The story of the young girl was told.

With the help of the virtual personality and the power of White Zetsu, Shokuhou Misaki successfully created an avatar named "Hatsuharu Shiki". But as a rudimentary avatar, "Hatsuharu Shiki" itself is just an empty shell.

Apart from her appearance and personality, she only has the combat power of a Chunin level. And once the battle process is more intense, this avatar will reveal the essence of White Zetsu. So in order to prevent the identity from being exposed, the avatar of "Hatsuharu Shiki" can only show the strength of a Genin level.

In addition, due to the limitation of the original body, this avatar can only move within the range of influence of Shokuhou Misaki's dream. Once it exceeds this range, she will gradually get out of Shokuhou Misaki's control. It seems that only after Shokuhou Misaki is promoted to Sequence 3, her personality clone can get rid of the distance restriction and move freely throughout the ninja world.

However, even with various restrictions, the clone of "Hatsuharu Shiki" is still of great significance to Shokuhou Misaki. On the one hand, she can use the clone to create the identity of "Hatsuharu Shiki" to prepare for the role after Sequence 3. On the other hand, she can also use this clone to make more plans in the Snow Country.

While the original "Shokuhou Misaki" is entangled with the strong men of various forces, the clone "Hatsuharu Shiki" can use the ability of White Zetsu to act secretly. Whether it is collecting intelligence or maneuvering, or establishing its own power in the Snow Country, the clone of "Hatsuharu Shiki" can play a big role.

Of course, Shokuhou Misaki cannot create only "Hatsuharu Shiki" as a clone.

After the creation of "Hatsuharu Shiki", Shokuhou Misaki summoned another White Zetsu. First, he used the ability of the manipulator to cleanse his spirit, and then another personality clone was injected into the body of White Zetsu. However, this personality clone is no longer Hatsuharu Shikiri, nor is it any other character in Magical Index, but Shokuhou Misaki herself.

The clone named "Shokuhou Misaki" is a replica of Shokuhou Misaki herself, with her own appearance and personality, and can replace Shokuhou Misaki's original body in the Snow Country at critical moments. So far, Shokuhou Misaki has created two clones through White Zetsu, and these two clones are enough to deal with the situation in the Snow Country.

As for other clones like "Misaka Mikoto", Shokuhou Misaki has no interest in creating them for the time being. On the one hand, it is unnecessary, and on the other hand, it is for the sake of conservatism. After all, if too many personality clones are created at one time, it is very likely to affect the humanity of the original body.

As an extraordinary person of the audience channel, Shokuhou Misaki is very cautious about her abilities. Even if the abilities provided by the system are safe enough, she will not abuse her abilities.

After completing the preparations, Shokuhou Misaki let her two clones and other White Zetsu use the Mayfly Technique to sneak into the underground and act secretly. She herself, along with a group of clones and Bai Zetsu, headed towards the Snow Country.

After boarding the ship at the port of the Fire Country and drifting on the sea for more than half a month, Shokuhou Misaki finally arrived at the location of this mission, the Snow Country.

It was already late autumn, and the already cold climate of the Snow Country became even worse. Even at sea, Shokuhou Misaki could feel the cold coming from the glaciers in the distance.

Not only that, because the Snow Country is located at a high latitude, a large area of ​​the country is even in the Arctic Circle, so the daytime in the Snow Country has become very short, and most of the day is in the dark.

So when she left the ship and set foot in the Snow Country, what appeared in front of Shokuhou Misaki was a dark country covered with snowfields. The stars in the sky were as bright as clouds, the northern aurora was looming, and the pure white snow was shining under the starlight. Everything seemed so magnificent, but so lonely.

Being in such a cold and dark environment, even Shokuhou Misaki felt a certain amount of psychological pressure. It is conceivable how difficult the daily life of civilians in this country is. Not to mention the problems of food and cold protection, the endless darkness alone is enough to drive many people into depression.

But even in such a harsh environment, the Snow Country not only developed leading technology in the ninja world, founded the distinctive Snow Ninja Village, and even threatened the strategic deployment of the Earth Country. Moreover, the two generations of monarchs of the Snow Country, whether it is the previous monarch, Fuuka Zaoyuki, and the current monarch, Fuuka Nutao, are all top scientists in the ninja world.

In various aspects, the country of Snow is amazing. If it were in other worlds, the Snow Country could completely...

Become a northern overlord like the bear. But unfortunately, this is the ninja world, so the rise of the Snow Country is doomed to be bumpy.

While Shokuhou Misaki set foot in the Snow Country, several other major forces also began their own activities.

Among them, the Hidden Cloud Village, as an ally of the Snow Country, sent Yukito, the two-tailed Jinchūriki, as support. As a perfect Jinchūriki, Yukito's strength is unquestionable. And as an ally, Yukito does not need to hide his identity like Shokuhou Misaki. Wearing the Hidden Cloud forehead protector, she walked into the palace of the Snow Country openly and met the daimyo of the Snow Country at this time, Fuuka Nutao.

"Long time no see, Lord Nutao."

As the two-tailed Jinchūriki, Yukito is a very proud woman. Even when she met Fuuka Nutao, who was a daimyo, she did not show too much etiquette. She just casually put her hands on her waist, let her beige braids fall behind her, and looked at Fuuka Nutao sitting on the high seat without respect.

Fenghua Nutao did not show any dissatisfaction with Yukito's attitude. Even though Fenghua Nutao was an ambitious man who had always wanted to get rid of the interference of the Hidden Cloud Village in the Snow Country and become the unique overlord of this country. But considering the current situation, Fenghua Nutao still had to rely on the power of the Hidden Cloud Village. So even if Yukito behaved very rudely, he just laughed it off.

"Thank you, Hidden Cloud Village, as an ally, for lending a hand to our Snow Country at a critical moment when we were facing the invasion of the Hidden Rock Village. After this incident is over, our Snow Country will pay the corresponding technology as a reward."

As the daimyo of the Snow Country, Fenghua Nutao knew what the purpose of the Hidden Cloud Village supporting the Snow Country was. The so-called friendship of allies was nonsense. The reason why the Hidden Cloud Village supported the Snow Country was nothing more than to cause some trouble for the old enemy Hidden Rock Village, and by the way, to get some advanced technology from the Snow Country.

The relationship between the Snow Country and the Hidden Cloud Village was purely a relationship of interest, so Fenghua Nutao made it clear from the beginning. We, the Snow Country, will pay a corresponding price for the support of the Hidden Cloud Village. Please do not worry about our ally, the Hidden Cloud Village.

Then Feng Hana Nu Tao showed the recent research results of the Snow Country, including many advanced technologies such as Chakra Armor. He said that as long as the Snow Country survives this crisis, all these technologies will be transferred to the Hidden Cloud Village. By then, the strength of the Hidden Cloud Village will inevitably be stronger, and it will only be a matter of time before it surpasses Konoha and becomes the largest village in the ninja world.

Seeing Feng Hana Nu Tao so sensible, Yu Mu Ren nodded with satisfaction. Then Yu Mu Ren took out several scrolls, which were all the information about the Snow Country that the Hidden Cloud Village had recently collected. After laying out this information, Yu Mu Ren said to Feng Hana Nu Tao:

"According to our information from the Hidden Cloud Village, the interference of the Hidden Cloud Village in the Snow Country this time was led by the Third Tsuchikage Ohnoki himself. As the Tsuchikage who has been in office for the longest time in the Ninja World, Ohnoki's strength is beyond doubt. Especially his Dust Release, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the strongest attack method in the Ninja World today. In addition, Ohnoki also has a difficult flying ability and rich combat experience. He is the strongest among the Five Shadows. Even as a perfect Jinchūriki, I may not be his opponent."

Compared to the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Tsuchikage Ohnoki is actually more famous in the Ninja World. Especially the Dust Release, which combines the three types of chakras, is so powerful that it is simply unmatched.

So when Feng Hana Nu Tao heard that Ohnoki, the strongest man in the Ninja World, actually took action against the Snow Country himself, he immediately felt a huge pressure. After all, in front of a strong man of Ohnoki's level, his chakra armor is a joke. Even if all the ninjas of the Snow Country were added together, they might not be able to defeat the opponent's Dust Release.

Just as Fenghua Nutao felt the pressure, Youmu Ren said:

"In addition to Ohnoki of Iwagakure, Sand Village and Konoha also seem to have sent ninjas to intervene in the situation of the Snow Country. However, the strength of Sand Village is at its lowest point in history, and Konoha has to face the pressure from the Fire Country, so the strength of the ninjas sent by both sides should be very limited."

Hearing this, Fenghua Nutao said in despair:

"Does that mean that these two major ninja villages can't provide much help to our Snow Country?"

"That may not be the case." Youmu Ren shook his head and said:

"Sand Village is indeed not strong, but Konoha still has many excellent ninjas. Whether it is Jiraiya or Tsunade of the Three Ninjas, or the copy ninja Kakashi. If Konoha sends one of these ninjas, the situation in the Snow Country will change."

Hearing that Konoha might send a powerful ninja, Fenghua Nutao's heart suddenly ignited hope. But Yukito said:

“However, even if Konoha’s ninjas can help the Snow Country resist the rock

Hidden, Konoha's attitude is also a problem. Lord Nutao, don't forget that it was Konoha's ninjas who took away your lovely niece. Considering that you have no children now, your niece named Fuuka Soyuki is now the first in line to be the Daimyo of the Snow Country. "

"Konoha may not want the Snow Country to fall into the hands of the Iwagakure Village, but they are also likely to support your niece to become the Daimyo of the Snow Country. After all, your Snow Country's technology is very advanced, and Konoha is also drooling over your technology! "

Yumujin's words are not only a reminder, but also a warning.

You, Fenghua Nutao, are the daimyo supported by our Kumogakure Village. You must stand firmly on the side of our Kumogakure Village and do things.

You are not qualified to change your position, because neither Iwagakure nor Konoha wants the Snow Country to have a strong daimyo like you. Iwagakure Village wants to turn you into a puppet, and Konoha wants to support your niece to replace you. The rest, such as Sand Village and Mist Shadow Village, do not have the strength to protect you at all. In the huge ninja world now, only our Kumogakure is your support.

Fenghua Nutao is an excellent scientist who can research chakra armor, so his brain is naturally fine. He can naturally hear the warning in Yumujin's words. But it is because he can hear it that Fenghua Nutao feels aggrieved.

After all, he is Fenghua Nutao, a daimyo no matter how big or small!

Ambition like him dreams of being high above and being the only one. Whoever... If anyone blocked his way forward, even his own brothers would be killed without mercy. But no matter how cruel he was, Fenghua Nutao could not change the gap in national strength. Whether it was the Hidden Cloud Village or the Hidden Rock Village, they were not something that he, a mere Daimyo of the Snow Country, could offend.

After finally reaching the pinnacle of power in the Snow Country, he still had to be manipulated. On the one hand, he had to meet the increasingly excessive demands of the Hidden Cloud Village, and on the other hand, he had to worry about the invasion of the Hidden Rock Village, and Konoha also had ill intentions. Fenghua Nutao felt that he, the Daimyo, was like a mouse in a bellows, being bullied everywhere.

After Yumu Ren left, Fenghua Nutao immediately walked into the secret room of the Snow Country Palace. Fenghua Nutao knew that he could never realize his ambitions by relying on a big country. So he needed to find power outside of a big country to help him become a unique Daimyo. And in this secret room, there was a ninja who could help him realize his ambitions.

"The Red Sand Scorpion of Sand Village. I didn't expect that as the grandson of the elder of Sand Village, you would become a rebel ninja and join the Akatsuki organization! "

Yes, the ninja who was secretly in contact with Fenghannutao was Scorpion of the Akatsuki organization.

As a member of the Akatsuki organization, Scorpion's mission this time was actually to collect information about the Jinchūriki and Kage-level strongmen of the major ninja villages through the melee in the Snow Country, so as to facilitate the future Akatsuki organization's actions to capture the tailed beasts. As for the technology of the Snow Country, Nagato did not make too many requirements.

But as a puppeteer, how could Scorpion turn a blind eye to the technology of the Snow Country?

Whether it was advanced airships, heavy industrial machinery, or chakra armor that had a certain resistance to ninjutsu and illusion, they were all important things that could be used on puppets. He wanted technology. So soon after arriving in the Snow Country, Scorpion established contact with Fenghua Nutao through secret channels, hoping to obtain various technologies of the Snow Country through cooperation.

Fenghua Nutao naturally had no reason to disagree with Scorpion's cooperation request. Anyway, most of these technologies have been transferred to the Hidden Cloud Village, and Fenghua Nutao doesn't care about transferring more. As long as Scorpion of the Red Sand can keep his position as the daimyo at the critical moment, Fenghua Nutao will give him as much as he wants.

After seeing Fenghua Nutao, Scorpion didn't say much. Being in the puppet Feiliuhu, he directly said in a gloomy voice:

"Where is the thing I want?"

Fenghua Nutao took out a scroll after hearing this:

"This is the latest chakra armor technology. According to my research, such armor can effectively block the attacks of ninjutsu and illusion below B level. As for other technologies, I will give them to you after the matter is over."

"I see, even B-level ninjutsu can be blocked? You guys, you are really a genius! ”

After putting away the Chakra Armor technology, Scorpion said to Fenghan Nutao:

“Since you are so sincere in cooperating, I will also give you some useful information! The ninja sent by Sand Village to the Snow Country this time is the Jonin Maki. This guy is nothing special, you don’t have to care too much. As for Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen sent a Chunin named Shokuhou Misaki. Although this is a little kid, she is very difficult to deal with, so you must be careful. ”

“Shokuhou Misaki? How come I have never heard of this name!” Fenghan Nutao said puzzledly:

“Also, our Snow Country has such a big thing, Mu

Konoha only sent one Chunin. Isn't that too dismissive of our Snow Country? "

"Of course Konoha couldn't have sent only one Chunin. In fact, in addition to Shokuhou Misaki, Sarutobi Hiruzen also sent many Anbu elites to take advantage of the chaos to gain the greatest benefits for Konoha. But Sarutobi Hiruzen would never have thought that one of these Anbu ninjas was my undercover agent, so I was able to get so much information about Konoha. "

As he said this, Scorpion also recalled the boy named Kabuto Yakushi in his mind, and secretly sighed in his heart:

Thanks to Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, these two weirdos, if they hadn't forced Kabuto Yakushi into a desperate situation, how could I have recruited such an excellent chess piece?

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