The old man was very happy.

In the tent of Iwagakure, Tsuchikage Ohnoki looked at Hatsuharu Shikiri opposite him, and he felt more and more satisfied. Whether in terms of ability or personality, Hatsuharu Shikiri can be an excellent interest agent of Iwagakure. Especially since Hatsuharu Shikiri looks only 12 or 13 years old, and her eyes are pure and clear, she looks like an innocent little girl, very easy to deceive.

So, imitating the appearance of his old enemy Sarutobi Hiruzen, Ohnoki's big nose also put on a seemingly kind smile, and said to Hatsuharu Shiki:

"Little girl, you may have some misunderstandings about our Iwagakure Village. We are not here to invade your Snow Country, we are here to save you!"

Through the perspective of the clone, Shokuhou Misaki looked at Ohnoki's fake smile and shameless words, and felt that goose bumps were about to appear on her body, and thought:

You don't have the acting skills of Sarutobi Hiruzen, so don't try to act like a kind grandfather!

Although the original body was disgusted by Ohnoki's affectation, Hatsuharu Shiki, as a clone, played the virtual personality of "Hatsuharu Shiki" very well, and said innocently:


"Of course it's true." Ohnoki nodded kindly.

"But, Lord Nutao said that you Iwagakure are invaders!" As Hatsuharu Shikiri spoke, her tone became firm:

"The reason you attacked our Snow Country is to seize our land, occupy our property, and force our women. You also said that you would send all the citizens of our Snow Country to prison for hard labor! As a ninja of the Snow Country, I can never ignore these things!"

"Nonsense! It's pure slander!"

Hearing that Fenghua Nutao was so despicable and actually told the truth to the citizens of the Snow Country, Ohnoki immediately scolded:

"Is he talking about the ninjas of Iwagakure? When did our Iwagakure ninjas have the same style as Kumogakure Konoha? Let me tell you, little girl, our Iwagakure ninjas are civilized ninjas! We love peace, are humble and polite, never rob, do not hurt innocent people, and will not force others to be slaves!"

As he spoke, Ohnoki's tone He became heartbroken:

"What you said is all slander against our Iwagakure by the shameless dictatorial Daimyo, Fenghua Nutao! The real robber who has been seizing your land, occupying your property, and invading your women is Fenghua Nutao himself!"

"You don't know, that Fenghua Nutao is not only shameless, but also extravagant and licentious! His favorite thing to do every day is to swim in a pool full of fine wine. After swimming, he also eats the delicious sea fish caught by your Snow Country fishermen, and then has a good time with a dozen beauties."

"The reason why the people of your Snow Country live miserably is because of the cruel exploitation of this dictatorial Daimyo. We in Iwagakure Village sent troops to save your Snow Country because we can't stand Fenghua Nutao's perverse behavior!"

Onoki said this earnestly, but even the ninjas of Iwagakure couldn't listen to it!

Although Fenghua Nutao is an ambitious man, he doesn't care about luxury at all. In fact, as a daimyo, Fenghua Nutao studies chakra armor and practices ninjutsu every day, and has almost no personal life.

It can be said that as a daimyo, Fenghua Nutao is very competent. The fundamental reason for the hardship of the people of the Snow Country is the bad natural environment, which has nothing to do with Fenghua Nutao. Ohnoki's remarks just now are the real slander. Even this kind of slander is not bad, even Huangtu on the side secretly said:

Fenghua Nutao has been a daimyo for many years, and he doesn't even have a son until now. How can such a person be happy with more than a dozen beauties? Father, really, since you don't have the ability of Sarutobi Hiruzen, don't slander others casually!

After Ohnoki finished speaking, he felt that his slander was a bit outrageous, so he said:

"Little girl, you are still young and don't know the dangers of this ninja world. But don't worry, as a friendly neighbor of your Snow Country, we in the Hidden Rock Village will teach you well and work with you to save the Snow Country!"

After that, Ohnoki turned away awkwardly.

After leaving the tent where Hatsuharu Shiki was being held, Ohnoki said to the Anbu ninja of the Hidden Rock Village beside him:

"Immediately collect information about Hatsuharu Shiki in the Snow Country. I want to know all the information about this person."

Hearing Ohnoki's words,

, Huang Tu said:

"Father, do you want to support this Hatsuharu Shikiri to become the leader of the Snow Ninja and let her help us manage the Snow Country?"

Onoki nodded and said:

"Yes, for a country like the Snow Country with a harsh environment, management has always been a big problem. The reason why the Cloud Village supported Fenghana Nutao was not because they didn't know this guy's ambition, but in such a big Snow Country, only Fenghana Nutao has the ability to manage this country. If we want to overthrow Fenghana Nutao now, we must first prepare a manager to replace Fenghana Nutao. Otherwise, if the Snow Country is really in chaos, this country will only return to the hands of the Cloud Village."

"But father, I think that Hatsuharu Shikiri seems to be full of hostility towards our Iwagakure? If you really support her, don't you worry about backlash?" Huang Tu said again.

"Backlash? Haha!" Ohnoki sneered three times, and then said:

"With the strength of the Snow Ninja, what can they do if they backlash?"

"Besides, isn't Fuuka Nutao also full of hostility towards Kumogakure, but doesn't he oppose the alliance with Kumogakure? Hostility is too luxurious for a small country! Fuuka Nutao is also a great hero of the Snow Country, but can he only serve Kumogakure as a dog?"

"As long as we overthrow Fuuka Nutao's rule and then support this Hatsuharu Shikiri, no matter what her personal thoughts are, she will have to become our puppet of Iwagakure to control the Snow Country. This is not something that can be changed by her personal will, but The strength of the Snow Country forces her to join our Iwagakure Village!"

"Of course, it would be best if we could change her hostility towards our Earth Country. So during this period, you should often send some kind female ninjas to contact her and constantly brainwash her in various ways. By the way, arrange another jonin to teach her ninjutsu and increase her strength."

"In short, this Hatsuharu Shiki is very valuable. Whether our Iwagakure Village can control the Snow Country for a long time depends largely on this Hatsuharu Shiki!"

After listening to Ohnoki's instructions, Huang Tu thought for a moment and felt that it made sense, and immediately began to act. In the mountain stream in the distance, Shokuhou Misaki saw that Hatsuharu Shiki had completed her mission and chose to leave.

At this time, Hatsuharu Shiki was in the camp of Iwagakure, surrounded by Iwagakure ninjas, and was always surrounded by the ocean of subconsciousness, so Shokuhou Misaki didn't have to worry about this clone getting out of control. Next, all she had to do was control Hatsuharu Shiki's virtual personality and let her slowly become a snow ninja who was loyal to Iwagakure.

After the clone's plan was completed, Shokuhou Misaki naturally completed Konoha's mission, which was to prevent Iwagakure from controlling the Snow Country. However, Shokuhou Misaki also knew that it was impossible to stop Iwagakure from interfering with the Snow Country, so Shokuhou Misaki prepared to complete the mission in an alternative way.

She left Iwagakure's camp and came all the way to the capital of the Snow Country. Then she performed a transformation technique and transformed into the appearance of Kazehana Koyuki in the theatrical animation. Yes, Shokuhou Misaki was planning to use the identity of this princess to get close to Kazehana Rage.

In addition to her transformation into Kazehana Koyuki, Shokuhou Misaki also controlled another White Zetsu clone to carry the virtual personality and turned into the original "Shokuhou Misaki". At this time, Shokuhou Misaki was ready to use the method she had just used on Iwagakure on Kazehana Rage again.

She wants to transform her body into "Kazeka Koyuki" and her clone into "Shokuhou Misaki", and then disguise herself as "Shokuhou Misaki" and enter the Snow Country with the appearance of "Kazeka Koyuki", so as to attract the men of Kazeka Nutao to capture her.

After approaching Kazeka Nutao, Shokuhou Misaki can influence Kazeka Nutao through means, and let him take his men to search for the geothermal generator left by Kazeka Zaoyuki in the Snow Country. Although there is no key to the geothermal generator, the machine cannot be started. But what Shokuhou Misaki is really interested in is never the geothermal generator itself, but the energy source of the geothermal generator.

After all, this is enough energy to change the regional climate!

You should know that the radiation energy that the sun shines on the earth every day is not much different from that of Big Ivan. Although the energy required to change the climate of the Snow Country is not as much as the energy of the entire earth's light, it is at least more than 1% of it. That is to say, this geothermal generator will consume the energy of a Big Ivan every three months, which is 4 Big Ivans a year.

The energy of a Big Ivan is roughly equivalent to 4,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs. The consumption of 4 Big Ivans per year is equivalent to 16,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs per year. 16,000 atomic bombs per year, an average of 43 bombs per day. This means that this geothermal generator consumes at least 40

The energy of nuclear weapons.

40 atomic bombs per day, converted into tailed beasts, is 40 tailed beast jades per day. Although the power of the Hiroshima atomic bomb can only be regarded as slag among nuclear weapons, it is only a small tailed beast jade when converted into tailed beast jade. But 40 consecutive rounds every day, even the tailed beasts may not be able to bear it.

Such a geothermal generator, if used well, can definitely become a strategic weapon of the Snow Country. Even Shokuhou Misaki suspected that this so-called geothermal generator was originally a weapon. It was just that Fuuka Hayate disguised it as a civilian geothermal generator to cover up.

It was also because she was worried that the outside world would discover the truth about the geothermal generator that Fuuka Hayate made this so-called civilian facility the top secret of the Snow Country, and even her brother and daughter didn't know about it.

Of course, in hindsight, Fuuka Hayate overestimated the cultural literacy of the ninjas. These simple ninjas have no idea what the energy of changing the climate is. If they knew that the energy generated by the geothermal generator is equivalent to 30 tailed beasts every day, I'm afraid that the ninjas from the five major ninja villages will gather in the Snow Country.

In short, Shokuhou Misaki is determined to get the geothermal generator. Because if she wants to completely control the Snow Country in the future and make it one of the great powers in the ninja world, such a strategic weapon is necessary!

In this way, Shokuhou Misaki and her clone with ulterior motives walked into the capital of the Snow Country. Relying on the ability of the operator, Shokuhou Misaki easily let a snow ninja inadvertently discover the traces of "Shokuhou Misaki" and "Kazeka Koyuki", and then reported the traces of the two to the daimyo of the Snow Country, Fuuka Nutao.

At this time, Fuuka Nutao saw the Iwagakure army approaching step by step, but the ally Kumogakure was unmoved and had fallen into deep despair.

Fuuka Nutao was originally a generation of heroes, and naturally knew that Kumogakure had given up on him. That Yukito had no interest in fighting for Kumogakure. Her arrival was just a strategic intimidation of Kumogakure. Now Iwagakure was unmoved by Kumogakure's intimidation, and Yukito had already started packing her luggage to go back.

As for the Red Sand Scorpion of the Akatsuki organization, Fenghua Nutao had never believed him. After all, the ninjas of the Akatsuki organization were rebels, and he was obviously not worth letting a group of rebels fight to the death for him. Seeing that the two Kage-level strongmen on his side were not enough to rely on, Fenghua Nutao had already started drinking in the palace.

Obviously, he was completely decadent at this time.

The ambitions he had once had disappeared under the crushing power of a big country. Fenghua Nutao just let the alcohol paralyze his nerves and wanted to taste the taste of power in a fantasy world. But he never thought that after getting drunk, Fenghua Nutao actually saw his brother, the former daimyo Fenghua Zaoyuki, in a trance.

Seeing the other person wearing glasses and looking kind, Fenghua Nutao felt a surge of anger in his heart:

Where did you hide the secret treasure of the Snow Country?

What is the secret treasure that consumed the Snow Country's treasury for ten years and pushed the country's finances to the brink of bankruptcy!

Stop smiling hypocritically!

As a younger brother, don't I know what kind of person you are?

You are a more terrible ambitious person than me, and a better scientist than me. You are obsessed with making the Snow Country a great power and want to lead the people of the Snow Country to seize the warm territory in the south. It is because your ambition is so terrible that Yunyin will support me to overthrow you!

But I don't understand why you hide it from me at the last minute?

Obviously I am the best daimyo of the Snow Country, and it is obviously only me who can lead this country to prosperity.

I can inherit your ambition and seize the warm territory under the sun for the people of the Snow Country, so that they don't have to suffer in this ice and snow. I can also make the Snow Country a great power, and let Iwagakure and Kumogakure both bow down to our Snow Country!

But why did you tell your daughter about the secret treasure, and would rather die than tell me?

Do you really think that a simple little girl can become an excellent daimyo of a country?

Don't be silly!

I broke your ribs and cut off your right hand, but why don't you surrender?

I didn't want to kill you!

I just want to become a daimyo and establish the hegemony of the Snow Country. What's wrong with my idea?

It's obvious that you just need to hand over the secret treasure to me, but you chose to die. Do you know that when I kill you, as your younger brother, I am also desperate!

Just when Fenghua Nutao was complaining about himself, a snow ninja broke into his room and reported to him:

"Lord Nutao, we found the trace of Princess Xiaoxue!"


Hearing that his own secret treasure

The secret niece actually returned to the Snow Country, and Fenghua Nutao immediately became excited.

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