The truth is that Shokuhou Misaki is the real reason.

Because there is really no evidence to incriminate Shokuhou Misaki, Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to accept Sarutobi Shinnosuke's statement, believing that Orochimaru was the one who secretly advised the Uchiha clan. Although he said so, Sarutobi Hiruzen always felt that things were not that simple. Based on the intuition of the Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that this matter must be related to Shokuhou Misaki.

However, compared to the truth of the matter, the most important thing now is to deal with the affairs of the Uchiha clan.

When the Uchiha clan proposed to leave Konoha and build a second ninja village, the position of the Konoha high-level became very unfavorable. On the one hand, they could not openly oppose the Uchiha clan's proposition. Because at this time, the Uchiha clan is upholding the national justice, which is the highest political correctness of the Fire Country.

As long as the Konoha Ninja Village is still a member of the Fire Country in name, the Hokage is still a subordinate of the Fire Country Daimyo, and the Konoha ninjas are still receiving financial support from the Fire Country, the Konoha high-level officials must not oppose any proposition that is beneficial to the Fire Country.

But at the same time, Konoha must not allow the Uchiha clan to leave Konoha, let alone let the Uchiha clan establish a second ninja village. Because anyone with a little brain knows that with the current grievances between the Uchiha clan and Konoha, how hostile the Uchiha clan will be to Konoha after leaving Konoha, and the relationship will definitely be endless!

Moreover, there must be a second for everything. As long as the second ninja village appears in the Fire Country, there will be a third ninja village and a fourth ninja village. After all, with the technology and financial resources mastered by the Fire Country, let alone one Konoha, they can afford to support even ten Konoha. If the Land of Fire really had so many ninja villages, Konoha would completely lose its special status within the Land of Fire. The chain reaction brought about by this would definitely lead to the demise of Konoha.

Therefore, as the contemporary Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen must definitely stop the actions of the Uchiha clan. Because if he doesn't stop it, Konoha will perish. But at the same time, he can't openly oppose the actions of the Uchiha clan. Because opposing the Uchiha clan at this time is opposing the national justice, and the resulting collapse of ideology will also lead to the demise of Konoha.

After thinking about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen clenched the pipe in his hand.

Because he finally realized that there was only one choice left for the Konoha high-level officials at this time.

That is, extermination!

Even a shrewd man like Sarutobi Hiruzen could not solve the problems brought by the Uchiha clan.

And since he couldn't solve the problem, what he could do was to solve the people who raised the problem.

As long as all the people who raised the problem died, the problem would naturally disappear!

In fact, a few years ago, Sarutobi Hiruzen planned to exterminate the Uchiha clan. After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen is over 60 years old, which is recognized as the age for retirement in the ninja world. Even though Sarutobi Hiruzen repeatedly emphasized that he was still strong and healthy, the voices of doubt within Konoha were getting louder and louder. So Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that he needed to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys and re-establish his prestige as the Hokage. And the target of this killing of a chicken to scare the monkeys was the Uchiha clan.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen also knew that as a Hokage, he could never personally exterminate the Uchiha clan. Because the Uchiha clan is still a part of Konoha after all, even if the Uchiha clan has a very bad reputation within Konoha and is almost hostile to the entire Konoha, as a Hokage, he has no right to take such an extreme way of exterminating the clan.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen decided from the beginning that the Uchiha clan should be exterminated by his own people. In this way, the extermination of the Uchiha clan can be attributed to the internal struggle of the Uchiha clan on the surface, and the third Hokage, as a high-ranking member of Konoha, can still be pure and innocent and openly announce that all this has nothing to do with the Konoha high-ranking members.

As for those who are secretly ready to make a move, they naturally know that the extermination of the Uchiha clan is the work of the Konoha high-ranking members. In this way, the Konoha high-ranking members headed by the third Hokage can be pure and innocent on the surface, while deterring all opponents within Konoha and re-establishing their own majesty.

Now, the problems faced by the Konoha high-ranking members have become more and more serious, and Sarutobi Hiruzen is ready to launch the extermination plan in advance. Let Uchiha Itachi, the spiritual Konoha man, kill all his fellow tribesmen for the sake of the village. I think with his strength to open the Mangekyō Sharingan, plus the assistance of the root under Danzo, it should not be difficult to kill all the Uchiha clan.

As long as the Uchiha clan is dead, the so-called second ninja village will become a boundless duckweed. Not only can his prestige as the Third Hokage be reestablished, but also

Other forces within the country that intend to use the Uchiha clan to oppose Konoha will also stop, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

However, when Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking about this, another new question appeared in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind.

Will Uchiha Itachi exterminate his clan for the village now?

In the past, Uchiha Itachi was willing to exterminate his clan for the village because he was fooled by Sarutobi Hiruzen's Will of Fire. At such a young age, he actually thought about the problem from the perspective of the Hokage, completely forgetting the fact that he was just a cow and horse of the Uchiha clan. He didn't recognize his own identity, and didn't want to resist the oppression of the Konoha high-level officials, but he actually began to empathize with the Konoha high-level officials!

This is a typical grand narrative in the mind, the slave actually regarded the slave owner's house as his own home!

However, it is also thanks to the spiritual Konoha people such as Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui that the Konoha high-level officials can always have the upper hand in the game with the Uchiha clan and seem to be at ease. Even though Danzo, who was a high-ranking member of Konoha, openly tried to snatch Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan, these two mental Konoha people actually chose to stand on the side of the Konoha high-ranking members, which was enough to show the horror of the grand narrative entering their minds.

But the problem is that Uchiha Itachi, who has now been indoctrinated by the grand narrative and has become a mental Konoha person, is facing an even bigger grand narrative. Originally for the village's will of fire, he began to face the will of fire for the country. Would Uchiha Itachi still empathize with the Konoha high-ranking members as he did in the past?

Would he start to look at things from the perspective of the country of Fire according to his past thinking habits?

If he looked at things from the perspective of the country, would Uchiha Itachi still sacrifice his family for the village?

Would he feel that the Konoha Ninja Village was to the Fire Country like the Uchiha Clan was to the Konoha Village in the past. Since he could stand on the side of the village for the sake of the overall situation in the past, should he also stand on the side of the family for the sake of the country now?

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Until then, he realized the horror of the Uchiha clan's move.

When the righteousness no longer enveloped the Konoha high-level, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly found that he no longer had the calmness of the past. Sarutobi Hiruzen now understood that the fundamental reason why he was invincible in the internal struggle of Konoha in the past was because he was the Hokage and he mastered the righteousness of the village.

But now, the righteousness is no longer in his hands. It's like Cao Mengde, who used the emperor to command the princes, suddenly had to face a powerful emperor. His subordinates will no longer be absolutely loyal because he is the Hokage, and spiritual Konoha people like Uchiha Itachi will not listen to him because of the overall situation.

In other words, Sarutobi Hiruzen now has no way to exterminate the Uchiha clan, at least he can't exterminate the Uchiha clan through Uchiha Itachi. Because he has lost the righteousness, no matter how bright the title of Hokage on his head is, it can't compare to the majesty of the country of Fire.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen bit the pipe in his hand so hard that the filter of the pipe was deformed. This incident surprised Sarutobi Shinnosuke. Because since he was old enough to understand, it was the first time he saw his father, the Hokage, lose his composure like this.

However, the loss of composure was only temporary.

After realizing the seriousness of the matter, Sarutobi Hiruzen decisively gave up the plan to use Uchiha Itachi to exterminate the clan. He knew that only the top leaders themselves could do it now. Only if the top leaders of Konoha took action personally could the Uchiha clan be wiped out. As for the subsequent handling, it can be blamed on Danzo.

Who made Danzo covet the Uchiha clan's Sharingan so much that he didn't hesitate to snatch Shisui's eyes?

It should not be difficult to guide Danzo to exterminate the Uchiha clan with his greed for the Sharingan. And after the Uchiha clan was exterminated, Danzo and his subordinates would definitely be seriously injured. By then, he would be able to take advantage of the situation and eradicate the Root and Danzo in the name of Hokage, and put all the blame on him.

And even if Danzo failed to exterminate the Uchiha clan, and the Root was killed by the Uchiha clan, he could completely eradicate the Uchiha clan in the name of killing the Konoha high-level officials. It can be said that as long as the Uchiha clan fights with the Root, he, the Hokage, will be invincible. No matter which side wins in this internal struggle, the final winner will be him, the third generation Hokage!

By then, as Hokage, he will still be pure and innocent, and the Uchiha clan that brought trouble will be completely eliminated, and Danzo will also complete his historical mission. From then on, there will be no more power in Konoha Village that can fight against him, and his position as Hokage will be able to sit for a long time and steadily.

After figuring this out, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction. But then, he turned and

Said to Sarutobi Shinnosuke:

"Shinosuke, go inform Danzo and ask him to send the Root Ninja to the Fire Country Capital. I think he will understand what to do specifically."

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen has already made a plan to use the Root to exterminate the Uchiha clan, this newly established plan is not well prepared after all, and he still needs some time to make various arrangements. So before everything is ready, Sarutobi Hiruzen must use various means to delay time. So he plans to let Danzo send the Root Ninja to the Fire Country Capital, using the threat of death to force the Fire Country nobles to abandon the plan of the second ninja village.

Although this kind of military deterrence can only play a temporary role, and will cause the relationship between Konoha and the Fire Country nobles to deteriorate completely. But in the face of the critical situation, Sarutobi Hiruzen has no choice. He must take all possible actions to delay the time for the Uchiha clan to leave Konoha and prepare for his own plan.

In this way, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally made his own response to Shokuhou Misaki's plan. Just when Sarutobi Shinnosuke received the order and was about to leave, Sarutobi Hiruzen said again:

"By the way, we must not relax our surveillance on that brat Shokuhou Misaki! I must always ensure that Shokuhou Misaki's actions are under my control, and I must not let Shokuhou Misaki cause trouble to the village at a critical moment."

Hearing that Sarutobi Hiruzen still wanted to target Shokuhou Misaki, Sarutobi Shinnosuke was puzzled:

"Father, doesn't Shokuhou Misaki look fine? Do we have to go to this extent for a little Genin? If you are really afraid of this brat called Shokuhou Misaki, we might as well..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke stretched out his hand and wiped his neck.

Kill her? That's a good idea.

But how to kill her? You can't just send an Anbu ninja to assassinate her, right?

After all, this girl is Kakashi's disciple. If the assassination is discovered by Kakashi, things will be difficult to handle.

Or, recruit her into the Root and let Danzo deal with her?

No way either. With Danzo's brain, even Orochimaru can't beat him, so how can he be allowed to contact Shokuhou Misaki? With Shokuhou Misaki's scheming in the River Country, Danzo is afraid that she will fool him into being a fool in a few days. By then, the entire Root will fall into Shokuhou Misaki's hands, which is really terrible!

So in response to Sarutobi Shinnosuke's proposal, Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a moment and asked:

"Can you do this cleanly? Will Kakashi find out the flaws?"

In response, Sarutobi Shinnosuke said confidently:

"Of course not, father. We have an undercover agent next to Orochimaru in the Anbu. The undercover agent is called Kabuto Yakushi, who is loyal to our Konoha. We can completely order this Kabuto Yakushi to kill Shokuhou Misaki and then put the blame on Orochimaru. After all, in the operation in the River Country, Orochimaru suffered a great loss at the hands of Shokuhou Misaki. It is reasonable to send someone to assassinate Shokuhou Misaki out of resentment!"

Well, not bad!

Hearing Sarutobi Shinnosuke's proposal, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction, thinking that his son had finally grown up. This method of killing with a borrowed knife and shifting the blame is quite like his style in the past!

So Sarutobi Hiruzen said:

"Okay, I'll leave this to you."

Hearing that his proposal was approved by his father, Sarutobi Shinnosuke left the room excitedly and began to carry out his mission. And looking at the back of his eldest son leaving, Sarutobi Hiruzen was relieved:

Unconsciously, Shinnosuke has also grown into an excellent ninja!

I let him replace Hatake Sakumo as the head of the Anbu, and this decision is really wise. If the current head of the Anbu is not Shinnosuke, then as the Hokage, I may not be able to suppress Kakashi, the son of the White Fang. If Kakashi is the head of the Anbu, I'm afraid now...

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly realized something.

Wait, I'm worried that Kakashi will use the reputation of the son of the White Fang and the fourth generation disciple to become the Hokage.

What about Shinnosuke?

As my son, the head of the Anbu of Konoha, is it impossible for him to become the Hokage?

No, it's not impossible for him, it's very possible. Because he is my eldest son, and the crown prince that everyone in Konoha is looking forward to. If I really let him continue to grow up, in a few years...

It was in this worry that a terrible idea suddenly emerged in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind.

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