The fire broke out, and the fire was in chaos.

The second round of the Chunin Exam ended abruptly.

Thanks to the hard work of the Anbu ninjas and the seal class, the fire in the Death Forest finally stopped outside Konoha and did not cause much damage to the buildings inside the village. But even so, the fire caused huge losses to Konoha.

Not to mention anything else, more than a dozen elite ninjas from the Anbu died in the fire, and there was a seal class that was affected by the broken seal of the entire class because the fire was too big and exceeded the upper limit of the seal. Three special jonins were reduced to ashes in the flames on the spot.

In addition to these main forces of firefighting, the Genin who participated in the Chunin Exam also suffered heavy casualties. Three candidates died on the spot, and many of the remaining candidates were injured to varying degrees because of the smoke brought by the flames. After all, the fire in the Death Forest was more than 30 meters high, and the smoke and toxic gases it brought were even more massive.

It should be noted that the most terrifying thing about fires is never the flames, but the smoke. More than 60% of the victims of fires were not burned to death by flames, but suffocated to death by smoke! Although forest fires are not as easy to cause suffocation as indoor fires, the smoke brought by fires is equally lethal.

For example, in the real world, the forest fire in eastern Australia in 2020, the number of victims who were actually burned to death by flames was less than 100, while the number of victims who died from the smoke of the fire exceeded 400! As for other people who suffered from respiratory diseases due to smoke, there are countless. It can be said that the smoke from forest fires is the most terrible source of harm.

The same is true for the forest fire in Konoha. The hot flames not only burned the forest, but also brought a large amount of toxic gases including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Most of the dozen or so Anbu ninjas were poisoned by the smoke because they were in the highly polluted smoke for a long time, and then they were in a trance and finally engulfed by the flames.

And most of the Genin candidates in the forest fire also inhaled excessive amounts of toxic smoke while escaping. The three candidates who were burned to death were not incapable of escaping the flames, but because they inhaled too much smoke and suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning. They were dizzy and blinded by the smoke, and finally ran to the center of the flames in a daze and were burned to death.

Even if the remaining candidates escaped back to Konoha Village, most of them had certain problems with their lungs. The two most serious ones even had a certain atrophy of their lung function, and they had to wear a ventilator to maintain their lives for a long time. Even those who did not seem to have serious problems needed long-term hospitalization for observation and treatment.

Only medical ninjas like Kabuto Yakushi and a few candidates who stayed upwind like Shokuhou Misaki were able to avoid the harm of the smoke. However, due to the necessity of lurking, after returning to Konoha, Kabuto Yakushi also pretended to be poisoned by smoke and was admitted to the hospital like most candidates.

After the final statistics of Konoha Hospital, there were 24 candidates in the second round of the Chunin Exam, of which 3 died directly in the sea of ​​fire, 2 basically lost the ability to continue to engage in ninja profession, 11 needed long-term hospitalization for observation and treatment, and 4 were not seriously injured and could be discharged within a week. There were only 7 candidates who were intact like Shokuhou Misaki.

And among these 7 intact people, there was also Kabuto Yakushi, the sixth who was proficient in medical ninjutsu. So there were only 6 candidates who were truly intact. Because the two classes of these six candidates were in the upwind of the Death Forest, they did not breathe the smoke of the fire.

In addition to the above losses of ninjas, the civilians of Konoha were also affected by the fire. Although the flames did not directly burn Konoha's buildings, the smoke caused by the fire hovered in Konoha Village for a long time and was completely blown away after two days.

In short, after this forest fire, the villagers of Konoha discovered for the first time that the location of their ninja village was terrible! Surrounded by primeval forests, the green environment looks good, but in fact, as long as the weather is dry, there is a danger of being buried in the sea of ​​fire.

In addition to the location problem of Konoha itself, the villagers of Konoha also remembered the name Mutanoguchi.

This little guy in Konoha Village has become a big devil who can rival Uchiha Madara. After all, the villagers of Konoha at this time did not know that the culprit of the Nine-Tails Rebellion was Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Madara had never attacked the villagers of Konoha, so in the decades since Konoha was established, Mutanoguchi

Among all the known ninjas, Mutannoguchi is the only one who almost destroyed the village.

He destroyed the Chunin Exam single-handedly, killing nearly 20 elite ninjas of Konoha, and a large number of villagers suffered from respiratory diseases due to the smoke. It can be said that Mutannoguchi, a civilian ninja, completed a feat that many Kage-level strongmen have never completed.

However, the attitude of the villagers of Konoha is very complicated towards such a big devil. Some people cursed him for his heinous crimes and wished that he would be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell by the King of Hell. But some people were deeply moved by his experience, especially those ninjas who knew something about the root, and they all understood Mutannoguchi's madness.

There are even some people who are ready to follow Mutannoguchi's approach and continue to set fire to the forests around Konoha, and their ideas are also very simple. Since I have nothing in Konoha Village, I might as well let other people have nothing like me, which is worse than some people standing on our heads all day long to show off their power.

In the face of these arsonists, the top leaders of Konoha brutally suppressed them, and at the same time, they cut down a large area of ​​forests around the village and built isolation belts to prevent similar things from happening again.

But such simple suppression cannot really solve the problem. Because this fire is only the result of the problem, not the cause of the problem. As long as the cause is not eliminated, similar things will never stop. But as the cause of the contradiction, Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot eliminate himself. So he is ready to speed up the pace and completely eradicate the Uchiha clan.

In Sarutobi Hiruzen's view, only when the Uchiha clan is dead, the plan of the second ninja village can be completely stopped, and the people in Konoha who are ready to move will calm down because of fear. As for how much negative impact the slaughter of the Uchiha clan will have on the future of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen no longer has the leisure to care about these.

In addition to the top leaders of Konoha represented by Sarutobi Hiruzen, the fire in the Death Forest also had a certain impact on other forces. First of all, the Akatsuki organization, at this time, they felt more and more that the second ninja village was worth doing. After all, the contradictions within Konoha are so sharp. If he adds more fuel to the fire, then it may not be just the Uchiha clan that wants to leave Konoha!

Like the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Obito also feels that Konoha's internal strife is promising. The reason why he launched the Nine-Tails Rebellion was to take the opportunity to weaken Konoha's strength and reduce the difficulty of collecting tailed beasts in the future. Now that he sees that the contradictions within Konoha are so sharp, he has decided to join forces with Nagato and Konan.

And whether it is Uchiha Obito or Nagato, they all think that Sarutobi Hiruzen must be kept as the Hokage. Because as long as he is there, Konoha's internal struggles will never be quelled. The excellent ninjas within Konoha will only continue to consume themselves. The younger generation like Shokuhou Misaki will only have a dead end except to join them as a rebel ninja. And Konoha, which is in constant internal strife, will never become an obstacle to their collection of tailed beasts. Instead, it will continuously provide talents for their plans.

I think Sarutobi Hiruzen would never have thought that Konoha's enemies would want to save his life without any prior agreement. On the contrary, Uchiha Itachi, who was loyal to Konoha, was planning how to kill him.

In addition to the Akatsuki organization, the fire in the Death Forest also gave other ninja villages an opportunity to take advantage of. Especially the old enemy of Konoha, the Hidden Cloud Village, after discovering that there was a problem within Konoha, the Fourth Raikage immediately sent a large army to the border to see if there was an opportunity to take advantage of the Land of Fire.

The other three major ninja villages had the same idea as the Fourth Raikage. However, they were limited by their strength and did not make any radical moves on the surface. They only secretly sent ninjas to lurk around Konoha to collect various intelligence. Among them, the old and sophisticated Ohnoki also expressed his concern for the disaster-stricken Konoha from a humanitarian perspective and donated one million taels of disaster relief supplies.

Ohnoki's actions naturally made the Konoha high-level feel very disgusted.

When did Konoha actually ask Iwagakure to come to the disaster relief?

But they are standing on the moral high ground, Konoha can't scold them back, they can only express their gratitude to the Iwagakure Village for their concern, and we Konoha will properly handle this problem! As for the disaster relief supplies of your Iwagakure, keep them for your own use!

In addition to the above major events related to the changes in the ninja world, there is another thing that Sarutobi Hiruzen must deal with, that is, the Chunin Exam.

The time of this Chunin Exam was originally very sensitive, and now such a big thing has happened in the middle of the exam, so is it necessary to continue holding this exam?

After some consideration, Sarutobi Hiruzen made a decisive decision.


Konoha has many problems now, but it is precisely because of the many problems that the Chunin Exam must be held.


Not only must it be done, but it must be done with great fanfare and openness!

Let everyone in the ninja world know that the fire in the Death Forest was just an accident.

Even though Konoha has experienced a major fire, it is still in its heyday!

As for the format of the next exam, Sarutobi Hiruzen decided to let the candidates who can still fight directly participate in the third exam. After all, among the current candidates, in addition to the 7 candidates who were basically not injured, there are 4 candidates who were only slightly injured. Among these 11 people, excluding the undercover Kabuto Yakushi, the remaining 10 people are enough to play a promotion match.

But seeing that among these 10 candidates who can continue to take the exam, there is actually Shokuhou Misaki's name, and Shokuhou Misaki is still unharmed because she stayed in the upwind, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but curse inwardly, thinking:

Such a big fire, how come you Shokuhou Misaki are not hurt at all?

Or is this fire in the Death Forest actually the work of you, Shokuhou Misaki?

However, after thinking about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen also felt that his idea was a bit whimsical. After all, Shokuhou Misaki had been under the surveillance of the Anbu before, and Mutian Noguchi was a Root Ninja, and the two had no chance to contact each other normally.

Moreover, Mutian Noguchi's arson this time was a well-prepared action. Mutian Noguchi had obviously been prepared to retaliate against the village before accepting his mission. The mission issued by the Anbu was just the fuse that led him to madness.

Even if this fire had nothing to do with Shokuhou Misaki, Shokuhou Misaki's existence was like a thorn, making Sarutobi Hiruzen feel very uncomfortable. Especially after the incident in the River Country, the contradictions within Konoha became more and more intense. Sarutobi Hiruzen did not think that this was his own fault, and naturally subconsciously blamed these contradictions on Shokuhou Misaki.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that it must be this little kid Shokuhou Misaki who secretly fanned the flames through some means, which led to the situation in Konoha becoming so tense. Even if she was not the mastermind behind all this, she must be related to these things. So in order to prevent the situation from getting worse, he was ready to kill Shokuhou Misaki right now.

As for the reason for killing Shokuhou Misaki?

It's very simple, just put the blame on her for the arson.

Let's say that although the fire in the Forest of Death was set by Mutian Noguchi, Shokuhou Misaki was the mastermind behind everything. She did this because Danzo wanted to recruit her into the Root. Out of fear of the Root, she would collude with Mutian Noguchi of the Root to set the fire in the Forest of Death to avenge the village.

As for the evidence?

Shokuhou Misaki happened to be upwind when the fire broke out. Isn't this evidence?

If she hadn't anticipated the outbreak of the fire, why would she be standing in such a safe place upwind?

Besides, in the struggle for power, is the so-called evidence really that important?

As long as he can give a reasonable explanation, he can order the Anbu to assassinate Shokuhou Misaki. If someone asks about it, I can put all the blame on Danzo. Just say that it was because Danzo wanted to contact Shokuhou Misaki that Shokuhou Misaki took the risk and embarked on the road of revenge against the village!

Oh, by the way, Shokuhou Misaki's teammate from the Namikaze clan can also do something. At that time, I will say that the Namikaze clan has been holding a grudge against the village since the death of the Fourth Hokage, and this Namikaze Mai has always wanted to take revenge on the village. It was because of the influence of Namikaze Mai that Shokuhou Misaki embarked on the road of revenge against the village!

In this way, not only can I kill Shokuhou Misaki legitimately, but I can also use this to strike at Danzo's roots and the Namikaze clan. It can be said that I kill three birds with one stone, and I win!

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen was feeling proud of his plan, Sarutobi Shinnosuke, the head of the Anbu, suddenly rushed into the Hokage's office and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen:

"Father, it's bad!"

"Uchiha Fugaku of the Uchiha clan announced that they are leaving Konoha and establishing the second ninja village! Go and have a look now! The Uchiha clan members are now preparing to leave the village with the elderly and children!"


Upon hearing this news, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was still slowly planning how to kill three birds with one stone, was struck by lightning.

In a trance, he seemed to see a figure hidden behind heavy curtains. She smiled while leisurely fiddling with the chess pieces in her hand:

Hokage, you don't think I will stay here stupidly and let you plot, right?

After the fire in the Death Forest, Konoha is now in a state of chaos that has never been seen in recent years!

Do you think the Uchiha clan won't seize this good opportunity?

Even if the Uchiha clan can't seize it

, will I let the Uchiha clan let me off so easily?

Face the reality!

I have the upper hand now, checkmate!

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