After a whole day of eating, drinking and having fun in the development department, Shokuhou Misaki came to Tsunade's house again in the evening. "Today, I will start teaching you medical ninjutsu."

Lying lazily on the tatami, Tsunade said to Shokuhou Misaki who was sitting upright in front of her:

"First of all, let me explain one thing. Medical ninjutsu is essentially a Yang-style ninjutsu, which is quite difficult to master. Not only does it require high chakra control, but it also requires a certain amount of talent, the key is the talent of Yang-attribute chakra. Although in theory, everyone has seven types of chakra, in reality, this thing is like a finger, each with its own strengths and weaknesses."

"No one can be good at seven types of chakra at the same time, and there are very few ninjas who can master the changes of two properties. Ninjas like your teacher Kakashi who master seven types of changes, He is already a genius among geniuses. But even he has not mastered medical ninjutsu. Because he obviously cannot meet the requirements of a medical ninjutsu in the development of Yang escape. "

"Kakashi is like this, and your talent in nature development may not be better than his. So after saying so much, you should understand what I mean!"

Shokuhou Misaki nodded and said:

"Tsunade teacher means that I should not hold too high hopes, and the training of medical ninjutsu may fail."

"It's not a failure." Tsunade shook her head and said:

"With my ability, as long as your talent is not terrible, I can let you learn one or two medical ninjutsu. But this kind of learning is essentially a waste of time. So if you can't master the most basic palm technique within three months, then don't continue to practice medical ninjutsu, because there is no point. With this time, it is better to practice other things. "

"Of course, if you force yourself to continue practicing, I don't care. Anyway, you are still young and can afford to waste this time. Just like Uchiha Izumi, after half a year, she finally learned the palm technique. Now, she has started to practice the fine vein extraction technique, and I don't know when she can master it. With her practice efficiency, she may not be able to become a medical ninja in ten years. I don't know what she wants! People like this are just making things difficult for themselves!"

"Oh, by the way, there is also your senior sister Shizune That's right. She has learned a lot of theoretical knowledge, but her medical ninjutsu is barely qualified. If she spent the same amount of time on practicing other ninjutsu, her current strength would not be a drag among the jonin. Of course, Shizune is not very ambitious, and she just lives one day at a time, so she is destined not to achieve anything great. "

"On the contrary, that Kabuto Yakushi is really good. He has talent and is diligent enough. To be honest, even when I was his age, I didn't reach his level. It's a pity that this guy is framed by the identity of a spy. He is obviously a dragon, but he wants to be a snake all day long. What a pity!"

In front of Shokuhou Misaki, Tsunade judged the disciples she taught like this. Although the words were harsh, the evaluation of the three people was essentially very objective. Even Kabuto Yakushi, Tsunade saw his problem at a glance. In short, Orochimaru limited Kabuto Yakushi's future, turning him, who could have been brilliant, into a lackey. And no matter how excellent a lackey is, he is still a lackey, and is destined to never surpass the height of his master.

After that, Tsunade looked at Shokuhou Misaki in front of her, with a hint of playfulness:

"I don't know if you have any talent in medical ninjutsu?"

In response, Shokuhou Misaki just said calmly:

"I will try my best."

"Try hard?" Tsunade smiled disdainfully, then pulled out a hair from her head and handed it to Shokuhou Misaki.

"Tsunade teacher, what is this?"

"This is the foundation of all medical ninjutsu, the practice of chakra control."

As Tsunade spoke, the hair in her hand slowly floated up. Under Tsunade's control, the hair began to twist and constantly change into various shapes. From the beginning, it was round and square, and then it became a complex three-dimensional pattern. In the end, it even tied a knot in the air, turning into a flying bow, and then the hair tied into a bow was silkily untied under Tsunade's control.

This operation made Shokuhou Misaki praise again and again. This requirement for chakra control is much more difficult than treading water!

"See? This is the requirement of chakra control for medical ninjutsu." Tsunade said: "Don't think that this kind of training is meaningless. When you want to perform surgery as a medical ninja in the future, this kind of control is just a

The basics of the basics. Now, try it yourself with a strand of hair. When you can make a knot in your hair and then untie it without breaking it, you will be barely qualified to practice medical ninjutsu. "

Hearing Tsunade's instructions, Shokuhou Misaki immediately pulled out a strand of her hair and began to practice chakra control.

Tsunade, who was standing by, saw the long honey-yellow hair slowly float up in Shokuhou Misaki's hand, and then began to change into various shapes. At first it became a twisted circle, and then tried to change into an angular square. But when changing the edges, Shokuhou Misaki obviously overexerted herself. So with a light "snap", the strand of hair broke.

Seeing this, Tsunade's mouth twitched slightly, thinking:

This guy, should have practiced something similar before? How come her control over chakra is so strong!

Seeing the hair break, Shokuhou Misaki was not too discouraged, after all, it was only her first attempt. So she pulled out another strand of hair and continued to practice control. Compared to the first time, she was more careful the second time, and her chakra control was more subtle. With such caution, a A fairly regular square appeared.

For the next two hours, Shokuhou Misaki was concentrating on practicing control, while Tsunade took out a game console and played electronic mahjong. When Tsunade was a little tired of playing and yawned, Shokuhou Misaki had already transformed her hair into a three-dimensional pattern. Now the hair in her hand has turned into a triangular iron tower.


Seeing that Shokuhou Misaki had only practiced for two hours and had made such great progress, Tsunade thought to herself:

I don’t know if this guy has a talent for Yang escape?

If so, her talent for medical ninjutsu is probably stronger than that of Kabuto Yakushi!

But looking at her like this, she is probably like Kabuto Yakushi, wanting to do something bad to Sarutobi! Haha, in the end it was Sarutobi’s own mistake. Now even these young up-and-coming people know that there is no future for them to follow him as a Hokage.

"Okay! "

Although Shokuhou Misaki has made significant progress, long-term training is not a good thing after all. Thinking that she should combine work and rest, Tsunade waved her hand and said:

"Stop practicing, play with me for a while!"

As she spoke, Tsunade took out a Go board and placed it in the middle of the two of them. Then, regardless of whether Shokuhou Misaki agreed or not, she directly placed a black piece on the star position, and then said:

"It's agreed that a game of Go will cost 10,000 taels, and I will accept the loss. "

Seeing that Tsunade had even placed the bet, Shokuhou Misaki had no choice but to pick up the white chess piece in response. The two of them fought over the chessboard, and the situation was once very stalemate. Especially Shokuhou Misaki, looking at the chessboard in front of her, she thought to herself:

I thought Tsunade's level was very bad, but I didn't expect her to be so bad!

Could she not even remember the most basic routines and start gambling with Go? With this level, it would be strange if she could win!

Forget it, after all, she is a teacher, I can't really kill her big dragon, try my best to play a draw!

Konoha's ninja school has a special course for teaching ninja disguises, and Go is one of the subjects taught in this course. Because the people who ninjas need to disguise themselves are often big figures in the elite class, and big figures often like to play Go. Go. Even if you don't play Go normally, you will say some Go terms in your daily life, so ninjas also need to master certain Go skills.

This is how Shokuhou Misaki learned Go, but this kind of learning is essentially an entry-level level. Usually in school, she just has fun with her classmates. In fact, a street uncle who likes to play Go can beat her. But who would have thought that Tsunade's level is worse than Shokuhou Misaki. The two bad chess players fought hard, and Shokuhou Misaki almost killed Tsunade's dragon.

Even in the second half of the game, Shokuhou Misaki deliberately gave in, and Tsunade was unable to establish an advantage on the board. Seeing that she seemed to be defeated, Tsunade wondered if she could do some tricks outside the board. So holding a black piece, Tsunade said:

"Shokuhou, you should have discovered it too, right?"

"What did you discover? "Shokuhou Misaki looked at the chessboard and thought:

Is Teacher Tsunade going to use tricks outside the board?

Well, I'll cooperate with her a little bit, and make a bad move at the critical moment, and I will lose this game.

"It's Uchiha Izumi!" Tsunade said as a black piece fell.

Looking at the direction where Tsunade dropped the piece, Shokuhou Misaki showed a painful expression and thought:

Teacher Tsunade, you don't have any advantage anymore, so don't create any more advantages for me!

After such a long period of thinking, Shokuhou Misaki finally dropped a piece and gave back the advantage that Tsunade gave her.

But Shokuhou Misaki was determined

Tsunade couldn't tell at all. Looking at the direction where Shokuhou Misaki dropped the piece, Tsunade felt a chill in her body and thought she was doomed to fail. She immediately clenched the black piece in her hand and said:

"You should be able to see that Uchiha Izumi is not an ordinary ninja!"

"A genius of the Uchiha clan, who opened the three-magatama Sharingan at a young age, such an Uchiha Izumi is certainly not ordinary."

"That's not what I'm talking about!" Tsunade dropped another piece and then said:

"Have you noticed that compared to the Chunin Exam half a year ago, Uchiha Izumi has become a little different, even like a different person?"

"No feeling." Shokuhou Misaki lied with his eyes open. While playing a bad chess game, he said:

"Uchiha Izumi is a ninja from the Uchiha clan, and she is very talented, so she is a top person in the ninja school. I am a civilian ninja, and I don't have much contact with her. To be honest, I didn't know who she was before the Chunin Exam, so how did I know that she had changed?"

"That's true." Tsunade nodded, and then made another move:

"In fact, there is one thing you don't know, this Uchiha Izumi is not the real Uchiha Izumi."

Shokuhou Misaki was not surprised by Tsunade's judgment. Tsunade has been with "Uchiha Izumi" for half a year. After long-term close contact, I am afraid that she has already guessed the true identity of "Uchiha Izumi".

However, in order to maintain her own character, Shokuhou Misaki pretended to be surprised and said:

"Tsunade-sensei means that the Uchiha Izumi who is with us now is someone else's impersonation? How is this possible! Maybe the appearance can be changed through special transformation techniques, but how can the Sharingan be impersonated? When Izumi was with me, he opened the Sharingan more than once!"

"Indeed, no matter how powerful the transformation technique is, it is impossible to imitate the bloodline limit. But the question is, what if Uchiha Izumi's body is taken away by someone else?"

When Tsunade said this, even Shokuhou Misaki's eyes widened. The chess piece in her hand, which was about to fall, stopped in mid-air. In surprise, he said:

"The secret technique of taking over other people's bodies, is there really such a ninjutsu?"

"Of course there is." Tsunade nodded and said:

"In fact, the village has been conducting research on various secret techniques for a long time, among which the secret technique of taking over other people's bodies has always been the focus of research. On the one hand, this secret technique can complete difficult lurking tasks, and on the other hand, taking over other people's bodies can also indirectly improve one's own strength. There are also some old immortals who dream of relying on this secret technique to achieve immortality."

"Since there is a demand, research will naturally not lack funds. So starting from my second grandfather, the second generation Hokage, A large amount of funds from the village have been used in this area. With such high-intensity and long-term support, there will naturally be many related achievements. And here, I have to mention two people who have made outstanding contributions to this secret technique. "

"These two people are experts in forbidden techniques in the village. One of them, you know, is Orochimaru, who is also one of the three ninjas like me. He has been conducting research on forbidden techniques for a long time, and has achieved fruitful results. However, it is also because of this talent that he is feared by Mr. Sarutobi. Now that he has left the village, this may not be a bad thing for him. "

"As for the other person, he is a good friend of Orochimaru and me, and the uncle of your senior sister Shizune , called Kato Dan. Ninjas of your generation may not know this person, but during the Second Ninja World War, he was the most shining star in the village. Not only is he very charismatic, but he is also very talented! "

As she spoke, Tsunade, who originally wanted to divert Shokuhou Misaki's attention with words, fell into memories:

"Kato Dan, he studied forbidden techniques with Orochimaru a long time ago. From Impure World Reincarnation to other forbidden techniques, both of them have dabbled. At that time, not only me, but many ninjas including Orochimaru thought he would be the Fourth Hokage. Because he not only cares about the ninjas in the same village, but is also ruthless enough to the enemies, he is very Perfect ninja. "

"But unfortunately, the Ninja World War was so cruel. Even Dan died in the end. His death was a big blow to us. Especially Orochimaru, who was a loner and had few friends. The only friend who could study forbidden techniques with him was Kato Dan. So after Dan's death, Orochimaru's research became more and more paranoid. "

"However, although he died young, Dan's research results were very rich. For example, the Impure World Reincarnation became a controllable ninjutsu under his perfection, and the summoned dead would not easily lose control. There is also the secret technique of taking over other people's bodies, which was also completed with his efforts.

Theoretical construction. "

"It is also based on relevant theories that Dan was able to create the spirit transformation technique that terrified the ninja world. This spirit transformation technique can separate the ninja's spirit from the body and transform it into a spirit body to possess the enemy. It can be said that the spirit transformation technique is only one step away from seizing other people's bodies. I think Orochimaru must have successfully completed the secret technique of seizing other people's bodies based on Dan's research! "

Tsunade was talking to herself, her eyes full of memories of the past. Obviously, Kato Dan's death was a huge blow to her. After hearing Tsunade's explanation, Shokuhou Misaki finally realized why Tsunade could see the truth of the matter.

Obviously, as Kato Dan's girlfriend, Tsunade is not completely ignorant of the art of spiritualization. And Orochimaru's reincarnation is obviously based on the art of spiritualization. So when Danzo, who had taken over Uchiha Izumi's body, appeared in front of Tsunade, Tsunade had already realized the truth of the matter.

"Tsunade teacher means that Orochimaru completed the secret art of taking over other people's bodies through the research of Kato Dan senior. Then she took over Uchiha Izumi's body and successfully infiltrated Konoha as 'Uchiha Izumi'?"

"Orochimaru would never do such a boring thing." Tsunade shook her head and said:

"Among our three ninjas, Orochimaru is the simplest in his bones. Jiraiya and I have given up on Sarutobi-sensei, only she chose to stay in the village. But that's why, once she chooses to part ways with the village, she will never have too much to do with the village again. I would rather believe that she wants to destroy Konoha than think that this guy will return to Konoha after changing his appearance. "

"Since it's not Orochimaru, what is the true identity of this Uchiha Izumi?"

"Okay, stop pretending to be confused!" Tsunade said with a smile:

"Why did you feel so disgusted when you saw 'Uchiha Izumi' for the first time? Also, why did you arrange an assistant job for 'Uchiha Izumi'? Isn't it just to deliberately humiliate her? Yakushi Kabuto told me about your affair with Orochimaru a long time ago! I think you already knew the true identity of 'Uchiha Izumi' before you returned to the village!"

I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

Shokuhou Misaki shook her head sincerely, and then rarely told the truth:

"Tsunade-sensei, this, I really don't know! "

"If you really don't know this, then you should know a lot of other things! That's right, if you really know nothing, how could you make such a big fuss in the Snow Country. "

As she said this, Tsunade made another move, and then chuckled:

"Forget it, what does the circle between you, Orochimaru and Sarutobi have to do with me. The reason I returned to the village is just that I am interested in the research of Orochimaru and Dan. As for the guy 'Uchiha Izumi', even if he has a new identity, isn't he still returning to his job? This guy has always been like this, and he can't be trusted at the critical moment. "

Seeing this, Shokuhou Misaki also made a move. But she was distracted by Tsunade's words at this time, so she forgot to give up the chess piece. As a result, Tsunade lost the whole game. Tsunade was so angry that she smashed the chessboard in front of her, and then reluctantly took out a 10,000 tael bill from her body and handed it to Shokuhou Misaki.

"Take the money and get out! "

Obviously, Tsunade was in a bad mood after losing a game. Shokuhou Misaki also lost interest in staying here and left on her own. As for the 10,000 tael bill, she didn't even touch it.

Seeing Shokuhou Misaki leave without taking the money, Tsunade became more and more upset:

"Damn, young people don't have gambling ethics! Sooner or later, I will make you lose everything!"

So the next day, Shokuhou Misaki came to the door of the development department again. But when she just walked into the door of the development department, she heard a commotion inside:

"Is this, fishing for the moon in the bottom of the sea?"

"Oh my God, I can actually win the national scholar!"

"I have played mahjong for many years, and this is the first time I see someone win four bars!"

"It's worth it to win a nine-treasure lotus lantern in this life! "


Hearing the noisy voices in the development department, Shokuhou Misaki had no idea what was going on.

Walking into the door of the development department, as expected, Tsunade was playing mahjong with the employees of the development department. However, unlike the excitement of the three people around her, Tsunade herself had a bitter face, and was obviously the only loser in this game.

And the three people playing cards with Tsunade obviously didn't want to win too much. In fact, they didn't want to win from the beginning, so they just played low-probability games. What about fishing for the moon in the bottom of the sea, the unparalleled national hero, four bars, and the nine-treasure lotus lantern... When normal people play mahjong, who would play such cards?

But who made Tsunade's luck so weird!

Normally, the types of yakuman that might not appear even after playing thousands of mahjong games are now popping up like a volcanic eruption. The three of them just did it casually, and they were all yakuman. So much so that everyone was afraid to win, for fear that Tsunade-sama would punch them.

As one of the three ninjas, Tsunade-sama's gambling character is obviously very good. Although she lost more than a dozen games in a row, she has always restrained the urge to explode. Even though the three of them made various excuses, saying that they had work to do, Tsunade still forced the three of them to stay here and play cards with her.

Seeing this, Shokuhou Misaki was speechless.

She originally wanted to rectify the atmosphere of the development department, but now that Tsunade is sitting here, how can she rectify it?

I'm afraid that from now on, the development department will become a Konoha chess and card room!

It was also when Tsunade was losing vigorously that a group of family ninjas gathered at the entrance of the development department again. Obviously, this group of family ninjas has already regarded making trouble as going to work, and they come to make trouble whenever they have something to do. Seeing this, Nojirowei at the card table stood up and said:

"Tsunade-sama, I really can't play with you now. Look, there are so many people outside, I have to go out to appease them."

Hearing that Nojirowei wanted to leave after winning half of the game, Tsunade was not willing to let him go. She jumped out of the window of the room and punched the family ninjas who were making trouble at the door. There was a "boom" and after a tremor of earthquake, all the family ninjas were frightened by Tsunade's punch and completely lost the courage to continue making trouble.

Tsunade herself held a mahjong tile and pointed at the family ninjas in front of her and cursed:

"What are you yelling here so early in the morning? Can't you see that our development department is at work!"

Then she threw the mahjong tile in her hand violently, hitting the big wolf dog named Baiwan and making it howl. Then Tsunade said:

"Get out of here!"

Although they knew that Tsunade was treating the development department as a chess and card room, they were intimidated by the majesty of the three ninjas and did not dare to get angry at all, so they had to leave slowly. Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Tsunade said indignantly:

"They are so noisy during working hours, this bunch of scum!"

After everyone ran away, Tsunade carefully picked up the mahjong tiles she had thrown away. Then with fear and uneasiness, Tsunade looked at the front of the mahjong tiles and saw that the card was an "8-sou". Seeing this, Nojiroe on the side said subconsciously:

"Oh, I won, all green."

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