The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 83: Climb higher step by step

 Early the next morning, it was the official day of the Tianlong Temple Dharma Assembly.

Old Mrs. Wen has been very busy recently and has not bothered to lecture her granddaughters.

On a day like today, it is essential to give a few instructions early in the morning. Eat something in season in the morning, but drink less to avoid inconvenience for a while. Getting dressed...

The old lady looked at several girls. At first glance, she only saw Wen Yu...

 Wearing a short cyan jacket, a pleated skirt of the same color, lined with a white silk high-collar shirt. He holds a very thin linen cloak in his left hand, a small folding fan and a green gauze ear-hanging veil in his right hand.

 Her hair was tied into a bun on the top of her head, and a set of French-colored hairpins were plugged into the bun. It looked like something left behind by the Chen family. The hair is firmly tied and not easy to fall apart...

 There are straps on the shoes that are tied directly to the ankles…

 From head to toe, tight and convenient. It actually has a romantic feel to it.

 Who did she learn this from? ! Mrs. Wen's heart sank slightly.

 Looking at Wen Jiao again, she is dressed appropriately, but these shoes...

“Jiao’er, there are a lot of people here today, so you have to wear a pair of shoes with a heel to avoid being stepped on by others.”

Wen Jiao finally managed to match them, and after comparing them secretly, she thought that her clothes were much better than Wen Yu's... so she was unwilling to change them, "Grandma, Jiao'er's shoes are quite tight on your feet, don't worry!"

The old lady had other things on her mind, so she didn't pursue them: "You guys should be careful. There are many people here today, and there are also noble people, so don't make any mistakes!"

Although the street is busy, everything is orderly.

The car was some distance away from Tianlong Temple and could not pass. The Wen family went down to the ground and walked over. Each family knows their location in advance, and when they arrive, they head straight there.

 Today's arrangement is basically that those with high authority are near the innermost temple, and then move outward in order.

 When it is the turn of ordinary people, they have to stay outside the mountain gate.

  You have to wait until the important ceremony is over before you can put it in.

All the monks, wearing their best cassocks, lined up neatly.

 Everyone is clean, radiant and full of energy.

The abbot, the monk Xingkong, even acted like an enigmatic and enlightened monk. Several deacons nearby were trotting back and forth, wondering what they were busy with.

The Song family must have donated a lot of incense, so the location is very front, outside the main hall, which is better than the Wen family's location!

Wen Yu stretched his neck to look and vaguely saw Mrs. Song and Song Shang. But she didn't see Webster... Hey, why didn't she take the opportunity to come over today?

Just as he was watching, Mrs. Qi came in. When she passed Wen's house, she glanced at Wen Yu. Her face was expressionless, but there was a smile in her eyes.

Wen Yu is confused again, where is he? Why is there no sign of anyone all day long?

The King of Wu's ceremonial carriage arrived, and all the eminent monks and officials who could be counted on the scene came to greet him.

On this day, everyone does not need to see the big gift, they just stand on both sides respectfully.

 The ceremony was very impressive, and there were hundreds of people who came to the temple alone.

 Walking under the umbrella canopy is the King of Wu, with a cinnabar mole on his eyebrows and a royal robe. He walks slowly and looks extraordinary.

The middle-aged woman next to her is Princess Wu. She has thin eyebrows, almond-shaped eyes, and a delicate complexion. He was also wearing a crown and robe, following behind the King of Wu, following step by step, with a dignified posture.

 Followed by two scribes, and then officials.

 The last group of people was led by a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, with a medium build, a rosy face, a smile, and an extremely ordinary appearance. Wearing a brocade dress and a silver crown, one hand holds a fan in front of her and the other behind her back, showing confidence and flamboyance.

 Behind him were a dozen teenagers, including the grandson of Song Shou Bei. It seemed that he was a dignified person, with a smile on his face and no restraint.

 At the end of the crowd, it turned out to be Qi Wu...

As soon as he appeared, a few women's soft calls were heard around him, but they were quickly suppressed.

Wen Yu thought excitedly: Ha, probably because he saw this Qi Wu Gongzi, he must have been dumbfounded.

It’s true: the stranger is like jade, and the young master is unparalleled in the world.

 Alas, in the end, I don’t know who will get the advantage.

She watched the man walk over with an expressionless expression on his face. The way he looks is even more impressive than the Crown Prince of Wu...

 Alas, another sigh.

Although she made active efforts around Mrs. Qi, it was only based on the idea of ​​​​having Zaoer and not Zaoer trying to make a difference. There was no way, the two families were too different.

Even if I look pretty good, there are so many good ones! Furthermore, in such a family, marriage does not depend on appearance!

 That Princess Wu is very average-looking.

 Since ancient times, a good man has never had a good’s a matter of discussion!

Besides, Qi Wulang looks like that, why would he care about a woman’s appearance?

Amitabha...Wen Yu said with his hands clasped and bowed to the main hall. But I don’t even know what I’m asking for…

After King Wu and his party entered, a while later, the bells rang and the drums rang, indicating that the auspicious time had arrived.

The monks began to chant scriptures in unison, huge incense was burned, and for a while, smoke rose from Tianlong Temple.

 Everyone in the courtyard knelt down, lowered their heads, and followed the monks in reciting sutras.

Wen's words were not so pious, and his big eyes were chattering, but he couldn't see anything. The process is quite complicated, one step at a time.

 Finally, the abbot and several eminent monks entered the hall, together with King Wu, and together they pulled down the red velvet cloth covering the Buddha.

 The Golden Buddha appears, shining golden light solemnly and solemnly under the light of candles in the room.

 After a while, it was finally over.

 Everyone got up, their backs and legs ached.

It was very lively at this time. Although no one spoke loudly, it still seemed bustling because of the large number of people.

 Obviously, King Wu is no longer in the main hall, so everyone can go there and burn incense.

 At this time, the Wen family and the Song family crowded together and walked towards the main hall.

Sure enough, Wen Jiao's shoes were stepped on... It was really dangerous, and she made a big blush.

However, there are not many such cases, so everyone has nothing to laugh at.

 In short, after all the hard work, everyone finished their work and returned exhausted.

As soon as she got home, Mrs. Wen received a post saying that there would be a luncheon tomorrow at the "Orange Garden", also known as King Wu's Courtyard, and she invited the Wen family to attend.

 Old Mrs. Wen held the post in both hands, her mouth was so happy that she couldn't even close her mouth. She hadn't finished laughing yet.

Qijia’s post has also arrived!

The visitor said that my wife was afraid that everyone would go home after attending the celebration, so she sent the post first.

 Then when he heard that Mrs. Wen was going to the Orange Garden for a banquet, he smiled and said that his wife would also go.

Afterwards, Mrs. Wen took the two posts, looked at them from left to right, and sighed: The Wen family has climbed up step by step, and has stepped onto the ladder of a high-class family!

 Hurry to call Wen Feng, show him the post, and discuss specific matters.

Wen Feng was of course also very happy. He only had the title of a minor official, but had no real power or fortune.

This time I am going to stick with the King of Wu and the Qi family. I don’t know how many unexpected benefits there will be.

After talking for a long time, the old lady remembered and told the story of the last time Princess Wu specifically talked to Wen Yu.

Originally, Wen Feng had dreamed of getting into Prince Wu's palace with the help of a girl at home, so he couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this.

 “Mother, is this true? It would be great if it could happen!”

But the old lady was hesitant and said, "It's not necessarily a good thing. You also know the whole story. That girl Wen Yu didn't show off before, but now she is a successful person. If she has any resentment in her heart... it's better to leave." On this day, not only will we not be in good luck, but we will be in trouble!"

 “Mother is confused!”

 “What did you say?” Old Mrs. Wen glared.

Wen Feng put his hands together with a playful smile, "Don't blame me, mother. My son is saying that although the most important thing for a woman in this world is to marry well. But who can marry well if her natal family is not her source of confidence? Don't talk about others, just Princess Wu. Madam, you have seen it today, how does it look like?

 But her father and brother were both high-ranking officials in the court and held real power to support her. Therefore, even if the son she gave birth to has several concubine brothers, the position of the heir apparent cannot escape from him!

Wen Yu, let alone entering a family like this, even if you enter the small family you planned before, you still have to count on the support of your father and me, your uncle. If she is wronged by her husband's family, who will stand up for her? Not us yet! ? Can she still understand this? As long as we are angry, her husband's family must be more careful! "

With this said, Old Mrs. Wen agreed: "Well, in those years, I had nothing to do with your father. So, I didn't care about this girl. Now it seems that it is such a pity! She should have been trained earlier!"

"Don't worry! To be honest, we are just borrowing a name to gain momentum, and we can count on her for the rest of our lives! In the past, my son did not agree with your approach. As the saying goes, make the best use of everything! The girls in the Wen family, even Wen Jiao All in all, it will bring glory to the Wen family!" Wen Feng looked like he was taking it for granted.

Mrs. Wen nodded in agreement, but then said: "...Although what you said is reasonable, you can't get out of my circle! If you get out of my circle, the Wen family will not be able to take advantage of it, and I would rather she not!"

“That’s natural, who is doing useless work!” Wen Feng crossed his legs.

 “Well...let me take a look again!”

"Haha, mother, our family is doing a good job. I don't know what the Qi family is like in the capital, but locally, the soup at Zanquan Villa is great! The family has a lot of property. Mines are also something our family can't compare with. of!"

“Mom knows, I have settled my relationship with Mrs. Qi here, and when I go back to Beijing, the store opens up all of a sudden! Amitabha, thanks to the blessing of Tianlong Temple!”

The two discussed it carefully, and the old lady asked some girls to tell the girls to prepare the clothes they would wear tomorrow. She wanted to check them.

 The girl behind is doing a lot of work.

Qing He also found some clothes and planned to wait until the girls in front finished ironing their clothes before she left.

 Xiaoji was very poor in this area and was a little uneasy, "Oh, it would be great if Zhuzhu came. She knows how to do it!"

Wen Yu smiled and said, "Your girl just wants to open her eyes, but she doesn't want to show off in front of others. That's it." She was a little discouraged...

Qinghe said: "Our girl's talent surpasses everyone else without having to dress up."

 Xiaoji nodded fiercely, "That's natural."

At this moment, Wen Yu was also proud of it!

Little does she know that in the orange garden, she will see the most beautiful woman in her life.

  Three thousand words updated.

  (End of this chapter)

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