The two of them were very happy.

"Shokuhou classmate, I heard that you are learning to make ramen from Uncle Ichiraku recently?"

In the Ninja School, Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai, who are classmates, have also heard about Shokuhou Misaki learning cooking. Both classmates expressed their understanding of Shokuhou Misaki's choice. After all, Shokuhou Misaki's physical fitness is well known in the class. Even if it is not the worst in the class, it is not much better.

Even if Shokuhou Misaki's cultural level is very good, ninjas still have to rely on actual combat. In Shokuhou Misaki's situation, the chance of becoming a ninja after graduation is too small. So it is a normal choice to learn a craft before graduation.

Of course, what really made Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai come to Shokuhou Misaki was the reputation of Shokuhou Misaki in Konoha Village in recent days. Ichiraku Ramen is a well-known delicacy in Konoha Village. In recent days, the various new ramen launched by Shokuhou Misaki have made Ichiraku Ramen even more famous.

As friends of Shokuhou Misaki, Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai naturally became interested in the ramen made by Shokuhou Misaki. However, one of them is an orphan and the other is not from a wealthy family, so they really don’t have much spare money to eat ramen. So the two of them are going to find Shokuhou Misaki to see if they can get a discount for the sake of their classmates.

As a mind reader, Shokuhou Misaki naturally knows the thoughts of his two friends. Considering the friendship between the three, a few bowls of ramen are nothing. So Shokuhou Misaki readily agreed to their request and brought them to Ichiraku Ramen. However, when the three of them just arrived at the door of Ichiraku Ramen, they suddenly saw an old man with a kind face.

The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen!

It seems that after this period of fermentation, Sarutobi Hiruzen also knows the reputation of Shokuhou Misaki in Ichiraku Ramen. Taking advantage of his free time, he also wants to taste Shokuhou Misaki's unique ramen.

Shokuhou Misaki is naturally happy to see this happen. So after saying something to Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai, Shokuhou Misaki walked into the back kitchen of Ichiraku Ramen and started to get busy. While making ramen, Shokuhou Misaki heard Uncle Ichiraku say to Sarutobi Hiruzen:

"Hokage, Shokuhou is really talented in cooking! It's been less than a month, and her cooking skills are almost as good as mine. What's more amazing is that she can innovate and make all kinds of new ramen at such a young age."

At this point, Uncle Ichiraku sighed and said:

"It feels a bit of a waste for a genius like Shokuhou to stay with a ramen chef like me. She should go to a big hotel in the capital of the Land of Fire to learn more advanced cooking skills."

Hearing Uncle Ichiraku's praise for Shokuhou Misaki, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and said:

"I didn't expect that such a culinary genius would appear in our Konoha! But I heard that she is still studying in the ninja school. Maybe she will become a ninja in the future."

Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed, and Uncle Ichiraku also laughed.

But in the laughter of the two, one was full of falsehood, and the other was insincere.

Obviously, Uncle Ichiraku has already determined that Shokuhou Misaki is a genius in cooking. He doesn't want such a genius to become an unknown ninja, and then be confused and sacrificed in some low-level mission. However, in front of the Third Hokage, he couldn't express his true thoughts, and could only say that he also looked forward to Shokuhou Misaki becoming a ninja.

Alas, living in Konoha Village is really tiring!

Everyone must live with a thick mask, even Uncle Ichiraku is no exception.

Shokuhou Misaki thought so, and then handed the pickled cabbage beef noodles ordered by Sarutobi Hiruzen to him.

"Hokage, this is the new ramen made by Shokuhou. The sourness of pickled cabbage plus the mellowness of braised beef, supplemented by my special soup, tastes like a different kind of deliciousness!"

Looking at the pickled cabbage beef noodles handed in front of him, Sarutobi Hiruzen hesitated a little. In fact, he didn't really like to eat pickled cabbage, but he ordered this bowl of ramen because pickled cabbage beef noodles were quite popular in Konoha recently. However, after hesitating for a moment, he tried to eat it.

After mixing the noodles with beef and pickled cabbage and putting them into his mouth, Sarutobi Hiruzen instantly felt the extreme stimulation of pickled cabbage. This made Sarutobi Hiruzen, who tasted it for the first time, a little bit unacceptable, but after time passed slowly, his tongue got used to the stimulation of pickled cabbage, and Sarutobi Hiruzen finally experienced the deliciousness of this bowl of ramen.

"This pickled cabbage beef noodles is very good


This is Sarutobi Hiruzen's sincere evaluation, and it is also the rare truth that Shokuhou Misaki heard from this guy.

After eating ramen, Sarutobi Hiruzen encouraged Shokuhou Misaki again, and then left the Ichiraku Ramen shop. During the whole process, Shokuhou Misaki and Sarutobi Hiruzen did not communicate at all. It was Uncle Ichiraku who talked to Sarutobi Hiruzen the whole time.

But Shokuhou Misaki was very satisfied with this.

There will be a second time after the first time. With the help of Ichiraku Ramen as a platform, Shokuhou Misaki will sooner or later be able to really talk to these Konoha high-level people.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen left, Shokuhou Misaki's two classmates really walked into the Ichiraku Ramen shop. Looking at the place where Sarutobi Hiruzen had just sat, Katsumura Yota was very excited and said:

"I didn't expect to see the Hokage today! ”

Compared to Katsumura Yota's excitement, Namikaze Mai looked at the seat where Sarutobi Hiruzen had just sat, but the emotions in her eyes were very complicated.

"Mai, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Namikaze Mai shook her head and sat down.

Thanks to Shokuhou Misaki's relationship, the two successfully enjoyed a bowl of discounted ramen at Ichiraku Ramen. After eating, the two of them were impressed by Shokuhou Misaki's great skills and would definitely become an excellent chef in the future.

After being busy for half a day, Shokuhou Misaki also finished her work at Ichiraku Ramen today. Under the starry sky, Shokuhou Misaki said goodbye to Uncle Ichiraku, and then saw Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai waiting for her at the corner of the street. It turned out that the two did not go home directly after eating ramen, but waited here to go with Shokuhou Misaki.

"You guys are really waiting here for what? "

Although she said so, Shokuhou Misaki was still moved by the two people's waiting.

The three of them walked towards home while chatting. As they were talking, Katsumura Yota suddenly talked about what happened just now:

"Mai, why did you feel a little strange when you saw the Hokage just now? Is there something on your mind?"

Hearing this, Shokuhou Misaki also became interested. Seeing this, Namikaze Mai did not hide it and explained:

"Nothing, I just remembered Uncle Minato."

"Uncle Minato, are you talking about the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato?" Katsumura Yota was surprised.

"Yes." Namikaze Mai nodded and said:

"You all know that Uncle Minato died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Then do you know that Uncle Minato's wife was pregnant before the Nine-Tails Rebellion? I heard that the elders of our Namikaze clan said that when the Nine-Tails Rebellion was about to break out, the Fourth Hokage's wife's belly was already very big! "

In response, Katsumura Yota and Shokuhou Misaki both shook their heads.

Of course, Shokuhou Misaki knew the whole story of the Nine-Tails Rebellion very well, and the only one who really didn't know was Katsumura Yota. So Katsumura Yota said:

"I heard that during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, not only the Fourth Hokage, but also his wife died. I think the Fourth Hokage's children also died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion like their parents!"

Speaking of this, Katsumura Yota also sighed:

"Alas, it's so pitiful. It's obviously the Hokage's child, but he died before he was born."

"Indeed." After a moment of silence for her brother of the same clan whom she had never met, Namikaze Mai said again:

"However, because of Uncle Minato's child, our Namikaze clan caused a big commotion in the village after the Nine-Tails Rebellion. At that time, the clan leader found the Hokage and asked about the whereabouts of Uncle Minato's child. Because according to blood relationship, Uncle Minato's child should be raised by our Namikaze clan. "

"That's right. Although the parents of the Fourth Hokage have passed away, your Namikaze clan is still there. If he really has a child, it is reasonable to give it to you relatives to raise." Shokuhou Misaki nodded.

"But I heard that the Fourth Hokage has a good relationship with Lord Jiraiya, maybe the Fourth Hokage's child will be given to Lord Jiraiya!" Katsumura Yota said:

"And this is based on the fact that the Fourth Hokage's child is still alive. Now that the Nine-Tails Rebellion has been over for so long, the village has not heard about the Fourth Hokage's child. I think this child should have died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion with his parents. In this case, your Namikaze clan should not have asked the Hokage for a result!"

Namikaze Mai nodded and said:

"In fact, our Namikaze clan didn't really think that Uncle Minato's child could survive the Nine-Tails Rebellion at that time. The reason why the clan leader went to find the Hokage was actually just for Uncle Minato's inheritance. After all, Uncle Minato was a hero of the Third Ninja World War and had performed many high-risk missions.

The savings are definitely not a small amount. "

"At that time, the Namikaze clan was affected by the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and the clan suffered a lot of losses. So the clan leader hoped to use the son of the Fourth Hokage as an excuse to ask for Uncle Minato's inheritance. After all, apart from Uncle Minato's children, our Namikaze clan should be the first in line to inherit Uncle Minato's inheritance."

Love is all about money!

Hearing the Namikaze clan's plan, Shokuhou Misaki and Katsumura Yota both laughed in their hearts. Then Shokuhou Misaki said:

"Did your Namikaze clan get the Fourth Hokage's inheritance?"

"Of course not." Namikaze Mai spread her hands and said:

"It's not just the property, even the house bought by Uncle Minato was confiscated after the Nine-Tails Rebellion. It is said that the Nine-Tails Rebellion caused too much damage to Konoha, so the Fourth Hokage's inheritance must be used to compensate the village's finances. It is for this reason that our Namikaze clan has a lot of complaints about the Konoha high-level officials. Many clan members are secretly saying things about the Hokage-sama..."

At this point, Namikaze Mai's voice became very subtle, and she said carefully to the two people beside her:

"Saying that the Hokage-sama is a hypocrite, is a way to wipe out the whole family! "

Hehe, don't you, the Namikaze clan, also want to wipe out the whole family?

The reason why you have a problem with Sarutobi Hiruzen now is that he got it while you didn't!

Shokuhou Misaki mocked in her heart, and then she had a new understanding of the open and secret struggles in Konoha Village.

In fact, Shokuhou Misaki was very strange before. As the son of the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto took his mother's surname, which was fine. After all, the Uzumaki clan was a big clan in the ninja world, but why did they hide his identity as the son of the Fourth Hokage? It made the dignified Konoha prince become the last one in Konoha Village who was hated by everyone in his early years.

Now after hearing the words of Namikaze Mai, Shokuhou Misaki realized that the Konoha high-level concealed the identity of Uzumaki Naruto. This matter What kind of considerations are behind this matter.

It should be noted that the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze is not without relatives in Konoha Village. Although his parents died early, as a native villager of Konoha, the Fourth Hokage should have several relatives in Konoha Village. In addition to relatives, the Fourth Hokage also has a lot of friends.

If Uzumaki Naruto's identity is exposed, his custody will inevitably become the focus of attention of all forces within Konoha. Because Uzumaki Naruto is not only the son of the Fourth Hokage, he is also the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, the strongest deterrent force in Konoha. Getting the custody of Uzumaki Naruto is equivalent to mastering the Nine-Tails.

In short, if the Nine-Tails is regarded as a nuclear weapon and Uzumaki Naruto is regarded as a launch pad for nuclear weapons, Then the custody of Uzumaki Naruto is roughly equivalent to the remote control of nuclear weapons. Such a crucial thing must be firmly grasped by the Konoha high-level officials. So they must conceal the identity of Uzumaki Naruto as the son of the Nine-Tails and cut off the possibility of other people getting involved in the Nine-Tails.

Especially the Uchiha clan!

It should be noted that in addition to the Namikaze clan and Jiraiya, Uchiha Mikoto of the Uchiha clan is also a key candidate for the custody of Uzumaki Naruto. Because she is not only a close friend of Naruto's mother Uzumaki Kushina, but also a mother who has given birth to a child. If it is really for Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Mikoto is undoubtedly the most suitable guardian to raise Uzumaki Naruto.

But the question is, how could the Konoha high-level officials let the Nine-Tails Jinzhu In fact, the Konoha high-level officials will not allow the custody of the Nine-tailed Jinchuriki to fall into the hands of anyone else. Even if they themselves do not have the ability to raise Uzumaki Naruto, even if they know that Uzumaki Naruto's childhood will be very painful, they will not hesitate. Because in their eyes, the deterrent power represented by the Nine-tailed Jinchuriki is far more important than the childhood happiness of Uzumaki Naruto! Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't help but sigh at the cruelty of the Konoha high-level officials. These old men really do everything they can to maintain their status. In other words, in the original work, Uzumaki Naruto is a fool with a brain defect. If it were a normal person, he would have scattered the ashes of you guys long ago.

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