Chapter 40 Returning to a new owner

Xiao Ji told Yan Zhu all about Hong Xing’er’s behavior.

Yan Zhu expressed satisfaction with her and gave her the promised gold earrings.

 Hmm, Xiao Ji is so beautiful. Now he finally has a chance to show off in front of the older girl. He keeps talking, and his chubby face smiles particularly sweetly.

At this moment, she had already told how the old man was yelling in the house, how he went out and got in the car and drove away.

He told Wen Yu how the second master limped out of the side door and where he went.

Finally, he said: "Girl, if you have something to do in the future, just ask Zhuzhu to tell the slave to do it..."

Wen Yu leaned against the cushion with a smile on his face, "I heard from Zhuzhu that you are very familiar with Wen's family. Now I really want to ask you something."

 “Girl, please ask me!”

"It's like this. In a few days, the old lady will hand over my mother's dowry to me. I have never been in charge of property before, and it is not convenient for a big girl to go out."

 There are only two eldest girls around me, Zhuzhu and Hong Xinger. As for Zhuzhu, I have another great use. So there is only Hongxing, a big girl. Alas, you also know that she is still devoted to the eldest wife. Therefore, I am short of someone in charge of the industry outside, and I am short of two big girls..."

"Big girl? Two?! Girl, what do you want?!" Xiao Ji's heart was beating wildly and he was sweating all over.

"First of all, you have to be loyal! You have to be devoted to me. Secondly, you have to be capable. Those who are in charge outside must be literate. Those who manage money and property must be careful. The key is...the hands and feet must be clean and free from bad habits. also need to be able to It's better to be good at dealing with people outside. After all, you will be a manager or shopkeeper in the future."

 Xiaoji can hardly breathe, is it in charge? Shopkeeper? Taking care of industry?

Oh My God! This is a good thing falling from the sky!

"As for the girl, I don't want to be more beautiful, loyal and careful. I want to find it myself first, and don't want the second wife to assign me. Well, that's all for now, Xiaoji, what do you recommend?"

 Xiao Ji was even more dizzy when he heard this. Don’t you want to look good? ! Me, me! Can I do it? !

Her childhood ideal in life was to be the big girl next to a girl. Dress well, eat well, go out with the girl as a guest, and hang out among the decent girls.

Then, the girl married well, she was slave to her master, how proud was she?

You must know that the eldest girl next to the girl has a better position than the aunt! Like the mother next to the old lady, even the girls have to be polite.

She looked forward to it day and night, just hoping to have such an opportunity.

 But her father and brother were marginalized in the government and could not help her. As for herself, she looks... Which girl next to her is not slender and pretty?

For this reason, she complained more than once that her parents favored sons over daughters and made her brothers look so handsome, but they made her look like a teapot with no mouth.

 Leaves all her talents useless.

Over the years, I have been looking for opportunities everywhere, saving some money to curry favor with the grandma in charge, not to mention the big girl next to the girl, who can't even be regarded as a second-class girl!

Hearing what the girl said now, I felt like I had a life-saving straw. I wanted to hold on to it, but I was afraid of being rejected by the girl. All my dreams were completely in vain, and I was about to burst into tears.

“Hey, Xiaoji, what’s wrong with you?” Wen Yu saw Xiaoji’s expression changing, making her want to laugh and cry, so he deliberately teased her.

"Girl...I, I..." He knelt down with a plop. "Girl, although Xiao Ji is not good-looking, Xiao Ji will definitely be loyal, and will only be loyal to girls in his life! And I..." She broke into sweat and didn't know what to say. "Hongdou, no, no, no, Zhuzhu, Xiaoji doesn't know what to say anymore. Can you help me talk to the girl!?"

 She looked at Yan Zhu with a flattering expression.

Yan Zhu spat out the melon seeds in her mouth and nodded, "Girl, Xiaoji is a good girl. She is actually quite capable."

“Yes, girl, Xiao Ji is very capable, and is not afraid of getting dirty or tired. Xiao Ji is willing to serve the girl. Give the girl a chance..."

Wen Yu said: "Zhuzhu said so, and you behave like this...then let's try it."

When Xiao Ji heard this, he was very happy and immediately kowtowed: "Thank you, girl, thank you girl! Wow..." She really cried.

"Okay! Get up! Let's make an agreement first. If you don't do well and don't like what I want, I can quit you."

“Don’t worry, girl, Xiaoji will do a good job.”

“Well, actually I need a lot of people. What are your parents and brothers doing now? Can the whole family come over to make things easier?” Wen Yu hesitated.

Xiao Ji nodded desperately, "Of course it would be best if the whole family worked for you, and they all work in one place. For example, Xiao Ji, the whole family knows all the temperaments, and they can discuss and discuss things with you, so they can do things more meticulously for you. Look at the second wife Everyone in the family is working for her, including the young master and the master. If they follow different masters, it will be troublesome! "

“Huh? Xiaoji, you are very smart! You are better than Zhuzhu at this point.” Wen Yu joked.

Yan Zhu glared at Xiao Ji, what’s wrong? You didn’t come, so you want to compare me to someone else?

Xiaoji smiled flatteringly: "Sister Zhuzhu..."

"I just don't know if your father and brother are willing..." ˆ ˆ ˆ "Girl, yes! Yes! My father and brothers are very capable. My brothers are also literate and can read account books! There is just no chance... Girl, you can use them , you will never regret it.”

"I hope... you go back first and talk to them quietly. If you want, I will tell the old lady later and ask for your family to come over. Remember not to disturb others."

 Xiao Ji whispered, "Xiao Ji knows! If the girl can get your mother's dowry back, I don't know how many people will be jealous!"

Hmm, this girl is really smart.

Yan Zhu said: "Tell your father: Don't think that our girl has never been in charge of property before, so you think that she is easy to fool. I tell you, our girl is very smart! If you make false promises for a long time, they will not be able to do it when the time comes. You’re all in trouble!”

"That's not possible!" Xiaoji said categorically. A great opportunity finally fell from the sky. I want them to drag me down! "Girl, don't worry,'s definitely not wrong. I'm so happy..." She wiped her tears again.

That night, Xiaoji trotted home. Her mother and brother have come back, but her father has not come back yet.

Her face turned red and she was sweating profusely. She wanted to say something, but she wanted to wait until her father came back to discuss it together. After all, it was her father who had the final say.

 Anxious, restless. When I went in, the door slammed.

Her mother was annoyed, "What are you doing, girl?"

"Mom! Please be more polite when you talk to me from now on! Huh! You, all of you, are counting on me for support!" She said proudly, her nostrils turned upward.

He looked ugly, which made her mother dislike her. She said, "I'm sick!" So she picked up the bed sweeper, and Xiao Ji ran to the side to be quiet.

 A long time passed before her father came back. He was a thin man in his forties, poorly dressed but quite clean. It can be seen that he was very talented when he was young.

The family got together... As expected, they were all quite handsome, and I don't know why Xiaoji was so different.

Xiao Ji didn’t even wait for her father to sit down, and suddenly became excited. "Dad, I have something big to say!"

Xiao Ji’s father’s name is Li Yuanqing, his eldest brother is Li Jiang, his second brother is Li Yuan, and his fourth brother is Li Tan.

"Is there something important to say again? Okay, let's talk." Although the girl is ugly, she is still her biological child. no way.

 Then, Xiaoji said the matter without stopping.

 Xiaoji's family were all a little stunned after hearing this: "Are you telling the truth?!" her father asked.

But her mother shook her head: "This is impossible, isn't it? The eldest girl..." She knew: the eldest girl is not favored, and she spends her days trying to please everyone, but gets nothing.

There is no one who wants to see her in this family! If you have a stepmother, you have a stepfather, and the big boss doesn’t care about her! On weekdays, those girls and women talk a lot. "I've never heard of anything about dowry!"

Xiaoji was excited, "The girl told me this herself! What could you hear in the kitchen and warehouse?" with a look of disdain on his face.

 She was so effeminate that she almost went to copy the broom again.

 “Why would a big girl tell you this?” Little Ji’s father asked.

“I’m close to Zhuzhu from the eldest girl’s house! Zhuzhu and the eldest girl recommended me!”

 “But...Told you?” Her father didn’t believe it.

"Tell me what's going on? The eldest girl needs help! The outside industry needs people to take care of, and there are more people waiting around. The eldest girl said that she wants to promote me as a first-class girl!" Xiaoji's eyes gleamed.

Daddy Xiao Ji believed it. Although his girl always loves to dream, she is really not a liar.

 When an older girl reaches an age and wants to get engaged, a dowry will definitely be involved, but it is still impossible to hand it over to the girl...

"I recommended our family to the girl, and she agreed. Don't give me the monkey half-heartedly! If you don't let me be the eldest girl again, I won't be done with you!" Xiao Ji said sternly.

 What makes Xiao Ji’s father angry: This girl!

 But after looking at my three sons, I found that the eldest was nineteen and none of them were married. It was because the family was unable to find a good one in the government. And he didn't want to find something wrong that would delay his life. I can’t see a future!

"Xiao Ji." Her father sighed, "We are slaves, and we obey our master in everything. If it is true as the girl said, and she wants us to go, father will take your brother and he will be loyal to you, no matter what. Here. Before, we didn’t have a chance to talk, you know?”

 Xiaoji’s face was filled with happiness, “Okay, it’s good if you know!”

"Silly girl, we have our enemies in this family, and they won't let us go easily. You have to tell the girl that if you want someone, you have to find a way. Otherwise, our family will be in misery." At least the family is now in trouble. Still together.

If he really offends the second wife, he might be sold separately.

 That would be tragic...

"Don't worry! My daughter understands this!" Xiao Ji shook his head proudly.

 (End of this chapter)

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