The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

Shokuhou Misaki knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen was going to attack her in the Forest of Death. Not only Sarutobi Hiruzen, but also Akatsuki's attitude towards her was questionable. She was likely to face multiple jonin-level opponents in the Forest of Death, and even assassinations at the level of Kage.

Faced with so many possible dangers, even if she had established contact with Akatsuki through Orochimaru in advance and asked Uchiha Itachi for help, Shokuhou Misaki was not absolutely sure that she could guarantee her safety. So after careful consideration, Shokuhou Misaki took out all her savings and exchanged them for more than a dozen detonating talismans.

She planned to take advantage of the second exam to secretly place these detonating talismans in places in the Forest of Death where fires were prone to occur. Once the development of things exceeded her expectations, she would detonate these detonating tags to cause a forest fire, overturning the chessboard and completely ruining the Chunin Exam.

What Shokuhou Misaki didn't expect was that Mutian Noguchi actually had the same idea as her. And unlike Shokuhou Misaki who used the forest fire as a trump card, this little Konoha figure who was bullied by Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo in succession actually ignited the Death Forest from the beginning in a frenzy.

Because they were prepared to set fire to the Death Forest in advance, Shokuhou Misaki brought Namikaze Mai and Katsumura Yota to the upwind side of the Death Forest as soon as she entered the Death Forest. Because of the wind direction, the flames did not spread very fast at the upwind side, and they could be easily avoided with the speed of ninjas. So compared to other people in the Death Forest, the safety of the three people was not a concern.

The three stood on the towering trees and watched the fire spread in the distance.

This Death Forest was originally an occupied primeval forest, with countless thick and tall trees. Once the fire started, its power was naturally extraordinary. The surging flames were tens of meters high, and the rising black smoke covered half of the sky. Even though they were in the upwind position, the three of them felt the scorching heat coming towards them.

Such power shocked not only Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai, but even Shokuhou Misaki. Although she had heard about the horror of forest fires in her previous life, hearing about it was not the same as seeing it with her own eyes. Once a forest fire in reality starts, it really stretches for thousands of miles and is boundless. If the range is large enough, the traces of forest fires can be clearly seen even in space.

Although the fire in the Death Forest today is not as good as the forest fire in reality, the power of this fire is beyond everyone's imagination. Apart from anything else, the power of the 30-meter-high flame alone exceeds the fire escape ninjutsu of all ninjas in the ninja world today. I'm afraid that only Uchiha Madara in his heyday could achieve such power with his fire escape.

Moreover, the scorching flames were still consuming the surrounding air. It can be said that once caught in a forest fire, it would be difficult for even a Kage-level warrior to escape. As for most of the Genin candidates in this Chunin Exam, they would surely die if caught in it. So this Chunin Exam was over from the beginning, because now all the candidates were running away frantically.

Even Shokuhou Misaki, who was in the upwind position, felt the horror of the flames in the distance, and immediately prepared to leave with Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai. But just as she was about to leave, Mai Namikaze said:

"Look, the fire is about to burn out of the Death Forest!"

Katsumura Yota also said:

"With the speed at which the fire spreads, it won't be long before it reaches the village. Even if there are walls and barriers around the village, these can't stop the high temperature of the flames! In addition, a large area of ​​the village is made of wood. It can be said that once the fire spreads, a large area of ​​the village will be destroyed!"

"Is there no ninja dedicated to firefighting in the village?"

"Yes, there are, but firefighting has always been the responsibility of the security team." Katsumura Yota said:

"Just Given the current relationship between the village and the Uchiha clan, it seems unlikely that you would ask them to put out the fire. Moreover, there are very few ninjas in the Uchiha clan who are good at water escape, and water escape consumes a lot of chakra, so most of the ninjas who are good at water escape belong to the Anbu. So if you want to put out this forest fire, the Anbu must take action. "

"Is that so? In that case, the Anbu ninjas should have taken action now!"

Hamikaze Mai said this, but Shokuhou Misaki said:

"I'm afraid not!"

"Hey, how is this possible? According to the rules of the Anbu, don't they usually scatter around the village to prevent unexpected situations?

Is it possible? Now that such a big fire has broken out around the Death Forest, the ninjas of the Anbu will definitely pass on the information to the Hokage immediately. With the speed of the Anbu's actions, they should have started to use water jutsu to put out the fire now! "

"Yes, if it were a normal time, the Anbu would have already taken action to put out the fire. But the problem is that today is not a normal time!" Shokuhou Misaki sighed: "Maybe there is no Anbu ninja in the entire Death Forest now!"

"How is this possible? This is the critical time of the Chunin Exam, the Anbu should at least send a few ninjas to monitor the examination room, right? "

Hamikaze Mai looked incredulous, but Katsumura Yota had already guessed something.

The Forest of Death is Konoha's training ground, and even Konoha ninjas would not normally go in and out of here. Therefore, the ninjas who could place a large number of detonating tags in the Forest of Death and easily ignite the forest fire must be Konoha's own ninjas, and it is very likely that they were ninjas from key departments such as the Anbu.

So the fire in the Forest of Death was essentially the same as the fire in the Uchiha clan, and was the result of the accumulation of internal contradictions in Konoha. There were ninjas in Konoha who were dissatisfied with the Konoha high-level officials, so they set the fire at the critical moment of the Chunin Exam, in order to retaliate against the current Konoha high-level officials.

As for why Shokuhou Misaki dared to conclude that there were no Anbu ninjas around, Katsumura Yota could not figure it out in a short time. But it seems that the ninja who set the fire It is very likely that he has a relationship with the Anbu, so he knows that there are no Anbu ninjas in the Death Forest now.

As for the other ninjas in charge of supervising the exam in the Death Forest, they are not princes like Uzumaki Naruto, so how can they meet the Hokage casually? So even if they want to report the news, they must go through layers of approval. By the time all the procedures are over, the fire has already burned to the gate of Konoha Village!

I think the person who set the fire must know the living conditions of the bottom ninjas in Konoha very well. Knowing that the reaction speed of ordinary ninjas in Konoha is definitely not as fast as that of the Anbu directly under the Hokage, he chose to set the fire at this critical moment, and accurately knocked down Konoha's weakness with one move.

Unlike Katsumura Yota, Shokuhou Misaki already understood the cause and effect of the matter.

I think it was Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, who arranged people, Wanted to kill me in the Forest of Death. But as the Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen was concerned about his reputation, and on the other hand, he was also worried that the Anbu ninjas would protect Shokuhou Misaki and ruin his good deeds, so he transferred the Anbu ninjas in the Forest of Death out in advance.

As a result, the scheme was too clever and it backfired.

The ninja who was supposed to deal with Shokuhou Misaki learned that there were no other Anbu ninjas in the Forest of Death. He was furious and set a fire in the Forest of Death, which was a gap in Konoha's defense. It didn't matter whether Shokuhou Misaki could be burned to death. The key was that he wanted to use this fire to retaliate against Konoha and those Konoha high-level officials who looked down on him.

As for who the arsonist was, Shokuhou Misaki didn't know. After all, there are people in Konoha who are dissatisfied with the high-level officials. You can easily catch a handful of crucian carp. Unless Shokuhou Misaki is omniscient, she can't guess which person who is dissatisfied with Konoha set off this fire.

In the final analysis, the current Konoha high-level officials no longer have the ability to continue to rule Konoha.

As long as they continue to sit in the high-level positions, Konoha's problems will emerge in an endless stream. Uchiha, Shokuhou Misaki, the Namikaze clan, and those oppressed civilian ninjas, Sarutobi Hiruzen has to face the next one after solving one.

Not to mention that he didn't solve any of these problems, so once there is a slight problem with his decision, the forces dissatisfied with him will be eager to express their opinions. Now this fire, on the surface, is the anger of a certain low-level ninja, but in essence it is a warning from a large number of dissatisfied forces within Konoha to the Konoha high-level officials.

Don't think we don't exist, and don't think we can be ignored!

Maybe in a head-on battle, we are just bugs that are killed instantly by elite jonin.

But at a critical moment, we can also change the direction of the situation!

Although we are not good enough to accomplish things, we are definitely good enough to cause trouble!

While Shokuhou Misaki and others were observing the fire in the Death Forest and preparing to evacuate in an orderly manner, the various forces that were also preparing to participate in the Chunin Exam also began their own actions.

Kabuto Yakushi, who was affiliated with Orochimaru, was participating in this Chunin Exam as a candidate of Konoha under the arrangement of the Anbu. Originally, according to the agreement between Shokuhou Misaki and Orochimaru, he would stand on the side of Shokuhou Misaki at the critical moment to ensure Shokuhou Misaki's safety. At the same time, this would cause Kabuto Yakushi to completely lose the trust of the Anbu and leave Konoha completely.

But I didn't expect that

Before he could act, someone set a fire in the Forest of Death. This caught Kabuto Yakushi off guard and forced him to give up his original plan. However, this also prevented him from completely breaking up with the Anbu of Konoha, allowing him to continue to lurk in Konoha as an Anbu to collect intelligence, which is a good thing.

Not to mention Kabuto Yakushi's hatred for Konoha, he had long wanted to burn Konoha with a big fire. So for this overwhelming fire, Kabuto Yakushi immediately prepared to help. Seeing that the speed of the fire did not seem to be very fast, he threw a few detonating tags around the fire, making the fire even more uncontrollable!

In addition to Kabuto Yakushi, the Akatsuki organization was also caught off guard by the fire.

Originally, the Akatsuki organization was also planning to arrange Kakuzu to sneak into the Chunin Exam and have a fake match with Shokuhou Misaki. Imagine, if Shokuhou Misaki, a mere Genin, defeated Kakuzu, a rebel ninja who had been rampant in the ninja world for decades, wouldn't her fame rise and become popular overnight? By the way, Kakuzu's strength is enough to protect Shokuhou Misaki's safety.

What Kakuzu didn't expect was that as soon as he entered the Death Forest, a fire broke out. Even though Kakuzu was a veteran Kage-level strongman, he didn't expect that someone would set a fire at such an important occasion as the Chunin Exam! Not only did his clothes burn a hole, but also several thousand taels of banknotes in his pocket were gone, which made Kakuzu feel distressed.

Compared with Black Zetsu, Kakuzu's loss was relatively small.

After realizing the threat of Shokuhou Misaki, Black Zetsu directly arranged hundreds of White Zetsu in the Death Forest, all over the Death Forest, always monitoring Shokuhou Misaki's movements, ready to take Shokuhou Misaki's life.

In Black Zetsu's opinion, my arrangement is foolproof!

Once Shokuhou Misaki entered the Death Forest, it was equivalent to entering a net, and she would definitely die.

Who would have thought that Black Zetsu had just finished the arrangement, and some bastard from nowhere would set a fire. As the flames spread, more than 70 White Zetsu were killed on the spot, and many of the remaining ones also suffered heavy casualties and were useless.

It should be noted that at this time, the Akatsuki organization had not collected enough tailed beasts, and the ability of the Outer Path Demon Statue to train White Zetsu was very limited. In addition, White Zetsu needed to gather intelligence throughout the ninja world, so the number of White Zetsu that Black Zetsu could mobilize was only about 200. Now after a big fire, White Zetsu directly lost nearly half, which was enough to make Black Zetsu heartbroken and make him hate the bastard who set the fire!

Uchiha Itachi also had the same mood as Black Zetsu.

As a bodyguard invited by Shokuhou Misaki, Uchiha Itachi had been hiding in the dark since the beginning of the Chunin Exam to protect Shokuhou Misaki's safety. Originally, Uchiha Itachi was worried that he would fight with ninjas from the same village, but who would have thought that a raging fire would appear in front of him. The flames continued and went straight to Konoha, but Konoha did not respond in time at all.

Although Uchiha Itachi was a little stunned, he was definitely not stupid. After just a little thought, he guessed the truth of the matter. It must be that Sarutobi Hiruzen evacuated the Anbu ninjas who were supposed to be stationed in the Forest of Death in order to deal with Shokuhou Misaki, causing the Forest of Death to become a blank area of ​​Konoha's defense.

And the ninja who was originally arranged to deal with Shokuhou Misaki, with hatred for the Konoha high-level officials, chose to stab Konoha with the most ruthless knife at this critical moment. After this fire started, it not only intensified the more acute contradictions within Konoha, but also made the problems within Konoha completely public. Because Konoha is now in the Chunin Exam period, there are many ninjas from other ninja villages in Konoha Village!

The Uchiha clan, the Namikaze clan, Shokuhou Misaki, and now there is a big fire in the Forest of Death...

One after another, problems that are enough to shake the foundation of Konoha came one after another, but Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, who are Konoha's high-level officials, still hold on to the power in their hands tightly.

Obviously, if Orochimaru had become the fifth Hokage, these problems would not have erupted. After all, he was Orochimaru's disciple, and Orochimaru would definitely get the support of the Uchiha clan after he became the Hokage. There are also the Namikaze clan and Shokuhou Misaki, who will also be won over by Orochimaru. As for those dissatisfied civilian ninjas, Orochimaru also has the ability to give them a chance to go further. Although such opportunities are often accompanied by the price of death, it is better than nothing!

But it was precisely because of Sarutobi Hiruzen's selfishness that Orochimaru, who was most likely to solve the problem, was forced away. In this way, Konoha's internal balance will be completely unbalanced, and the power that was originally the foundation of Konoha will be forced to go to the opposite side of Konoha. For survival and opportunities, partners in the same village have to carry out shameless planning and bloody massacres.

All this is caused by you, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage!

Thinking of this,

Uchiha Itachi became more determined.

He must kill Sarutobi Hiruzen and save Konoha!

Just as Uchiha Itachi was determined to get rid of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Mutanoguchi on the high wall of Konoha was enjoying the beautiful scenery he created with satisfaction. Seeing that the forest fire was about to burn the wall of Konoha, he cheered:

"Burn, burn, burn this evil village to ashes!"

As he said this, footsteps came from the high wall. It turned out that the movement of the fire finally aroused Sarutobi Hiruzen's vigilance. He brought Sarutobi Shinnosuke and a group of Anbu ninjas to the high wall of Konoha to put out the fire. But they never thought that as soon as they arrived, they saw Mutanoguchi dancing happily there, without hiding the fact that he was an arsonist.

"Oh, isn't this the Hokage?"

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen looking at him with hatred, Mutanoguchi said more excitedly:

"By the way, this is our second meeting! Haha, remember the first time we met, I tried my best to prove my talent, just to be a dog for you, the Hokage. And you, as the Hokage, couldn't even look at me straight in the eye, and threw me into the Root like garbage."

"Now, you finally look at me straight in the eye?"

"How about it, how does it feel to be calculated by a little person who disdains you? You are guarding against Danzo, Uchiha, and that Shokuhou Misaki, thinking that only they are your enemies. Now? You are tripped by a bug like me! Hahaha..."

Mutanoguchi laughed crazily, he laughed so proudly, laughed so happily!

He, who had been unknown all his life, finally enjoyed the feeling of being noticed by a big shot.

Then in this satisfaction, Sarutobi Hiruzen ended his life.

But even though Mutanoguchi died, he still had a satisfied smile on his face.

That smile was full of mockery, mocking Sarutobi Hiruzen and the ninja world.

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