Qi Wu saw Qin Lianyue, returned to his residence, and fell asleep.

 He was exhausted these days.

 In the evening, Qingfeng, the personal servant, came in and said, "Sir, my wife is back and I want you to go there."

 It took him two calls before he woke up.

I was stunned for a while, oh, what am I doing?

I stood up helplessly, and when I got to the back, I saw my mother painting there...

“Mother! Are you painting?” Qi Wu was surprised.

 What kind of broken gong voice is this? Mrs. Qi was startled and glared at him dissatisfied.

Qi Wu smiled and took a closer look. What was painted on the paper was a woman with eyebrows like distant mountains and eyes like stars.

 Oval face with a beautiful small chin.

 Hair of thick hair, styled in a high bun...I am painting a beauty.

Mrs. Qi smiled: "How is it? Does it look good?"

 “Yeah!” Qi Wu nodded.

“Is he better than that **** Qin Lianyue?”

"Mother..." Qi Wu felt helpless.

 “Did you go to see her?”

“…” Qi Wu didn’t want to say it. His throat hurt, he was tired, and he didn’t know what to say. But he knew that his mother would not let him go if he didn't tell him.

"Ha! Don't hide it. Du Liu is looking for me, and Qin Lianyue is looking for you. These bitches! Is she crying with you again?" Mrs. Qi's face was acrimonious.

Seeing her expression, Qi Wu had no choice but to sit down and "talk" to his mother obediently.

"I did cry a lot...but that's the end of it. There's no need to mention it in the future."

"Haha, that's it for now... you don't know..." Mrs. Qi threw away the pen, "Today Du Liu'er told me that Qin Lianyue has been engaged. How about her family Qin Xiyue? There are still many things in the world. There are such shameless people... I call my mother stupid."

When Qi Wu heard this, his face turned livid, and he was really angry!

Mrs. Qi's heart softened when she saw her son like this.

Suddenly I felt: This marriage didn’t happen...it can be regarded as a blessing from the Bodhisattva!

 Otherwise, if you bring back such a bitch, your son’s life will be over. And my whole life has really been a joke!

This time, she was enlightened!

Seeing that his son's voice was hoarse from exhaustion, he had a very gentle attitude: "Mom didn't tell you about many things at home. She thought that as a man, it would be too useless for you to get involved in the affairs of the house.

  But if you don’t tell me... I’m afraid you’ll fall into someone else’s trap. If, this time, your marriage is not settled. When we return to the capital, the old lady will intervene, and she has found the right candidates. "

Qi Wu said nothing and looked at his mother.

"Your father will return to the capital in a while, probably earlier than us. As soon as he met the old lady, she must have washed her mind. Mom is useless, unable to resist, and for you and my eldest brother... I can't leave Qi family. So, no matter what, you have to choose someone you like in your marriage!"

Qi Wu was waiting for his mother’s next words.

Mrs. Qi said: "My mother likes someone!"

Qi Wu smiled helplessly, "Mother, you... are so quick!"

 “It can’t be any slower.”

“Mother, this is a lifelong event for your son. Wouldn’t it be inappropriate for you to decide it at one glance?!”

“Ha! You’ve been watching your cousin Lian Yue for more than ten years. What’s the use?! We two are still misguided and treated like monkeys!”

 “But mother…”

"It's nothing! You've seen this person before. Just Wen Yu!" Mrs. Qi was cheerful and said it directly without beating around the bush.

 “You mean you saved Miss Yuanyuan Wen!”

"She's the one! The benefactor of us ladies. As the saying goes, a great favor cannot be repaid. Haha, son, just pledge yourself to me!" At this moment, Mrs. Qi was completely happy.

 “Mother, don’t do this!”

“Didn’t you ask about her family background? There’s nothing special about her. I really like her!”

“But my son really doesn’t want to get engaged now. There are too many things...”

"I don't know what you are busy with. You are well-known in this regard, and my mother won't ask. It's just a matter of marriage that my mother will decide, so you don't have to worry about it." Qi Wu said nothing with a sullen face.

"Miss Wen, what do you think she looks like? She's more than ten times stronger than Qin Lianyue!"

"Mom~~ To tell you the truth, my son's affairs are the most important thing, and the people and affairs of the Qi family are not in her heart. The old lady really wants to interfere in her son's affairs, but she may not be able to do so! Now, my son will I want to do things, but I don’t want to get married!”

 “I said what’s the matter with you!?” Mrs. Qi was anxious. "You don't want a wife, but I do want a daughter-in-law!"


"That's it! You marry Wen Yu to me, and then you can do whatever you like! I won't force you to do anything anymore."

 Why did you say it to this extent...

"Wen Yu, my mother saw her painting today... her painting skills are exquisite, her strokes are confident, her ideas are novel, and she is not bound by the rules. She has no inheritance in her family, and has not asked a master to guide her. A teenage girl can do this For this reason...it's rare!" Mrs. Qi's praise was obvious.

She analyzed it with bright eyes: "Look at this one by one: because you had something to do, our return was delayed. Just because we came back late, the Qin family regretted their marriage. But because of this, we saw clearly that Du Liuhe and Qin Lianyue's behavior.

Wen Yu, a teenage girl, dared to take risks to save Yuanyuan, and yet she handled it so well. So far, no rumors have come out... Is it wrong for my mother to think so? "

“It’s almost impossible. Even though Wen Yu has an outstanding appearance, if there is no connection, he may not be able to catch my eye.

 Judging from her paintings, her character must be a thoughtful and meticulous person who is not easily influenced. Look at your mother's paintings. Although they are tough, they are strict and can't get out of the circle. Her gentle words just complement her mother.

If your grandma was still here and saw her paintings...haha, either she would praise her, or she would criticize her...hehehe, everything seems to be predestined! "

 It’s over, my mother has gone crazy... "Mother..."

 “Ha! Son, just follow your mother’s wishes.”

 “Okay.” So be it, Qi Wu is determined. "My son listens to you!"

 “Good son!” Mrs. Qi was very moved. "Don't worry! Mom has eaten more salt than you have ever eaten! Back then, Qin Lianyue, my mother didn't take a fancy to her, if not..."

 “Mother!” Qi Wu lowered his face.

"Haha!" Mrs. Qi smiled ferociously: "Du Liu... I guess they heard that the eldest son of the Jiang family is in poor health and has no children after several years of marriage. In the future, Jiang Er will inherit the Duke's palace. They are moved! Qin Lianyue, you little bitch, wants to be the princess’s wife!”


“Haha! Let them both dream! Mrs. Jingguo... is a successful person! The boss of the Jiang family married her maternal cousin’s daughter!

 The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are doing well! Will this title fall to Jiang Er in the future? In the end, the mother and daughter struggled in vain! You, just give me a good **** and let the mother and daughter slap themselves in the mouth with regret! "

Qi Wu shook his head and smiled bitterly. "On marriage matters, a son should obey his mother. Don't mention the cousin's matters!"

"Okay! After saying this, mother will never mention it again. From then on, she will go her own way. Qi Yang, mother has not cared about you for so many years. I don't know how you and Qin **** get along. You two have each other. Whatever you have in your hand... take back what needs to be taken back and destroy what needs to be destroyed! Don’t cause trouble for yourself!”

Qi Wu nodded quickly and broke out in a cold sweat: Fortunately, my mother didn’t ask about the money...

I have to give some instructions to Zhang Cai and his wife later...


Today Wen Yu, after returning home, was so tired that she couldn’t even open her eyes.

There are too many things to do, so go to bed and sleep.

Qinghe was adjusting her clothes when something fell onto the table.

 “Huh? What is this? It doesn’t seem to belong to a girl.”

Wen Yu fell asleep for a while and had a deep dream. She dreamed that someone was chasing her. She ran and ran as hard as she could, but she couldn't escape.

 Woke up all of a sudden.

 Suddenly thought of what he had picked up, "Qinghe, do you see something on me?"

“Is this what the girl is talking about?”

 Qinghe walked in and handed it to her.

Wen Yu took it and looked at it. It was a strange hairpin. It was neither gold nor stone. She didn’t know what material it was made of. Chaitou is a round cake with something carved on it, which looks like a dragon but not a dragon...

what is this!

 She held it in her hand and fell asleep again.

 (End of this chapter)

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