Chapter 39: Humiliating

  After sending Wen Yu away, the old man turned his attention to Wen Feng.

 He raised his chin at Wen Shuo first, "You go down first!"

Wen Shuo glanced at Wen Feng out of the corner of his eye, with a hint of sarcasm unconsciously revealed at the corner of his mouth, stood up, bowed and left.

 “Wen Feng, kneel down.” Mr. Wen said calmly.

Wen Feng felt uneasy and his face was gloomy, but he did not move or speak...

"You evil deed, kneel down before me!" Mr. Wen slammed the table and became furious.

Old Mrs. Wen sighed in her heart, and finally let this dead old man know.

Wen Qian's face didn't look too good either, but he lowered his head and said nothing.

Suddenly, Wen Feng became a bachelor. He stood up in a hurry and knelt down, but he held his neck and had a sneer on his face.

The old man pointed at him, looking very angry, "There is such a dirty and dirty person in this world! If Brother Feng hadn't taken care of the Wen family's face when he got married, I would have opened an ancestral hall to drive you out of the Wen family when I came back. Home!"

 Old Mrs. Wen couldn't argue with this matter at all, and couldn't help but feel resentful and resentful. I have to be strong all my life, and I have been fighting against the dead old man for many years, but I have never been so aggrieved.

It just so happened that this enemy was caught doing something wrong and was pointed in his face and scolded, but he couldn't reply!

"You haven't been able to deal with the troubles outside your home all these years?! You still have to reach into your brother's room?! What kind of thing are you? Ah? The fourth child is upright and dignified in front of his official, you can't compare To steal his wife and humiliate him?"

The old man became more and more excited as he spoke. He blushed and spat at Wen Feng: "Bah! Dirty thing! How old is Ms. Liu? Angry!? If she had given birth to children earlier, she would be a grandmother now, and so could you. You can’t stop talking! That **** makes me sick!”

While cursing, he poked Wen Feng's head hard with his hand, spraying tobacco-scented spit on his face.

Wen Feng’s head was tilted as he was poked. He suppressed his anger so that he didn’t jump up and kick the old guy to death!

 When his parents made trouble, he was still young and didn't understand what was going on. The eldest brother Wen Qian has endured a lot, but he really hasn't suffered much.

Over the years, my father has been absent, my mother has been conniving, and my eldest brother has been busy with his own affairs. He is self-sufficient, good-looking, talented and rich, and he is sought after when he goes out. Walking around Wenrou Township all day long, don’t let your day be too beautiful.

This is really the first time in my life to be scolded and humiliated by others...

The **** couldn't stand his temper anymore, so he raised his eyes and glanced at his elder brother. Wen Qian looked at him solemnly, pursed his lips, and shook his head firmly.

Unable to vent his anger, he lowered his head again.

The old man cursed for a long time, then turned to the old lady with vicious eyes, "Mrs. Song, how were you born and raised? Bitch! After my mother passed away, you should be locked up in the temple! How dare you? Sitting there in a big way? Come here! Kneel down here!" He rushed to the old lady.

Old Mrs. Wen remained calm but trembling with anger.

Wen Qian stood up immediately and called out calmly: "Father!"

Mr. Wen immediately pointed angrily at Wen Qian's face, "Shut up! Don't think that because you have been promoted, you can talk in front of me! Dare to interfere with my business? I tell you, you are fooled Mr. Ge, don’t even think about it!”

"Father! Please calm down and let your son say a few words!" Wen Qian stood calmly in front of Mr. Wen, "This matter is indeed the second brother's fault. He has failed the ancestors of the Wen family. You There are reasons for punishing him, or even driving him out of the Wen family.

It's just that, although he has not been very careful in terms of **** in recent years, he has not done anything bad in the end. The Liu family will not follow the fourth brother to take office, nor will he have any children. He focused on seducing his second brother...he just took the bait.

 My son studied hard for the Wen family for more than ten years. During these years of working as an official, I couldn't take care of my family affairs and was busy with the hard work in the mountains and rivers. Not even a day of rest. The mother felt sorry for her son who had suffered so much over the years, so she was very lenient towards her second brother, which made him a little willful.

Father, my son was also raised by his mother, but he became a Jinshi at the age of twenty-one! In that realm, he was once the best in the world. "

 When he said this, Wen Qian's expression was confident and calm.

 Old Mrs. Wen looked at it and had nothing to say to refute.

“So, father, if you blame your mother for not giving birth to a good son, your son must tell his mother that you are being biased.”

Wen Qian is taller than Mr. Wen, and he is at a good age, so his demeanor goes without saying. After years of experience, he has a smooth career and has the majesty of a superior.

Looking at his father without any panic, his attitude was very obvious, he wanted to protect his mother!

 Old Mrs. Wen felt a little weak in his heart. He really couldn't bear it with him.

"Haha...Okay, okay, okay! Since you can't blame your mother, come here!" Standing at the door was the old man's confidant.


 “Drag this beast out, and we’ll take care of you!”

"Yes! Drag this beast out!" the old lady said coldly.

 “You!” Mr. Wen realized that “beast” was the one scolding himself...

The old lady said: "Just now, Wen Qian was right. I do have a looser control over this beast. But it's not that much different from Wen Qian?! It seems that what my son will look like depends on him. Whose foundation have you lost? In my opinion, these two sons have made the mistake of using your strengths to their fullest potential!"

 The old man was born in Juzi, while Wen Qian was a Jinshi in the second rank!

 One of the big conflicts between the old man and the old lady is: he spoils his concubine and destroys his wife!

 Speaking of which, it’s not much better than Wen Feng!

Old Mrs. Wen looked at the dead old man in front of her and felt a little regretful. The little goblin he once wanted to keep alive, who is still there now?

 Why did you need to do it yourself in the first place? I did so many bad things and got a lot angry! Now, he looks even older than this bitch!

Time is like a butcher's knife. Wouldn't it be nice to let it slowly torture you?

But...I don’t regret that!

 At least you don’t have to look at his face every day and take care of this bitch!

Mrs. Wen's face turned pale with anger and she trembled: "You should have divorced long ago!"

"Ha!" the old lady sneered, "I took care of my parents-in-law and gave birth to a son who is my mainstay. Now my grandson and his wife are married, you want to divorce me? You must have the ability! If you are not afraid of losing face, let's Let’s talk about it in the clan now!”

The old lady acted arrogantly, and the old man was so angry that he couldn't help it. Divorcing his wife was just a matter of words. He had been unable to do so in the early years, and he was even more unable to do so now.

Moreover, he still needs the support of the Song family.

"Hmph! I don't even want to say anything about you, for fear of dirtying my mouth! Push him to the ground and give me thirty slaps."

 The old man’s man, Chang, came over with a board in his hand. It seemed that he was well prepared. Wen Feng's neck suddenly stiffened and he glared at the long follower fiercely. As if to take action!

"Dare!? If you dare to make a move, I will go all out to disgrace you and drive you out of the Wen family! Your eldest brother just happened to be promoted to the capital, and let the bosses and colleagues get to know him earlier through this topic!" Mr. Wen actually has the ability to kill everything. stern.

 Actually, this is a matter of fiddling with each other.

 The old man is afraid of something, and the old lady is afraid of something too.

no way…

Wen Qian quickly gave Wen Feng a wink, but he didn't leave the room, so he let the old man vent his anger. "Father, my second brother has just become a father-in-law, so you can at least give him some dignity. Just slap him in the face and let him have a long memory!"

"Huh..." The old man wanted to object, but when he saw Wen Qian's serious face and dark eyes, he hesitated: things still cannot be done.

"Okay! Seeing as you have just been promoted, your father will give you some face. Take care of him and try again next time!"

 As a result, Wen Feng was beaten ten times by the long follower.

 The beating was not severe, but it was extremely insulting.

Wen Feng said nothing, his face turned purple with anger.

The old man looked at it and felt much better. He glanced at the old lady with a mocking smile and said, "It's over now. I'm leaving!" After saying that, he actually left with his hands behind his back.

Wen Qian’s expression was gentle, as if nothing had happened, and he sent the old man out. He was already ready to get in the car and leave.

Wen Feng got up and came to the old lady's side. "Mother..." he whispered.

 “Get out!” the old lady gritted her teeth and shouted in a low voice.

Wen Feng was ashamed and embarrassed. He paused, turned around and walked away.


In the evening, Wen Yu looked at the fat girl in front of him. Her little fleshy mouth was opening and closing to talk about what happened at home today...

 It feels like today is the happiest day since I was reborn!

 (End of this chapter)

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