The night was a pure white dream world.

At night, in a pure white dream world.

Shokuhou Misaki appeared here first, followed by the personality clones of "Uchiha Madara" and "Hatsuharu Shiki". After the two personality clones stabilized, Shokuhou Misaki used the subconscious ocean to establish a connection with the White Zetsu clone, and then dragged Ohnoki and Sasori into this dream world together.

As expected of Uchiha Madara, this illusion is really terrible!

Obviously, Ohnoki should be resting in the Hidden Rock Village at this time, but relying on White Zetsu as a transmission medium, his spirit established a connection with Shokuhou Misaki who was far away in Konoha. This way of communication across time and space is undoubtedly a display of "Uchiha Madara"'s own strength in Ohnoki's view. "Uchiha Madara" just wants all members of the "Twilight Hermits" to know that even if you are far away, don't think about getting rid of the constraints of the organization.

Scorpion has the same idea as Ohnoki. At this time, Scorpion has obtained Yatagarasu and White Zetsu, and is studying day and night! Who would have thought that just when the research has made progress, he was dragged into the dream world by Shokuhou Misaki. Looking at the familiar Ohnoki, Shokuhou Misaki and others on the side, Scorpion thought that the "Twilight Hermits"'s monthly regular gathering has begun.

"What an amazing method, Madara-sama!" Unlike Ohnoki who holds the airs of Tsuchikage, Scorpion came up and complimented and praised "Uchiha Madara", and his attitude was very humble. This is also a survival skill that he must master as a rebel ninja. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to survive in the Akatsuki organization alone.

Immediately afterwards, Shokuhou Misaki and "Hatsuharu Shiki" also respectfully greeted "Uchiha Madara", and only Ohnoki nodded reluctantly. As for everyone's greetings, "Uchiha Madara" just nodded slightly, with an arrogant look that didn't take everyone seriously. After everyone finished greeting, he looked at the empty dream world around him and said thoughtfully:

"As a gathering place for the 'Twilight Hermits', this place seems a bit simple."

After saying this, the surrounding environment began to change dramatically. The original pure white gradually dimmed, and then a vast starry sky appeared in front of everyone. Densely packed and boundless, each light spot represents a vast galaxy, and each galaxy is a world that is billions of times more vast than the ninja world.

Looking at the projection of the universe, "Uchiha Madara" said thoughtfully:

"The Earth to which the Ninja Realm belongs is just an ordinary rocky planet in the universe. There are countless such planets in the Milky Way alone. And galaxies like the Milky Way can be found everywhere in the universe. That is to say, there must be countless civilizations in the observable universe alone, and among these civilizations, there must be a large number of civilizations that master the power of chakra."

"Then, because of the easy accumulation of chakra, the chakra in the universe will inevitably continue to gather due to the desire of civilization. Assuming that this gathering does not cause the nature of chakra to change, the mass of such gathered chakra is also likely to exceed the total mass of the Ninja Realm, and it may even form a planet called chakra in the end!"

"Uchiha Madara" spoke as if talking to himself, and Ohnoki and Sasori who were present only felt that they were listening to a myth.

Is it really possible for a planet formed by the pure gathering of chakra to exist?

However, after being surprised, the two had a feeling that such a star formed by the pure gathering of chakra is likely to exist. Because there is no limit to the desire of life for chakra, and as long as the monopolists continue to pursue chakra, the quality of the chakra they gather will continue to increase, so sooner or later they will form a planet-level monster.

With the emergence of this idea, Ohnoki and Sasori both have a guess:

Is it possible that the terrible enemy "whoever says it will be known" in the mouth of "Uchiha Madara" is a planet that is purely composed of chakra? If so, is this level of power really something that the ninja world can contend with?

While the two were thinking, the environment of the dream space changed again. Everyone saw that the ground they were standing on turned into a soft beach. Amid the waves, a dim ocean came into everyone's eyes. At this moment in the dream world, dim yellow filled the sea and sky.

That was the color of dusk, and also the color of loneliness.

And what brought despair to this ocean was a strange and terrifying star.

It was a black star, it had

The volume is far larger than that of the sun. And around the black body, there is an even larger halo, which is the light released by the friction of the matter by the huge gravitational force. No matter how hard the matter is, it is crushed into the purest energy by the huge gravitational force of the star and slowly merged into the black horizon.

This is a black hole!

A black hole that constantly devours the surrounding matter and drags them into the pure black horizon.

Compared to the starry sky or the setting sun, this is the most suitable background for the "Twilight Hermit Club".

Because it symbolizes the dusk of the universe!

"Let's thank the law of universal gravitation!"

After completing the background construction, "Uchiha Madara" said with satisfaction:

"Although chakra can be gathered infinitely, the bearing of mass by time and space is limited. Therefore, the monopolists who blindly pursue chakra will inevitably usher in the final dusk due to the accumulation of desires. The mass brought by the excessive chakra will cause the collapse of time and space, and eventually the monopolists themselves will be trapped in the boundless darkness."

Even if there are planetary-level monopolists, they will be trapped by the chakra they devour. Because no matter how tough the real world is, it is impossible to satisfy the infinite desires of life. In the end, the chakra collected by the monopolists will become a cage that traps them. They will experience the birth and death of the universe in a black hole for a moment, and finally dissipate completely in the dusk called heat death.

This is the so-called cocooning oneself!

Oonoki thought so, but secretly said in his heart:

This guy Madara, don't you really want to lead the ninja world to fight against the planetary-level monopolists?

Although it sounds absurd, Ohnoki found that from this perspective, all the strange actions of "Uchiha Madara" now seem to have a reasonable explanation.

This guy has supported his people in Konoha and Snow Country, and then pulled himself to join the "Twilight Hermits Society". It is obvious that he wants to unite the power of the ninja world to fight against future enemies. However, even if the power of the ninja world is united, the planet-level monopolist is still too powerful. So in the selection of members of the "Twilight Hermits Society", he will try to include various forces in the ninja world as much as possible.

Among the known members now, Shokuhou Misaki represents the young generation of the five major ninja villages, Ohnoki himself represents the old generation of the five major ninja villages, "Hatsuharu Shiki" represents the small country reformists, and Sasori represents the rebel ninja organization...

It can be said that in the selection of organization members, "Uchiha Madara" has tried his best to take into account all aspects of the ninja world.

He is likely to find the future development direction of the ninja world in this way. Whether it is the ninjas representing the five major ninja villages, the ninjas representing small countries, or even the crazy rebel ninjas, "Uchiha Madara" will give them a chance. Prove whether they are qualified to lead the ninja world to fight against various terrible enemies in the future.

It seems that in order to deal with the twilight of the ninja world, "Uchiha Madara" has really put in a lot of effort!

It was in such thinking that this time the "Twilight Hermit Meeting" began.

The first speaker was "Hatsuharu Shiki", who has become the leader of the Snow Ninja Village. Although he is already a big figure in the Snow Country, "Hatsuharu Shiki" still behaved very restrained at the organization meeting. Facing the eyes of the crowd, "Hatsuharu Shiki" first reported the current economic recovery of the Snow Country, and then explained his considerations on the future development direction of the Snow Country.

"I plan to let the Snow Country focus on the computer industry from now on."

"Computer industry, electronic information technology?"

Scorpion is obviously very interested in "Hatsuharu Shiki's" idea.

After all, every puppeteer in the Sand Village has a Gundam dream.

And to complete a handsome Gundam, electronic information technology is necessary.

The larger the fuselage, the more difficult it is to control. If it really depends on chakra lines to control it, even Scorpion can't play a real Gundam. So Scorpion has always had an idea, which is to combine the increasingly popular computers with puppetry, and use artificial intelligence to help puppeteers control puppets.

"Are you going to use computers to improve engineering control theory and promote the industrial upgrading of the Snow Country? If so, I can cooperate with the Snow Country in technology."

Hearing Scorpion's words, "Hatsuharu Shikiri" smiled and shook his head:

"How is it possible!"

"The Snow Country has become the focus of the ninja world because of the geothermal generator, and it is only because of the organization that it has barely maintained a certain vitality. In this case, if we continue to study heavy industrial technology, what awaits us is the joint encirclement of major powers. In fact, the computer technology we want to develop is the entertainment service industry based on games.

“Although the current electronic game industry is still in its infancy, I think the prospects of this industry must not be underestimated. In addition to the game industry, the Snow Country will also develop engineering software. In short, the Snow Country will focus on the tertiary industry in the future. As for the secondary industry related to the military, we can only conduct some secret research at most! ”

“Is that so?” Hearing that the Snow Country only wants to develop software and games in the future, Scorpion was obviously disappointed.

But then, Scorpion heard "Hatsuharu Shikiri" say:

“Mr. Scorpion, don’t underestimate the game industry! With the development of computer technology, virtual reality technology has become the research focus of this industry. And the game industry is undoubtedly the main driving force for the development of virtual reality technology. As far as I know, isn’t your dream all along to complete the immortal puppet? In fact, virtual reality technology can help you accomplish this feat! ”

“Oh, really? Computers have such terrible power?” Scorpion was surprised.

“Of course! "Hatsuharu Shikiri nodded and said:

"With the development of related technologies, humans will definitely be able to upload their consciousness to the virtual world of computers in the future. Mr. Scorpion, imagine if there really comes a day when your consciousness can last forever, right?"

"As long as you choose to upload your consciousness, and then keep copying and pasting, Mr. Scorpion in the future can create thousands of himself. These self-consciousnesses are connected to each other through the Internet, and each consciousness controls an electronic puppet. Mr. Scorpion, who controls countless puppets in this way, will definitely be the greatest puppeteer in the history of the ninja world. "

"Hatsuharu Shiki's personality clone said this, but Shokuhou Misaki secretly thought:

Flesh and blood are short, and machines ascend. I have to remind you of such a simple truth... Scorpion, you are the first puppeteer in the ninja world, but you are not worthy of your reputation!

Unlike Shokuhou Misaki's secret complaints, Scorpion saw a smooth road that can completely transform the puppeteer because of "Hatsuharu Shiki's" reminder. When he thought about the future when his will was completely separated from the fragile flesh, integrated into the computer world, and communicated with the outside world through countless puppets, Scorpion felt extremely excited.

This is the most powerful puppeteer Ah!

With a yearning for a better future, Scorpion immediately decided to cooperate with "Hatsuharu Shiki" on the research of virtual reality technology. Scorpion also wanted to see if computers were really as magical as "Hatsuharu Shiki" said.

After "Hatsuharu Shiki" finished his report, Ohnoki explained some things that happened in the ninja world, and exchanged information with everyone present as a Tsuchikage. Shokuhou Misaki was not very interested in most of this information, but there was only one piece of information that caught Shokuhou Misaki's attention:

"There is an organization called "Kara", which has been very active recently. However, this organization is not a rebellious ninja organization like "Akatsuki". Most of the members currently recruited by the organization are scientists. It seems that this organization is just a pure scientific alliance. However, the philosophy believed by this organization is quite radical. They believe that ninjas are a relatively backward and barbaric group, and that only scientists who bring new technologies are the main driving force for the development of the ninja world. ”

Hearing Ohnoki's description of the "Aka" organization, Shokuhou Misaki thought to herself:

It seems that Isshiki Otsutsuki had already started to act before the Fourth Shinobi World War!

However, compared to the Akatsuki organization, the current Akatsuki organization is just a civilian scientist organization, and its main research direction is also scientific ninja tools for ninja combat. Considering that the current scientific ninja tools are still in their infancy, the influence of the Akatsuki organization is still very limited. Only an old fox like Ohnoki can realize the threat of this organization.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki immediately manipulated the personality clone of "Uchiha Madara" and smiled contemptuously:

"So that's it, the Kara organization?"

"That old man is really desperate. He is so old and still knows how to keep up with the trend and make scientific ninja tools."

Hearing the confident tone of "Uchiha Madara", Ohnoki immediately said:

"Madara, do you know anything about this Kara organization?"

"Know what? "

Looking at the distant dusk in the virtual world, "Uchiha Madara" sighed:

"I know what I should know, and I also know what I shouldn't know. In short, the person behind this organization is very interesting. At least in my opinion, this guy is very useful. As for you... Hehe, little kid with two scales, I can only give you a suggestion. If you still want the Hidden Rock Village to continue to exist, then don't have anything to do with this organization. This is not a force you can touch now. "

Although Ohnoki was very disgusted

Although Uchiha Madara had a condescending attitude, he also knew that he would not deceive himself for no reason. There must be a secret behind this Kara organization, and it was a secret that he, as the Tsuchikage, was not qualified to face. So he kept Uchiha Madara's reminder in his heart, and secretly said: Damn, when did the ninja world become so dangerous! How come any organization that appears now is an existence that we in the Hidden Rock Village cannot afford to offend! From the Akatsuki organization to the Dusk Hermit Association, now there is another Kara organization...

Obviously, our five major ninja villages should be the cornerstone of the current ninja world order!

It was in such dissatisfaction that Ohnoki ended his information sharing. Then, together with Scorpion, he set his sights on Shokuhou Misaki. Afterwards, Shokuhou Misaki also began to talk about what she saw and heard in the development department. And even in this regard, she concealed something. Everyone listened to her:

"Now the planning scope of the new area of ​​Konoha has been roughly determined. We only need to get the consent of the major ninja clans in the village, and then the relevant plan can start construction. However, there are still many opinions within Konoha on the details of the specific plan. As the director of the development department, I am under great pressure now."

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's description of the development work, Ohnoki sneered:

"It is often more difficult to touch interests than to touch the soul. Especially when some people take privileges for granted, they will never allow themselves to lose their privileges. For example, the Sarutobi clan of Konoha, and the three tribes of Ino, Shika and Chou that depend on the Sarutobi clan. These families who once relied on the Third Hokage to show off their power, will allow themselves to enjoy equal treatment with other families only. "

"On the contrary, other families in Konoha will not allow the family ninjas of the Hokage lineage to continue to enjoy the privilege of resource allocation. Especially when Sarutobi Hiruzen's prestige has greatly decreased and the major ninja clans are very dissatisfied with Sarutobi Hiruzen. This unfair distribution is likely to become the fuse of Konoha's internal strife. "

"Hehe, in short, Shokuhou kid, you are in big trouble this time! With Sarutobi Hiruzen's current sensitivity to the Hokage throne, coupled with the instigation of the Sarutobi clan and the Ino-Shika-Cho clan, you Konoha will be divided again if you are not careful!"

As a Tsuchikage, Ohnoki's vision is undoubtedly rare in the ninja world.

He not only recognized the division of the major families within Konoha, but also speculated that the Hokage clan and the centrist ninja clan would fight over the Konoha reconstruction plan. Ohnoki is even more aware that the root of most of Konoha's current problems lies in "Sarutobi Hiruzen", the old but not retired Hokage.

However, despite his cunning calculations, Ohnoki still missed two things. First, Shokuhou Misaki had already been in contact with Sarutobi Hiruzen before. Although this kind of verbal agreement between ninjas is almost equivalent to each other's fart, Sarutobi Hiruzen at least knows that Shokuhou Misaki will not be able to become Hokage in a short time.

In addition, Ohnoki underestimated the survival wisdom of the major families in Konoha Village. There was indeed a conflict between the Hokage family and the centrist family in Konoha Village because of the distribution of interests. But as centrist ninjas, the Hyuga clan and other family ninjas only used the conflict as a means of expressing their attitude, rather than really wanting to fight with many Hokage families.

So whether it is the personal conflict between Shokuhou Misaki and Sarutobi Hiruzen, or the conflict between the Hokage family and the centrist family in the village, it will not erupt because of a mere development plan.

However, even if Ohnoki made a mistake in judgment, it did not prevent Shokuhou Misaki from using this opportunity to communicate and analyze ideas. Following Ohnoki's way of thinking, Shokuhou Misaki continued:

"Now the prestige of the Hokage has greatly decreased. Even if he wants to launch a large-scale purge of other families, not many ninjas will respond to his call. So once a conflict breaks out in Konoha, the Hokage is likely to rely on external forces. And this external force, in addition to the Akatsuki organization, is most likely other ninja villages."

After deducing this, Ohnoki on the side suddenly laughed:

"Isn't this just right?"

"If Hiruzen wants to rely on the power of our Iwagakure, then we can work with you in secret to completely solve Hiruzen. But if Hiruzen wants to rely on other ninja villages, we can also use this to set up a trap for this ninja village. In short, relying on this Dusk Hermit Association, you, Shokuhou Misaki, are invincible!"

Speaking of this, Ohnoki also vaguely guessed Shokuhou Misaki's planning style.

That is, no matter how you deal with it, I will not lose.

For example, now, relying on the platform of the Dusk Hermit Society, no matter what means Sarutobi Hiruzen uses, Shokuhou Misaki has a chance of winning.

Method. As the Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen is in a state like an iron chain across the river. He can neither advance nor retreat, so Sarutobi Hiruzen has chosen to lie down recently. This is not that Sarutobi Hiruzen really stopped, but he knew that in the recent layout, no matter how he responded, he would definitely lose!

The young are formidable!

Ohnoki sighed secretly, but Scorpion on the side suddenly said:

"Speaking of Konoha... Recently, there is a ninja named Uchiha Izumi in Konoha, who seems to be trying to establish a connection with Uchiha Itachi. This Uchiha Izumi had a good relationship with Uchiha Itachi in the past, but his style of doing things is deeply connected with the roots of the past. So our Akatsuki organization speculates that this Uchiha Izumi is very likely to be the third generation Hokage."

Hearing Scorpion's words, Shokuhou Misaki said:

"So, the Akatsuki organization is preparing to intervene in Konoha's internal affairs again Dispute?"

"Not really." Scorpion shook his head and said:

"According to Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Izumi's approach to himself is most likely just a bait for Konoha. Although the contradictions within Konoha are sharp now, they are far from the point of eruption. Uchiha Izumi's actions may just be Sarutobi Hiruzen fishing. He wants to use this to completely bury the Akatsuki Village and help Konoha regain the monopoly of the resources of the Land of Fire."

Compared to Ohnoki, the Akatsuki organization, which has a close relationship with Konoha, obviously knows more about Konoha. In addition to the strong root style of "Uchiha Izumi", even without Uchiha Itachi's mediation, the Akatsuki organization will not intervene in the internal disputes of Konoha again.

And when Scorpion heard what Scorpion said, she really thought:

Danzo, this guy, is he really going to seduce Uchiha Itachi?

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