In the evening, Yan Zhu got in the car and went home.

Having walked halfway, Sun Ying frowned and turned back, but found nothing.

After a while, I looked back... only to see the beggar following not too far behind.

 We are riding horses and carriages! Although he didn't walk fast, how could he keep up with his feet?

Sun Yinglema stopped, and so did the beggar.

Sun Ying shook his head seriously at him, meaning: Don't let him follow.

 The beggar didn't move, just stood silently.

Seeing that the car was gone, Sun Yingcai walked forward. After walking for a while, I looked back and saw that the beggar was still standing there without moving, so I was relieved.

 The next day, Yan Zhu went out.

Sun Ying saw at a glance...the beggar standing at the door.

 He was furious and went up to him and shouted, "Why are you here?! What are you going to do?"

The beggar didn't speak, just looked at the ground in front of Yan Zhu's feet.

“Miss Yan, please get in the car and go.”

Yan Zhu looked at it, said nothing, got in the car and left.

Sun Ying looked angry: "The girl took pity on you and gave you food and drink. Why are you following her?"

The beggar looked at Yan Zhu's car driving away.


Sun Ying wanted to try his skills, so he stepped forward and reached out to grab him.

 As a result... the man didn't move, and Sun Ying grabbed his collar.

That bony chest was pinching his hands, but it was hard for Sun Ying to use force.

“You are not allowed to follow me anymore, do you hear me? If you do it again, I will take action! If not, I will ask the people in the Yamen to arrest you!”

 After saying that, he got on his horse and left angrily.

Among the guests having lunch today, Qi Youyi came unexpectedly.

The emperor has asked me to do something. He has been very busy recently. When she goes home, Ms. Cui always goes out, and it’s as if she’s not at home.

Just getting along sweetly with Xiuyun, so he is very beautiful.

 Yesterday, in Aunt Xiuyun’s house, I heard that my daughter Xiaomao said that she and her friends came to this shop, which was very interesting.

Just in time, a friend invited me to dinner. He promised that if it was really good, he would bring the two of them over next time.

Xiuyun glanced at him, but he didn't respond.

  While sitting here drinking, the men chatted but did not gossip, so in the end, he did not know who opened this shop. I actually booked a private room...

Sun Ying has something to do. After finishing his work, he can't worry about the beggar. I ran out and took a look, and sure enough, he was sitting in the same place as yesterday!

  Why has it become a dog-skin plaster?

Posted here and won’t leave!

So he walked over and threatened.

 As a result, I was scolded by a kind old lady passing by.

Sun Ying is quite embarrassed.

The old lady was carrying a bamboo basket containing the sesame cakes she had just bought. While talking about Sun Ying, he stuffed one into the beggar's hand.

 He took it and did not eat it.

The old lady glared at Sun Ying and said, "Look, he was so scared that he didn't even know how to eat. You can do some good for future generations!"

 To make Sun Ying angry…

After Yan Zhu was busy for a while, he also thought of the poor man. Back then, if Ayu hadn't fought so hard to **** Lanzhou back, Lanzhou would not have been as good as him...

 Feeling slightly sour, I asked the wood spirit to come out and take a look. As a result, Mu Ling went back and said, "He is still sitting there. Someone gave him a sesame seed cake, but he didn't eat it." When he saw me going out, he looked at me silently.

Yan Zhu sighed, "Bring him a bowl of tea and some steamed buns."

Not long after, Li Jiang ran in and complained to Yan Zhu: "Tell me about that beggar. He didn't eat the sesame seed cakes given by others. He ate the buns we gave him. Tell me, what a thief he is! He's hungry. Forget it! No, we can’t starve to death here... We can’t let him die anymore!”

In the afternoon, Princess Huiduan came to the store. Master Qing took a young apprentice to help her try on the half-made clothes.

 The technique is gentle and steady, which makes Princess Huiduan very satisfied.

The mirror in the store is also a good item. It is big and bright, and it clearly reflects the appearance of Princess Duanhui.

"The princess's waist is very slender. It seems that she is active frequently."

 “Yeah, when I was young, I was pretty good at playing polo!”

"Oh?! Polo is interesting. I don't have enough strength, but my accuracy is good." Master Qing was working and answered subconsciously.

Hui Duan was a little surprised. How could a girl from an ordinary family learn polo?

 But she didn’t ask rashly…

Master Qing’s mind was focused on his clothes and he didn’t realize what he said, “I deliberately closed it a little bit here...right here. This way, you will appear more energetic!”

"Yes, Not Bad!"

“You can stretch your arms, walk around, and sit down to see if you feel any discomfort.”

Hui Duan tried back and forth: "No, everything is fine!"

"Okay. As long as there are no changes, it will be fine in two or three days! By then, will it be delivered to your house, or will you come and pick it up?"

“I’ll come! I don’t have anything to do on weekdays. I go out for a walk and I’m in a good mood!”

 “You can invite your friends upstairs to chat.”

 “How many people are there upstairs?”

"There are quite a few! Go up and take a look, maybe there will be friends here! Miss Wen is here today, so you can talk to her if you want."

 “Oh? Does she come every day?”

 “Girls like it here and will invite friends over!”

“I heard that the restaurant is also delicious. Can I book a private room?”

"Of course! Please come over and have a look in a moment! Miss Yan has asked people to make shrimp noodles these two days! They are only available in this season and they are very delicious. You can go and taste them, and then look at the private room."

“It’s really good that you two stores are opened together. Food and clothing are indispensable in everything!”

“It has to be in the capital, with the status of the princess, and there are many people who can do it, so it can be done!”

Hui Duan couldn’t help laughing when he thought of the price of the clothes.   This is such a nice place, so pleasant!

 She also has a cheerful temperament and goes as she says.

After trying on the clothes, Master Qing sent a little girl to follow the princess to the side. Lunch was coming to an end, there were not many people in the lobby, and there was some faint noise upstairs.

Accompanied by the little girl and the store manager, I looked around.

The first floor is different from ordinary restaurants. The tables and chairs are all light-colored, which looks very unstable... but it is eye-catching, and the paintings on the walls are also novel. The guys are all spirited guys, and they all dress up in a playful way.

 It’s really unique!

While walking upstairs, the steward introduced: "The small private room can seat four people, and the large private room can seat twenty people."

Before Duan Hui could say anything, the door of a private room suddenly opened, and the sound of a flute came from inside.

She looked over curiously and saw a man standing inside, his head shaking, his body swaying, one foot beating the beat, and two hands holding a flute. A woman in colorful silk clothes is dancing.

 The sound of the flute is cheerful and rhythmic. The woman spread her sleeves and turned her waist, and the room burst into cheers.

Duan Hui recognized the man at a glance. She had seen the man during the Lantern Festival and outside the Zhang Family Mansion...

 She couldn't help but stop.

 The manager didn’t rush me, but went to open a private room next to him.

 At the end of the song, the man put down his hands with a bright smile on his face.

People in the room were shouting: "Okay! The music is great! The dance is great! It's time to show off!"

  The man was given a glass of wine, but he did not refuse, took it and drank it in one gulp.

Princess Huiduan smiled and was really a playful person.

Turning around, she looked at the private rooms and booked one for a few days.

 When I went downstairs, I heard the laughter was still there.

 “I heard that there are fresh shrimp noodles in the store, let me try one!”

The steward quickly arranged a suitable seat for her, and then went to make arrangements for her personally.

The princess was drinking tea.

She has been a bit deviant since she was a child, and she has always been restrained by women's rules at home.

Have done many outrageous things. For example, dressing up as a man and going to a brothel.

 There was a restaurant opened by people from the Western Regions in Xicheng. The dancing, with little clothing and wild dancing, was once her favorite place. I even practiced at home and she can spin a lot of circles!

 Her parents and brothers had no control over her. They were worried about how she would get married in the future!

But she didn’t expect that she could marry, and she could marry the person she loved.

Her husband, although not of high birth, is handsome and knowledgeable. What is even more rare is that he is open-minded, romantic and unrestrained, and does not stick to trivial matters. Although he is very knowledgeable, he is not a nerd.

He is full of weird stories and can tell as many ghost stories as he likes.

 She was deeply infatuated with him, and in order to marry him, she had a huge quarrel with her family.

 In the end, she actually planned to elope. And he actually agreed without even asking for the fame!

The family had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

 After a few good years, he gave up and passed away.

 Originally, she was not stubborn about being a widow for him, but she didn't catch it!

 In the years since her son was away, she has also met two young and energetic men. However, it was later discovered that they were essentially similar to those people, they were just younger.

 This noodles is so fresh!

 In my mind, the man just now appeared.

But the next moment, that person appeared in front of him, accompanying a man downstairs and out the door...

"Brother Feng, this restaurant is really good! Especially today's dance and this song! Great!" The man took out a banknote and threw it to the steward standing next to him, "Book a private room for me! Feng! Brother, I’ll treat you here in ten days! You can’t refuse.”

That "Brother Feng" nodded repeatedly, "Absolutely. When the time comes, we will invite Cai Die'er!"

 “Okay, okay!”

 Look at them going out. The princess smiled, shook her head, and concentrated on drinking the soup.

 “Madam?!” A surprised cry.

 Looking up, that "Brother Feng" was standing in front of him excitedly.


The princess smiled, took out the handkerchief and touched the corner of her mouth, her demeanor was absolutely grand.

"Is it really you!? Madam, you know how to enjoy it! This noodle is so delicious!"

 “It’s not bad!”

“Although I have met my wife twice, but I haven’t had time to introduce myself yet, my surname is Wen Feng, and my home is...”

 He talked eloquently, and the princess listened, smiling and saying nothing.

After a while, someone came down from upstairs and said, "Brother Feng, why did you never come back?" Seeing that he was talking to a lady, he turned around and went back.

Wen Feng couldn't stay any longer and said quickly, "I'm afraid Madam doesn't know that this store is opened by my niece."

“Oh? I didn’t realize it just now, but their surname is Wen! Mr. Wen’s niece is so capable!”

"Yes, yes! That little girl is very capable!" She looked very complimentary.

 So far, Hui Duan is satisfied with everything about him.

"Madam, the best snack in the store is called Yulu Jinbo, but I heard just now that I can't make it today. When I make it later, can I send a box to Madam's house?!"

 "You're welcome, sir. When the time comes, I'll..."

"Madam, Madam... even if I mentioned it, there is no reason for Madam to spend it? I have sold such expensive things to Madam for my niece's business. Then who have I become?! You just Tell me your address! It would be disrespectful to my wife if I don’t ask for anything!”

 Actually, he knows, but he is testing.

The princess was very considerate and told her the address.

Then the next day, I found that the extremely expensive box of "Jade Dew Gold Poker" had arrived home.

 Coming with me, there is this beautiful dog skin plaster!

I wanted to finish the "dog-skin plaster" section, so it became a bit longer. Haven’t had breakfast yet!

Hunter from Xiaomei’s repeated tail harassment: Don’t just write words, you also have a cat!

 If there are any mistakes, please correct them.

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