The school is a place where students can spend their days in seclusion.

Although the ninja school in the original book gives people the feeling that it is a place where people just spend their days. A genius like Uchiha Itachi can graduate successfully after one year. But after one year, Shokuhou Misaki found that the schoolwork of the ninja school is actually quite heavy.

Because in addition to teaching the most basic three body techniques and ninjutsu common sense, the ninja school also needs to teach students cultural knowledge. Apart from other things, the most basic reading and writing skills are necessary for ninjas. And if normal children want to have certain reading and writing skills, they will need at least three or four years of training time.

In addition, the ninja school also has various courses such as history, mathematics, survival common sense, and the will of fire. Usually, they also need to practice physical skills and have a few combat exercises from time to time.

In just six years, the courses in the ninja school are actually fully arranged. If you really study hard, you will find that the knowledge taught in the ninja school, except for the will of fire, is basically very practical.

Of course, this practicality is for civilian ninjas.

If you are born with all the tricks like Uzumaki Naruto, you can just mess around in the ninja school.

As a time traveler, Shokuhou Misaki's performance in the first year of the ninja school was not as soaring as other time travelers. Although Shokuhou Misaki's cultural grades are among the best in the class due to the solid nine years of compulsory education before the time travel, her performance in key physical training and actual combat exercises is not satisfactory.

After all, Shokuhou Misaki in the original work of Magical Index is just a physical idiot who is out of breath after running a few steps. And Shokuhou Misaki, who perfectly inherited the physical fitness of the original work, is not much better than herself in the original work. In addition, the low sequence of the Visionary Path has very limited increase in physical fitness, so Shokuhou Misaki's physical fitness is very poor.

Whether it is speed, strength, or endurance, Shokuhou Misaki is at the bottom of the class. Even if Shokuhou Misaki has worked hard to train and improve herself, this effort can't break through the constraints of her physical fitness. And because of this, Shokuhou Misaki's chakra is very little, and she can't even release the most basic three body techniques.

In the system, Shokuhou Misaki's data is as follows:

Ninjutsu: 1 Body: 1 Gen: 0 Sage: 4 Strength: 1 Speed: 1 Essence: 1 Seal: 2 Total: 11

Ninjutsu and Sage have increased by 1 because of one year of study.

Although physical skills, strength, speed and chakra have obviously improved after one year of practice, the values ​​are still 1. Obviously, Shokuhou Misaki's value was 1 before, because the lowest value except 0 is 1. In fact, when she just entered school, these data of Shokuhou Misaki were infinitely close to 0. It was not until a year later that I really reached the level of 1.

As for why the illusion is still 0, it is because there is no illusion in the teaching content of the first year of the ninja school. In addition, Shokuhou Misaki focused her main energy on the training of extraordinary abilities and physical fitness, and did not preview the textbooks related to illusions in advance, so this value is still 0.

Among all the data, Shokuhou Misaki's seal has the largest improvement. From the original 0, it has increased to 2. I think it is because my fingers are more flexible as a girl, and I usually work hard to practice, so the speed of seals has greatly improved. But even so, Shokuhou Misaki is still a weak chicken. One year of study has not brought about a qualitative change in strength.

In addition to the strength of ninjutsu, Shokuhou Misaki's progress in the path of God has also stagnated.

Except for the first day of school, the adaptation of Sequence 9 audiences increased from 1% to 18%. In the following year, the adaptation of extraordinary abilities has increased very slowly. So that until now, Shokuhou Misaki's adaptation to the audience is only 79%. Moreover, this adaptability has not improved for more than two months, and it is obvious that she has reached a bottleneck.

In short, according to the current speed of strength improvement, even if Shokuhou Misaki passes another 11 years, by the time the original Naruto story begins, she may not be able to have the strength of a special jonin.

As for extraordinary abilities, let alone a demigod of Sequence 4, even a mid-sequence person of Sequence 7 may not be able to achieve it. After all, extraordinary abilities require acting, and promotion often requires extraordinary people to actively digest and find opportunities. If she adapts to her abilities step by step, it will take at least three or four years for her to get a promotion.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki also knows that blindly hiding will only make her a real dog. If she wants to be in the plot

In order to gain enough strength to protect herself before the war begins, instead of becoming cannon fodder in the Ninja World War, she must appropriately exert some subjective initiative.

Of course, Shokuhou Misaki also knows that a student of a ninja school like herself who comes from a commoner background is not qualified to take advantage of the situation.

What she can do is to use the ability of the audience to stir up a certain wave in Konoha Village and use the public opinion of the village to influence the situation within Konoha. Then, in the changing situation, observe the reactions of different people and use this to exercise her extraordinary ability. As long as she can be promoted to a demigod of Sequence 4 before the start of the original work, she will have enough ability to protect herself.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki came to the classroom of the Ninja School.

After a year, Shokuhou Misaki has been promoted to the second grade, and relying on the ability of the audience, she has a good relationship with her classmates. In particular, Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai have become close friends with Shokuhou Misaki.

Of these two people, Katsumura Yota and Shokuhou Misaki are both from commoner backgrounds. Because his parents died for the village in the Third Ninja World War, he was assigned to Team 9. As the son of a hero, Katsumura Yota also has a simple dream like many passionate teenagers. He longs to become a Hokage through hard work and let everyone recognize his existence.

However, like many passionate idiots, Katsumura Yota has strong combat ability, but his cultural level is a mess. But he is not Uzumaki Naruto after all, and he doesn't usually do any pranks. In addition, he is handsome and has a sunny personality, so he is quite popular among the girls in the class.

Unlike the sunny Katsumura Yota, Namikaze Mai, who is also a close friend of Shokuhou Misaki, is much more introverted in character.

As a member of the same clan as the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Mai looks like a female version of Namikaze Minato even with beautiful golden long hair and clear blue eyes. But her personality is completely different from that of Minato Namikaze. Not only is she always serious, but sometimes she gives people a gloomy feeling, as if she always has some secrets in her heart.

Logically speaking, as a member of the Fourth Hokage's clan, Mai Namikaze should not be in a middle class like Class 9. But Mai Namikaze's parents are not ninjas, but accountants in Konoha Village. Since she has not made enough contributions to the village, she is naturally not qualified to be assigned to a front class.

Moreover, although they are both from the Namikaze clan, her relationship with the Fourth Hokage is already very distant. Even Mai Namikaze's father only has the same great grandfather as Minato Namikaze.

However, the Namikaze clan is also a family that has produced Hokage, and Mai Namikaze's bloodline is still good. In addition, she usually studies hard, so Mai Namikaze's grades are among the best in the class. Whether it is practical or theoretical classes, Mai Namikaze is always among the top few in the class, and her total score has basically never been below the top three in the class.

It stands to reason that Shokuhou Misaki, Namikaze Mai and Katsumura Yōta have very different personalities and backgrounds, and there shouldn't be much intersection between the three. But fate is so wonderful that without Shokuhou Misaki noticing, the three gradually came together and developed friendship with each other.

After entering the classroom, Shokuhou Misaki naturally greeted her two friends. Then I heard Katsumura Yōta excitedly said:

"Hey, have you heard? Uchiha Itachi from Class 1 not only won the first place in the whole grade last school year, but also defeated the senior students in the upper grades!"

Hearing this news, Namikaze Mai also sighed:

"He really deserves to be the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan. Such a talent is simply too terrible!"

In response, Shokuhou Misaki was puzzled:

"Yōta, why did Uchiha Itachi fight with the senior students in the upper grades? In the ninja school, isn't it forbidden for students of different grades to fight?"

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's When asked, Katsumura Yota scratched his head and said:

"Yes, I just heard that a few seniors had trouble with Uchiha Itachi, and then they were easily dealt with by Uchiha Itachi. But why did the seniors have trouble with Uchiha Itachi? I haven't heard that this Uchiha Itachi is a guy who likes to make trouble!"

Hearing this, Namikaze Mai thought:

"Maybe it's because he is from the Uchiha clan!"

"Just because he is from the Uchiha clan, the seniors have to trouble him. What's the reason? Is there something special about the Uchiha clan?" Shokuhou Misaki asked again.

Hearing this, Namikaze Mai shrugged and said:

"How do I know this? But my father once reminded me to stay away from the Uchiha clan at school."

Speaking of this, Shokuhou Misaki asked Katsumura Yota again:

"By the way, classmate Yota, then

What about those seniors who took the initiative to cause trouble for Uchiha Itachi? How did the school punish them for bullying the juniors as seniors? "

"Punishment, I don't think there is such a thing!" Katsumura Yota thought:

"I heard that they were just scolded by their class teacher. Maybe because they were scolded by Uchiha Itachi first, the teacher didn't care about it anymore!"

"No way? This is a serious violation of discipline, and it's over with a few scoldings?" Shokuhou Misaki said incredulously.

"That's right! If we were to cause trouble for the first-year juniors now, Mr. Takashi would have to put us in confinement for two days." Katsumura Yota was puzzled:

"The teachers' handling of this incident is really strange. It seems that the teachers in the school also hate the Uchiha clan. "


In fact, as a time traveler, Shokuhou Misaki knows the reasons for these things very well. At this time, the Uchiha clan has become the focus of suspicion in Konoha Village because of the Sharingan in the eyes of the Nine-Tails during the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

Along with this suspicion and distrust, the whole village is extremely repulsive and hostile to the Uchiha clan. Even the students of the Ninja School began to bully the classmates of the Uchiha clan. In the face of such extreme behavior, the teachers of the Ninja School also openly chose to turn a blind eye, which was regarded as tacitly accepting the existence of this bullying.

In general, there are many contradictions within Konoha now. This is not good news for Konoha and the Uchiha clan, because any disturbance in the village at this time may become the cause of the outbreak of contradictions. But for Shokuhou Misaki, who is seeking to improve her ability, this is an opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Now, let the chaos in Konoha Village become a ladder for me to improve my ability!

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