. It was not like walking all day and night now, which only made his legs weak. .

"Sir, we are here." Clark's tired voice sounded outside the car.

Qin Hao walked down and looked at the city in front of him. It was similar in style to Clark's city. There was a huge city wall on the outside and a small castle on the inside. However, the city wall here was smaller than Clark's city. The city walls are much thicker.

Qin Hao said to Clark: "Then attack!"

"But, this, this." Clark seemed a little at a loss when he heard this order. He pointed at the pile of exhausted people lying on the ground and looked at Qin Hao with pitiful eyes.

"Huh?" Qin Hao stared at Clark with cold eyes and uttered a slightly questioning word.

"I'll go right away!" Clark trembled, obviously frightened by Qin Hao's cold eyes, and ran to the base of the city wall while crawling.

He shouted to the soldiers on the city wall: "Tell your city lord that I, Clark, am here and tell him to surrender immediately!"

The soldiers on the city wall had long seen the group of people below lying staggering on the ground. Now they heard Clark's words, and they all put their hands on their hips and laughed, obviously not taking Clark's words as anything. Something happened.

"You, you guys!" Clark was trembling with anger under the city wall, his eyes were so angry that he couldn't speak.

At this moment, Qin Hao had slowly walked to Clark's side, staring at the soldiers on the city wall, his eyes seemed to be brewing with thunder and lightning, flashing with thunder.

With a swish, it was too late but not too late, two sword-like lightning bolts suddenly shot out from Qin Hao's eyes, and immediately penetrated the two laughing soldiers on the city wall.

The air fell silent, and many soldiers on the city wall were stunned, looking at the two killed soldiers in disbelief.

They did not expect that such a thing would happen. Although Qin Hao's height was an anomaly in the Gendaya civilization where their average height was 1.3 meters, it was not like they had never seen particularly tall people.

But they didn't expect that Qin Hao shot two lightning bolts from both eyes without opening his third eye. This was an attack they had never imagined or seen.

When the Gendayans launch an attack, they always open the third eye on their foreheads. They have never seen anyone shoot thunder and lightning directly from their eyes like this.

There was a panic on the city wall, and fearful eyes turned to Qin Hao again and again.

People are always afraid of unfamiliar things. A man on the city wall who looked like a team leader quickly shouted to the crowd below the city wall: "Please wait a moment, I will inform the city lord right now!"

Then he ran towards the inner city without looking back, leaving many ordinary soldiers on the city wall frightened.

Because after all, their attacks have always relied on the light emitted by the third eye on their forehead, mixed with soul and physical attacks.

I have never seen anyone shoot thunder and lightning directly from their eyes. In the eyes of these ignorant people, thunder and lightning belong to the power of God.

Garcia is the lord of this city. At this time, he was drinking wine in the castle and watching his maid dance for him. Suddenly, a rush of footsteps disrupted his interest.

A soldier ran in. He knew this man as the captain of the city guard. This position was promoted to him through his beautiful sister.

"City Lord, Lord." As soon as the captain came in, he knew that he had spoiled the city Lord's mood. He was about to explain, but before he could finish his words, a wine glass filled with fine wine hit him on the head.

"You'd better explain to me why, otherwise your beautiful sister won't be able to save you." Garcia was disturbed and was in a very irritable mood.

"Someone is coming to attack the city!" the team leader said quickly.

"What?" Garcia suddenly stood up from his seat, clenched his right fist and slammed it on the table, "Who is it?"

Seeing this, the team leader shrank his head in fear, "Yes, it's Clark."

Um? When Garcia heard this, a fierce expression appeared on his face. He walked up to the squad leader and kicked him to the ground.

"That eggless Clark, did you scare you like this?" Garcia said and walked out, "I want to see how that loser attacks my city?"

Garcia kicked the team leader violently and the pain was so severe that he lay on the ground trembling and speechless. He looked at the city lord who walked out and shouted: "He, them,"

But Garcia, who was already far away, couldn't hear his shout, so he went straight to the barracks to call all his soldiers, and a total of more than 1,300 people walked out of the city.

Garcia walked out of the city gate and saw the soldier lying on the ground at a glance.

"Hahaha!" Garcia laughed wildly and pointed at Clark, "Are you crazy? You want to use your trash to attack my city?"

Clark looked at Garcia with an indifferent expression, as if he were looking at a dead person.

Qin Hao asked calmly beside him: "Are you the city lord?"

When Garcia heard this, his eyes shifted to Qin Hao. Although he saw Qin Hao's tall and straight body, he didn't say much.

Instead, he turned to look at Clark and laughed loudly: "I said you were a waste, but you are really a waste, Clark."

"You actually let such a freak be your master?" Garcia looked at Clark with contempt.

"Haha!" Clark smiled softly, looked at Garcia and said, "You are going to die soon!"

"Hahahaha!" Garcia seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world, holding his belly and laughing.

But at this moment, "You, you," Garcia's expression suddenly turned frightened. He found that he was speechless and his throat was extremely painful. He covered his neck with his hands and looked painful.

"You." After Garcia uttered the last word, his head fell to the ground with a thud.

"What? What's going on?"

"Ah, City Lord, City Lord!"

"The city lord is dead, they are all devils, they are devils!"

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