The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 211: He's really stupid

 As early as when Wen Feng approached, someone had already handed the news to Wen Yu.

 What a coincidence!

 She had taken a brief look at the situation in the store and there was nothing much to do. Holding a pen, I am writing and drawing aimlessly.

Once the shop is open, it will take at least a few months for it to stabilize. At that time, she will marry into the Qi family.

 Most things develop in the direction you want.

Wen Feng and the princess couldn't predict their direction, but it was easy to get their shoes wet when walking along the river.

 In the end, the unlucky one must be Wen Feng...or even the Wen family.

 So, second uncle, don’t be too hasty. It's best to wait until I enter the Qi family!

 The most ridiculous thing is Wu’s...

 At first, I didn’t even realize what she wanted to do. I was still wondering why she was so enthusiastic about my affairs. Until Xiaoji found out that she was looking around for shops in Beijing!

 It turns out that I want to open a "branch"!

 It’s true, if you are thick-skinned, you are invincible. Has she forgotten that she wanted to kill me at Crossing the Mountain?

  No, people like her would think: She doesn’t care, so what else can I say?

I thought I was honest after the beating, but I didn't expect that he was quite arrogant.

 I hope my second uncle can bring me a big "surprise"!

Yuan Shi’s…

 She was already thin, but now she has dark circles under her eyes, a knife-shaped face, and an expressionless face all day long, giving her the look of a mean widow. Even the expression on her grandmother's face was different from before when she saw her.

But Wen Huan is more calm than Yuan.

Wen Yu looked at her small room. It was really nice here. She could see a lot of people and overhear a lot of gossip. I've been sitting here for a few days and heard a lot of gossip! When those people talked about their excitement, their voices were loud!

 Put down the pen and rested his chin on his hand, thinking of the girl today and talking about the time they went to the pear garden next to Fanghua Temple a few days ago...

“I don’t know why His Highness insists on bringing gold. What kind of person is he?”

 “He followed again?”

"Isn't it?! Talking nonsense to all the women, as if everyone else is interested in him! I won't go there next time he comes. Wen Huan wore a white gauze skirt and walked among the pear blossoms. She was very beautiful. His Highness still stood there and watched. Oh! The result is... so unpleasant. Your Highness is not happy, and I think Wen Huan is very angry!"

"Tell me, does Wen Huan have any interest in His Highness..."

 “Huh?! If you didn’t tell me, I really didn’t realize it!”

 It’s not like you didn’t realize this! Wen Yu smiled secretly.

 But then, the two people’s voices became lower...

Well, Wen Huan is quite capable and has finally entered the social circle of Prince Yongqing. If that person is really interested in her...

Don’t be afraid. Even if you climb a high branch at this moment, it’s not bad to fall hard if you climb high.

 Besides, it is “gold” and it will always shine!

 You have to find someone important from Qi Wu to arrange it!

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Wen Yu stood up and opened it, and Zhang Jinqing got in: "Sister Ayu, my brother is here."

"where is it?"

“Next to him, he was following his master and a companion, as if he was passing by.”

 “I’ll go take a look!”

We went downstairs together and went to the restaurant next door. There were several men sitting at the table near the gate.

"elder brother!"

Zhang Jiangqing was laughing, turned around and stood up.

Wen Yu came over and said, "Brother Jiang Qing!"

"Sister Wen. I followed the master out to do some errands and passed by. The master is Wen Yu, the daughter of Uncle Jiang Qing. This is my master, Lin..."

His master Lin Tong was less than thirty years old and was also a son of an official. Zhang Jiangqing didn't know what to call Wen Yu for a while.

Lin Tong was very surprised when he saw Wen Yu, what a beautiful girl! "Miss Wen!"

 “Master Lin!” He said warmly and saluted.

She saw this man. Although he was not tall, handsome, and dressed simply, he had a stable temperament that people did not dare to look down upon.

“I heard other people talking about this restaurant, so I happened to pass by today and came to try it.”

"Master Lin, would you like to go to the second floor? It's quieter there." Wen Yu said.

 “Eat something simple, there’s still work to do!”

“Brother Jiang Qing, you are lucky enough to have fresh shrimp noodles!”

Zhang Jiangqing smiled and said, "You still need to tell me? Before I even entered the door, Li Jiang leaked the news. We can't afford it for ten taels of silver a set!"

“Then don’t eat the same thing! Go and cook a few bowls of noodles and bring over some side dishes!”

Everyone laughed, and Lin Tong said: "Okay! Today, I also have the honor of being an apprentice!" Zhang Jiangqing flattered him: "On weekdays, I eat and drink with you! Your apprentice is here, finally It’s a bit thin, but this is the only place in the whole capital! You’re welcome!”

After a while, the dishes were all served. Wen Yu was afraid that she would be awkward among everyone, so she left first.


Qi Youyi had a good meal at "Youziyouwei". When he got back, he went to Tan's house and said mysteriously: "I booked a private room at "Youziyouwei". When the time comes, I want to take the old lady and Xiuyun and Xiaomao eat.

Mr. Tan has recovered a bit in the past two days and is in good spirits. Hearing this, he burst out laughing.

 “Mother, why are you laughing?”

Qi Youyi was puzzled.

Ms. Tan laughed for a while and then asked, "You don't know who runs that shop?"

"I do not know?"

“Oh, silly son! You are so stupid, how can I rest assured in the future?” Mrs. Tan smiled bitterly.

"Mother, what did you say?!" Qi Youyi was very nervous, thinking of Mrs. Tan's gloomy expression a few days ago.

Mrs. Tan didn't hold it intentionally, and said frankly: "That shop belongs to your daughter-in-law. She gave it to the Wen family and Xiaowu's unmarried daughter-in-law took care of it. I don't know what happened specifically. But they are the ones who opened the store. Minghui has been crying a lot these days..."

She stopped talking and then, as if to react, she forced a smile.

 How could Qi Youyi care about such things on ordinary days? So I was a little stunned.

Mrs. Tan looked at him and didn't want to say any more, "Now that you have reserved a private room, you might as well go and support him. I won't go! Xiuyun... forget it for now!"

“Mother, are you hiding something from me?”

"No! What can I hide from you?! The emperor has assigned you a job, just do it well! Don't worry about anything else!"

 She looked like she didn’t want to say more.

Qi Youyi had doubts and came back to ask Xiulan.

To be honest, Xiulan was prepared to marry Qi Youyi by the Tan family, so she originally invited her nanny to teach her according to the standards of a housewife.

Therefore, Xiuyun is not as meandering as she is, "I don't know what is going on specifically, I just heard some gossip..."

"Huh, I'm just like an outsider in this family!" Qi Youyi said angrily. Then he looked at Xiuyun angrily: "Why didn't you tell me what you heard?"

Xiuyun smiled faintly: "Yes: Madam gave the shop to a girl from the Wen family to manage. Grandma was unhappy and wanted the uncle to talk to Madam. But for some reason, Grandma got pregnant and went back to her parents' house in anger. The uncle went to pick her up but refused to come back. But a few days later, she came back on her own.

 “Humph, she always makes the house a mess!”

Xiuyun knew that "she" referred to his wife.

 “And there is…”

 “Say it!”

"Before the shop opened, I heard that I invited some relatives and friends to come over, hoping that everyone could help me with the details, and even held a banquet. All the Wen family members went, as did my wife's natal family. Old General Cui also invited many friends. In our house, my wife took Bao'er to..."

Qi Youyi felt a little guilty when he heard Xiulan mentioning his father-in-law.

 When he came back this time, he was hosting a treat for the Cui family during the Chinese New Year, so he brought some gifts to the door. The Cui family treated him lightly, but he was unhappy and left early. Afterwards, when he saw the Cui family's eldest uncle, he ignored him.

Hum, he became angry: Who is inferior to whom? ! If you ignore me, I won’t move forward!

He was just thinking about his own feelings until Xiuyun said: "I didn't even tell my aunt about such an aunt feels bad!"

 Actually, Xiuyun felt calm in her heart. There were clothes, some snacks, so many girls were there, but the lady didn’t even mention the kitten.

  Kittens are good-natured and not picky. Someone asked her to go the day before yesterday. She was very happy, but the old lady stopped her.

What is this! ?

 But she would not talk to Qi Youyi about this. It seems that he didn't realize it either...

"Actually, it's not appropriate for my aunt to take the whole family there before Miss Wen has even entered the house. So, my aunt doesn't mind either."

"I haven't paid attention to it these days. Are Qi Xiao and his wife not getting along well?"

“I don’t know. It’s just that grandma’s complexion has not been very good recently. However, I don’t care much about these things. Hua’s daughter-in-law is about to give birth..."

 “I really can’t tell that you are going to have a grandson!” Qi Youqi smiled.

 “Do you like boys or girls?!”

 “I like everything related to you!” He said love words without blushing.

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