The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 65: She wants people to guess

Chapter 65 She wants people to guess

Seeing the woman coming down, the woman who was sitting quickly stood up and said, "Have mercy!"

 The voice is not quiet, and it is full of enthusiasm and love.

Wen Yu couldn't help but turn her head to look. What caught her eye was a white dress made of fine silk, with an extremely slender waist.

 Why is there another one in white? !



She remembered that the handsome young man she met while eating fish in Jinqiao Town a few days ago was dressed in white...

Those eyebrows and that stinky expression, oh, how handsome! I became crazy for a while.

Thinking of the figure leaving the dust again, I felt sore again...

 One or two, why should you wear white if you have nothing to do?

Wear hemp and wear filial piety!


She didn't like it anymore, so she pointed to the counter and said, "Little sister, bring me the yarn in the cabinet to see?!" she said sweetly.

The girl glanced at him and said nothing.

 It’s really quite cool!

Yan Zhu shrugged her shoulders and said in a low voice with a look of boredom, "I don't know what the fuss is about, it's just a few clothes, why is it so laborious!" If she had money, she would have picked out ten sets in such a long time!

The girl sat down and shook her head.

Master Qing said: "Madam, Miss Qin's measurements have been taken. But the style, Miss Qin still wants to consider a few more things."

Then he asked questions from piece to piece, endlessly...

 The voice on the other side can still be heard: "Have you finished measuring?"

 I didn’t hear the woman’s answer.

 It seems to let people guess.

 “I’m tired…” The woman’s voice was almost inaudible to others.

The woman stood there silently and looked unhappy.

“Don’t drink it! Okay, drink it when you’re thirsty later! I just told your aunt to add this piece of lake blue to it!”

 “Ah!? Are you tired? Sit down and take a rest...”

  Only people ask, but no one answers.

The other woman next to her was smiling and enthusiastic, "Isn't that right? I chose the fabric and looked at the style. I didn't wear much. The whole morning has passed! Are you tired?"

 “Lian Lian! Haven’t decided yet?”

On the table next to him, there are more than a dozen pieces of fabric. The woman did not use the clerk, but took a piece herself and asked, "No, what about this?"

That girl didn’t say yes or no, she just looked at it indifferently.

 “Take a drink of water!”

 “You, you need to make some more serious clothes. When you get married, you can’t wear white anymore!”

It was really disturbing. Wen Yu wanted to see who it was, but there were people and cloth blocking it. All he could see was a girl in white sitting there.


 The little girl in the store blushed at the beauty, and went to get it diligently.

 “Put it on the side!” The woman pouted.

 “Haha, you girl.”

 Another woman said proudly: "My niece is going to marry to the Duke Jingguo's Mansion in the capital!"

Master Qing smiled lightly and said nothing.

Manager Liu was respectful and complimentary, with a particularly humble attitude.

"Auntie..." the girl blamed, with a hint of shyness and blame in her voice.

 “Ouch, ouch, stop talking! The girl is so embarrassed!”

"So Lian Lian, the clothes you make must match your status! Although you wear white and look like a fairy daughter, it is not appropriate in front of the empresses in the palace. You believe your mother, she knows "Well..." He stopped mid-sentence and quickly picked up another piece, "For example, this piece is a little heavier, but it can hold up. What's your suggestion, Master Qing?"

"This piece of fabric, if you add brocade yarn on the outside, it will be solemn and not dull!" Master Qing replied.

 “…” The woman hesitated.

The girl was unhappy: "It's okay, it's not a big deal."

“My daughter is very discerning. Our family makes clothes at Ruixianglou, and the master there is particularly convinced by her. It is often said that she always has a certain eye-catching touch!”

Master Qing saw that they were still messing with each other, and then he saw Wen Yu.

He smiled and said: "Manager Liu, bring me some of the figures I drew, and let Miss Qin see if there is any you like. Madam, don't worry, let the lady choose slowly. I'll excuse you first." With a light bow, Come to Wen Yu.

Before her own affairs were finished, Master Qing left. The "Lian Lian" girl was obviously unhappy, but she didn't say anything.

“Lian Lian, you are the future wife of a princess, so you can’t just follow your temper! Look, these two pieces of material are of the right color and can hold up well! They must be well dressed!”

"It's too dull..." The girl spoke softly and softly.

Master Qing has already arrived, "Miss Wen!" "Master Qing, I happened to pass by on business and came to see the ingredients. I didn't make an appointment in advance. Master Qing just went to work when he had guests. It's fine with me."

"Haha, Miss Qin has to choose for a while. Do you need anything?"

“Ah! Is this Master Qing?” Yan Zhu opened his eyes and looked.

Master Qing turned his head and his heart skipped a beat: "Two girls with such looks standing together are really pleasing to the eye." Each person has a unique style, which is really rare.

“I also admire Master Qing’s style very much. This is my female companion, Yan Zhu!”

 “Miss Yanzhu!”

“Master Qing, I saw your embroidery piece! Zhuzhu has never seen such an embroidery method before. I can’t describe this craftsmanship with just my ingenuity. You have to be smart to embroider it!”

“Ah?! Zhuzhu, you are so good at talking!” Wen Yu teased her.

 All three of them laughed.

 “This is just a modification, it turns out...” My family’s embroidery skills...

Wen Yu pointed at the yarn she just got: "This kind of yarn is so beautiful. I've never seen it before. Is it a new variety?"

“This is brocade yarn. This weaving method has actually been around for a long time. It’s just that some new things will be added every few years, but the weaving method remains the same.”

 “It’s so beautiful!” Yan Zhu touched it with bright eyes.

"Yes, it is very beautiful. The weaving method is difficult, and the output is very limited. It is a bit exaggerated to say that every inch of yarn costs money, but it is really expensive! Therefore, even if it has been around for a few years, there are only a few that are actually used to make clothes. Master Qing shook his head and smiled, "Cailuan Pavilion has only made three or four items in so many years. The materials are not often available in the store..."

 “Is it expensive?” Yan Zhu asked, the girl promised to make her birthday clothes!

Master Qing nodded: "Make a skirt, a thousand taels!"

Yan Zhu quickly put down her hand, "Oh my God!"

“There’s a reason why it’s expensive! Look at the pattern, it looks like one kind of texture, but then when you stand it up...” She held up the fabric and shook it slightly, “It’s another kind of texture, right?”

Yan Zhu exclaimed in surprise: "It's true! It's so magical!"

“Well, let’s make clothes that are elegant but not floating, light but not floating, transparent but not see-through. It’s really beautiful!”

Wen Yu smiled: "Haha, no matter how beautiful you are, you can't afford to wear it."

Master Qing said with a smile: "I really like this piece of material. So I will prepare one if I have the chance, just in case someone is willing to make it!"

Her eldest brother appeared in her mind, with loose black hair and a white brocade veil, laughing and cursing, so wanton and a god.

That girl "Lian Lian" over there also likes to wear white, haha, the appearance is far different, not to mention the charm?

 I can’t help but feel sad.

Yan Zhu took out her newly made purse. There was nothing in it. She wore it as a jewelry.

“Master Qing, this is an imitation of your embroidery piece, so I’ll give it to you! I know it’s far from perfect, but when you see it, you will think that there is someone who likes your craftsmanship very much!”

Master Qing was stunned for a moment, then took it with both hands. Although his embroidery was not as good as his own, and he didn’t have the real skills, he could tell that he was very attentive: “Miss Zhuzhu is not only beautiful, but also has a good temperament!”

Wen Yu smiled and said, "Well, Master Qing is right, she is like this!"

Yan Zhu smiled and said: "All three of us are beautiful! Very, very good."

 Hahahahaha, all three of them laughed.

 When one side smiles, the girl over there becomes even more unhappy.

I don't know what was said in private, but the woman shouted loudly: "Master Qing, we have decided, come here!" She couldn't bear to see her daughter unhappy, especially after her daughter's status doubled!

Where is the future princess of the country?

 It is not an exaggeration to say that all the stars support the moon!

Then, the woman may have said something, and the woman said again: "Bring over the piece of brocade yarn, we want it!" There was pride in her voice.

Wen Yu smiled, winked at Master Qing, and whispered: "Master Qing, go get busy! Big business is coming!"

 Master Qing understood it and actually smiled evilly, "Sorry!"

It seemed that Miss Qin had really made up her mind, because after a while, she followed the two women out.

Wen Yu was curious and looked at her.

I saw that the girl looked like a peach and plum, and her waist was like a willow branch. His eyes were sparkling, as if he were holding his eyes in his mouth.

Hunting nose and small mouth.

If it weren’t for the pretentiousness, she would be a great beauty!

 It looks familiar, but I can’t remember where I’ve seen it.

Yan Zhu also took a look. She didn't care about this beauty and turned to look at the fabric again.

The woman in white realized that someone was looking at her. She must have experienced many such scenes. She did not look back, straightened her neck, and floated past Wen Yu, leaving a gust of fragrant wind.

 White peacock in the rain…

Wen Yu didn't know how he came up with such an idea.

 Meeting my future fiancé’s sweetheart.

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