The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides of the conflict were in chaos.

Because of a small figure like Mutanoguchi, the situation in Konoha became turbulent again.

After the parents' meeting, Uchiha Itachi easily passed the special exam arranged by Sarutobi Hiruzen. Then Orochimaru saw Uchiha Itachi's qualifications and naturally regarded him as a treasure. So Orochimaru decisively accepted Uchiha Itachi as his disciple. After Uchiha Kagami, the Uchiha clan finally had another member who became the direct descendant of Hokage.

In this way, the restless mood of the Uchiha clan was naturally greatly appeased, and the voices of Konoha to recommend Orochimaru as Hokage became louder and louder. Many clan leaders saw that Orochimaru was in the limelight and that the Uchiha clan seemed to be the direct line of the future Hokage, so they all began to find ways to get closer to Orochimaru.

In short, no one thought that Sarutobi Hiruzen was playing a big game.

Shokuhou Misaki, the only one who knew all this, was now just a student at the ninja school. She continued to receive education at the ninja school and worked hard to improve her qualities as a ninja. For the changes in the outside world, Shokuhou Misaki just regarded it as a change in life. Anyway, in Shokuhou Misaki's view, before she was promoted to Sequence 4, she would never directly intervene in Konoha.

While watching, Shokuhou Misaki also began to train her Sequence 8, the ability of a mind reader.

She first used her ability on her two good friends, Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai. With the help of the mind reader's ability, she was surprised to find that her past perceptions of the two friends seemed to be opposite.

On the surface, Namikaze Mai looked gloomy, but she always seemed to have a secret in her heart. But in fact, she is very simple in her bones. The reason why she seems difficult to communicate is that she is not good at speaking and even a little shy.

Relying on the ability of mind reader, Shokuhou Misaki clearly felt that Namikaze Mai was restrained when communicating with others.

Namikaze Mai always kept thinking about whether her words were reasonable and deduced the consequences of saying various words. As a result, she was speechless for a long time, which made her look very calculating and difficult to mess with in the eyes of others. But in fact, after getting familiar with her, you will find that Namikaze Mai is actually very easy to talk to.

In contrast to Namikaze Mai, Katsumura Yota, who seems to have a sunny and cheerful personality, is the very calculating guy.

In the past, Shokuhou Misaki always thought that this guy was just Uzumaki Naruto without plug-ins. He has strong limbs and a simple mind. He said all day that he would become a Hokage in the future, and he didn't realize that Hokage was not something that a student from a commoner could get involved in. So for him, many people regarded him as a half joke.

But in fact, after the observation of the mind reader, Katsumura Yota actually does not dislike cultural courses. On the surface, his cultural course level is indeed a mess, but in fact he knows all the knowledge points that should be learned. Moreover, he clearly knows the difficulty of becoming a Hokage, and constantly promoting himself to become a Hokage is just shaping his own personality.

In Katsumura Yota's view, a personality that is too smart and complicated is not conducive to his climbing up as a commoner. On the contrary, if he behaves like a fool without threat, he will be recognized by some upper-class people. This is just like some people always like to play dumb in front of their superiors in order to get promoted.

In short, Shokuhou Misaki, who has the ability of a mind reader, further feels the complexity of human nature.

Some people who look very smart are actually fools in their bones. And some people who look very stupid are the real smart people. If you only observe the outside, some people may not be seen through in their lifetime. Only by really peeping into their hearts can you understand their essence.

It was in this kind of observation and understanding that Shokuhou Misaki continued to increase her adaptability to the ability of a mind reader. Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, more than a year had passed. Looking at the system's adaptability stagnating at 87%, Shokuhou Misaki knew that she had once again fallen into a bottleneck in her ability to improve. If she wanted to continue to improve, she had to continue to do something.

With the idea of ​​doing something, Shokuhou Misaki began to recall the rules of acting as a mind reader.

Although the name of the mind reader is a passive mind reading sequence, the acting process also requires a certain degree of subjectivity. As a mind reader, Shokuhou Misaki needs to gently and reasonably guide others while prying into the hearts of others, so that others can act according to their own will without knowing it.

In short, it is not difficult for Shokuhou Misaki to act as a mind reader. With her understanding of human nature,

When she was a spectator, she indirectly guided the situation within Konoha.

The real problem facing Shokuhou Misaki now is her identity.

When she played the role of spectator before, Shokuhou Misaki had already discovered a rule. That is, the higher the status of the person she observed in Konoha, the faster her adaptability to the ability will improve. As a spectator before, she easily promoted to Sequence 8 by observing people like Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In contrast, although observing students of ordinary status in ninja schools can also improve adaptability, this improvement is very limited. So if Shokuhou Misaki wants to play the role of a mind reader well, the best way is to read the minds of Konoha high-level people like Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But the problem is that as a ninja born in the civilian family, Shokuhou Misaki has a very limited social circle in Konoha Village. Among the people she knows, it seems that only Namikaze Mai has some relationship with Konoha high-level people. But with this little relationship, Shokuhou Misaki can't use it at all to read the minds of Konoha high-level people.

Furthermore, even if she can get in touch with the top leaders of Konoha through certain means, Shokuhou Misaki is likely to fall into the vortex of power within Konoha. For example, Mutanoguchi, although his actions are in the interests of Sarutobi Hiruzen and the Uchiha clan, he was thrown into the dark place of the root by Sarutobi Hiruzen after the parents' meeting.

In the final analysis, the top leaders of Konoha attach great importance to the hierarchy in their bones!

If you are the son of the Hokage like Uzumaki Naruto, you can play pranks everywhere in Konoha Village, even splashing paint on the Hokage Rock, and there will be no substantial punishment. But if you are a commoner, even if you are as talented and courageous as Mutanoguchi, people will not take you seriously.

So if Shokuhou Misaki wants to play the role of a mind reader well, the first thing she needs to do is to find a bridge to contact the top leaders of Konoha.

She needs to expand her network and find a suitable way to contact more people. Only in this way can she get in touch with the top leaders of Konoha. So read the minds of the top leaders of Konoha and improve her abilities.

But at the same time, Shokuhou Misaki also needs to keep a distance between herself and the Konoha high-level officials.

She is just a ninja from a commoner family, and she is a bug-like figure in the eyes of the Konoha high-level officials. She must not be like Mutanoguchi, and fantasize that the Konoha high-level officials will change because of her. The gentleness of the Konoha high-level officials will only be given to the prince ninja like Uzumaki Naruto. When she contacts the Konoha high-level officials, she'd better treat herself as a transparent person.

In the final analysis, the things that the time traveler travels to the Konoha Village and talks and laughs with the original characters do not exist in reality. The hierarchy in Konoha Village is strict, and freedom and beauty are the patents of a few people. Most people in Konoha Village must abide by the rules here, and those who violate the rules will never have a good end.

With this awareness, Shokuhou Misaki began to think about her next action plan. In this thinking, Shokuhou Misaki found a good way to expand her network.


"Hello, Uncle Ichiraku."

Coming to the roadside stall of Ichiraku Ramen, Shokuhou Misaki saluted respectfully.

Seeing the soft face, elegant manners and warm smile of Shokuhou Misaki, Uncle Ichiraku also smiled and said:

"Hello. Little girl, do you want to eat ramen with me? What flavor do you like? Since you are so cute, I can add an egg for you!"

Shokuhou Misaki shook her head and said:

"Uncle Ichiraku, I actually have something to ask you."

"Something, ask me?"

Uncle Ichiraku, who was still young and simple-looking at the time, asked in confusion:

"I am just a ramen seller. What do you need to ask me for?"

Shokuhou Misaki said with some shame:

"It's like this, Uncle Ichiraku. I am now a third-year student at the Ninja School, but my physical fitness is very poor. Whether it is speed, strength or energy, I am much worse than my peers. I think people like me may not be able to become a qualified ninja in the future, so I wonder if I can learn a craft..."

Shokuhou Misaki's voice became smaller and smaller, perfectly showing the shyness and entanglement that a little girl should have. Seeing Shokuhou Misaki's performance, Uncle Ichiraku immediately realized:

"Do you want to follow me and learn how to make ramen?"

Shokuhou Misaki nodded shyly, then raised her head and looked at Uncle Ichiraku with her beautiful eyes like stars and said:

"Uncle Ichiraku, can I?"

Looking at Shokuhou Misaki's pitiful appearance, Uncle Ichiraku naturally had no reason to disagree. However, he also said:

"Of course you can, but making ramen is very hard. And you also know that the job of a chef is not as glorious as that of a ninja. Are you sure you want to give up the ninja's

Road, concentrate on being a ramen chef? "

Hearing Uncle Ichiraku's admonition, Shokuhou Misaki lowered her head again, looking very entangled.

In fact, Shokuhou Misaki didn't want to be a chef at all. She just wanted to contact the top leaders of Konoha through Ichiraku Ramen. Through the identity of a ramen chef, Shokuhou Misaki can not only observe the big figures of Konoha openly, but also these big figures will not take her seriously. It can be said that after thinking about it, Shokuhou Misaki found the most suitable way to play the role of a mind reader.

As for why she deliberately showed a tangled look in front of Uncle Ichiraku, it was entirely to improve her own personality. After all, in Konoha Village, few children would choose to give up ninjas to become chefs. If she behaved too straightforwardly, it might attract the attention of some people.

Obviously, Uncle Ichiraku also saw the attitude shown by Shokuhou Misaki. So he said:

"It seems that you have not completely given up the idea of ​​becoming a ninja. Do you want to study in the ninja school while learning to make ramen here? Alas, you little girl are really, it's not good to always be so indecisive. ”

After giving him a verbal admonition, Uncle Ichiraku said:

“But I can understand your idea. After all, this is the Konoha Ninja Village. How many children would give up becoming a ninja? Besides, you are not even 10 years old yet, so it’s okay to be indecisive. How about this, you can help out in my shop first! After you graduate at the age of 12, you can determine the direction of your future life. By then, you can’t be as indecisive as you are now!”

Hearing Uncle Ichiraku’s words, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly raised her head, her eyes full of excitement and said:

“Really? Uncle Ichiraku, can I really learn to make ramen here with you?”

“Of course it’s true!”

Uncle Ichiraku said:

“After school, I will start teaching you to make ramen. As for whether you can become a ramen master, it depends on your own performance!”

“Yes, thank you Uncle Ichiraku! "

With that, Shokuhou Misaki happily left the Ichiraku Ramen shop, jumping and skipping.

Looking at Shokuhou Misaki's impetuous appearance, Uncle Ichiraku shook his head helplessly and said:

"I haven't asked this girl her name yet! ”

So, after getting Uncle Ichiraku's permission, Shokuhou Misaki joined Ichiraku Ramen. After school every day, she would come to Ichiraku Ramen as an assistant to learn how to make ramen.

As a time traveler, Shokuhou Misaki had mastered a lot of Shenzhou cuisine before she traveled through time, so learning ramen was naturally not difficult. Moreover, Shokuhou Misaki also has the ability of a mind reader, and can easily understand Uncle Ichiraku's teachings, so her cooking skills have improved significantly in a very short time.

In addition, Shokuhou Misaki has trained in the Ninja School for three years. Although her physical fitness is not strong among students of the same age, it is much better than ordinary people. In just one month, Shokuhou Misaki has a good foundation in ramen. Whether it is the taste, soup or chewiness of the ramen she made, it is not much worse than Uncle Ichiraku himself.

Not only that, After mastering the basics of ramen, Shokuhou Misaki began to try to bring the Shenzhou cuisine of her previous life to the Naruto world. Compared with the profound Shenzhou cuisine, the food culture of the Konoha Ninja Village in the Naruto world is really thin. So after continuous attempts, Shokuhou Misaki's dishes have already made Uncle Ichiraku amazed.

Even in simple ramen, Shokuhou Misaki has made many innovations, such as the unique shape of knife-cut noodles, the famous sauerkraut beef ramen, or the improved fried noodles, which have given the villagers of Konoha a very unique taste experience.

Although these innovative ramen may not be as popular as traditional ramen due to taste reasons, Shokuhou Misaki still used this to once again stir up a small storm in Konoha Village. Many of the bigwigs of Konoha came to Ichiraku Ramen's shop to taste these unprecedented noodles.

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