The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 194 The power of the five elements grows

The death of the city lord Garcia caused a panic among the city guards.

In the hearts of Gendaya people, rank means everything.

There is no strength without level, so after Garcia's death, Clark became the highest level among all the Gendayans present.

The weak must live in groups, especially in the underground world where the Gendaya people live, where there are crises everywhere.

Without the leadership of a strong man, this city would easily be destroyed by some crazy monsters.

So after that, Clark took over the city naturally.

Qin Hao also obtained dozens of gems, the lowest of which were purple gems.

Clark's face was filled with joy, and the soldiers guarding the city who had laughed at him before now all lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

After taking over all the soldiers, Clark's army once expanded to more than 2,000 people.

Qin Hao told him to seize the time to organize and set out again tomorrow, and then went to study the newly obtained gem.

Inside the tallest building in the castle, the center of the city.

Qin Hao was sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a purple gem in each hand. The Five Elements Spirit Art was running in his body, absorbing the power of the Five Elements in the gem.

This batch of gems was more advanced than the gems Clark contributed to Qin Hao, but they were absorbed by Qin Hao within a few minutes.

With his terrifying body, although absorbing the power of this gem did not increase his physical strength much, his ability in the Five Elements Spirit Art was greatly increased.

He casually released the power of the Five Elements, and the power of water froze the space around him, filling it with a biting cold air, as if it could freeze the human soul.

Qin Hao looked happy, but he sighed in his heart. Although the power of these gems could enhance his power of the five elements, the number was still too small after all.

Low-level gems have no effect, but the holders of high-level gems have some special life-saving abilities, which is very troublesome to capture.

Qin Hao asked Clark to find him a map, looked at the markings on the locations of various cities, and then told Clark to set off immediately tomorrow.

Clark was surprised but still respectfully agreed.

He didn't expect Qin Hao's appetite to be so big. He originally wanted to trick Qin Hao into coming here and let him kill more civilians here, which would not damage the strength of his original city. After all, it was He has a foothold, but Qin Hao only wants those high-end gems.

The next day came, and Clark also gathered a thousand people, waiting for Qin Hao's arrival on the square.

Qin Hao slowly walked out of the castle, and the originally noisy crowd in the square immediately became quiet.

Qin Hao came to Clark's side, pointed at a medium-sized city with a map in his hand, and said to Clark: "Go and attack here."

"This, this." When Clark saw it, his face immediately turned ugly, and he hesitated to say something.

Qin Hao stood beside him and looked at him indifferently.

After all, Clark still did not dare to voice his objections.

With a wave of his hand, Clark ordered the soldiers in the square to set off.

When the soldiers were halfway through the march, they finally knew where they were going. When they learned that their group was going to attack a medium-sized city, their hearts were full of disbelief and preparation.

They didn't want to die in vain. Although they didn't dare to resist Clark's order, it also greatly slowed down the team's progress.

Qin Hao was a little angry when he saw this. Originally, the team was not moving very fast, but now these soldiers deliberately slowed down their progress, which made Qin Hao's eyes slowly grow angry.

"Huh!" Qin Hao snorted coldly, waved his left hand behind him, and the cold air froze the slow-moving soldiers behind him.

In an instant, more than 300 people in the team were frozen into ice sculptures.

"Whoever walks slowly should stay here forever." After Qin Hao finished speaking, he walked forward quickly.

Xiaobai followed behind him, and when he passed an ice sculpture, he touched it lightly with his fingers, and the ice sculpture composed of the soldier's body suddenly turned into ice fragments all over the ground.

When the rest of the team saw this scene, their faces instantly turned pale. Their trembling bodies cheered up and followed Qin Hao closely.

Clark once again had a new understanding of Qin Hao's fear. He originally thought that Qin Hao was just a particularly powerful monster, but he did not expect that Qin Hao had such means and killed 300 people in an instant.

Clark has never seen this kind of attack method. All the attacks of their Gendaya people rely on the third eye on their foreheads. Although some powerful Gendaya people can launch group attacks, after all, they only rely on the third eye on their foreheads. It was just the light emitted by the third eye on the forehead, and the range of the attack was always limited. How could it be like Qin Hao, who killed 300 people with just a wave of his hand.

In Clark's perception, Qin Hao is the kind of monster with a strong soul, strong body, and extremely powerful attack methods that makes it impossible to resist.

And he also ate the Gendaya people. Although Qin Hao had never eaten a Gendaya person, those gems were all gems formed from the third eye on the forehead of the Gendaya people after they died.

Clark was confused at this time, not knowing whether what he was doing was wrong or right. He originally wanted to lure the wolf away and drive the tiger away, but now he discovered that this was simply luring the wolf into the house.

The group of people all had their own thoughts. After a long journey, they finally arrived outside the city walls of a medium-sized city.

Qin Hao looked at the medium-sized city in front of him. The towering city wall was much larger than those small cities. The length of the city wall could not be seen at a glance. There were patrolling soldiers up and down the city wall, guarding there. With.

Qin Hao was not interested in knowing the name of the city. He just wanted to get the gems as soon as possible, so he ordered his troops to attack the city immediately.

The people in the team had already been shocked by Qin Hao, and naturally they did not dare to have any thoughts of resistance. But after all, the strength of these soldiers was also very low. Just like the city where Garcia was attacked last time, they had not even reached the base of the city wall. , and he has already tripped over half of it.

At this time, in the very center of this medium-sized city, there was the tallest building in the entire city. In a room with simple decoration but expensive materials, a man in strange clothes was sitting in the room.

The man's eyes were closed tightly, and the third eye on his forehead slowly opened, revealing a touch of white.

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