The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 67: People need to save themselves

Chapter 67 People need to save themselves

Tianlong Temple has a long history. It was once the most popular temple within hundreds of miles.

 Because of its beautiful scenery, exquisite architecture and strong incense, a town of large scale and high grade was built around it.

 The temple is rich. Not to mention the land, nearly half of the industry in Tianlong Town belongs to Tianlong Temple.

 Many wealthy and powerful families have set up villas here.

However, in the past two years, a new temple was built two to three hundred miles away from here: Tianfa Temple.

It is said that the abbot of Tianfa Temple has profound Taoism and the incense is more effective than that of Tianlong Temple! He robbed a lot of incense from Tianlong Temple and left.

 At first, Tianlong Temple did not take this new temple seriously.

Unexpectedly, over the past few years, others have become more and more prosperous, but my own family has become a bit declining...

 Is this a good thing?

 Everyone brainstormed and finally came up with a solution.

 In a few days, it will be the "thousand-year anniversary" of the Tianlong Temple.

The monks of Tianlong Temple want to use this celebration to trace the past and the present, rectify the origins, and have a good way of doing things.

Hence, the Buddha statue in the main hall reshaped its golden body, and only waited until the right day to lift the yellow cloth and accept the worship of pilgrims.

They even invited the first abbot’s relics and some thousand-year-old treasures to be brought out, and pilgrims with certain qualifications (incense amounts) could visit.

 Invited some great monks from several surrounding monasteries to give lectures together.

Even the abbot of the royal temple in the capital will come in person.

Moreover, this time not only the main hall, but also the Jing Pavilion and the dining hall were renovated and painted.

A new Zen room has also been built to facilitate the residence of pilgrims who worship Buddha from afar.

Buddhism is not exempt from secularism. In the secular world, people will be divided into high and low, rich and poor, and the decoration will be simplified according to the distance from the temple.

They also vigorously publicized it, and wealthy families within hundreds of miles around donated large sums of incense and dedicated their efforts to the Buddha's golden body.

Even people in the capital sent incense.

The Song family is very wealthy and bought a house here a few years ago. Later, when Song Shang came to power, he even built a mansion near the temple.

 The original house was no longer wanted, so the Wen family took it over and would come to live there every year.

Although it is far away from the main courtyard of the temple, it is quiet and has a good environment.

Wen Feng felt uncomfortable leaving his beloved widow. When we got here, we went out to play with friends. Don't look at this Buddhist pure land, but as long as you are willing, it is a "fun" know!

Old Mrs. Wen is planning to sell her house.

 Wu was looking after the house and did not follow.

Wen Yu brought Xiao Ji and Qing He this time, but not Yan Zhu.

 Wen Feng is a person who should be careful in his words.

 Otherwise Yan Zhu would be favored by Wen Yu! She could get angry because she didn't have time to make clothes, but Wen Yu told her to stay at home. Even though she loved watching the excitement and wanted to go to Tianlong Temple very much, she would never show it to embarrass Wen Yu.

He patted his chest and promised that he would take good care of her home and Lan Zhou’s property!

Although there have been a lot of people coming to Tianlong Town recently, there is no problem with safety.

When the Wen family girls get here, they can go out on the streets as long as they have all the people.

This opportunity does not come often, so the girls put down their things and got ready to go out.

Even Wen Jiao didn't bother to look bad at Wen Yu. She didn't dare to take the old lady's car for fear of offending the old lady.

 And Wen Yu's carriage is new, compact, and very convenient. So he shamelessly asked her to borrow it, saying that it would be enough to send them to the busiest street, and they would figure out their own solution when they came back.

Wen Yu would not care about this with her at all, and immediately asked Li Jiang to see her off.

 Wen Jiao, Wen Wan, Wen Su, sister-in-law Li, and Sister Hui, with their maids, crowded into two full cars and set off.

 After seeing her off, Li Jiang came back to pick her up, and then she went out.

 The Wen family's house is a bit remote, very quiet and has a good environment.

There is no one in the alley, but once you step onto the main street, it suddenly becomes lively.

 Walking along, watching the excitement along the way.

 It is still far away from Tianlong Temple, and there are too many people on the street, making it difficult to drive forward.

There is a large square next to it, with a temporary market set up. There is constant laughter inside, which looks very interesting.

Wen Yu asked Li Jiang to find an empty place to watch the car. He took the two girls, followed by Sun Ying, and walked around the market. The shops on both sides have food, clothing and everything is fresh.

Sun Ying followed behind, smiling bitterly. He never thought that one day he would go shopping with the girl.

 But not long after, he actually got interested in shopping, and even asked the girl to give her an idea, and bought a hairpin for the mother-in-law.

Wen Yu watched Sun Ying's old face turn red and put it in her arms, and laughed.

 “Miss Wen?” someone called her.

Wen Yu turned around and said, "Ah, is it Master Qing!?"

Over there, Master Qing was wearing a veil, only two eyes were exposed, and there was a little girl standing there behind him.

 “Hello, Miss Wen!”

“Master Qing, why are you here?”

“Cailuan Pavilion is over there, and there is a temporary stall.”

"Huh? Cai Luan Pavilion has such a big noodle shop, but there are also temporary stalls?" Wen Yu teased her.

Master Qing took off his veil and smiled faintly, with a hint of sadness in his expression.

Wen Yu changed her mind and saw a teahouse next to her, "Master Qing, let's go and sit for a while! Let them go around by themselves."

Master Qing nodded and said to the little girl, "Go and have some fun. Don't go too far. Don't cause trouble." He took out some coins and gave them to her.

 The two of them sat down at the teahouse and ordered tea and snacks.

"I would like to ask, Master Qing, are you in trouble?" At this moment, Wen Yu's eyes, like those of a deer, were filled with curiosity and sympathy.

Master Qing is not a person who reveals his emotions easily, but at this moment, his heart feels soft and sour.

  "I just went to burn a stick of incense. boss has been in poor health recently."

“Oh, it’s good to burn incense. The incense from Tianlong Temple is quite effective.”

“Hmm. I came here to set up a stall for a reason. In fact, I used this celebration to offer incense.”

Wen Yu smiled and poured her a cup of tea himself, "Master Qing, although we have only met a few times, I am very convinced through your craftsmanship and your character. I am also convinced of the way Cailuan Pavilion is run. Very appreciated.”

“Thank you for your affirmation, girl. Yu Qing, I don’t deserve it.”

Yu Qing? Her name?

"To tell you the truth, I recently took over my mother's property. It's not much. I'm currently looking for opportunities to do something. I wonder if Master Qing...are you interested in cooperating with Wen Yu?"

 It is cooperation, not employment.

 Master Qing can still hear it.

She couldn't help but laugh: "It's an honor for me to be appreciated by Miss Wen. It's just..." She stopped again.

“Master Qing, I have only been to Cai Luan Pavilion two or three times, but I believe that if it can be run according to your ideas, Cai Luan Pavilion will really become Cai Luan Pavilion!”

Master Qing smiled: "Thank you for your affirmation, miss. But I'm afraid I can't leave Cailuan Pavilion. In the future, I may not be able to leave..."

"It depends on man-made things! You see, my mother died young, and my father soon married another woman, had a new wife and children, and was promoted to the capital. My grandmother valued my father most, and my grandfather was not at home for many years. To say, my life... haha, but Look, I can travel around in my own carriage and have money to plan my future. Isn’t it difficult for me to even have my own plans for marriage?”

“Miss Wen is a great person! Boss Liu, you have been a life-saving and acquaintance for me. If he didn’t say anything, I wouldn’t leave, and I couldn’t leave.”

"Oh, Cai Luan Pavilion was originally just a small grocery store. It was Master Qing who made it what it is today with your hard work. The Liu family can live several lifetimes just by relying on the wealth accumulated by such a embroidered building. Are you living a good life? Although the kindness is great, you have repaid it with your hard work and wisdom. "

"Miss Wen, I understand everything you said. It's just... thank you for your consideration, I'm really sorry..."

“Worshiping Buddha can bring you comfort, but if you are really in trouble, you need to deal with it yourself!”

“I didn’t expect that a girl at such a young age could be so transparent…”

"Master Qing, if you have any difficulties, you can come and ask me. If I can help, I will not refuse."

“Thank you, girl. If Miss Yan Zhu likes it, we can make an appointment again, and I will share my embroidery skills with her.”

“Huh?! She must be so happy to know. I’m happy too!”

 The two of them left the teahouse. Xiao Ji, Qing He and Sun Ying were already waiting there. Everyone was very happy holding big and small bags.

 But the little girl beside Master Qing is still missing.

Seeing this, Master Qing smiled bitterly, hung up his veil, nodded to Wen Yu, and left.

Wen Yu stood there, looking at the lonely and sad back of Master Qing, feeling very sad...

 (End of this chapter)

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