The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 404: Extra: What do you think about when you are full and warm?

Chapter 404 Extra: What do you think about when you are full and warm?

In the first twenty-six years of his life, Li Qihuan was frightened, swallowed his anger, and exhausted all his energy.

Now he turned over and sat on the throne of the emperor, starting the highlight moment of his life.

 Dad, I retired cleanly. I am accompanied by Yibai and Lan Zhou every day. I am in a good mood and in good health.

His queen also gave birth to his eldest son, and he had successors. Especially this queen, no matter what she does, she does it just right... quite to my liking.

 In the court, both the old ministers and the group of people who followed his trend were very easy to use.

 Song Shang's brains help him manage his private treasury, and his pockets are strong.

 The surrounding area is peaceful, the people are stable, and he has the style of a famous king who will leave his name in history!

 Everything is so satisfactory! But what about this person, what does he want to keep warm?

 Half a year after the late emperor left, senior ministers in the court began to suggest that the emperor should conduct a draft.

It really is!

 Before, Xue Ying and her mother-in-law kept a close watch on him, and there were not many people around him. None of them are ugly at best, but when it comes to eye-catching ones, there really aren’t any!

The days were too sad at the time and he was not in the mood to think about this.

 It’s different now!

I pretended to be pushy for a while, but the veterans were very persistent, so they reluctantly agreed...

 Wen Yu entered the palace as soon as he heard the news.

 Li Cheng, who was born by the empress, is almost eight months old. He was fast asleep at the moment. He watched Pingting and Wen Yu lying next to the crib for a long time. Wen Yu shook his head: "This big face is blowing up!"

 Jiang Pingting said: "When he can crawl faster and run on the ground, he will lose weight."

Wen Yu looked at the draft items piled on Jiang Pingting's table and became indignant: "It's only been a few peaceful days, and he's doing this?"

The empress smiled lightly and didn't care: "Isn't it too late?"

Wen Yu glared: "What do you mean it's not morning and evening? Has he forgotten all the hardships he has suffered? Are we going to be allowed to enjoy it again in the future?"

"Silly girl, why are you more excited than me? As the saying goes, this moment is the other moment, where are you now?"

Wen Yu came closer and said, "As soon as my buttocks were firmly seated, I felt full and warm..."

 “Okay!” Jiang Niangniang flicked her forehead.

"Well! I'll go to the Supreme Emperor to complain!" Wen Yu rubbed his forehead in dissatisfaction.

"Ayu!" Jiang Pingting sent everyone around her away, her face darkening: "Now that we've talked about it, I'll tell you a few more words. There is no nobler or wiser person in this world than the Supreme Emperor. Being able to sit in that seat and then get out of it so easily is definitely not an ordinary character, and Li Qihuan can't compare with it!

 What he said worked for Li Qihuan. However, there are times! Too much to say..." Jiang Pingting shook her head.

 Wen Yu was a little hard to understand, "How dare he not listen?"

Jiang Pingting was a little solemn: "No matter who is sitting in that seat, it is not easy to keep your heart. Don't talk about him, even me! You don't know how these people flatter me recently. Even My mother, aunts, and aunts are all very respectful to me, and they always say half of a sentence and leave the majority of a sentence behind. If I wasn’t of this temper, I would have lost my mind!”

 “Sister!” Wen Yu looked at her helplessly.

"You don't have to look like this. From now on, every step I take, I will be more careful than before, because I have joy."

Wen Yu suddenly felt hot and hot in his heart, and he couldn't get rid of the heat, "Huh! No matter what, Qi Wu and I will go to the northwest. Don't look at him!"

 Jiang Pingting smiled and said, "Are you willing to let me go?"

Wen Yu stretched out her little hand to Huan Lang's big face: "I can give it up! But I can't give it up to Huan Lang."

“Then you should give birth to a daughter as soon as possible and make Huan Lang your son-in-law!”

Wen Yu looked at Jiang Pingting, then thought about Li Qihuan, and shook her head: "No, with parents like you, Huan Lin is definitely smart, but good-looking... I guess it's not enough. I have to choose a beautiful son-in-law! Just like us Wu Lang!" Huanyang, please be more angry! Don’t be like your father!”

By coincidence, Li Qihuan was striding in: "Wen Yu! What are you talking about? Why should Huan Yan not be like me?"

Li Qihuan clearly remembered everything Wen Yu did for him, but he didn’t know why, but he wanted to make a bad face to her!

Wen Yu didn't care if he was caught, even though Pingting talked to her for a long time. However, she also figured out that once she started, she couldn't spoil him. Once she started, it wouldn't be over.

"Your Majesty! Sister Jiang said that Huan Lang would be my son-in-law... uh... I am my concubine! So I wanted Huan Lin to look more like Sister Jiang and be better looking. I like a beautiful son-in-law!"

"You have a beautiful idea! My son is your son-in-law, and you still want to be picky? Qi Wu, come in quickly and take this crazy woman away!"

Qi Wu came in from outside.

Wen Yu said: "Your Majesty, have you seen it? He must be like my husband! He must be smart and capable, and the key... he must be devoted to my girl!"

"Bah! How can a man in the world be devoted to a woman wholeheartedly?" He glanced at Jiang Pingting quietly. Jiang Pingting watched their quarrel with a smile on her face.

Wen Yu was not annoyed: "My husband is my husband!"

"Him?" Li Qihuan was about to say something, but he swallowed it back and went to look at Huan Lang angrily, "Son, don't listen to this crazy woman! Men are women's gods! Whatever they say is what they say! Disobedient women, Grow into an immortal..."

 Pingting called out softly: "Your Majesty..." and then pointed.

Li Qihuan turned around and saw that Qi Wu had already run up to Wen Yu and was asking, "You don't look well, are you feeling unwell?"

 It makes Li Qihuan angry. This woman has rouge and powder on her face. How can you tell that her complexion is not good?

Wen Yu really felt a little uncomfortable, so he said softly: "It's a little uncomfortable. I was also frightened by Long Live Lord's dragon power and my heart was beating wildly."

Li Qihuan jumped up and shouted: "You are talking nonsense!"

Huan Lang was startled and woke up. His two small black eyes opened, his mouth curled up, and he began to cry.

The loud voice startled the emperor, "Pingting, what's wrong with him?"

 Jiang Pingting said: "It's okay. I've almost slept now, maybe I'm hungry."

Howling happily, without tears.

“Hurry up and coax him, don’t let him cry again!” Li Qihuan pointed.

“It’s okay to cry for a while, let him practice his voice and breathe out his breath.”

"You!" Li Qihuan said angrily, "Is there a mother like you?" He glared at Wen Yu again: "I don't know what's wrong with you two women... Huan Lang, Huan Lang?" He actually took advantage of it, He hugged her familiarly.

This surprised Wen Yu. Glancing at Jiang Pingting, she was frowning at the father and son. When she turned to look at Wen Yu, she smiled calmly.

To put it aside, Huan Lang was very considerate, and he really stopped crying after being hugged by Li Qihuan.

"Huan Lang is hungry?" Li Qihuan teased his little mouth, Huan Lang immediately grabbed his finger and pulled it tightly.

 “Hoo! Did you see it? Such a reaction!” Li Qihuan was proud.

Qi Wu nodded in affirmation: "Follow your majesty."

But Wen Yu said: "Your Majesty, as the old saying goes: embrace your grandchildren but not your children."

Li Qihuan rolled his eyes: "I want you to take care of it!? Wen Yu, why do you have to say everything?! Qi Wu has been married to you for so long, and he has not even given birth to a son or a daughter."

 Everyone was speechless. Is this something you, the emperor, should take care of?

Li Qihuan said this, but he felt blessed! Don’t I want to be drafted? Just right, choose a good one for Qi Wu.

I think about court affairs every day, but I ignore this. Well... this is a really good idea. Kill two birds with one stone!

His smile became sweeter, but he refused to say it... He couldn't say it in advance, otherwise the woman would have been prepared and would cause Xiao Wu to suffer. Well, that's the idea.

Wen Yu felt really uncomfortable and whispered: "Let's go home, I'm tired."

 “Okay! Long live my lord, I and your wife will take their leave now.” He said warmly.

As soon as Wen Yu stood up, he felt suddenly nauseous. He retched.

Qi Wu was startled, "What's wrong?"

 Jiang Pingting reacted quickly, "Go and call the doctor!"

Not long after, the imperial doctor came and took a pulse: "Congratulations to the Duke and Madam, this is a happy pulse!"

Qi Wu looked at his young wife blankly, "Ximai? Ayu, are we going to have a baby?"

Wen Yu also fainted, her hands caressing her belly involuntarily. Is it really true?

He held Pingting's hands and laughed, "This is great news! We have agreed to have a daughter. We are happy to have a daughter!"

Li Qihuan hugged his son and was furious: What do you mean Huanyang has settled? ! Are you asking me about being a father? My son, will he be Wen Yu’s son-in-law?

Instinctively, he wanted to shake his head, but he turned around and looked at Qi Wu, and then at Wen Yu. He was a handsome man and a beautiful woman. His daughter should also be ugly, so that’s okay...

 Thinking again, I just want to get a good one for Xiao Wu, and she just has it!

It can be said that heaven follows people’s wishes!

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