The old man was in trouble.

Because of the second ninja village plan proposed by the Uchiha clan, the Konoha Ninja Village was undercurrent at this time. Not only was Danzo, the leader of the Root, trying to intimidate the nobles of the Land of Fire and force them to abandon the plan for the second ninja village. As the Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen was sharpening his knife, and his murderous intent was chilling.

But as the source of all these changes, Shokuhou Misaki still lived a peaceful life in Konoha Village.

In the morning of another day, Shokuhou Misaki lifted the quilt and sat up from the bed. Feeling the breath of the Anbu ninja in the treetops in the distance, Shokuhou Misaki was speechless for a while, thinking:

Compared to Sarutobi Shinnosuke, the guy who is monitoring me now is really no good. Not to mention Kakashi, even I can detect their traces. Do you know that it is very impolite to look into a girl's bedroom so openly! I have to be careful when changing clothes every day, for fear of exposing myself.

Just like that, Shokuhou Misaki yawned and got out of bed, first went to the bathroom to solve some physiological problems, then brushed her teeth and washed her face, and combed her messy golden long hair. Then she changed her clothes and looked at her flat chest in the mirror. Shokuhou Misaki frowned and thought:

Why is the character card provided by the system short of weight! I am almost 13 years old, why is it still so ordinary here?

After more than six years, Shokuhou Misaki has long accepted her current identity, even her female gender. Although this does not mean that she will find a male partner, if possible, Shokuhou Misaki also hopes that her figure can be better.

After all, as a teammate in the same group, Namikaze Mai's chest is already budding, while she is still flat. This huge contrast made Shokuhou Misaki doubt whether there was something wrong with the character card provided by the system. She clearly remembered that Shokuhou Misaki in A Certain Scientific Railgun was very magnificent!

With concerns about her figure, Shokuhou Misaki left home and came to the training ground where the 92nd class gathered every day. On the training ground, Katsumura Yota had arrived here before everyone else and was training in physical skills. Looking at Katsumura Yota sweating profusely, Shokuhou Misaki was full of emotion.

Among the three Genin in their class, Katsumura Yota can be said to be the most hardworking. Basically, he is the first to arrive at every gathering and the last to leave every evening. As far as Shokuhou Misaki knows, Katsumura Yota has set a schedule for himself at home, just to seize every opportunity to become stronger in order to realize his dream.

But ironically, Katsumura Yota is the weakest among the three. Shokuhou Misaki, needless to say, is now almost catching up with the special jonin with her cheating skills. After all, the Namikaze clan, where Mai Namikaze comes from, is a family that produced the fourth generation of Hokage. Although the bloodline of the Namikaze clan is not as good as that of a real big clan like the Uchiha clan, it is much better than that of a real commoner.

So if Shokuhou Misaki and Mai Namikaze just practice step by step, their strength can surpass Katsumura Yota. This stimulated Katsumura Yota to work harder, almost using his life to exchange for that little bit of progress. But unfortunately, the ninja world is a place that looks at bloodline and plug-ins after all, and hard work is worthless. Even if Katsumura Yota gambled everything, his strength inevitably widened the gap with his teammates.

"Yota, take a break. If you continue to work so hard, your body will not be able to bear it!"

It was not Shokuhou Misaki who said this, but Mai Namikaze. Compared with Shokuhou Misaki's ambiguous relationship, it is obvious that the simple Mai Namikaze has a better relationship with Katsumura Yota. Facing Katsumura Yota who is working hard to practice regardless of his body, Mai Namikaze advises him like this every day. Then, the one who responded to Namikaze Mai must be Katsumura Yota's vague response:

"I know, practice for a while, practice for a while and then rest!"

He said this, but Katsumura Yota's body didn't show any intention of stopping.

Seeing that Katsumura Yota was still so stubborn, Shokuhou Misaki wanted to use illusion to directly change his mentality and let him stop working so hard. But considering her background as a civilian ninja, Shokuhou Misaki could only give up this approach again and again. Because as a civilian ninja, Shokuhou Misaki theoretically couldn't master advanced ninjutsu such as illusion.

Not to mention ninjutsu, even the practice of climbing trees and treading water would not be taught in ninja schools. It was also because Konoha was extremely conservative about the dissemination of knowledge. Even if Shokuhou Misaki knew about the practice of climbing trees and treading water, as well as the practice of Rasengan, she would not teach it.

I never thought about doing these trainings.

If Shokuhou Misaki really performed a ninjutsu beyond her origin, what awaited Shokuhou Misaki would be a comprehensive search by the Konoha Anbu. As long as Shokuhou Misaki could not give a reasonable explanation to explain the origin of the ninjutsu on her body, Sarutobi Hiruzen could kill her on the grounds of stealing ninjutsu.

After all, the Konoha Ninja Village has never been a place for civilian ninjas to counterattack casually. Even if civilian ninjas are willing to work hard, there is no suitable method. Unless you meet a good instructor after graduating from the ninja school, and the other party is willing to guide you. Otherwise, even Namikaze Minato may not be able to soar to the sky at the most critical time of his life.

In this way, Shokuhou Misaki also practiced on the training ground. But compared to Katsumura Yota's extreme, her training method is much more conventional, mostly just basic physical training. Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye it was already three hours. Seeing that the sun was about to rise above his head, Kakashi finally arrived late. Looking at the three people who were practicing in the field, Kakashi smiled and said:

"Good morning, everyone!"

"It's almost noon, Kakashi-sensei!" Katsumura Yota wiped the sweat off his body and said dissatisfiedly.

"Kakashi-sensei, what mission are we going to perform today?" asked Namikaze Mai.

"We don't have to perform any missions recently." Kakashi shook his head and said:

"Isn't it the Chunin Exam coming soon? I just want to give each of you some special training before the exam to enhance your strength."

Hearing that they were actually going to take part in the Chunin Exam, Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai were both excited. After all, for many Konoha ninjas, being able to show their talents in the Chunin Exam is already their highest pursuit. Especially before the Chunin Exam, they can receive guidance from the elite Jonin Kakashi, which is definitely one of the most important opportunities in their lives.

In contrast, Shokuhou Misaki looked cautious and thought to herself:

Every Chunin Exam was a gap in Konoha's defense. In the original work, Orochimaru used the Chunin Exam to launch the Konoha destruction plan. Now Konoha is undercurrent, but the Chunin Exam is being held at this time. I'm afraid things are not simple! Especially the second round of the Chunin Exam, candidates are openly allowed to kill each other!

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki has already understood.

It seems that in this Chunin Exam, Sarutobi Hiruzen is likely to kill himself! Although he has no direct evidence to prove that the Uchiha clan's actions are my handiwork. But as the longest-serving Hokage in Konoha, I believe he can realize my threat. So just in case, it is a reasonable means to solve me before solving the problem of the Uchiha clan.

After realizing the danger of the Chunin Exam, Shokuhou Misaki naturally put all his energy into Kakashi's special training. Feeling the desire of the three to become stronger, Kakashi nodded and said:

"Very good, then we will start the first stage of training, tree climbing!"

As in the original Naruto, tree climbing is to gather chakra to the soles of the feet to generate suction, so as to climb to a high place without the help of hands. This is a very simple and effective way to exercise chakra, but most civilian ninjas from ninja schools don't know it at all, and they have to learn this training method from their instructors after graduation.

Shokuhou Misaki originally knew this training method, but in order to hide her tracks, she has persisted until now to practice tree climbing under the guidance of Kakashi. Then, as expected, Shokuhou Misaki's training was not smooth.

Because with the improvement of the sequence, Shokuhou Misaki's chakra became more and more, and the control of chakra became weaker and weaker. So this time in the tree climbing training, her training speed was the slowest. In contrast, Katsumura Yota, who had the least chakra, only took two days to complete the tree climbing training and began to practice treading water under the guidance of Kakashi.

In the following time, Shokuhou Misaki and others completed the training of climbing trees and treading water under the guidance of Kakashi. Among the three, Katsumura Yota only took one week to complete the training. Then came Namikaze Mai, who took 9 days. As for Shokuhou Misaki, it took her 12 days, almost twice as long as Katsumura Yota to complete the training of treading water.

This made Katsumura Yota proud of his teammates.

After completing the training of climbing trees and treading water, Kakashi began to teach the three people the changes in the nature of chakra, and taught the three people ninjutsu according to the attributes of their chakras. As a copy ninja, Kakashi has mastered a lot of ninjutsu, so he taught the most suitable ninjutsu to his three students.

Among the three, Shokuhou Misaki was very good at treading water.

Shokuhou Misaki is of the water attribute and has the most chakra, so Kakashi directly taught Shokuhou Misaki the powerful Water Style Water Dragon Bullet Technique. This move is a B-level ninjutsu, which is not particularly difficult to master, but the power is really good. It is obviously the most suitable ninjutsu for Shokuhou Misaki at this stage. So after Kakashi taught her, Shokuhou Misaki began to practice with all her strength.

As for Namikaze Mai, she is naturally of the wind attribute as she comes from the Namikaze clan. However, compared to Shokuhou Misaki, she has less chakra, so Kakashi taught her a very basic ninjutsu, Wind Style Fierce Wind Palm. This wind style ninjutsu can not only launch wind style attacks, but also increase the speed of the ninja with the help of fierce winds, which also meets the requirements of Namikaze Mai as a speed-type ninja.

Finally, there is Katsumura Yota. As the ninja with the least chakra among the three, his chakra attribute happens to be the fire attribute, which has certain requirements for the amount of chakra, which makes Kakashi feel troubled.

Originally, Kakashi wanted to teach Katsumura Yota the Great Fireball Technique, but he found that Katsumura Yota couldn't even perform the Great Fireball Technique. So after careful consideration, Kakashi finally decided to teach Katsumura Yota the Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique. This move is the same as the Great Fireball Technique, both of which are basic ninjutsu of Fire Style, and consumes less chakra than the Great Fireball Technique. After Katsumura Yota learned it, he naturally felt like he had found a treasure, and his practice became more diligent than usual.

After a month, after practicing, Shokuhou Misaki and others had already transformed their strength. This made the three of them sigh that it was different when someone taught them. Their progress in just this one month was more exaggerated than in the past year. Even Shokuhou Misaki's strength was improved by a level in this one month.

At this time, her ability values ​​on the system page are as follows:

Ninja: 6 Body: 5 Illusion: 9 Wisdom: 9 Strength: 6 Speed: 7 Precision: 5 Seal: 5 Total: 52

Compared to when River Country just got promoted, Shokuhou Misaki's ability value has increased by 6 points. This ability value, in the original work, has surpassed special jonin like Mitarashi Anko, and is similar to Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura at the beginning of Shippuden. In other words, Kakashi's one-month guidance has made Shokuhou Misaki grow from a chunin to a special jonin.

As Shokuhou Misaki's teammates, Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai are also quite strong now. On the system page, the ability values ​​of the two are as follows:

Namikaze Mai:

Ninja: 4, Body: 3, Phantom: 2, Sage: 3, Strength: 3, Speed: 6, Refined: 4, Seal: 4, Total: 29

Katsumura Yota:

Ninja: 4, Body: 4, Phantom: 2, Sage: 5, Strength: 4, Speed: 3, Refined: 2, Seal: 4, Total: 28

Although the data of the two cannot be compared with the cheating Shokuhou Misaki, they are still the best among their peers. Some of the twelve little strong men in the original Chunin Exam, such as Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Hinata, have this ability value. Especially Katsumura Yota, he has almost exerted his potential to the limit, which can have the strength comparable to the twelve little strong men.

It is also because of this improvement in strength that Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai are full of confidence. They feel that even if they cannot pass the Chunin Exam, they can still shine in the exam. Only Shokuhou Misaki looks at her ability value of 52, feeling a little uneasy.

Shokuhou Misaki knew that the ability value of 52 might not be enough to deal with the little tricks of the Konoha high-level during the Chunin Exam. If she wanted to pass this Chunin Exam, she had to find some external help. But the problem was that her actions were restricted now, and she had to keep a distance from the Uchiha clan on the surface. Who should she find this external help?

After some thought, Shokuhou Misaki returned home. Then the next day, she only practiced for half a day and then left the training ground, which made Namikaze Mai and Katsumura Yota puzzled. They didn't understand what Shokuhou Misaki was thinking. It was obviously almost the Chunin Exam, why didn't Shokuhou Misaki work hard to practice?

The reason why Shokuhou Misaki temporarily gave up practicing was that she came to a familiar place.

Ichiraku Ramen.

According to Shokuhou Misaki's speculation, there was a person who was likely to take advantage of the opportunity of this Chunin Exam to sneak into Konoha and then go to Ichiraku Ramen to find her. As expected, things did not exceed Shokuhou Misaki's expectations. Two days before the Chunin Exam, after candidates from various ninja villages entered Konoha, a female ninja with a wicked smile on her face and a forehead protector from the Rain Village walked into Ichiraku Ramen. Looking at the person coming, Shokuhou Misaki knew that the person she was waiting for had arrived.

"It's been a while since we met, Shokuhou-san."

With the help of illusion, the female ninja ate ramen on the surface, but secretly communicated with Shokuhou Misaki.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to enter the Konoha Ninja Village so blatantly. Aren't you afraid that the Hokage will kill you? Orochi


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