The students were very happy.

As a middle class, there are not many students from big families in Class 9. Most of the students in the class are civilian orphans who lost their parents, just like Shokuhou Misaki. Because they don't have a good family background, they can't be assigned to the front classes. Because of their parents' sacrifice, the village gave them some care and compensation, so they were not assigned to the last class.

It was this kind of neither up nor down that brought everyone together.

Because everyone's experience is basically the same, they all have some sympathy for each other, so the class atmosphere of Class 9 is not bad.

After a little communication with everyone and getting to know each other, a man wearing a Chunin vest walked into the classroom of Class 9. His name is Takashi Okichi, and he is the head teacher of Shokuhou Misaki's class. Judging from his appearance alone, this is a handsome man with a dignified temperament. He is a strict teacher.

After entering the classroom, Takashi Okichi first called out the names, and then announced the rules of his class very seriously. Including no fighting, listening to teachers carefully, not doing irrelevant things in class, etc. After these routine procedures were completed, Takashi Okichi asked the classmates to introduce themselves.

As a group of students who have just entered the ninja school, the children in Class 9 still have unrealistic fantasies. So when introducing themselves, there will always be people who loudly declare their ideals. For example, becoming a Hokage, becoming an elite jonin, etc. In comparison, Shokuhou Misaki's self-introduction is much more subtle.

"My name is Shokuhou Misaki. My favorite clothes are lace-edged clothes, and my favorite food is honey. As for my dream, I hope to become a medical ninja and save other people's lives on the battlefield."

After that, Shokuhou Misaki sat down elegantly, giving people the feeling of a lady from a noble family.

Such dignified behavior, coupled with Shokuhou Misaki's beautiful appearance, made many boys in the class like Shokuhou Misaki, and also aroused the jealousy of many girls in the class. As a spectator, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't help but sigh that the little brats in the Naruto world are really precocious, and they have so many thoughts at a young age.

In the following time, Shokuhou Misaki began to observe her teachers and classmates with the help of the audience's perspective. However, compared with excellent actors such as Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uchiha Itachi, the performance of the students in Class 9 was obviously very poor. Just like those extras who rushed to the stage, their faces were full of panic and cramped, and the performance effect was also a mess.

However, this bad performance is also a good adjustment for excellent audiences. So while observing, Shokuhou Misaki did not forget to comment on every audience in her heart.

You said you want to be a Hokage?

But from your shaking hands, you seem to want to be an ordinary person who is not noticed.

You said you want to be a female ninja like Tsunade-sama?

But judging from your rising and falling chest, you just want to use medical ninjutsu to become more plump.

You said you want to sacrifice for Konoha like your parents?

But judging from your evasive eyes, you actually disdain your parents' behavior and even think it's stupid to sacrifice for the village.


Sure enough, everyone is an actor in life, and everyone is performing.

Even a 6-year-old child who has just entered school is subconsciously performing a poor performance to cover up his true thoughts. With such a feeling, Shokuhou Misaki ended her first day at the Ninja School.

On the way home, Shokuhou Misaki recalled what she had gained today and thought of another question.

Although I am now an audience, in the eyes of others, I am actually an actor. Since we are all actors, what role am I playing as an actor?

With such curiosity, Shokuhou Misaki returned home, looked at herself in the mirror, and began to analyze it herself.

The smile on her face looked very gentle, but the overly standard corners of her mouth proved that this smile was essentially a false one. This shows that as an actor, I play a gentle character, but my true self may be cold at heart. Of course, it is also possible that I am a warm person, but I am not good at expressing it.

Her behavior looks very dignified, just like she is playing a real lady. But judging from the habitual split of her legs and the subconscious restlessness of her hands, it is still the male consciousness that dominates this body. The superficial dignification is actually just to cover up the fact that she is traveling through time.

The fact that she was a man before.

She habitually lowered her head, which showed that she was playing a humble person. But the arrogance in her eyes exposed her inner heart, that is, as a time traveler, she was arrogant to others. She felt that her classmates were all little brats, that Uchiha Itachi was a psychopath, that Sarutobi Hiruzen was a big liar, and that everyone was drunk and she was the only one awake.

In short, as an actor, Shokuhou Misaki looks like a very gentle, elegant, and humble person. But if you observe carefully, you can find the falsehood behind this gentleness, the cover-up behind this elegance, and the arrogance behind this humility. In this way, Shokuhou Misaki should be a very hypocritical and arrogant person.

But Shokuhou Misaki disagrees with her own analysis.

Because she feels that there are indeed false, disguised and arrogant emotions in her heart, but she does not think that the gentleness, elegance and humility she shows are all deceptions.

Of course, this does not mean that Shokuhou Misaki, as an actor, deceived herself as an audience through her acting skills. It can only be said that she, as an audience, did not really use the observation ability that an audience should have. She ignored the complexity of human nature and made too arbitrary judgments from the perspective of the audience.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki also felt that her evaluation of everyone today seemed to be somewhat arbitrary.

Everyone is a complex and contradictory individual. We cannot simply think that they are just acting because of their poor performance. If you want to really see the true face of an actor, you need to peel off the person layer by layer like peeling an onion. Only in this way can you peek into the true heart of the actors.

After such a realization, the audience's adaptability in the system increased again. From the original 12%, it directly increased to 18%. Seeing this progress, Shokuhou Misaki was overjoyed. She felt that she would truly master the ability of the Visionary Path Sequence 9 and advance to Sequence 8.

So with joy, Shokuhou Misaki continued to come to the Ninja School the next day. While receiving education at the Ninja School, she also used her ability as a spectator to observe everyone. Time passed slowly in this learning and observation, and in the blink of an eye, Shokuhou Misaki had already spent a year at the Ninja School.

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