Wen Yu read the account and spent some time with Zhuzhu, listening to her talking about her daddy and Gu Yue's silence, feeling relaxed and happy.

 She opened her mouth several times to ask her what she thought of Hu Fei, but in the end she didn't ask.

On the way home, I suddenly felt a little heavy, as if I was a little frightened to face my husband. This is not a good thing...

 Just got home, the girl is waiting at the door...my mother-in-law invites me.

Seeing Wen Yu come in, Mrs. Qi waved: "You're back?! How is the store?"

“Everything is going well. My cousin’s inn will open in three days. When the time comes, please come over and support us!”

“Okay! Uncle Song’s handiwork is really big. He opened such a big inn without saying a word.”

"Yes! In the capital, you can spend any amount of money. Look, Mr. Hu obviously has a big house in the capital, but he still lives there!" She sat next to Mrs. Qi.

Mrs. Qi patted Wen Yu's hand and said, "This is life! Zhuzhu saved a person casually, but he is a big shot. He wanted to recognize his godfather, but he reunited with his biological father. Everything that happens to this girl is a good thing!"

“Yes!” Wen Yu sighed as he thought of her in the previous life.

 “Ayu…mother wants to talk to you about something.”

 “Mother, please tell me.”

 “In the morning, Xiaowu came to see me...”

Wen Yu smiled but said nothing.

“Ayu, do you know that Xiao Wu almost got engaged to Qin Lianyue?”

Wen Yu nodded slightly.

Mrs. Qi sighed in her heart: Fortunately, she decided to tell the truth to her! According to the stupid son's idea, just make up the money and everything will be fine... How could it be fine? The more you hide it, the worse it gets!

 Oh, my sons are all stupid in their own way! Why are we already getting married and why do you still make me anxious?

"He was worried that you would be angry and didn't want me to tell you. However, mother thought that it was better to make things like this clear to avoid causing bigger misunderstandings in the future."

 Be gentle and silent.

 “Sigh. I thought those things were all over...”

Seeing that her mother-in-law was a little sad, Wen was a little embarrassed to say: "Mom..."

Mrs. Qi clapped her hand again: "I'll tell you everything that happened before..."

So Mrs. Qi asked under what circumstances she would send Qi Wu out to school.

He also told me how he asked Duliu to take care of him, how many years he had studied there, when he would come back, etc.

"After Xiao Wu went to school for two years, Du Liu started to talk to me about marriage. But at that time, I was not willing. So I said I was young and would wait until I was older. During this period, I knew that Du Liu was interested in Xiao Wu. Very good. The Qin family has an open family style, and girls can also study with men. Xiao Wu met Qin Lianyue and got close...

 When he was sixteen, he told me that he did not want to take the scientific examination route. So, after the New Year, I came back. It's almost the age to talk about marriage. The one at the back... I'm thinking about it.

 Unfortunately, there was no suitable girl among my relatives and friends at that time. And that one calmly blocked other people who were searching. We often hold gatherings at home, and among the people who come, there are always a few random ones wandering around the garden.

 After Xiao Wu came back, he was busy outside. Even if I asked him, he wouldn’t say anything. Sometimes I just leave the house without saying anything, and I don’t know when I will come back.

 He is organized and organized, but he is also a bit simple. I'm just afraid that I won't be able to see anyone and run into those who are out of place. People are plotting against him, how can they tell clearly at that time? In a desperate situation, the Qin family knew everything. "

Wen Yu smiled secretly, it must have been requested by Qi Wu, right? ! snort…

"I took Xiao Wu back to my hometown with the intention of taking care of this matter. But when I arrived, I found out that Qin Lianyue had actually made an engagement with the Jiang family. This was really a surprise to me! I was so angry! I felt It's fate that's playing tricks on you!

Qin Lianyue's mother came to me and wanted to explain and restore old friendships, but I ignored her. But I'm afraid that if I just go back to the capital like this, the marriage will definitely fall into the hands of the person behind me! I was anxious to find it for Xiaowu locally. I looked through a lot but was not very satisfied until... I met you! "

Mrs. Qi looked at Wen Yu tenderly. "Ayu, it can be said that I fell in love with you at first sight. Not to mention, you are Yuanyuan's savior. So, I took the initiative to contact the Wen family and propose marriage to your grandmother in person.

Although there are twists and turns, the good news is that the sky has eyes and good things will eventually come true. Ordinarily, my luck is not too bad, and I finally got such a good daughter-in-law like you. Mother is having a good time during this time..."

How could Wen Yu not be moved? "Mother, Wen Yu is more lucky to have met you!"

 The eyes of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were slightly moist. Mrs. Qi's face sank again: "I just didn't expect that the Qin family would still have the nerve to pester after breaking the contract! Sigh... When Xiao Wu was studying, I was worried that he would live with someone else, so I didn't pay less. Who would have thought that the Qin family would The descendants of the great Confucian scholar were actually that way and were tricked away! Haha...she is so shameless!"

But Wen Yu was thinking: If Qi Wu doesn't give him a chance, she can trick him! ?

It seems that if something goes wrong, it’s not his son’s fault, it’s everyone else’s fault! Women all over the world are the same! ?

"After I learned about the engagement between the Qin family and the Jiang family, I told Xiao Wu that we are done with it from now on! If there is anything that should be destroyed, destroy it and take back what should be taken back. This is also my fault, such a large sum of money and valuables I didn’t even know that my son wasn’t coming back!”

He said softly but calmly: "Mother, I know!"

"You know? When did you know it?" Mrs. Qi was shocked.

So Wen Yu told Mrs. Qi what she had encountered at Tianlong Temple. "At that time, I didn't know my husband, and I didn't see his face. Moreover, his voice was hoarse, as if he had returned from a long distance. So, when I met my husband later, I didn't recognize him."

 After finishing speaking, she thought: If she had recognized it at the beginning, would there have been any of the following things?

 If not, what kind of life will I have? I can’t help but feel guilty...

 This marriage was planned by myself. However, during her contact with Qi Yang, she fell in love with him. That's why I feel sad and angry now.

 If I go by my original intention, I have actually achieved many things that I never dared to think of. Suddenly, I didn't feel so sad or angry anymore, but just a little regretful...

Mrs. Qi smiled bitterly, "This is true, it's a coincidence!"

"Mother! To tell you the truth, Qin Lianyue has some tricks up her sleeve. From what I heard that day: She expressed her reluctance to marry the Jiang family and her deep attachment to her husband. She also said that she would give away the silver. Return everything. But in that situation, it is really difficult for a man like me to reach out and take things back.”

“Hmph! Her mother taught her how to behave like this. I thought that after marrying into the Qin family, she would become better because of what she heard and what she saw!”

“Mother, I wasn’t the one who overheard yesterday. It was Qin Lianyue who came to me on her own initiative.”

 “She is looking for you? What is she looking for you for?”

"She said that you are related to her mother, and that she and her husband are childhood sweethearts. The key point is also that: her husband is very good to her...making kites in spring, making fans in summer, flying fireflies in autumn, and so on in winter...After she said this , I realized that my husband was the person she met at Tianlong Temple!"

"Bah! She is really frustrated and crazy!" Mrs. Qi's face turned red with excitement: "It's true that Xiaowu gave her some silver coins, and it's also true that he gave her some valuable items. There are also some... that he brought to her sisters outside. Snacks and stuff to bring back.

 As for making a kite fan or something like that, it’s just nonsense! Xiaowu has a lot of homework! In addition to taking classes with the Qin family, he also has to practice martial arts. In his spare time, he also goes out to practice riding, shooting and playing polo. How can I have time to do that for her! ? This shameless bitch, next time I see her, I will tear her mouth apart! "

 Wen Yu smiled secretly, instigating, who can't do it?

"Mom, she is really not right in the head. Both men are married and women are married, especially... She still managed to get a good marriage by herself, and she took money that she shouldn't have. To be honest, it was too late to hide! How could she take the initiative on her own? Isn't she afraid that I'll beat her up if she exposes the scandal?"

Mrs. Qi thought of that scene and laughed: "She owes this!"

“If it weren’t for our shame, I would have slapped her!” Wen Yu also hated her so much.

"When her mother was a child, she loved to play tricks and use roundabout ways to do the smallest things. As for why Qin Lianyue did this... I guess her life was not going well. Mrs. Jiang gave her husband two serious concubines. . One of them is pregnant! He wants to give birth to her baby!"

Wen Yu frowned slightly, "I heard that Jiang's eldest son is in poor health?"

"Yes! The eldest son's daughter-in-law is Mrs. Jiang's niece. They are very close friends! Especially the niece, who knew that Mr. Jiang was not in good health yet decided to marry her. Mrs. Jiang felt even more sorry for her. Although he is also very kind to Jiang Er, what he really likes is the eldest son who is so anxious to take a concubine..."

“You are saying that if a son is born in the future, he will be adopted by the eldest son?”

"Yes! This is what Mrs. Jiang had in mind! Otherwise, could she agree to the marriage between Jiang Er and Qin Lianyue? Qin Lianyue's dream of becoming the Duke's wife was in vain!"

 The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law sneered at the same time.

"It's just mother... Qin Lianyue has a lot of affection for her husband, but she chose the Jiang family because she was fascinated by power for a while. Judging from her words and deeds, she is quite self-righteous. I'm afraid she thinks... her husband has lost her, and she only deserves to be sad and lost in the corner. , I will never forget her for the rest of my life!”

Mrs. Qi was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, she nodded frequently. Although it's a bit far-fetched, maybe she really thinks so!

"But my husband turned around and got engaged to me without looking sad at all. After a polo match, my husband stole the show in the capital. My daughter-in-law, my talent and appearance are only surpassed by Qin Lianyue's!" Wen Yu said With a look of disdain, he said, "In addition, your love for me probably spreads a lot outside.

How can she accept that her husband has forgotten her? How could you admit your failure? That's why he found me and instigated me to show off. Just intending to ruin your husband's good life. If, as you said, her dreams come to nothing in the future, how can she bear it? By then, you will definitely go crazy..."

“Is it really like Taisun said... kill her?!” Mrs. Qi murmured, her expression slowly becoming firm.

 Wen Yu heard it: Yes. After knowing Taisun for so long, he finally spoke a human word.

"She doesn't have to be killed, but she can't be left to go crazy!" Wen Yu said coldly.

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