The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 403: Extra: Heavenly Retribution

Chapter 403 Extra: Divine Retribution

 Master Zhou’s family was ransacked.

 This is what Wen Yu, Master Qing, and Yibai are most looking forward to after Tan's death.

The new emperor sent someone to investigate the Bai family case.

 Evidence about this "Master Zhou" was found from King Wu, so the Zhou family was raided.

 Zhang Jiangqing was personally involved, so Wen Yu had first-hand information.

However, the result was depressing. Li Qun's eldest son, eldest grandson and a series of other people had no idea what Li Qun, the head of the family, had done. He didn't even know where his father and younger brother had gone.

 At home, no useful evidence was found. They also checked the small courtyard where Li Qun usually used to talk and socialize, but found nothing useful.

Wen Yu couldn't help but curse: This cunning old fox!

 Is he really so perfect at what he does?

It's a pity that the capital was in chaos at that time, the prince and grandson were in critical condition, and the Qi family was also in chaos, so they couldn't take care of him.

By the time I got down and tried to detain him first, he had disappeared.

Wen Yu had to admire him. In comparison, Li Da Niu's methods were really trivial.

At this time, four or five months have passed, and the new emperor's throne is firmly established.

 That day Zhang Jiangqing came and brought a big news.

 “Li Qun is dead?” Wen Yu widened his eyes and couldn’t believe it.

"Yes. It was discovered by the mountain people collecting firewood. It must have been that when they were escaping, they were walking in a hurry and the carriage fell off the cliff. The mountains were high and the forests were dense there, so no one found it for a while. The corpse is now rotting, but the clothes on it are still worn. The jade pendant and the seal he carries with him prove that it is him. "

Wen Yu didn't know whether he should be happy or depressed. "How can such a powerful person die so easily?"

“His eldest son in prison saw everything and said it was indeed his.”

Wen Yu said dullly: "This is really an advantage for him! The result is not good! The Bai family's case has been going on for many years, and there is no reliable witness or material evidence at all. Only with the confession of the key person can this case be solved justly!"

 She, Master Qing and Yibai were both happy and dissatisfied when faced with the news...

 After some time, Mu Bo and Zhang Huan came back, and the two of them went to Mr. Zhou's hometown.

 This time, he brought some exciting news to Wen Yu.

 “Li Qun’s youngest son and his eldest grandson are dead!”

Wen Yu and Master Qing's aunt and nephew looked at each other... "Quickly tell me what's going on!"

It was Zhang Yuan who spoke, "This is what happened..."

It turns out that Li Qun’s youngest son took his wife, two sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren to the west.

When he reached Linxian County, he opened the letter he had brought with him as his father said. The person was dumbfounded when he saw it. When he opened the box, he found his new identity, land deed, and house deed.

 Looking back and forth for a long time, he sat down and said, "Let's change our identities and remain anonymous, waiting for news from him. But... why? Can't we make a mistake?"

His wife, son and daughter-in-law were also dumbfounded. Their natal families were all in the capital, and the family left in a hurry without even saying hello. Now I can change my name and surname directly, and I can’t go back from now on! ?

How can this be done?

His eldest son has a very good mind: "Father, did my grandfather participate in the seizure of the heir by King Wu or King An... He was afraid that something would happen, so he let us go and left a root for the Zhou family?"

 A few people stared.

"I don't know what your grandfather did. But he is an old man and has always been meticulous in his work. This has made us change our identities. It must be a big deal!"

 The women began to cry.

 The Zhou family is in the capital, and it’s a really good life! The little granddaughter who followed in front of me was also about to get engaged to the person she loved.

 It’s all over? Will they not return to the capital again?

No matter how capable Li Qun was, he could only prepare some houses and land for them to ensure that they had no worries about food and clothing. But how do they know how to live the lives of ordinary people without official positions?

"Where's my grandfather? Where's my uncle? Nothing will happen to them, right?"

 After leaving the capital, there was no news. Everyone looked at each other, feeling cold from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially for women, who married into the Zhou family, how could they have imagined that they would encounter such a thing? One by one, they lost their temper and refused to move forward, creating a situation where neither forward nor retreat was possible.

 Finally, Li Qun’s younger son decided to take his eldest son with him to the arranged place to have a look. Make arrangements and take care of everything before coming back to pick up the family.

So he rented a yard and settled down there. He took his eldest son and two guards with him and headed for the place where he wanted to settle.

I'm afraid, Li Qun himself didn't even think of it...

His usual frame-up method is to accuse people of being complicit in gangsters!

 And his little son actually encountered bandits.

Zhang Yuan said: "The four of them encountered dozens of bandits and robbed everything they had brought. They also killed people. This group of bandits later met our uncle's men and wiped them out! By the way! I went back and found out the truth.”

  Previously, Qi Wu settled the Qi family army and sent Qi Xiao there. Qi Xiao's head was swollen by a series of things, and he ran away to Qi Jiajun. These bandits were caught by his men.

“Madam, guess who is this bandit leader?” Mu Bo and Zhang Yuan’s eyes lit up.


 “He is the real grandson of Mr. Zhou!”

"What?" Wen Yu felt his back go numb, "Really?"

"Mr. Zhou was originally a talented person. Although he was not married before going to Beijing to take the exam, a girl around him was pregnant. The family was afraid that it would affect his marriage, so they sent the girl to the countryside. Later, when he was in high school in Beijing, he did not I mentioned this girl.

The family was afraid of upsetting him, so they didn't take it with them when they went to Beijing. Later his parents died one after another. This girl was ignored and bullied. The son became an illiterate farmer. They grew up, got married, and had grandchildren. Later, there was a disaster, and my grandson fell into trouble! ” ˆ ˆ ˆ Wen Yu sighed and sighed, “This is really a cycle of cause and effect, a natural retribution! "

“Master Zhou has not been seen by anyone in his hometown since he entered Beijing. His parents died and they did not return to their hometown. In other words, he is a powerful official and no one dares to mention him!”

"After the bandits were caught, the uncle learned the truth, followed the clues, arrested all the women and children, and were sending them to the capital! This is a letter written by Li Qun, along with the identity and land deeds."

Wen Yu slowly turned over these things and said to Master Qing and Yibai: "He was so well prepared, how could he have an accident and fall off the cliff to his death?"

Master Qing nodded: "Maybe he changed his identity and hid. It's hard to find him in the huge crowd."

Yibai said: "If falling off the cliff was a trap set by him, it means that he has not gone far away. Or, he is hiding in the city, maybe... he has returned to the capital again!"

Wen Yu's eyes lit up: "It's really possible! Otherwise, the capital was in chaos, and he changed his identity and left. Who knows where he went? Why would he fake his death?"

Yibai nodded: "At that time, the situation was undecided, and he couldn't say whether he wanted to see him again. But the whole capital is so big, where can we find him? You can't go from house to house!"

Wen Yu said, "I can look for him from house to house, but I'm afraid I won't recognize him if I see him..."

A few people were thinking hard. Suddenly, Wen Yu's eyes lit up, "This person is very particular about his life. Fragrant..."

Yibai's eyes also lit up, "Then let's see where the best incense making shop in the capital and the best incense are sold!"

 “Xiangzhige. Go get his account book!”

Wen Yu gave direct instructions. No one in the capital dared to offend her now. After a while, the shopkeeper of Xiangzhi Pavilion came with the accountant, holding the account book.

Wen Yu and Yibai asked the shopkeeper while looking at the account.

This shopkeeper really knows Mr. Zhou. Although Mr. Zhou disguises himself when buying incense, there are only two kinds of incense he likes to use. No matter what tricks you use, being able to be a shopkeeper is not free, you have known it for a long time.

   Just don’t say it.

 Follow this line and touch down.

 Finally, Wen Yu pointed to an address on the account where incense can be delivered to your door: "It's probably right here!"

Yibai was so excited that he wanted to go to the house and arrest the person himself.

Wen Yu shook his head, "Don't think too simply. Can he have no backup plan?"

  After Li Qun’s golden cicada escaped from its shell, he really returned to the capital and changed his identity. I live in this small courtyard in Beicheng. Although the mood is depressed, the life is still so luxurious.

 Suddenly one day, a group of people attacked his yard.

 He had the most elite guards around him, and a fight broke out between the two sides.

 He remained calm. Since he was discovered again...he picked up a small bag and entered the secret door. The secret door leads to the courtyard next to it. Once he enters this courtyard, he can go out on the street.

 There is another place to stay.

 Unexpectedly, the people who came to arrest him were also powerful. I didn't buy him much time. When he walked out of the secret door and reached the small courtyard next to him...

 Several people, headed by Wen Yu, were standing there waiting for him.

Li Qun saw Yibai at a glance...

 What else is not clear about this? He didn't hesitate, reached into his sleeve, took out the pill, and swallowed it directly.

  A person with a gentle tone is seeking death without even saying a word?

 “Pick out the medicine for me!”

Laba stepped forward and hit Li Qun on the back with his palm... without spitting it out...

Wen Yu was even more angry. He looked around and saw that there was a toilet for servants next to him. "Go, get some **** and urine, and fill it with me! Make him vomit!"

Li Qun was shocked: "..."This **** woman! "Don't even think about humiliating me!"

Wen Yu sneered, "Of course I can! Where are we now?! Just wait!"

There was really a man with nimble hands and feet. He made a spoonful of something and drank it while Li Qun was pressed.

 “Kill me! Ugh…”

 Li Qun has lived so long, how has he ever suffered from this? A pervert who lives a fastidious life and has some mysophobia.

This time, I even vomited out the gall. His face and hair were stained with something yellow.

Only then did he realize what life was worse than death...


 A few months later, Li Qun was sentenced to death, and his children and grandchildren also received the punishment they deserved.

 The case of the Bai family has been overturned.

 Two years later, Master Qing and Yibai returned reunite with the third sister and the eldest sister's son.

 Yibai spent a year and finally found a secret cave in the mountains.

 There are many secrets and objects of the Bai family in it.

As the new head of the Bai family, he took the initiative and dedicated these treasures to the emperor...

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