The old man was in trouble.

While Fuuka Nutao openly allied with the Hidden Cloud Village and secretly colluded with the Akatsuki organization, trying his best to keep his position as the daimyo, in the camp of the Hidden Cloud Village, Ohnoki, the Tsuchikage, was also paying attention to the actions of the Snow Country. Hearing that the Hidden Cloud Village sent ninjas to the Snow Country, Ohnoki snorted coldly:

"As expected! Whenever we, the Hidden Cloud Village, make a move, these hateful Hidden Cloud Village will come to cause trouble for us!"

After Ohnoki finished speaking, the tall and strong Hidden Cloud Village ninja Akatsuki said:

"Lord Tsuchikage, the ninjas sent by the Hidden Cloud Village this time are the two Yukitos of the Two-Tails Jinchūriki. The Hidden Cloud Village does not seem to have any intention of hiding their tracks. As the Jinchūriki, the Yukitos walked into the Snow Country openly and came into contact with the Wind Flower Nutao."

Hearing this, Ohnoki sneered:

"It seems that the Hidden Cloud Village They want to force us, Iwagakure, to give up interfering in the Snow Country through the threat of Jinchūriki! "

Beside Ohnoki, the strongest jonin of Iwagakure at this time, and also Ohnoki's son, Huangtu, thought:

"It's not long since the Third Ninja World War. Although the Kumogakure has adopted a more radical diplomatic strategy, it still doesn't want to go to war. Sending Jinchūriki to the Snow Country is likely to make us retreat in the face of difficulties."

"Retreat in the face of difficulties, how is it possible!"

The short body floated in the air, and the Tsuchikage Ohnoki exuded a power far beyond that of ordinary Kage-level strongmen. At this time, he was younger than he was during the Fourth Ninja World War, and his strength was undoubtedly stronger! Under his power, all the ninjas of Iwagakure bowed their heads, and so did Ohnoki's son Huangtu.

Seeing that none of these ninjas of Iwagakure had backbone, Ohnoki sighed silently again.

Unlike Konoha, where geniuses abounded, Iwagakure undoubtedly had fewer talents. If the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was worried about the threat of the younger generation in the village, then Ohnoki was worried about the lack of successors in the next generation of Iwagakure.

In the original work, Ohnoki even accepted a guy with a bad personality like Deidara as his disciple. Moreover, Deidara released explosions everywhere in Iwagakure Village, and as the Tsuchikage, he didn't care much. In the final analysis, he cherished Deidara's talent. Otherwise, a bad guy like Deidara would have been killed by the ninjas in Konoha or other ninja villages.

I can only say that things in this world are really annoying.

Some ninja villages have so many geniuses that one after another!

And some ninja villages have to carefully protect even a dangerous guy like Deidara!

So every time Ohnoki heard that Konoha had another genius, and then this genius died strangely, Ohnoki couldn't help but envy and hate!

Why do you have so many geniuses in Konoha!

If you Sarutobi Hiruzen don't want it, can you give us some of the Iwagakure!

In order to have a legacy for the next generation, we in Iwagakure have even started to cultivate anti-human elements!

Don't be ungrateful for what you have in Konoha!

Of course, all of the above are just Ohnoki's inner venting.

As the Tsuchikage with the longest tenure, Ohnoki has long known that this ninja world is unfair.

Especially after he saw Uchiha Madara's strength with his own eyes, he knew that Konoha's foundation was not comparable to Iwagakure.

It was because Iwagakure had good luck in recent years that Konoha's senior leaders were talents like Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, so Iwagakure could fight Konoha on the battlefield. If it were a group of capable senior leaders, Konoha should have started to consider unifying the ninja world.

However, Ohnoki also knew that Konoha's weakness today is not a historical norm. The blood of the Senju clan still flows in Konoha Village. Although the Uchiha clan created the second ninja village, the ninjas of this family value feelings the most. If something really happened in Konoha, they would most likely return to Konoha.

That is to say, as long as Sarutobi Hiruzen abdicates and Konoha is replaced by a young and promising Hokage, its strength will inevitably begin to surge with the support of its foundation. In contrast, there are no talents worthy of praise among the younger generation of Iwagakure.

Although Kurotsuchi is good, she is a girl after all, and her prestige in the village is insufficient. Deidara has good talent, but his personality is too bad. When he gets angry, he likes to bomb everywhere. For these two people, it is somewhat difficult for them to be enemies with the re-emerging Konoha. In addition, there is also the old enemy Kumogakure who is always watching Iwagakure. Ohnoki is really worried about the future of his own ninja village.

It is precisely because of such concerns,

Ohnoki would make a decisive decision to resolve the Snow Country now. Because as long as the Snow Country remains, it will be a big threat to Iwagakure. Kumogakure can restrain the Snow Country through the alliance, and Konoha can also control the Snow Country through the puppet Fenghua Xiaoxue.

Whether it is Kumogakure or Konoha, they can use the Snow Country as a springboard to launch a two-pronged attack on Iwagakure, which is undoubtedly a major security threat to Iwagakure. So in the face of this threat, Ohnoki must kill it while he is still young and strong. Otherwise, when he really gets old and can't do it, Iwagakure is likely to fall into a desperate situation between the two sides of the enemy.

So in the face of Kumogakure's intimidation, Ohnoki can only sneer.

Because he knows that Kumogakure underestimates its determination to resolve the threat.

Not to mention a two-tailed Jinchuriki, even if the fourth generation Raikage comes in person, Iwagakure must take down the Snow Country, and even launch a ninja world war for this. Because the current Iwagakure at least has the strength to launch a ninja world war with Konoha and Kumogakure. When Iwagakure is in decline in the future, they may not even be able to hold out against each other.

So facing the arrangement of Kumogakure, Ohnoki ordered the ninjas of Iwagakure:

"I don't care whether the two-tailed Jinchuriki or the eight-tailed Jinchuriki came from Kumogakure this time, and I don't care whether Konoha and Sand Village have made a move in the Snow Country. I just want to express an attitude to the entire ninja world now. The Snow Country is ours in Iwagakure! Even the Six Paths Sage can't protect this country, I, Ohnoki, said so!"

As a Tsuchikage, Ohnoki actually has a good temper. But now he is facing a serious situation in the ninja world, and the aura he exudes is as terrifying as a lion. The Tsuchikage, who is worried about the future of his own ninja village, has now made up his mind. Before the strength of Iwagakure completely declines, he must solve the scourge of the Snow Country!

"Now, immediately, immediately, send a message to all ninjas!"

"No need to hide, no need to resort to diplomacy. The ninjas of Iwagakure will go out on a large scale and march towards the Snow Country with the momentum of launching a great ninja war!"

"I want to see if the current Kumogakure has the courage to go to war with our Iwagakure! If they have the courage, let that Yukito use the Tailed Beast Ball against our Iwagakure. If she dares to attack, I will dare to use Dust Release on her! We, the Land of Earth, will never allow a threat like the Snow Country to be behind us. The only way for the Snow Country to survive is to surrender to our Land of Earth!"

Determined, the ninjas of Iwagakure immediately launched a mighty attack on the Snow Country under the leadership of Ohnoki.

Thousands of ninjas entered the territory of the Snow Country from all directions. Iwagakure used such a large-scale action to express its attitude to the entire ninja world. This time, the Snow Country, their Iwagakure Village, is sure to win!

And it was also in such a large-scale ninja march that Ohnoki, as the Tsuchikage, received another shocking news.

"What? Konoha's ninja?"

Faced with his son Huangtu's report, Ohnoki asked:

"Why did they come to our Iwagakure? Do the Konoha ninjas think that they can use diplomatic channels to make our Iwagakure Village give up this military action?"

Faced with his father's question, the honest Huangtu shook his head and said:

"Father, the ninja who came to us called herself Shokuhou Misaki, a Chunin from Konoha. She said that she was representing the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen to initiate negotiations with our Iwagakure Village. But I think she looks very different from the rumored Shokuhou Misaki, and even her usual habits are very different from those of Konoha ninjas. Instead, she looks more like a local from the Snow Country."

"So I think she should be a ninja from the Snow Country in disguise. . These snow ninjas may want to use the reputation of Konoha to protect their country from our interference. But their methods are too clumsy, and we saw through their flaws at a glance. "

Hearing that it was a snow ninja pretending to be a Konoha ninja, Ohnoki nodded and said:

"Yes, this snow ninja is also quite something. Knowing that the strongest ninja village in the ninja world is Konoha, he wants to use Konoha's tiger skin to protect his country. "

He turned to Huang Tu beside him and said:

"Take me to see this snow ninja who calls herself "Shokuhou Misaki"! In a country like the Snow Country where talents are scarce, even a ninja with a little cleverness is useful. "

Then, Ohnoki, under the leadership of Huang Tu, met the snow ninja who called herself "Shokuhou Misaki".

She had honey-yellow long hair similar to Shokuhou Misaki under the transformation technique, and her starry eyes were full of vigilance. Her whole body curled up subconsciously, and it was obvious that she was very scared. But even in such fear, she still forced herself to sit up straight, giving people a sense of unyielding stubbornness.

"A typical ninja from a small country, afraid

Fearful and stubborn, alert and helpless, not at all like the calm and arrogant ninjas of big countries. But even so, this is also a good talent in a small country, at least much better than those idiots before! "

Looking at such a "Shokuhou Misaki", Ohnoki nodded with satisfaction.

Since the ninjas of Iwagakure entered the Snow Country, many snow ninjas chose to defect to Iwagakure Village, wanting to become the "snow traitors" of Iwagakure Village in the Snow Country, and use the power of Iwagakure Village to bully the Snow Country.

Although Iwagakure Village wants to control the situation in the Snow Country, it is impossible to really annex the Snow Country. After all, a large area of ​​the Snow Country's territory is bitter and cold, and the Land Country cannot establish effective rule. In this case, cultivating the interest agents of Iwagakure Village in the Snow Country is an inevitable choice.

So at the beginning, Ohnoki still had certain expectations for these snow traitors. I hope to select a few talents from these snow ninjas who know the times to help Iwagakure controls the situation in the Snow Country.

But then, the performance of these snow traitors disappointed Ohnoki.

Just like Captain Jia in "Underground Traffic Station", these snow traitors who know the current situation are not only bad, but also stupid, spineless but extremely greedy, timid but bold. Basically, they can't do anything good, and they are also full of bad things. Each of them is the best of scum.

Iwagakure hopes for a Snow Country that obeys the interests of Iwagakure Village for a long time, but these idiots can't establish a stable ruling order in the Snow Country at all. Instead, they will make the entire Snow Country hate Iwagakure. It can be said that they are not good at doing things, but they are more likely to fail.

But even so, Ohnoki still chooses to keep these people for the time being.

As the saying goes, "When a dog is needed, it is regretted that it is too few." The population of the Snow Country is not large, and there are even fewer people willing to work for the Hidden Rock Village. Even if it costs a lot of money to buy horse bones, Ohnoki must keep these snow traitors who take the initiative to surrender. Otherwise, even if Fenghan Nutao is driven off the stage, no one is willing to surrender to their Hidden Rock Village.

But when Ohnoki was worried about the future management of the Snow Country, this "Shokuhou Misaki" appeared.

Unlike those stupid and evil snow traitors, this "Shokuhou Misaki" not only has a certain amount of cleverness, but is also very loyal to the Snow Country and is willing to perform dangerous tasks for her country. But she is different from those determined dead soldiers. From her trembling body, it can be seen that this snow ninja is still very afraid in her bones.

In short, this is an ordinary person with some integrity, and is also an object that Iwagakure can strive for at this stage.

Compared with those anthropomorphic snow traitors, this "Shokuhou Misaki" will obviously become a more suitable partner for Iwagakure Village to control the Snow Country. Of course, the premise is that this "Shokuhou Misaki" is willing to defect to the Snow Country. If this "Shokuhou Misaki" is ignorant of the times, Ohnoki doesn't mind letting this little snow ninja taste the darkness of the ninja world.

With such a thought, Ohnoki appeared in front of "Shokuhou Misaki". Feeling the power of Ohnoki and the weird floating, "Shokuhou Misaki" was shocked. Then I heard Ohnoki snorted coldly:

"You guys, you are very brave! Do you know that it is a very dangerous thing to pretend to be a ninja from a big country in the ninja world. Don't you worry about being hunted down by Konoha's Anbu? ”

Hearing Ohnoki's words, "Shokuhou Misaki" first subconsciously showed fear, but then she forced herself to calm down and argued:

"I, I am a ninja from Konoha. The Hokage sent me to find the Tsuchikage. The Hokage said, say..."

"Shokuhou Misaki" had just said half of her words when Ohnoki immediately emanated a huge amount of chakra, causing "Shokuhou Misaki" to retreat again and again. By the time "Shokuhou Misaki" finally stabilized her body, her transformation technique had been unlocked.

The one who appeared in front of Ohnoki and a group of Iwagakure ninjas at this moment was no longer "Shokuhou Misaki" with honey-yellow long hair, but a girl with short black hair, wearing a bright wreath and a snow ninja village forehead protector on her head, who looked very thin. She saw herself returning to her original state, and the whole person collapsed on the ground, looking around in a daze.

"Tell me, your real name and identity. "

The black-haired girl heard Ohnoki's question, although she was extremely scared, she still shook her head stubbornly.


Ohnoki roared again, and this time finally broke through the girl's psychological defense.

Under the power of the Kage-level strongman, the girl trembled and said:

"I, I am a Genin from the Snow Village, my name is, Hatsuharu Shikiri."

"Who came up with the idea of ​​turning into Shokuhou Misaki and using Konoha to balance our Iwagakure Village?" Ohnoki asked again.

"Yes, it's me..."


"Really, it's really true!" Hatsuharu

Shiki said anxiously:

"This matter has nothing to do with the Snow Village, nor with the Snow Country. Please, Iwagakure Ninja, don't make things difficult for our Snow Country because of this! Please, please..."

As he spoke, Hatsuharu Shiki began to cry and beg Ohnoki.

Seeing that this Hatsuharu Shiki was indeed quite clever and easy to manipulate, Ohnoki became more and more satisfied. Then he saw that he dispersed his power and turned to Hatsuharu Shiki with a smile on his face:

"Okay, don't cry anymore. Hatsuharu Shiki, you did nothing wrong. In fact, it is because of you that the Snow Country is saved!"

Ohnoki said this, and in the mountains in the distance, Shokuhou Misaki's body smiled after hearing this:

"That's right, Tsuchikage-sama. Because of Hatsuharu Shiki, the Snow Country is saved!"

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