The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in chaos.

Inuzuka, Hyuga, Ayuru, and Kurama...

The families that were making trouble at the entrance of the development department at this time basically had two major characteristics.

First, these families have a certain strength, and basically there are many members of the family who are jonin. Especially the Hyuga family, the number of jonin is more than two digits, and it is now the veritable first family in Konoha Village, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

Second, these families are not very close to the top leaders of Konoha, but they are not very hostile either, and they belong to the middle forces of the village. And the most representative of these families is the Hyuga family.

Because of the instigation of the butterfly wings of Shokuhou Misaki, the suppression of the Hyuga clan by the Konoha high-level officials in the original book did not happen. Hyuga Neji's father, Hyuga Hizashi, is still alive and well, so the relationship between the Hyuga clan and the Konoha high-level officials is actually quite ambiguous.

On the surface, they are the largest clan in Konoha. Although they are large in size, they are not strong. They are feared by the high-level officials and have a bad relationship with many families, such as the Inuzuka clan who just fought with the Hyuga clan. But in fact, the Hyuga clan, the Inuzuka clan and the Abururu clan are invisible allies, and the positions of these families on key events are basically the same.

Compared with the Uchiha clan, although the Hyuga clan is not strong, its means are undoubtedly more flexible.

On the one hand, the Hyuga clan does not have a firm friend in Konoha Village.

On the other hand, they do not have a firm enemy in Konoha Village.

In the original book, this family is even better at marriage. The eldest daughter of the clan leader's family, one married the seventh Hokage, and the other had an ambiguous relationship with Konohamaru. This performance can be called Konoha Habsburg. And now these families gathered at the entrance of the development department to make trouble, 80% of them are also the work of the Hyuga clan.

As the leader of the centrist forces in Konoha Village, the Hyuga clan's current performance is to express the following things:

First, the Konoha centrist ninjas are very dissatisfied with the arrangements of the Konoha high-level. The most prosperous area after Konoha's reconstruction cannot be left only to the Hokage's direct line, and these centrists also want to have a share.

Second, the Konoha centrist ninjas are not united, and there are many conflicts between the major families. Although they will make trouble together, they will also undermine each other and will not become a threat to the top. For example, the relationship between the Inuzuka clan and the Hyuga clan is not good, and the Kurama clan has been secretly tripping up the Abururu clan. Although Hinata Hyuga, Abururu Shino and Kiba Inuzuka were all assigned to the same class in the original work, there are still conflicts among the three major families.

Third, the middle faction of Konoha also wanted to express its attitude through this performance.

These middle factions knew the temperament of the Konoha high-level officials very well, and knew that no matter how they made trouble, they might not be able to get much benefit from the Hokage family. But even so, they had to make trouble. Because if they didn't make trouble normally, the Konoha high-level officials would not take them seriously at critical moments. The most important purpose of making trouble is not to fight for benefits, but to fight for the value of united front.

"Know when to make trouble, and know how to grasp the degree of making trouble..." Looking at the ninjas below who were making trouble and sabotaging each other, looking like a group of mobs, but actually standing on the same position, Shokuhou Misaki sighed:

"They are all smart people!"

Shokuhou Misaki admired the methods of these ninjas.

It can only be said that there is no simple family that can thrive in a place like Konoha.

In contrast, Danzo obviously lacked such vision. Looking at these noisy ninjas, she instinctively felt disgusted.

These ninjas only care about the interests of their families, and they don't know how to take the overall situation of the village into consideration. They really lack the education of the will of fire.

So habitually, she said to Shokuhou Misaki in the tone of the former Root leader:

"Shokuhou, how about teaching these families a lesson! The Development Department is not a vegetable market, how can they make such a fuss?"


Hearing Danzo's suggestion, Shokuhou Misaki's eyes widened, thinking:

Are you crazy? The crowd making trouble at the door includes nearly half of the ninjas in Konoha! Even if I am a Kage-level strongman, I don't have the confidence to teach so many families a lesson at once! Are you asking me to punish all the centrists in Konoha?

But thinking about Danzo's style in the original work, Shokuhou Misaki understood Danzo's choice. Obviously, the long-term experience of high-level has made Danzo form a path dependence on past experience. So much so that he completely forgot the art of winning over and compromising,

You only know how to use tough measures.

No wonder you have been the leader of the Root for so many years, but you have no appeal in the village. How many people have you offended over the years!

"What's wrong, Shokuhou-san, is there anything wrong with my suggestion just now?"

Looking at the confused Danzo, Shokuhou Misaki chuckled:

"Izumi-san, do you think you are the elder of Konoha or the three ninjas of Konoha? We are just two junior ninjas, what qualifications do we have to teach the elders of these villages!"

As soon as these words came out, Danzo was stunned, then lowered his head, his eyes full of unwillingness. Obviously, Shokuhou Misaki's words hit her sore spot again. The dislocation of past and present identities has distorted Danzo's spirit.

Seeing this, Shokuhou Misaki on the side said secretly:

It seems that even if he didn't devour Uchiha Izumi's soul, Danzo would have problems with his spirit. This is good!

Most of the people I observed in the past were ordinary people. Except for Uchiha Itachi, I really haven't seen many mentally ill people. When your condition is serious enough, I will arrange for you to meet Uchiha Itachi. Maybe you two mental patients can become each other's soul mates while chatting!

Where did Uchiha Izumi's soul go? Did Danzo expel Uchiha Izumi's soul from his body after taking Uchiha Izumi's body? This is impossible! If there is such a good method, why would Orochimaru devour other people's souls? Or is it that there is some kind of seal on his body, and Uchiha Izumi's soul is in a sealed state?

While thinking, Noji Royue, who was already exhausted by the torture of this group of ninjas, finally noticed Shokuhou Misaki and Uchiha Izumi. Noji Royue naturally knew these two people. After all, both of them were Tsunade's disciples, and Shokuhou Misaki had made amazing achievements in the Snow Country.

As early as half a month ago, there were rumors that Shokuhou Misaki would become the director of the development department. Therefore, Noji Ryue had already collected relevant information about this possible future boss. So the moment he saw Shokuhou Misaki, Noji Royue recognized her, and without caring about his status as a special jonin and senior, Noji Royue walked up to Shokuhou Misaki with a smile on his face:

"You are Minister Shokuhou, right? I have heard a lot about you. I am Noji Royue, the deputy minister in charge of the daily affairs of the Development Department. I am honored to have you here today!"

As he spoke, Noji Royue pointed to the ninjas who were making trouble behind him and said:

"The village has already come up with a plan for the reconstruction of Konoha. However, the Development Department is still in its infancy, so it is inevitable that there are omissions in the reconstruction plan, which has caused dissatisfaction among the villagers. In the final analysis, it is our shortcomings in our work that have made the Development Department the target of public criticism. Now Minister Shokuhou has to deal with the problem, which is really embarrassing for us!"

Noji Royue's words apparently took the blame on himself, but everyone knew that the village's plan was decided by Sarutobi Hiruzen. So Nojiro is actually taking the blame for the Hokage, and Shokuhou Misaki can't really punish him for this reason. It can only be said that this guy is also a veteran in the Konoha government system, and his words are flawless, making it difficult for Shokuhou Misaki to get angry.

Fortunately, Shokuhou Misaki didn't really want to target the other party. She didn't even look at the noisy ninjas outside. Instead, she asked Noji Rowei about his well-being:

"Senior Noji has worked hard. It must be hard to do the work of the development department these days!"

Shokuhou Misaki's attitude was very soft, but Noji Rowei didn't get ahead of him. Instead, he said humbly:

"There are indeed some difficulties in the work, but the biggest difficulty is the lack of a minister. After all, the speed of the thunder car depends on the head of the car! Without a minister, our work has no direction. Without a direction, we can't solve the problem. Now that the minister is here, there is a direction! With a direction, our work will be more practical! I believe that under the leadership of Minister Shokuhou, the problems of the development department will be properly solved in the future!"

Oh my god, where did you learn this? This is too much!

This singing, reciting, acting and fighting not only shirked the responsibility, but also complimented Shokuhou Misaki. With such skills, he is only a deputy minister. Konoha is really full of talents!

However, the exchange between Shokuhou Misaki and Noji Roe left Danzo aside. However, with the identity of "Uchiha Izumi", Danzo couldn't get angry. He could only watch Shokuhou Misaki and Noji Roe flatter each other, one saying hard work and great achievements, and the other saying young and promising.

It was really uncomfortable to feel that others were fighting on one side while he could only watch like a third party. Not to mention that this encounter also reminded Danzo of many bad memories. Because in the past, Danzo seemed to have watched like this

Sarutobi Hiruzen was talking happily with others, but he could only look bitter beside them.

Damn it, I have already changed my identity, why do I feel the same as before!

As a deputy minister who is good at handling relationships, Noji Royue obviously realized the fact that "Uchiha Izumi" was neglected. Realizing that this person is also a disciple of Lady Tsunade and will probably become a big shot in the future, Noji Royue said:

"This is Miss Uchiha Izumi, a disciple of Lady Tsunade, right? Nice to meet you, are you also here to work in our development department like Minister Shokuhou?"

In theory, Noji Royue's attitude in this statement is already low enough. After all, he, Noji Royue, is a special jonin no matter what, and has experienced two ninja world wars. Facing Shokuhou Misaki, who has made great contributions to Konoha and is his immediate superior, his attitude should naturally be more flattering. But Uchiha Izumi is just a Chunin, and has not made any contribution to Konoha. In essence, he is just a little girl. If Nojiro said this, the real Uchiha Izumi would have greeted him happily.

But the "Uchiha Izumi" at this moment was not the real Uchiha Izumi. Uchiha Izumi could accept the same attitude, but Shimura Danzo could not. Even though reason told her that Nojiro did nothing wrong, the dissatisfaction in his heart still made Danzo say with a cold face:


Uh... Is that all?

After looking at "Uchiha Izumi" for a few seconds, Nojiro saw "Uchiha Izumi" squeeze out a forced smile:

"I am the assistant of Shokuhou-san."

What is your attitude?

"Uchiha Izumi"'s cold performance immediately aroused Nojiro's dissatisfaction.

I have heard that Tsunade-sama's disciple has a bad temper, and now it seems to be true. This guy is even more annoying than those Uchiha clan ninjas before!

No matter how dissatisfied he was, Noji Rowei still looked very happy, as if he really didn't care about Danzo's impoliteness, and even smiled and nodded:

"So you are the assistant of the director, nice to meet you."

Noji Rowei's performance made Shokuhou Misaki think more highly of Noji Rowei.

Originally, seeing the mess in the development department, Shokuhou Misaki thought he was a slacker who was just taking care of the elderly. But now it seems that this Noji Rowei is at least a husband who can bend and stretch. Although he has certain shortcomings, he is definitely a promising talent.

After such a communication, the three of them also had a certain understanding of each other. At that moment, Shokuhou Misaki took Noji Rowei's hand and said:

"Senior Noji, we will be colleagues in the same department from now on. To celebrate our acquaintance, let's go for a meal?"

Eat a meal?

After hearing Shokuhou Misaki's suggestion, Noji Royue looked at the families who were still making trouble, and then said with some embarrassment:

"Minister Shokuhou, shouldn't we deal with business first!"

"Business, what business?"

"That's right, look, everyone..."

As they spoke, Hyuga Tokuma, Inuzuka Yoshika and others also saw Shokuhou Misaki. Seeing that the Minister of Development had taken office, they were more excited to make trouble. Unfortunately, Shokuhou Misaki had already known their thoughts. So in front of everyone, Shokuhou Misaki chuckled and said:

"Oh, everyone is still here!"

Looking at the people making trouble, Shokuhou Misaki smiled and introduced herself to everyone, and then said to Noji Royue:

"It's okay, don't worry, don't worry! They like to make trouble, let them make trouble! We eat ours, it's okay, it's okay!"

What's okay?

My dear Minister, you don't think they will let us leave so carelessly, do you?

Then, Nojiroe really left the building of the development department with Shokuhou Misaki and Uchiha Izumi. Those family ninjas who were making trouble seemed to have not seen it, and continued to make trouble at the entrance of the development department, not noticing that the main person in charge of the development department had left.

What's going on?

Looking at the family ninjas who were making trouble in Shenzhou, Nojiroe felt that he had seen a ghost in broad daylight. And Danzo, who was standing by, relied on the experience of a shadow-level strongman, but came to his senses a little:

Is this, group hypnosis?

It actually affected so many jonin at once, what a terrible illusion!

This Shokuhou Misaki is really not a simple character. By the way, where did she learn her illusion?

While Nojiroe and Danzo were confused, Shokuhou Misaki brought the two to Ichiraku Ramen.

As a former employee of the ramen shop, Uncle Ichiraku naturally welcomed the arrival of Shokuhou Misaki, and immediately showed his signature skills. Shokuhou Misaki hadn't cooked for a long time, so today was her chance to do it again.

More than a dozen dishes were prepared. It was not mealtime, otherwise Ichiraku Ramen would be crowded.

While Shokuhou Misaki and Uncle Ichiraku were busy in the kitchen, a figure walked into Ichiraku Ramen. Seeing this person, Nojiro stood up in horror and saluted:


Danzo also stood up as "Uchiha Izumi" and said:


Tsunade was dragging a bottle of wine at this time, and she looked confused and couldn't tell east from west. She had no interest in replying to Nojiroe and Danzo's greetings. She just slammed the bottle on the table and shouted:

"Boss, serve the wine!"

"Hey, isn't this Tsunade-sama?"

Seeing Tsunade-sama drunk like this, Uncle Ichiraku said immediately:

"I think you can't drink anymore, so go home and have a good rest!"

"Go home, what home?" Tsunade lamented:

"I lost all the house deeds and land deeds at home before 2 o'clock last night. Now I have no home! Today, I will stay at your place! Um, I owe you the wine money first!"

Hearing Tsunade's words, Uncle Ichiraku just laughed. He didn't dare to say anything about casinos in other places, but who dared to really win Tsunade-sama's money in Konoha's casinos? I'm afraid it's not that you have the life to win, but not the life to spend. As for the house deeds and land deeds, if Tsunade-sama loses today, the bosses of those secret doors will respectfully hand them over to the village tomorrow.

So when gambling in Konoha, Lady Tsunade can never lose!

Because she, the granddaughter of the first Hokage, is the dealer of all casinos in Konoha!

With a smile, Uncle Ichiraku respectfully presented Tsunade with the purest sake. Tsunade took the bottle and drank it all, and then she saw Shokuhou Misaki walking out of Ichiraku Ramen with two hot dishes in her hands.

"Hey, aren't you going to work in the development department today? Why are you here!"

"Work? No!" Shokuhou Misaki said shamelessly:

"Now the entrance of the development department is blocked by a group of family ninjas, such as Hyuga, Inuzuka, and Ayuru, all the monsters are here! Why should we go to work? Eating and drinking is the right thing to do!"

"Family ninjas, blocking?"

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's words, Tsunade, who seemed to be still drunk, smiled evilly and pointed at Shokuhou Misaki:

"I understand, you don't want to play with those guys, right!"

Obviously, as the fifth generation Hokage, Tsunade's brain is very good, at least she is much better than the seventh generation in handling political affairs.

Combined with the rumors in the village before, she instantly understood the truth of the matter. She knew that the group of family ninjas were making trouble just to express their attitude, not really wanting to fight for their interests. So it was meaningless to argue with this group of family ninjas, it was better to come out to eat, drink and have fun. On the contrary, Danzo has been in the business for decades, but he is still confused and puzzled:

"Acting? What kind of acting?"

Feeling Danzo's doubts, Tsunade was not polite and pointed at her head and said:

"Alas, a rotten tree cannot be carved! With your condition, you will only be an assistant in this life!"

As she said that, regardless of Danzo's resentful look, Tsunade poured a mouthful of sake into her throat. Then looking at Shokuhou Misaki who was sitting next to her, Tsunade asked:

"But the development department's affairs are indeed quite troublesome. Originally, this matter should be handled by the Hokage, but Sarutobi teacher is now... I say, what are you going to do?"

"What else can I do? Anyway, I don't want to argue with those family ninjas."

Shokuhou Misaki picked up the chopsticks and said while stirring the ramen:

"My idea is, just don't rebuild it, just build a new city area! Anyway, Konoha's current defense capabilities are not very good, except for the gate, there are not many places that are tight. If the new city area is reasonably laid out, the power of the barrier will only Stronger. If the urban area is expanded, the options will also increase, which is better than being squeezed in such a small place all day long. "

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's method, Tsunade nodded and said:

"This is also a way, but I think there must be people who disagree."

"Any plan will inevitably have opponents."

"Then who are you going to let be the opponent?"

"The Sarutobi clan, and Ino-Shika-cho!"

"Shokuhou, as a teacher, I admire your courage to challenge Sarutobi teacher's base right away!"

Tsunade said this and gave Shokuhou Misaki a thumbs up.

"What else can I do?" Shokuhou Misaki spread his hands and said:

"Even if I give them enough benefits in the new plan, will the ninjas of these families be grateful to me?"

"Of course not, they will only take it for granted."

"Since they are trying to please me in every way, they will only take it for granted.

Of course, then why should I please them? Instead of pleasing them, why don't I use the same benefits to please other families? At least after those families get the benefits, they can still say a few good words to me on the surface! "

"That makes sense." Tsunade said so, and touched the bottle of wine to the ramen bowl in front of Shokuhou Misaki, and then said:

"For your great cause, let's drink!"

After another bottle of wine, Tsunade said:

"But you still have to be careful. After all, human nature is like this, very strange! If you offend most people, most people will swallow their anger. But if you offend a few people, these people will fight you to death."

Said so, Tsunade pondered for a moment and said:

"How about this, I will go to the development department when I have nothing to do in the future! Your teacher's name of the three ninjas is still very intimidating, and ordinary ninjas should be able to calm down. Oh, right! ”

Tsunade looked at Noji Royue again and said:

"Excuse me, does the development department have mahjong?"

"Mahjong?" Hearing Tsunade's question, Noji Royue first looked at Shokuhou Misaki, wanting to ask his boss's opinion first. Seeing Shokuhou Misaki nodded, he agreed:

"Yes, we have plastic and bone ones, and we also have the latest mahjong machines."

"Oh, that sounds good! Your development department is much more interesting than the Anbu! In addition to mahjong, do you have other entertainment things?"

"There are also poker, Pai Gow, pachinko machines, slot machines..."

As Noji Royue was talking, he suddenly found that Shokuhou Misaki's eyes looking at him were not right.

Obviously, at this time, Shokuhou Misaki finally knew why the development department was so chaotic!

It feels like these guys in the development department are usually not doing their work, they are just playing!

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