The new situation is not easy.

Before entering the Snow Country, Shokuhou Misaki realized one thing:

There are only two forces that can dominate the Snow Country, one is the Hidden Rock Village and the other is the Hidden Cloud Village.

As for the specific reason?

Naturally, because these two ninja villages are closest to the Snow Country, and the strength of the two ninja villages is strong enough.

As long as the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village are willing, they can mobilize two shadow-level strongmen and thousands of ninjas in a short time, and control the situation in the Snow Country through strong military strength.

With such an absolute advantage in strength, no matter what kind of wisdom Shokuhou Misaki has, it is impossible to really change the situation. At most, she can only unite the Hidden Cloud Village to ensure that the Hidden Rock Village cannot control the Snow Country, and then ensure that the Hidden Rock Village is restricted by the Snow Country and will not fight against Konoha wholeheartedly.

It seems that Sarutobi Hiruzen sent Shokuhou Misaki to the Snow Country in the hope that she could exert her ability to maneuver and strengthen the determination of the Hidden Cloud Village to fight against the Hidden Rock Village for the sake of the Snow Country. It would be best if the Hidden Cloud Village and the Hidden Rock Village could fight each other in the Snow Country, so that the two powerful enemies of Konoha would both suffer losses and there would be no need to worry about external threats in the next ten years.

It was also because of this realization that Shokuhou Misaki's strategic plan before entering the Snow Country was:

On the one hand, she transformed into a ninja of Sand Village or Mist Shadow through transformation techniques, and joined the Hidden Cloud Village as a ninja from another country to join the Wind Flower Nuto, and help the Snow Country resist the interference of the Hidden Rock Village while uniting with the Hidden Cloud Village.

On the other hand, it was to create the identity of a hero of the Snow Country for the clone "Hatsuharu Shikiri".

Through the control ability of the manipulator, Shokuhou Misaki only needs to modify some of the memories of the Snow Ninjas to make the Snow Ninja Village have an extra Snow Ninja that did not originally exist. Then, while the main body was fighting with the Hidden Cloud Village, the clone "Hatsuharu Shiki" became famous as a snow ninja.

In short, Shokuhou Misaki's original strategy was not complicated. The main body completed Konoha's mission, and the clone gained power and status as a snow ninja hero, and then seized the real power of the Snow Country from Fuuka Ryuto. It was very simple and reasonable, and it was very manipulable. Shokuhou Misaki felt that she didn't need to spend too much effort to complete this plan.

But after really entering the Snow Country, Shokuhou Misaki knew that she thought things were too simple.

First of all, Shokuhou Misaki overestimated the determination of the Hidden Cloud Village to protect the Snow Country.

Although the Hidden Cloud Village sent Yukito, the two-tailed Jinchuriki, and Yukito, as the Jinchuriki, also had high-profile contact with Fuuka Ryuto. But in fact, Shokuhou Misaki knew that the Hidden Cloud Village had no interest in fighting with the Hidden Rock Village for a Snow Country.

If the Hidden Cloud Village really had the determination to fight to the death for the Snow Country, it would never send only one Jinchūriki. Because it is impossible for the wooden man alone to stop the Iwagakure army led by Ohnoki himself, even if the wooden man is a perfect Jinchūriki.

The Hidden Cloud Village sent ninjas to contact Fenghana Nutao in such a high-profile manner, which is probably just a bluff. The more high-profile the actions of the Hidden Cloud Village are, the more guilty the Hidden Cloud Village feels. Obviously, the Hidden Cloud Village has not walked out of the haze of the Ninja World War at this time. Their high profile and arrogance are just diplomatic means, and they do not really want to provoke a war.

Moreover, Shokuhou Misaki also underestimated the determination of the Hidden Cloud Village to interfere in the Snow Country.

As the Tsuchikage Ohnoki personally led the team, he had the shadow-level strongman Huang Tu and thousands of Iwagakure ninjas under his command. For such a large-scale operation, the determination of the Hidden Cloud Village is very firm. Even if the Ninja World War is triggered, they will definitely eat the Snow Country!

Compared with the Iwagakure Village, which is determined to fight to the death, the Snow Country only has an unreliable ally like the Kumogakure Village. Even if Fenghan Nutao contacted the Akatsuki Organization again, hired one or two Kage-level strongmen from the Akatsuki Organization, and added the assistance of a Kage-level strongman like Shokuhou Misaki, the Snow Country could not stop the army of the Iwagakure Village.

This is not the difference in strength, but because the people on the Snow Country side are not united.

Neither Kumogakure nor Akatsuki have the determination to fight to the death for the Snow Country. Shokuhou Misaki is completely sure that once the Iwagakure Village launches a large-scale attack, the ninjas of Kumogakure Village and Akatsuki will flee. At most, they will throw a few kunai at the Iwagakure army to live up to the technology given by Fenghan Nutao.

As for fighting to the death with the Iwagakure army for the sake of the Snow Country?

What are you thinking!

This is the ninja world, and everyone is an adult!

The only thing that is really valuable in the Snow Country is that little bit of technology. Although it is precious, it is just like that. We have already done our best to help you, Fenghua Nutao, by throwing a few kunai on the battlefield for you, the Snow Country.

Since neither Kumogakure nor Akatsuki can fight to the death, what can Shokuhou Misaki do?

They won't really expose their strength and fight to the death for the army of Snow Country and Iwagakure, right?

So once a conflict breaks out with Iwagakure, Snow Country will almost certainly lose! Even Shokuhou Misaki can't reverse this situation.

Finally, there is something that Shokuhou Misaki didn't expect beforehand.

That is, the citizens of Snow Country are not too resistant to Iwagakure's military intervention. Even many citizens of Snow Country have expectations for Iwagakure's army.

In the entire Snow Country, from national officials to ninjas in the Snow Village, and even the most basic civilians, few people want to defend their country. Or as a small country, the concept of "independence" does not exist in the minds of the citizens of Snow Country.

For the Snow Country, the reliance on big powers is the foundation of their country and the norm in the history of Snow Country. As an independent country, it is unimaginable for the citizens of the Snow Country to interact with various major countries.

Because the environment of the Snow Country is too bad, and the national strength of the Snow Country is too weak. Even if the Snow Country mobilizes all its citizens, it can never be the opponent of the five major ninja villages.

Since we are not opponents even if we fight desperately, why should we fight desperately?

In the final analysis, this is also a major flaw of Shokuhou Misaki. Whether in her past life or this life, she has lived in a big country, and the thinking of a big country has penetrated into her bones. For Shokuhou Misaki, it should be a matter of course to defend her country from invasion by other countries. And those who do this should naturally be heroes of this country.

But the reality is that the citizens of the Snow Country, who are accustomed to the thinking of a small country, have no interest in fighting for their country. Or they know that such a fight is meaningless, so even if they are also disgusted with the interference of big countries, they still choose to accept the facts.

As for the Snow Ninjas who defend their country, they are not so heroic in their eyes. After all, compared to the illusory "independence", what the citizens of the Snow Country really need is a stable life. And such a life is impossible for the Snow Country alone.

The harsh environment determines that the Snow Country must obtain resources through foreign trade, and the only two major countries that can provide these resources are the Thunder Country and the Earth Country. So even if it is not considered from a military perspective, but simply from an economic perspective, the Snow Country cannot become an independent country. This country either leans towards the Thunder Country or the Earth Country, and there is no third choice.

So the real heroes of the Snow Country are actually those who can get more resources from the Thunder Country or the Earth Country. In other words, the second devils in the history of the great powers, such as "Captain Jia", are what the Snow Country really needs. As for things like dignity, it is too luxurious for the citizens of the Snow Country, and they dare not even dream about it.

So when Shokuhou Misaki really investigated the society of the Snow Country, the citizens of the Snow Country all said:

What's wrong with being a dog of a great power?

As long as they are given enough bones, they don't care even if the Snow Country kneels down and calls him their foster father.

Even many citizens of the Snow Country complained to the Land Country and the Lightning Country, saying that your land area is so large, why didn't you go a step further and annex our Snow Country? If the Snow Country is part of the Land Country or the Lightning Country, the citizens of our Snow Country would not have to be so worried!

The reality and expectations are so different that Shokuhou Misaki has to modify her original strategy. Especially for the identity of "Hatsuharu Shiki", adjustments must be made.

The hero who originally defended the country obviously could not get the support of the citizens of the Snow Country, because such a hero does not conform to the reality of the Snow Country at all. In this case, Shokuhou Misaki can only let "Hatsuharu Shiki" give up his dignity and become Captain Jia of the Snow Country, serving as a running dog for a big country.

As for which big country to serve as a running dog for, Shokuhou Misaki made a decision after just a little thought:

Serve as a dog for the Hidden Rock Village.

As for the reason, it is very simple. The Snow Country will inevitably fall under the control of the Hidden Rock Village in the future, and a running dog should naturally serve as a running dog for the winner.

Furthermore, through the alliance with the Snow Country, the Cloud Village has established a huge interest group that is close to the Lightning Country. As an ordinary ninja of the Snow Ninja, it is difficult for "Hatsuharu Shikiri" to enter this interest group. As for wanting to stand out in this complex interest group, it is simply something that can be done in a short period of time.

Therefore, if he wants to control the power of the Snow Country, "Hatsuharu Shikiri" can only be a dog for the Hidden Rock Village. Only by breaking the old power structure of the Snow Country through the power of the Hidden Rock Village, the originally unknown "Hatsuharu Shikiri" can control

Rights, become the spokesperson for the interests of the Land Country in the Snow Country.

However, even being a dog is not an easy thing these days.

First of all, as the spokesperson for the interests of the Land Country in the Snow Country, the spokesperson's own ability has certain requirements. After all, what Iwagakure needs is a stable Snow Country, not a turbulent trouble. Moreover, the environment of the Snow Country itself is extremely harsh, and it is impossible for people without ability to establish long-term rule here.

So if you want to become a spokesperson, the first thing is to show your ability, at least "Hatsuharu Shikiri" must show that he is better than other "Captain Jia". Let the Iwagakure ninjas headed by Onoki realize that "Hatsuharu Shikiri" can bring a long-term and stable rear base to Iwagakure.

Furthermore, although the spokesperson's ability must be strong, it cannot be too strong!

What Iwagakure needs is a puppet of the Snow Country who obeys its own interests, not a hero who leads the Snow Country to rise. If the spokesperson's ability is too strong and his ambition is too big, such a person is likely to become a new trouble. After all, the technological level of the Snow Country is not low, and it is not a trivial matter if it really makes trouble.

In addition, this spokesperson needs to have certain defects and weaknesses.

Because of the defects, the spokesperson has to rely on the power of the Hidden Rock Village. Because of the weaknesses, the spokesperson is easy to control. If the spokesperson has a high character and is almost perfect, such a person must not be supported. Because such a person can easily accumulate a lot of popularity in the Snow Country, and thus change from a puppet to the actual ruler of the Snow Country.

Finally, this spokesperson must also have certain strength.

The Hidden Rock Village is not Konoha, and they don’t have Princess Fenghua Xiaoxue as a puppet. If they really control the situation in the Snow Country in the future, the Hidden Rock Village will either continue to maintain the rule of Fenghua Nutao or find someone from the royal family of the Snow Country to be a puppet.

Among these people, Fenghua Nutao has ambition and ability, and he cannot be suppressed without certain strength. As for other royal families, they lack the legitimacy of rule, so this spokesperson must have the force to suppress all opposition.

In short, the requirements of the Iwagakure Village for dogs are extremely high.

Those snow ninjas who had the courage to choose to surrender to the Iwagakure Village when the Iwagakure Village attacked the Snow Country were actually heroes who knew the times. Although the abilities of these people are nothing in the five major ninja villages, they are already brave and knowledgeable people in the Snow Country. But unfortunately, even such heroes cannot meet the requirements of the Iwagakure Village.

Because according to common sense, such people who have both ability but not strong ability, both strength but weakness, and can rule the Snow Country without resisting the Iwagakure Village are almost impossible to exist in reality.

However, it does not exist in reality, but Shokuhou Misaki can make "Hatsuharu Shiki" become a person who perfectly meets the requirements of the Iwagakure Village.

In the performance just now, Hatsuharu Shiki first pretended to be the Konoha ninja Shokuhou Misaki, trying to negotiate with the Iwagakure Village with the help of Konoha's power, which undoubtedly demonstrated her ability. But the Shokuhou Misaki transformed by Hatsuharu Shiki is full of mistakes and does not conform to the image of a true Konoha ninja. This undoubtedly proves that Hatsuharu Shiki has the ability and is still within the control range.

Furthermore, Hatsuharu Shiki is one of the few patriots in the Snow Country who wants to defend his country, which is an obvious weakness. Because the economic structure of the Snow Country determines that this country can only rely on big countries, and once the economy of the Snow Country is tied to the Land Country, Hatsuharu Shiki, as a patriot, is equivalent to being caught in the weakness and can only become a dog of the Hidden Rock Village.

Finally, although the strength shown by Hatsuharu Shiki is weak, it is already very strong among the Snow Ninjas! After all, as a ninja village in a small country, the strongest among the Snow Ninjas is just a special jonin. In the original work, he relied on the chakra armor to fight Kakashi on equal terms. If he really didn't see the armor, he would be killed by Kakashi in seconds.

As long as such Hatsuharu Shiki is trained to a certain extent, he can have the strength to walk sideways in the Snow Country. Although it is impossible to pose a threat to the Hidden Rock Village, it is definitely enough to suppress the opposition in the Snow Country!

In short, "Hatsuharu Shiki" is the most suitable interest spokesperson designed by Shokuhou Misaki for the Hidden Rock Village. She almost perfectly meets Ohnoki's requirements for the puppet of the Snow Country.

So soon after Hatsuharu Shiki appeared in front of Ohnoki, she was recognized by Ohnoki. He felt that this Hatsuharu Shiki was simply a talent sent by God to help the Hidden Rock Village control the Snow Country. He never thought that this so-called talent was actually tailor-made for him after Shokuhou Misaki analyzed Ohnoki's psychology!

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