The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 995: Crow Ghost Bridge

Zhao Shi looked at Lin Zhen with an inquiring look in his eyes.

"It's Honglian Wuzong's Yaguishen Bridge." Lin Zhen's face turned pale, and his voice trembled: "The Huorong Fortress was breached by him last time, and Colonel Yinliufeng was also crushed by his palm. More than two thousand mechas The teacher died in battle."

"I even doubt that he has the ability to kill us all. The reason why he survived is because he did it on purpose."

He was desperate, and he could not see any hope in that dark future.

The enemy doesn't even regard them as opponents, but just fruit trees that are constantly being harvested. Every time they deliberately leave their roots, hoping to grow more fat fruits in the coming year.


Zhao Shi scolded: "Although the strength of the warriors in the Shenqiao realm is strong, it is not unlimited, and the Federation is not something that a warrior in the Shenqiao realm can fiddle with at will. Don't say such things in the future."

"Yes, this subordinate is convicted!" Lin Zhen glanced at the people around him with changing expressions, knowing that he had made a slip of the tongue, and reluctantly apologized.

He kept his eyes on Zhao Shi, hoping that he would bring him a glimmer of hope, so he has kept restraint until now.

But he was already planning in his heart that if he saw signs of the fortress collapsing, he would immediately flee to fight for the weak vitality.

In a short time, the giant crow ghost stepped into the 30-kilometer range of Huorong Fortress, which is the attack range of the fortress' heavy artillery.

The huge light screen in the command room projected the figure of this giant who had fully revealed his true body.

The lower body is covered with rough skin with cold and ferocious totem patterns. Looking up from the black hole-like navel, a huge change has taken place.

Dense feathers spread all over the chest. The head was not a human head, but a sinister crow's head. The beak was sharp and cold, and the hundreds of meters long black wings fluttered behind it, and wisps of black air surrounded the whole body.

A terrifying arakkoa!

'At the later stage of a warrior, from body to soul, he is no different from a beast. Does the so-called development of human body treasures really affect the independence of the soul? '

‘Obviously the soul is everything, it is the foundation of life, the key to why I am me. '

Zhao Shi felt contempt in his heart, but this did not affect his accurate judgment of the strength of the warrior.

"The battalion headquarters, request shelling!" Zhang Ya's nervous voice came from the command room. She was appointed by Zhao Shi as the commander of the fortress heavy artillery company, responsible for commanding 312 flying heavy artillery pieces.

She is also a super genius selected from countless civilians in the Federation. She has achieved excellent results in all military command courses, and it is not difficult to command a mere heavy artillery company.

Just without any experience, taking on such a heavy responsibility from the beginning, replacing the original commander of the family's heavy artillery company, caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the family's officers.

"Can be shelled."



The entire fortress was trembling. The more than three hundred thick cannon tubes standing outside the fortress like sea urchins shrank and recovered, spewing out thick beams of light covering a wide area several miles away. mile range.

Covering the shot?

Zhao Shi frowned slightly. The defense of the warriors in the Shenqiao realm was already strong. How could such a scattered attack cause fatal injuries?

This is the pity that there is no Nascent Soul-level formation. The attack power cannot be concentrated at one point, otherwise the possibility of hitting is very small, and the movement speed of the Shenqiao-level warriors is too fast.

Centered on the Crow Ghost giant, all within a few miles were submerged by artillery fire, and the earth was boiling endlessly. The huge smoke and dust aroused obscured the giant's traces, and only a direction along a complex and twisted path could be seen on the energy radar. The red dot of the rapid advance of the fortress.

The cold murderous intent made everyone in the command room tremble.

"Hurry up! Assess the enemy's damage!"

Two seconds later, the figure of the giant appeared on the light screen again. There were dozens of slightly dim light spots all over his body, which were in the process of absorbing the energy of the whole body to repair.

"Sixty-eight shots were hit, the hit rate was more than 20%, the penetration hit 12 shots repeatedly, qualified, and consumed 5.2% of the enemy's Shenqiao true energy.


Everyone looked at the place where the black crow was in amazement.

The hit rate is 2 out of 10, which is already better than the previous heavy artillery company commander, but this person is obviously a civilian, and it is the first time he actually commands the troops.

Lin Zhen said pleasantly: "Battlefield, if you can show your strength comparable to Caliber Yinliufeng, we can delay the time by at least ten minutes."

On the edge of the smoke and dust, a giant crow ghost flew out of it. There were dozens of dim white spots on its body, and blood holes several meters appeared in some places.

"The new federation kid is better than the old one."

He muttered to himself, the flesh and blood in the wound surged like a mouse, and soon healed completely, and recovered as before, turning into a lightning-like zigzag black light to kill the fortress like a sea urchin in front.


Without any stop, the heavy artillery group of the fortress continued to shell, laying down artillery curtains on the way of the crow ghost giant.

Sometimes there are only a few hits, and sometimes more than 40% hits. As the distance shortens, the hit rate increases steadily, and the average hit rate reaches about 30%.

Beams of light bombarded the Crow Ghost giant's body, making him ping-pong. In some places, the feathers turned into powder, exposing the flesh and blood underneath, and in some places, the skin was beaten into blood holes several meters high and wide.

But the speed of the giant crow ghost didn't stagnate in any way, on the contrary, it became faster and faster.

The injuries on his body looked miserable, but they were all superficial injuries, and they were still recovering quickly, so they couldn't cause blocking-level injuries at all.

The same is true for scattered attacks at the Flying Sky Realm, and it would be good if it can consume the True Qi reserves of the warriors at the Divine Bridge Realm.

Soon, the crow ghost giant broke into the Huorong Fortress within one kilometer, and the huge wings hundreds of meters long behind him were like divine iron. They turned into two black heavenly knives and slashed into the fortress. Black lines like cracks appeared in the space along the way. .

"Forty percent of the true qi of Yaguishenqiao is consumed. The fortress is expected to be destroyed after receiving three blows from it. Please continue to consume it. The combat power of the Federation's Shenqiao is coming."

The intelligence brain in the command room broadcast with an emotionless voice, and everyone looked at Zhao Shi.

At this moment, Lin Zhen gave up the extremely low success rate of fleeing immediately, and said in a deep voice: "The battalion, let's attack now, if you can lead us to consume less than 30% of its true energy, Yaguishenqiao may Will retreat, we can live."


In just one sentence, the wings of the Yaguishen Bridge had already been chopped off on the wall of the Huorong Fortress, leaving a criss-cross crack more than 20 meters deep, and the people in the fortress were stumbling around.

"Consume another 30% of his true energy? It's not difficult. You don't need to go out and fight now."

Facing everyone's eyes, Zhao Shi shook his head slightly, his consciousness spread to all directions, and instantly took over the command of all heavy artillery operators.

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