Chapter 66: My best friend Tuogu

 Xiao Ji's father and brother are indeed suitable for each other, and the people given by Song Shang have not been withdrawn.

 It didn’t take long for Wen Yu to sort out, receive, classify, and make the decision to integrate the industries in his hands.

 The teahouse mentioned to Song Shang also sold for a pretty good price.

Wen Yu and Yan Zhu secretly counted the money returned to the cage for a long time... But even if they added the 10,000 yuan given by Wen Qian, there would be nothing left if they bought the red coral hairpin...

Wen Yu held her fragrant cheeks and sighed secretly: I am so poor, I still have to think of something!

She never thought: these more than 20,000 taels of silver are enough for a middle-class family to live a wealthy life.

Mrs. Wen also recently cleaned up her family's property, but because it involved so many areas, she couldn't finish it in a short while and was busy all day long. Wu also had to follow.

 The girls had no one to look after them. They herded the sheep, and as long as they had all the people with them, they could go out.

Wen Yu took Yan Zhu to Cai Luan Pavilion and spent some time in the shop. Master Qing talked when he was not busy. He felt that his horizons had broadened a lot. Manager Liu who did it always watched secretly.

Just two days after the United States, Mrs. Wen informed everyone that her family would go to the Wen Family Courtyard in Tianlong Town in advance to let the girls pack their things. They would stay there for nearly ten days.

This was much earlier than expected. Wen Yu wondered: Why did you go so early?

Soon Xiao Ji found out that the Wen family was in a separate courtyard in Tianlong Town, and the old lady wanted to sell it.

 In the past few days, many Chinese people have been coming in and out excitedly.

 This time, it is probably the last time I will stay there.

 Furthermore, this was also made possible by Wu! Because this time, Wen Feng was accompanying him.

 Lately, Wen Feng has been going to the legendary beautiful widow too frequently!

 Obviously he hasn't gotten it yet, because he was scratching his head a little, restless, and had an "I'm in love" look on his face...

It seems to be a trend of getting more and more interested.

Mrs. Wu had inquired about it for a long time. It was said that the widow was "very well-behaved" on weekdays, had a lot of wealth, was capable, and was good-looking.

 Also ignored Wen Feng's flirtation.

But if you really ignore him, why do you always have the chance to let Wen Feng get closer?

Isn't this just a game of hard-to-get?

Mrs. Wu knows her husband too well. No matter how good he is, once he gets started, it's almost done.

He is the most afraid of trouble. If someone gets involved, he will immediately stay away.

 But if you hang on like this, maybe you are really interested.

What if he foolishly falls into a trap and lets someone into the house?

This widow has managed property and given birth to children, so she must be experienced.

 Getting it back, it’s not that easy to fix!

So he urged the old lady to go out early. Let's separate them and wait for some time to cool down!

Wen Yu was worried that Liu Lanfang’s matter hadn’t been settled yet, and a letter came from over there.

Zhang Jiangqing finally succeeded, and Sun Ying took Li Jiang and Li He directly back to the Wen family.

When Wen Yu heard about it, he was so excited that he went to the second gate in person.

Li Jiang said, "Miss, there are five boxes in total." He pointed to the car.

 “Okay, thank you for your hard work. Let’s move in!”

 Previously, in order to sort out the things left behind by her mother, she had already made a small room in her yard, which was just big enough for storage.

 After putting the things away, I asked about the process. Li Jiang was very chatty and talked for a long time with great joy...

 In short, if you have money, it’s easy to do things!

Li Jiang finally said: "Master Zhang said that the family where the things were put was very nice, but their life was poor. I bought some grain and bacon and left them. Then Master Zhang said that from now on, I would give that family one tael of silver every month. Go once every three months.”

Wen Yu nodded: "He is determined. Remember this matter, and you will take care of it from now on!"


As soon as the things were in hand, Wen Yu left a message to Liu Lanfang, asking her to "paint patterns."

As a result, the Liu family said that she had something to do and couldn't come.

Wen Yu wrote another post, saying that if she couldn't come, she would bring her friends to the house.

Mrs. Liu was angry when she saw the letter, but she really didn't dare to provoke it.

 So, Liu Lanfang came.

She looked extremely unhappy, and was accompanied by a woman with a pretentious expression.

“Afang, where is the little brother?!” Wen Yu saw Liu Lanfang and asked Liu Lanzhou first.

 “He didn’t come. Ayu, I can’t stay still. After seeing the tricks... I have to go back.” He made a face.

"Qing He, go make a pot of tea, serve some snacks, and entertain this mother at the Peony Pavilion." Wen Yu ordered, and the old woman was sent out of the courtyard at once.

The mother-in-law was unwilling: "Miss Wen, you don't have to be polite. The mother-in-law has finished her work with my girl and has to go back as soon as possible!"

"We are going to my boudoir. What, you want to go in too?" Wen's words were more pretentious than hers. She covered her nose with a handkerchief and didn't even look at it from the corner of her eyes.

The mother-in-law looked at the beautiful girl in front of her. She was extremely clean and had a faint fragrance all over her body.

 Look again at the carpets in other people’s houses and the mud shoes on your feet.

 And the hair that hasn’t been washed for many days... Oops! Hehehe smiled.

Just as Qing He was about to open his mouth, Xiao Ji said first: "Mom, let's not talk about my girl's snacks. This tea is new this year, and your master may not be able to drink it! Don't give you the dignity, you pour it No more!”

Hey, the fat girl usually always has a flattering smile on her face, but this smile is really awesome! After unpacking the box and entering the courtyard, Hongxing pressed forward just to see what was going on.

 At this moment, she is also here.

I can’t help but secretly hate Xiaoji, this **** fat guy, why do he speak so quickly? ?

 How disgusting!

The old woman quickly said: "Oh, the old woman doesn't know what's wrong! Girl, don't blame me. The old woman quickly went and tried something new!" She thought, what else could happen to the two girls' families?

 Just followed Qinghe and left.

Wen Yu took Liu Lanfang into the house and asked about the situation at home for a long time. Liu Lanfang tried hard to pretend to be normal, but she couldn't pretend well.

Although it felt difficult to speak out, Wen Yu had no choice but to tell Liu Lanfang the news he had learned.

Unexpectedly, Liu Lanfang was not surprised or scared. She just smiled bitterly, shook her head and said nothing.

“Fortunately, the things have arrived. They are all in the hut next to us. Let’s go take inventory?!”

Liu Lanfang whispered: "Ayu, actually, there is really no need to count! But I'm afraid you won't be stable... just take a look. After you finish reading, leave."

 Two people entered the small house next to them and saw five identical black boxes.

Liu Lanfang rushed over, as if she was about to throw herself into her mother's arms, gently stroking the box with both hands, her expression infinitely sad...

"Afang, the locks on top are rusty and there is no key, so I asked them to pry them off first." Wen Yu opened one himself. There was a layer of dust-proof cloth on top, and then a hard velvet cloth on the bottom. They are small partitions one by one.

 In each small grid, there is a piece of jewelry. It's very beautiful, and it's still bright after all these years.

Liu Lanfang watched with tears streaming down her face.

 There are six compartments on one level in the box, and there are two levels in total, so these are twelve pieces of jewelry.

 Opening another box, there were four grids inside, which turned out to be four bronze vessels with simple shapes and exquisite patterns.

On the lower floor, there are several ancient bronze mirrors with green rust on their surfaces. It's not for taking pictures, it's for collection.

 Although the pieces are not large in size, they are quite exquisite.

 Wen Yu had been with Song Shang and had seen a lot. Know that this is very valuable and easy to sell!

 “Afang, these are all good things!”

Liu Lanfang burst into tears and hugged her softly and silently.

 “Ayu, I miss my mother and my father!”

"I know…"

 The other box contains some, laces, etc. Some stuff from my daughter’s house. And an ivory chess set…

 Her mother is so rich! None of the things my mother left behind were so exquisite...

There is another box, which is half a box of small gold ingots.

No wonder it’s so heavy…

 The last box contained a bright red bridal embroidered gown and a peony flower hijab.

Liu Lanfang couldn't stand anymore and fell to her knees... "Mother... mother..." She lay on the ground and cried bitterly.

Wen Yu's tears couldn't stop flowing, "Afang, Afang...your mother, she takes you and your brother very seriously. She is sick herself, and she even thought of a way out for you two. So, you have to be strong. No matter how difficult it is, just grit your teeth and maybe things will get better!”

"I can do it all by myself. It's just my brother...Ayu!" Liu Lanfang pulled Wen Yu's skirt, "Ayu, you are my best friend, please, if something happens to me... "She knelt and turned to Wen Yu.

"Afang! Don't talk nonsense!" Wen Yu wiped her tears and became anxious.

"Ah Yu, listen to me first! I'm just saying... If something really happens to me, I'll leave it to you, Ah Di! Take all these things, just don't starve him, don't let anyone bully him That’s it! Wuwuwuwu…”

Wen Yu was so sad that she couldn't speak. She just shook her head, faced Liu Lanfang, and knelt down.

"There is no need to marry him a wife, he, he can't get someone else's... If he goes to find our parents early, then all these properties will belong to you."

Wen Yu hugged her: "Afang, although I don't allow you to talk nonsense. However, I, Wen Yu, swear to God: I kept this property for you and my little brother, and it belongs to you and my little brother! Wen Yu will never do this Tan Mo. If something happens to you, I will never leave Liu Lanzhou alone. I will take good care of him for the rest of his life! If you are no longer here, I will bury you and your parents together every year. On Qingming Festival and October 1st, I will give you lots of gold and silver cold clothes! If you break the oath..."

Liu Lanfang immediately covered her mouth: "Okay! Ayu, your words are enough, I believe you!"

 What I owe you, I will pay it back in the next life!

Liu Lanfang looked at things again. After reading one thing, he closed it again.

Wen Yu wrote a certificate beside it, indicating that these things were kept by her on behalf of Liu Lanfang.

 Make it in two copies, signed by two people, fingerprinted, and each person gets one copy.

 Liu Lanfang took another piece of cake and left in a hurry. As soon as she went out, she stuffed the portion in her hand into her mouth and ate it.

 A gentle oath is enough...This proof cannot be kept.

Wen Yu cried for a long time in his room.

Yan Zhu sat next to her and cried with her...

I’ve been really happy these two days. Many friends have left messages, sent tickets, and given rewards.

  There are old friends and there are new friends.

   This makes me feel that "I am very capable and important".

grateful! grateful!

   But today’s chapter was very painful to write, and even made me shed tears...

  (End of this chapter)

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