There is no solution to the problem, so I have to find my mother.

Seeing him wilting in, Mrs. Qi felt distressed and didn't dare to offend him again, "Why were you running away just now!? Mom asked you because she was also concerned about you. In all these years, when have you ever been short of money?

Wen Yu opened the store, but I didn’t hear her say to take it from you. A mouthful costs tens of thousands, my mother thought, if anything happens to you, I will help you get the details..."

She is also worried, what if her son is young and "does bad things" outside?

Qi Wu was stunned for a while and sighed, "Mom, my son wants to tell you something! Let's finish this matter. You are not allowed to scold your son, and you are not allowed to tell Wen Yu. Otherwise... your son will really run away from home. You There will be no grandchildren!"

 Mrs. Qi almost raised her hand and slapped him! He held it back for a while... then smiled.

She said softly: "Er, don't worry! In this world, the one who loves you the most is your mother! No matter when, if you can't say anything to anyone, you can always say it to your mother! Okay, everything is according to you Do as you say.”

  Hehe, she learned this from Wen Yu! If you say something you are unhappy about with a smile, it will have a better effect than frowning!

 Seeing his mother being so "amiable", Qi Wu felt a lot more at he told Qin Lianyue.

After hearing this, Mrs. Qi no longer pretended to be gentle. She raised her hand and slapped Qi Wu!

 “You bastard! You can do this?!” She was angry!

Qi Wu held his head and felt dizzy, "You hit your son? Are you trying to coax me with what you just said!?"

Mrs. Qi regretted it after the beating, but she refused to accept it, "I'll hit you lightly! You don't even think about the consequences here! If Wen Yu knew about it, would he still be able to live with you in a down-to-earth manner? If people outside knew about it, you two If you go out again, no one will judge you! ? Wen Yu is a good girl, why do you want her to endure this? "

 “Mother…son regrets it!”

 Mrs. Qi’s innermost thoughts, do you regret that you have done nothing? !

 “What do Zhang Cai and his wife do for food!? Such a big thing...come here!”

"Mother!" Qi Wu jumped up, "These things were all done by my sons. Don't blame them. Mother, please don't be like this... Listen to me: I was also surprised when the marriage failed. When she saw Qin Lianyue, she cried She almost fainted, I thought she couldn't help it...

Furthermore, she still married into the Duke's Mansion, and Jiang Er's son also heard a little bit about spending money. There are some things... you may not know that the Qin family's farmland was washed away and their life is much worse than before. They, mother and daughter, had taken good care of their son for many years, so they thought... forget it. It is not the behavior of a man to ask for something back after giving it away. "

"Son, that's not what you said! Those silver items are for your marriage. Besides, your mother entrusted Du Liu to take care of you, so it's not for nothing?! Give it to her during the holidays?! How many things did you get?

Your tuition fees are all paid at the full rate. Even the library of the Qin family academy was donated by my mother. The point is, they have some purpose for being nice to you. Otherwise, how could your mother allow you to marry her? In this case, why bother with these hypocritical things? "

Qi Wu stopped talking.

"Besides, my mother doesn't feel sorry for Yinzi. It's about the difference between men and women! It's one thing for me to love her as a cousin, but for you as a cousin, you really have to be polite and innocent! Otherwise, what are you doing now? It’s so difficult! Why don’t you dare to confess everything to Wen Yu?”

Qi Wu was about to cry again, "Mother, please help your son. Teach her gently... I don't want her to be angry."

 “This can’t be solved by just giving you money, right?”

“But she, she quite likes silver. Give her more, and when this is over... my son will find a chance to explain to her.”

 “Oh, you just want to fool and delay...”

"Mother, is Qin Lianyue crazy? Does she want to die, so she wants to drag her son along?" Qi Wu said bitterly.

Mrs. Qi looked at his attitude and expressed satisfaction, "Ha! She's not crazy! I heard yesterday that her mother-in-law took concubines for Jiang Er, and one of them got pregnant! She just fooled you fools in those two times. man…"

Looking at her son's handsome face, which was both red and white, Mrs. Qi apologized: "It's really useless to deal with her mother-in-law. I've said it before, she will definitely regret it!

 How does Jiang Erling compare with you? How can Mrs. Jiang compare with me? ! I made the wrong choice and regretted it. Huh, where are we now? Her days of hardship are still to come! "

“Mother, if you say this, you really can’t ignore her. She’s not doing well and keeps harassing me, so what can I do?”

 “What do you think of those belongings?”

"Of course my son wants to come back. Donating to charity is a hundred times better than giving it to her! Feeding the dog is better than giving it to her!" Qi Wu really hated him. He had never hated a person so much.

"You think this way, which means you are not confused yet. this way, you still have to think about it. If not, I will tell Wen Yu..."

“Mother!” Qi Wu was shocked: “You promised not to tell Ayu!”

"Oh, I forgot. Okay, don't say it, don't say it!" Mrs. Qi quickly coaxed.

"You have to remember, if you forget about your son, you will be in trouble!" He felt that it was not strong enough, "Do you still want a grandson?!" Mrs. Qi was angry and laughing, and I didn't say anything! But don’t you know Wen Yu for most of it? If you continue to hide the truth from her, wouldn't you be deceiving her?

Besides, she was kept in the dark. If she didn’t handle the situation well and suffered a loss, it would be the end of the world for you! ?

However, seeing my son get into trouble, I can’t push him any further.

"Okay, I remember." Thinking of Qin Lianyue, her face turned cold again: "Xiao Wu, don't be stupid and ask Qin Lianyue for it! You can't write to her, let alone see her. Do you understand? ! This is no joke!”

Qi Wu nodded: "Of course this son knows. Once I marry a wife, I can no longer see other women!"

"Good son! Don't worry about it... I'll take a look at Qin Lianyue first. Don't you think she's really crazy? If she talks nonsense, how disgusting will it be?"

"Mother, my grandson said just now that if it doesn't work, I'll seal her mouth. What do you think?" Qi Wu's eyes became very cold.

Mrs. Qi looked at her son, wondering if this was a bit too much... "Don't panic, let me take a look first. This cheap girl really doesn't deserve anyone to treat her well!"


Mrs. Li was at home, taking care of the housework, taking out the letter she received and reading it carefully.

Take out the Zhao family's guest list and study it.

 After a while, some news came back. After a while, her men came back, "Madam." The visitor said awkwardly: "I lost you..."

“What? How can I still follow you in the capital?”

"Mr. Yang got in the car and walked towards Nancheng. He passed through a small alley and went around in a circle before going home. But why did he go around in such a circle? And he shouldn't go home at this time. ! Madam...this is not right!”

“Could it be that he discovered you following him?”

That person thinks about it. "It shouldn't be. It's so good, he didn't even look back!"

Mrs. Li felt like she had a clear mind. It seemed that what this letter said was true.

 “You go down first.”

After everyone left, she opened the letter again. The above is a simple sentence: Your brother-in-law has a sweetheart outside, named Wei Xiangyu.

 Nothing else was written. I don’t know who Wei Xiangyu is or where he lives.

 In Mrs. Li’s impression, she did not know this person.

 In fact, it is quite normal: the Wei family is not well-known in the capital, and Wei Xiangyu also calls herself Mrs. Song when socializing in the capital. There are also many legends about her dressing style.

 But Mrs. Li definitely doesn’t care about this, so I really don’t know her.

This kind of thing...don't alert the snake, and don't let your sister know. Therefore, we can only investigate secretly.

 He asked people to follow Yang Xiangdong, but lost him... If he didn't have any evil intentions, why was he sneaking around?

OK! This white-eyed wolf!

 She was even more angry than her husband about this!

 Don't be excited, don't be excited...Who could have sent the letter?


Yang Xiangdong today is really not avoiding Mrs. Li's tracking.

 He went to see the "middle man". This time I went out and got back some materials to deliver to that person.

 He was very guarded against his contact with that person. Moreover, Xiang Yu is pregnant, so you have to be careful if you go to her place in the future...

 Time is tight and there are many things to do... His mind lost its usual calmness and became a little panicked. After bringing down the Song family, he would use the money he had and ask that person to see if he could clean up the Li family...

 Only when the Li family completely collapses can he live with Xiang Yu with peace of mind.

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