Chapter 41 Everyone is busy with their own affairs

The old lady was a little tired because she was busy with her eldest grandson's wedding, so she skipped greeting everyone.

Wen Feng limped out and did not come back. He sent a message saying that he would stay at the Wen family's house in Qianjiang for a while.

After Mrs. Wu found out about it, she quickly sent her daily necessities and a handsome bride.

When the old lady heard about it, she snorted and ignored it.

Wen Qian was about to give an account, and Song Shang indeed sent someone, three decent men and one woman. It seems that at least he is a steward, not a clerk or something like that. Everyone is very attentive...

 This is quite important! Wen Qian felt awkward, but he didn't show it.

Yuan didn't want to see this scene, so she took Wen Huan out as a guest. Anyway, it has been handed over to the husband, let him handle it how he likes!

Wen Qian decided to cut through the mess with a strong and sharp sword, regardless of the situation, just hand it over.

 What surprised him was: Wen Yu knew everything he wanted to do! Completely familiar with the road and know what the key points are! He had a lot of ideas and was embarrassed, so he simply crossed his legs, drank tea, took a book, and sat aside without even reading.

 After a while, the handover of the accounting was completed.

The old lady didn't show up, so Grandma Song led someone to open the warehouse. It could be seen that it had not been moved for several years, and it was dusty and had a strong musty smell.

Wen Yu was easy to talk to. After a brief check, he signed and then changed his lock. With a click, the contents inside belonged to Wen Yu.

 It was completed in less than half a day. The list was written in duplicate and ready to be signed...

Wen Qian thought to himself: This time, let’s completely settle this “father-daughter relationship”! From now on, we will never see each other again.

In order to lighten the burden in his heart, he still gave Wen Yuwan more than two taels of silver! "The shopkeeper and manager are all doing their jobs right where they are. The people on this list are still needed by my father. You should train your own staff as soon as possible and replace them. You can take care of the rest by yourself.

My father is leaving soon. If you want to see these stewards and shopkeepers, just tell the chief steward in front and he will make arrangements. Keep these ten thousand taels of silver, and from now on, your mother's dowry will be given to you. If you agree, sign this. "

"Yes, father." Wen Yu didn't hesitate at all and signed directly.

Wen Qian looked at this eldest daughter with a calm demeanor, but she was so beautiful... He felt unstable and his voice was slightly trembling: "After my father comes to Beijing, he will definitely be very busy, and everything at home will be left to your grandmother. Your grandmother has the final say. I have some things to do as a father, so I’ll leave first.”

 “Yes, father.” He was polite and polite, but he didn’t say much.

Picked up something, Wen Qian turned around and left. When he reached the gate of the courtyard, he couldn't help but look back. His eldest daughter was already discussing something with a few people...

 My heart is a little sour, a little painful, and a little lost.

 Turn around and leave, completely letting go of everything about Wen Yu!


In a corner of the garden, Hong Xing'er had just received ten taels of silver from Nanny Xu.

 Twelve taels!

 This is a reward from my wife!

Before she could say anything, Aunt Xu asked again: "What did you think about what I said last time?"

  "Ah?! What..." Hongxing was stunned by the question.

 “Are you pretending to be stupid with me again?” Aunt Xu snatched the silver back with her hands.

"Ah! Mammy! Hong Xing'er realizes her mistake, realizes her mistake." The silver coins in her hand flew away, and Hong Xing was shocked.

Aunt Xu snorted, "You don't know what day it is today? Don't you know what the adults are doing over there? How dare a girl's family force her father and parents to do this! If it weren't for the fear of spreading the news, The reputation of the Wen family..." There was hatred on her face.

Hongxing looked at Yinzi and kept nodding in agreement. After Nanny Xu vented her anger, she asked: "Nanny, what do you want me to do?"

"What do you mean I told you to do something?!" Aunt Xu couldn't believe it. "Hong Xing'er, I didn't expect you to be so confused! Is this how you should do it yourself?"

"Yes, yes, mama, Hong Xing'er said the wrong thing again. Last time, after you finished speaking, Hong Xing'er thought carefully and did something. I just don't know why there was no reaction from my wife..."

 She has already told her wife about her private meeting with Mr. Song Wu, but she has made no news at all!

 Is it her fault?

"Who is the madam? She is noble and elegant, and has a kind heart. She wants to be the royal wife. How can she ruin the eldest girl for this matter?! Humph, you have to rely on me. Even if you don't care about her life, you have to be sent to Go to the temple. My wife insisted on urging me, I was so angry!"

Hong Xing'er said: "It's a pity that we missed this opportunity. Mom, it's not like Hong Xing'er didn't do anything..."

“Well, that’s why I’ve been saying good things about you to my wife for a long time!” Nanny Xu returned the money to Hong Xing’er.

Hong Xinger held on tightly, feeling so happy to have found it again.

"Well, I have watched my wife grow up, and I have never seen her feel so aggrieved and distressed. I can also see that there are some things that we really cannot wait for my wife to tell us to do. For us, for the sake of my wife and ourselves, Be more proactive.”

“Mommy, Hong Xing’er is interested, but I really don’t know how to do it. Please teach me!”

"To a big girl, I am an outsider. If I want to do something, there will be no small noise. Moreover, others will definitely suspect that it is my wife's idea. So I really can't get involved. But you are different, you are here Come on, girl!"     aunt Xu's eyes sparkled, "You see... she obviously doesn't trust you, right? Next, if she manages the business, it won't be your fault. If her family is ruined, she will not be as good as you! Even if she has a good marriage, it has nothing to do with you!"

Hong Xing'er nodded: That's right.

"So! It all depends on you. Hong Xing'er, I won't hide it from you. I told you all this behind my wife's back. But in front of my wife, I don't say anything, because my face is enough! Now, It's up to you! If you provide useful information, you can get money. But if..."

 She came closer to Hongxing and said mysteriously: "Can you take care of the big girl..." She made a sound through gritted teeth. "I told my wife to transfer you to the second girl. If you are promoted, the second girl will definitely have a good match. When you get married, you will be a dowry girl. In the future, you will either be an aunt or marry a high-ranking family member. Take charge!”

“Ah?!” Hong Xing’er’s eyes lit up when she heard this. Is this true?

 “Really?” she asked.

 “When have I ever coaxed you into doing something that I should do!?”

"Yes, yes. Then I..." Hong Xing'er also had a gloomy look on her face.

 “Here…” Nanny Xu took out a small bag. "If you are really capable, if you get a chance, you can get into the food or water, and then... it will be over! When you and the old lady arrive in the capital, I swear to the sky that I will do it for you!" There was a smile on her lips, as if Telling a joke.

Hong Xing'er didn't think about anything, she quickly and tremblingly picked up the package and put it in her sleeve. Although she is very light, she seems to be holding a mountain, which is her future...

"I see."

"There's no need to rush this matter. Just get it done before going to the capital. It will happen naturally if you find the opportunity."

 “Hmm…” Hong Xing’er was really nervous.

"If you decide to do this... nothing else matters. Don't pry around, don't contact me, in case you are exposed. You have to be practical and hardworking, and then..."

Hong Xing'er's heart was pounding. She was scared and hesitant just now. After listening to her grandma's instructions, some pictures appeared in her mind: the girl went back to the house, poured a glass of water into the teapot, and drank it directly!

 If...she squeezed the paper bag in her hand, it would be really easy!


Aunt Xu seemed to know what she was thinking: "You have to be on guard against being discovered later, so you have to look for good opportunities. You have to know..." She rolled her eyes, "No one will find out if a girl's family is gone. It will affect the family’s reputation! Think again: Who in this family would care about her!”

“Hong Xing’er understands.” Hong Xing’er said in a deep voice.

 After talking, Hong Xing'er walked back nervously, but she didn't notice that Xiao Ji, "a first-class girl," was following her with an unusually light step, swaying her fat body.

Just as Hongxing was about to enter the courtyard gate, she stopped, hesitated, and then walked back.

 Xiaoji was startled, and he hurriedly hid and fell under the fence. It hurts so much that I dare not scream. I cursed secretly in my heart: This bitch! He's sneaky and must be doing something bad.

I was lying on the ground and taking a look quietly, I saw Hong Xing'er entering the Peony Pavilion next to me, then looking around, looking up...

What are you looking at? Xiaoji stretched her neck as much as possible. Although she tried her best, there was not much improvement.

Hongxing took out something from his body, then stood on the bench under the pillar of the pavilion, reached up on tiptoes, and put something on the beam above the pavilion.

Then he jumped down and looked back and forth at the bottom.

 Looking left and right, there was no one around, and then returned to the yard with peace of mind.

Xiaoji lay motionless, squinting his eyes and thinking for a long time, is this **** hiding something? It’s so mysterious, could it be gold? Eyes shine...

She was very patient. She lay down for a while and became motionless. Then she got up and bounced the soil, swaying left and right and waited for a while.

Then he ran to the Peony Pavilion in a sneaky way and looked up at the beams, but couldn't see anything.

 She also stepped on the stool and reached up.

 Can’t reach it at all…

This bitch!


Wen Yu has already settled the accounts. Although he has learned a lot in his previous life, he has never done anything practical. We still have to ask Song Shang how to deal with these industries. Fortunately, I'm going to Songjiazhuang in a few days. Take these with you. Then...

"Thank you for your hard work, these accounts will not be moved for now. You must have a good idea after reading it. If you ask my cousin when you go back, just tell him. In a few days, when I go to Songjiazhuang with my grandmother, I will ask Cousin, please give me some advice. I’ll ask you guys to help me patrol the shop and properties these days, so that there won’t be any chaos!”

"Yes, we know. Miss Wen, don't worry!"

“From now on, the sky is high and the sky is high, we will never see each other again!”

The heroine chuckled, you thought it was beautiful, but you can’t! See you in Beijing!



 (End of this chapter)

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