The first time, the last time, the last time.

It was another morning, and Shokuhou Misaki stretched and sat up from the bed. Recalling the first general meeting of the "Twilight Hermits" in her dream last night, Shokuhou Misaki thought to herself:

Although the future development direction of the Snow Country has been determined, the computer industry is a high-tech industry after all. Even if the Snow Country has a certain foundation, it is not easy to develop. After all, the "Hatsuharu Shiki" of the Snow Country is just her own personality clone, not the hacker master of Academy City, and Shokuhou Misaki herself knows nothing about computers.

In addition, the Snow Country has just experienced a turmoil, and "Hatsuharu Shiki" herself is only the strength of an elite Chunin, so it takes a lot of energy to stabilize the situation. So no matter from what angle, cooperation with Scorpion is a must. Otherwise, the Snow Country may have to wait until the monkey year to develop related industries.

There is also the Kara Organization. Although the Kara Organization in Boruto is powerful, it is still in a dormant stage. However, we must also consider the possibility that Isshiki Otsutsuki will take action in the Fourth Ninja World War. Therefore, before the Fourth Ninja World War, I must improve my ability to Sequence 2, otherwise I have no chance to fight Isshiki Otsutsuki.

As for Danzo...

This guy should be suppressed by the identity of "Uchiha Izumi", so he wants to contact Uchiha Itachi!

He wants to use the identity of "Uchiha Izumi" to win over Uchiha Itachi, and then use the power of the Uchiha clan and the Akatsuki organization to deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen, so as to gain power in Konoha more quickly. It seems that even after playing the role of "Uchiha Izumi" for more than half a year, the essence of Danzo has not changed, and he still likes to be quick and easy.

Of course, it is not ruled out that in the process of playing "Uchiha Izumi" for a long time, Danzo had certain psychological problems, so that he had a feminine personality and was really interested in Uchiha Itachi. If Danzo and Uchiha Itachi really had feelings, then Shokuhou Misaki would definitely wish them both happiness.

And after blessing, Shokuhou Misaki would also tell Uchiha Itachi about the matter. After all, the most unacceptable thing about feelings is deception! As a good friend of Uchiha Itachi, how could Shokuhou Misaki allow her good friend to be deceived by a guy full of lies?

So Uchiha Itachi must know the truth, he has the right to know the truth!

Well, I think Uchiha Itachi at that time would definitely thank me as a good friend.

May our friendship last forever!


Shokuhou Misaki thought about it this way, and at the same time, she couldn't help but sigh that secret gatherings are indeed a good thing. No wonder Xiao Ke in the original work of Weird holds Tarot meetings every week, and other big guys also set up their own secret organizations. Because even this bankrupt copycat version of the Twilight Hermits has provided her with a lot of valuable information, indirectly helping her to improve her layout.

If there was no Twilight Hermits, Shokuhou Misaki would not have known the movements of the Kara Organization, nor would she have known Danzo's little tricks, and it would have been impossible to complete the industrial transformation of the Snow Country in the shortest time. It can be said that the Twilight Hermits is Shokuhou Misaki's invisible tentacle, which continuously helps Shokuhou Misaki to collect information about the ninja world and grasp the situation in the ninja world.

Since the Twilight Hermits has such a huge role, Shokuhou Misaki naturally began to think about whether she should expand the membership of this organization to make the Twilight Hermits more powerful. For example, Uchiha Fugaku, who had been fooled by her before, Shokuhou Misaki could use the identity of "Uchiha Madara" to pull him into the Twilight Hermits.

But after thinking about it, Shokuhou Misaki finally gave up this idea.

Now Shokuhou Misaki is only a Kage-level powerhouse of Sequence 4, and it is already very difficult to deal with Ohnoki and Sasori. If the organization continues to expand its membership, the risk of the vest being exposed will only increase significantly. If Ohnoki and others really knew that the Twilight Hermits was just a makeshift group, then things would be serious.

Out of caution, Shokuhou Misaki finally decided to temporarily maintain the size of the Twilight Hermits. After her strength is further improved to Sequence 3, Shokuhou Misaki will consider adding new members to the Twilight Hermits. As for now, Shokuhou Misaki decided to focus her main energy on Konoha's internal affairs.

After making the decision, Shokuhou Misaki left home again and set out on the road to the development department. At the same time as Shokuhou Misaki left, there were three busy figures in her home.

As the personal clones of Shokuhou Misaki, "Shirai Kuroko", "Misaka Mikoto" and "Saten Ruiko" are practicing various ninjutsu non-stop. The three of them have their own division of labor and are very busy. The results of the three people's practice will naturally be transformed into the accumulation of Shokuhou Misaki herself, making her closer to the concept of "omniscience and omnipotence" represented by her own path.

It was during the hard practice of the clones that Shokuhou Misaki, as the original, walked leisurely to the development department.

Then she found that at this time, a large number of family ninjas gathered at the gate of the development department again. And compared to the past, the movement has been even greater in recent days. Obviously, seeing Shokuhou Misaki running outside the village every day with a group of engineers, everyone has guessed that the development department is going to abandon the old city renovation plan and directly develop the new city area!

Compared with the reconstruction of the original Konoha, the development of the new area is undoubtedly a bold idea. Because the development of the new city area faces many problems, huge adjustments need to be made in the layout of Konoha's barrier alone. There are also various infrastructure construction, which is also a huge expense.

But similarly, there are many advantages to directly building a new urban area.

On the one hand, it can reduce the contradictions in the development process. After all, the new urban area is built on a wasteland, and the reconstruction of the old urban area requires a long time of wrangling just for demolition. On the other hand, the increased area of ​​the new area can also effectively improve the accommodation conditions of the villagers of Konoha. The same building, a single-family house can never be more comfortable than a small villa with a garden.

Of course, the most important thing is that the development of the new area can bring a lot of benefits. After all, real estate development has always been one of the most profitable industries. If you can occupy a certain share in the development of the new area and own more real estate, you can make a lot of money just by the appreciation of housing prices in the future.

So most of the family ninjas gathered at the entrance of the development department at this time want to get a share of the new area development. Not to occupy a large area of ​​real estate, at least you have to choose a good location for the family. Otherwise, if the housing prices really appreciate in the future, the houses in other families will cost as much as 100,000 taels per square meter, while the houses in their own families will cost less than 10,000 taels per square meter. Who can bear this gap?

In addition to the families who want to get rich, there are also a small number of families who want to see whether the development department will change its attitude towards their families after having Shokuhou Misaki as the director. These families are the Hokage families represented by the Sarutobi clan.

Because of the Third Hokage, these families occupied the richest land in the center of the village in the original old city renovation plan. Now that the plan has changed, they naturally hope that Shokuhou Misaki can continue Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude and continue to hand over the core area of ​​the new city to them. As the ruling foundation of the Third Hokage, these families feel that this is what they deserve.

Looking at these family ninjas who are making trouble, Shokuhou Misaki shook his head secretly and thought:

In fact, the people who are most hurt by the new district development plan are the civilian ninjas of Konoha.

According to the practice of the real estate industry, it is impossible to distribute the houses developed in the new district to the villagers of Konoha for free. But if they want to buy, ordinary civilian ninjas don't have such financial resources. Therefore, the result of the development of the new district must be that a small number of family ninjas buy most of the houses, and then plunder the civilian ninjas' life-long wealth through the appreciation of real estate.

Most civilian ninjas look at the increasingly high housing prices, but can only sigh. Or they risk their lives to get a bank loan and buy an old and dilapidated house on the edge of the new district. In contrast, although the original old city renovation is full of contradictions, it can at least improve the living conditions of these civilian ninjas.

But the result now is that none of the civilian ninjas who are most harmed by the new district plan stand up to speak, but the family ninjas who will definitely benefit are louder and louder. Obviously, the civilian ninjas know that they have no right to make trouble. Faced with the changes in the high-level plan, they can only endure it silently.

Alas, Konoha, this ninja village, is really unfair!

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki relied on the ability of psychological invisibility and walked into the development department unnoticed. Then, she saw Tsunade playing poker with Nojiroe and others. However, looking at Tsunade's constipated expression, Shokuhou Misaki knew that she had lost again!

"Damn it!"

Looking at the "2 of Hearts, 3 of Hearts, 4 of Hearts, 5 of Hearts, and 7 of Spades" in her hand, Tsunade was worried about the lawsuit.

She thought she was lucky and would get a "23456" of hearts! Who would have thought that at the most critical moment, a 7 of Spades would come. So the big cards that were originally quite bluffing became a joke in an instant.

"Come again, come again!"

Although she lost again,

After one round, Tsunade was still in high spirits and wanted to continue to try her luck. It was not until Shokuhou Misaki came to her side that she asked in confusion:

"Why, you want to play two rounds with me too?"

Shokuhou Misaki shook her head, and then said seriously:

"I'm thinking about the development of the new district."

"Oh, that thing!" Tsunade looked at the cards the dealer gave her and continued:

"Why, did you find that things are not as simple as you thought?"

"A little bit." Shokuhou Misaki nodded, and then thought:

"Now there are four main attitudes towards the new district plan within Konoha. Among them, the Hokage family with the Sarutobi clan as the core wants to occupy the most prosperous area of ​​the new district. But the Chinese The housing prices in the central area are beyond the financial resources of these families. Because these families are only a small part of Konoha Village, they cannot overwhelm all other families in the bidding for the central area. "

"So at this moment, they are also making trouble at the entrance of the development department like the centrist families not long ago. They want to express their attitude to me, the director of the development department, in this way. We are the most trusted ninjas of the Hokage, and we are eligible to get the biggest dividends from the development of the new area. If you can't meet our requirements, you, Shokuhou Misaki, will offend the Hokage."

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's words, Tsunade turned over the trump card on the table.

Looking at the trump card and the Ace of Hearts, and then looking at the Ace of Hearts in her own hand, Tsunade laughed and said:

"Expressing their attitude to you? Haha, I'm afraid they still don't know the relationship between you and Sarutobi teacher!"

"In fact, it is more likely that they know, but they still want to maintain their past status." Shokuhou Misaki said:

"It seems that in the eyes of these family ninjas of the Hokage faction, who is the Hokage doesn't matter at all. They just want to continue to be the base of the Hokage and maintain their past high status."

"Haha, they want it wrong It's beautiful!"

Tsunade snorted, and then continued:

"What about the other three attitudes?"

"There is another one, which is the attitude of the centrist families." Shokuhou Misaki pondered:

"Compared to the Hokage faction families, the centrist families hope that after the new district is developed, it will be based on a pure market economy. Whoever has money can buy a house, and whoever has no money can get out. If the centrists occupy most of the families and resources in Konoha Village, they will inevitably become the dominant force in the new district and win the greatest benefits."

"Market economy?" Tsunade said. Thoughtfully:

"If we follow the market economy, will the centrists' plan offend too many people? After all, if we compete purely on financial strength, the Hokage faction is no match for the centrists. Under a pure market economy, housing prices will inevitably rise, completely cutting off the hope of civilian ninjas to buy houses. It can be said that a pure market economy will only make the centrists the mortal enemy of everyone else!"

"That's true." Shokuhou Misaki also nodded in agreement with Tsunade's judgment:

"So I think the centrists will be more compromising than the Hokage faction. Very strong. They should allow the Hokage faction to occupy a certain share of the central area, and also allow civilian ninjas to buy houses in the marginal areas at a low price. What they really pursue should be the right to compete fairly with the Hokage faction for the prosperous area, rather than trying to monopolize all the benefits. "

"I see. Not wanting to offend the dead Hokage faction, nor wanting to offend civilian ninjas, is indeed the style of the centrist family. The Hyuga clan relies on this soft fist to stand firm in Konoha Village!"

Tsunade looked at the third Ace of Hearts in her hand and nodded.

"Apart from the Hokage faction and the middle faction, the rest are naturally the attitudes of the civilian ninjas in Konoha Village."

Shokuhou Misaki said again:

"The attitudes of these civilian ninjas are very simple. They feel that they have made contributions to Konoha and shed blood for the village, so the village must give them a place to stay. They don't expect this place to be distributed for free, but at least hope that the housing prices in the new area will not be too high."

"Compared to the family ninjas, the attitudes of the civilian ninjas are really humble!" Tsunade sighed, and finally said:

"What about the other faction? The Hokage faction, the middle faction, and Civilian ninjas. There are only three factions of ninjas in Konoha Village, right? "

"There is another faction, which I can call the sensitive faction." Shokuhou Misaki said:

"This faction includes the Senju clan where you, Teacher Tsunade, came from, the Uchiha clan, most of whose members have left, the Shimura clan that lost the protection of Danzo, and other ninjas who have made mistakes or made meritorious deeds."

Hearing this, Tsunade chuckled and said:

"So this so-called sensitive faction is us! By the way, what do you think of the housing allocation plan for this new district?

"My opinion is very simple." Shokuhou Misaki heard this: "That is fairness, fairness, what the hell is fairness!" "Fairness?" Hearing this word, Tsunade directly dropped the fourth Ace of Hearts in her hand and said in surprise: "How are you going to be fair?" "Very simple! After the construction of the new district is completed, the houses after construction will be classified." Shokuhou Misaki pondered: "It is mainly divided into three categories, affordable housing, commercial housing, and public housing." "Among them, affordable housing is mainly for civilians in the village, and is generally located in remote corners of the new district. The price is as close to the people as possible. If the villagers are not satisfied with the affordable housing, they can also sell the housing to immigrants outside the village after purchasing it at a low price, so that they can also have money to renovate the original housing." "As for commercial housing, it is mainly for family ninjas, and is generally located in the center and prosperous areas of the new district. The sale of these houses is purely based on the market economy, and whoever has money will own it. As for the idea of ​​the Hokage faction wanting to monopolize the prosperous area, they are just dreaming! "

"Finally, there are public houses. These houses are not sold or distributed, but only provided to the ninjas of the village. Any ninja of Konoha can live in public houses for free. The houses with the best locations are allocated to the village's jonin. The slightly inferior houses are allocated to the village's chunin, and the houses in the average locations are allocated to the village's genin. "

"Public houses are a welfare provided by the village to ninjas. Any Konoha ninja, or former Konoha ninja, is eligible to rent a house in the new area for free. Although the ownership of this house belongs to the village, as long as the ninja is still alive, he can live here. "


In fact, what Shokuhou Misaki said was just the simplest housing allocation plan in the real world. Even compared to the real world, the plan given by Shokuhou Misaki is still very simple. After all, in the real world, there are at least five types of commercial housing, and each type is aimed at different groups of people.

But even so, the housing allocation plan mentioned by Shokuhou Misaki is still too advanced for Konoha's ninjas.

After all, most Konoha ninjas have not studied culture in the ninja school for more than six years. In the real world, this is like not graduating from elementary school. Entering the society! It is also for this reason that Nojiroe and other ninjas were stunned after listening to Shokuhou Misaki's distribution plan. It obviously takes some time to digest it.

In contrast, Tsunade has been wandering around the ninja world for a long time after the Second Ninja World War. He knows more about the twists and turns of the real estate industry than most Konoha ninjas, and as a medical ninja, Tsunade's cultural literacy is also very high. Ordinary Konoha ninjas need to think about it for a long time before they can understand the plan. She nodded after a little thought and said:

"Your plan is indeed as fair as possible. But in general, it still sacrifices the interests of the Hokage family. You must know that in the original old plan, they monopolized the core area of ​​the old city of Konoha! Once your plan comes out, the core area of ​​the new district must belong to the middle-class ninja clan. You have offended them badly!"

"What can I do?" Shokuhou Misaki shrugged and said:

"I want to be fair, but they only want privileges. Between fairness and privileges, of course I have to choose fairness! "

"But the problem is, if you choose fairness, they will become your enemies. But those who benefit from fairness will not become your friends so easily. Even after they benefit from fairness, they will return the benefits they have gained to those people."

Tsunade said this, and at the same time she turned over the last hole card. Seeing that the last hole card was also the Ace of Hearts, Tsunade's face was not happy at all. Instead, she grabbed the card box beside her and poured out all the playing cards in it. Under the nervous eyes of Nojiroe and others, those playing cards revealed their true colors.

It was countless Aces of Hearts!

It turned out that in order to allow Tsunade to win the gambling game, Nojiroe had tampered with the card box. In the box that seemed to deal cards randomly, there were actually dozens of Aces of Hearts placed in advance. As long as the small mechanism on the card box was moved, all the cards dealt to Tsunade would only be Aces of Hearts.

"I'm sorry, Lady Tsunade! "

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Nojiroe immediately bowed and apologized to Tsunade.

But Tsunade was not interested in Nojiroe's apology. Instead, she looked at Shokuhou Misaki and said:

"Do you know why I let them play this meaningless game with me even though I knew they were cheating?"


Teacher Hand wants to tell me that true fairness does not exist. Just like this gambling game, the winner will only be the strong party! And the weak party, even if they can win through a fair gambling game, they will find a way to give the fruits of victory to the strong party. "Shokuhou Misaki thought: "Just like the distribution plan I made, even if I tried to be fair as much as possible, those middle-class ninjas may not fight to the death with the ninjas of the Hokage faction. Out of fear of the Hokage faction, a large number of middle-class ninjas are likely to buy houses in prosperous areas and then resell them to the ninjas of the Hokage faction at a low price. " "In this case, not only will the ninjas of the Hokage faction become my enemies, but the middle-class ninjas will not become my friends. As for the civilian ninjas, they will only throw away the rights they have gained under this trend. In this way, I will lose the support of all factions and become a loner in the real sense! " "Yes. "Tsunade nodded and said:

"It is not difficult to come up with a fair plan. The biggest difficulty lies in how you implement it!"

"As long as Sarutobi is still the Hokage, the Hokage faction will hold the main power in Konoha Village. You can certainly not care about the counterattack of the Hokage faction, but can those small families and civilian ninjas in the middle faction not care? As long as you can't protect them, they will return the newly gained benefits to the Hokage faction for their own safety. "

"So everything you just said, in my opinion, is a meaningless gamble. Because the winner of the casino is always the dealer, and there is only one reason why the dealer can win, that is, they are strong enough! "

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