The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 996 Concentration

"Master of the Battalion Headquarters wants command?"

The soldier manipulating the heavy artillery was stunned for a moment, a little suspicious and at a loss, but soon, under the warning of the cold sword intent, all the soldiers put aside their distracting thoughts.

"Heavy artillery No. 1 to No. 100, coordinates 222, 234, 245, launch."


All the heavy cannons began to rotate under Zhao Shi's thought, adjusting the coordinates, and soon, hundreds of heavy cannons fired at a coordinate point at the same time, condensing into a huge beam of incomparable brilliance.

Hundreds of flying-level attacks gathered at one point, and there was a terrible reaction immediately, and the current space was torn apart and shattered.

Undoubtedly a Shenqiao-class attack.

The only thing is that there is nothing there, and there is a distance from the giant crow ghost, a difference of more than 20 meters.

"Estimate my position? Now the junior really dare to think."

The crow ghost giant, who was constantly moving at high speed, showed sarcasm in his eyes, his body flickered slightly, and disappeared in place. The attacks gathered by hundreds of heavy cannons didn't even hurt a single feather of him.

And this is not relying on unconscious random positioning to dodge, but to determine the target it is about to aim at the moment the heavy artillery is fired, and dodge with ease.

Even if this kind of attack is repeated thousands of times, there will only be the same result. For a warrior in the Shenqiao Realm, dodging such an attack is as easy as dodging a child's fist.

Only by covering the shooting and blocking every movement space can the true energy of a warrior at the bridge of the gods be consumed. This is the iron rule of countless years of war history.

The giant crow ghost's huge black iron wings spread out, turned into two swords and slashed down again. With two more breaths, he should be able to break through the defense of Huorong Fortress.

"Damn untouchable, what are you doing, return it quickly!!"

Lin Zhen sternly asked, feeling very anxious about Zhao Shi consuming his precious hope of survival. If an ordinary true energy warrior was here, he would dare to kill him immediately.

It is understandable that young people are curious and have whimsy.

But you shouldn't use the lives of thousands of people, especially his Lin Zhen's life, for experiments to show how you stand out from the crowd!

boom! boom!

No one answered Lin Zhen's words,

Another two attacks that condensed hundreds of heavy cannons were fired, one aimed at the crow ghost giant, and the other fired randomly at the void, making everyone even more desperate.

The crow ghost giant cast a glance at the two beams of light, turned his body slightly to avoid the shooting of the beams in front of him, and took a step to the left carelessly.

He was very confident, because his step was in a place where the power of the two concentrated beams of light could not be illuminated at all, and he would not lose even a trace of true energy.


A concentrated beam of light hit him slowly, knocking him back several hundred meters, even shattering the condensed cross-cut double cut, and rapidly consuming more than 10% of the true energy in his body.

"How can it be?"

Crow Ghost couldn't help but exclaimed, this was completely beyond his comprehension, it was obviously impossible to hit in the calculation, but why did he hit?

Lin Zhen and the others, who were about to riot because of Zhao Shi's mischief, were also stunned.

"It's a coincidence."

Yagui quickly regained his composure, and made a definite judgment based on his hundreds of years of experience.

He turned around again, and the 400-meter-high real body was so fast under the burst of true energy that it almost turned into an afterimage. The spiritual sense of a flying warrior could only see a blur of light, and he couldn't even see it clearly. His shadow is a luxury.

"We need to speed up. Although the Shenqiao of the Federation has a small number of people and Xiang Wu's heart is weak, its strength should not be underestimated. This time, we must kill one with the brothers of the same sect..." 398

Boom, boom, boom!

Still the same rhythm, still the same ending, two clustered heavy cannons were empty, and the third clustered heavy cannon seemed to have eyes, or he himself had eyes, the two collided abruptly, knocking him His true qi reserve was worn down to below 40% in an instant.

This is a dangerous number, not because of the juniors below, but because of the Federation Divine Bridge that may appear at any time.

"Could it be a coincidence?" Yagui's face was ugly, and anger rose in his heart.

A group of mere juniors dared to play him like a monkey.

"I don't believe it!"

The crow ghost roared, and with a billowing black flame rising from its wings, it turned into a huge black flame sky knife and slashed towards the Fire Banyan Fortress below. Immediately avoid the sharp edge.

Boom, boom, boom!

His madness, and the turbulent murderous intent that froze the soul did not affect the attack of the fort's heavy artillery at all. It was unhurried, but like the law of cause and effect, he doubled his speed and hit him again.

The Heavenly Knife, which was burning with black flames, was blasted back hundreds of meters by the heavy artillery cluster, which consumed his true energy reserve to less than 20%.

Warriors are different from immortal cultivators, they mainly rely on their bodies to fight, and even if their true qi is exhausted, they can still retain most of their strength.

But if you are facing the same level, if your true energy is exhausted, you will be very passive and dangerous.


Regardless of the hesitation and hesitation in the crow ghost's heart, the Fire Banyan Fortress still continued to fire its own heavy artillery bombardment. Three beeps are a group, the rules are normal, and it must hit.

No matter what the crow ghost thinks, his true energy reserve drops rapidly, and the next step must be blocked with flesh and blood until he dies.


The crow ghost was furious, but he was aggrieved to find that he could no longer break through this fortress. If he continued to entangle, even if he could break it, his vitality would be greatly damaged. At this time, any federal god bridge could kill him.

The heavy artillery group continued to bombard the crow ghost giant who had turned into a black spot on the horizon, draining away his last bit of true energy, and punched a hideous blood hole in his body, with bones visible deep, essentially wounding him.

This is the limit, if there is a warrior at the bridge of the gods to restrain him, he may be able to kill him.

Zhao Shi thought lightly, then turned his eyes on Lin Zhen again, and a clear killing intent pervaded the air.


Lin Zhen knelt down, weeping profusely: "My lord, I beg you to spare me my life!"

The people around were all silent, looking at Zhao Shi with shock and enthusiasm in their eyes, and the ecstasy of being able to survive, even the children of the aristocratic family were completely convinced at this moment.

Even if Zhao Shi killed Lin Zhen on the spot, they would not have any objections.

"Missing you is just a quarrel, and I didn't really do anything, forget it this time, but don't let me see this again, understand?"


Lin Zhen kowtowed repeatedly, sweating like rain, and it took him a long time to recover from the suffocating panic.

Zhao Shi tapped his watch, sent the training outline he had made to all the lieutenants, and said calmly: "This is the new training plan of the Huorong Mecha Battalion. You should read it through and understand it within three days, and then teach your subordinates, I want to see the first prototype in a week."

"Yes, Lord Battalion!"

It was obviously a violation of the basic principles of the federal army, but at this moment, no one objected, and they all bowed their heads and obeyed orders.

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