The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 994: Enemy Attack

’...This is not a change, but another training system... completely different from the original training method of the Federation. 'Yang Qiushui sentenced it to death the moment he saw the training syllabus.

But because of Zhao Shi, she still watched it patiently, unlike any federal officer who threw it into the trash can the moment she saw it.

This is an extremely detailed training plan, involving all aspects of soldiers' clothing, food, housing and transportation, comprehensively and the training needs of warriors, and even the future development of warriors is also taken into consideration.

Yang Qiushui also saw the core of the theory he put forward.

It is to control the soldiers with higher frequency orders, not only to order the lieutenant mecha division, but to directly command the last soldiers, so that they can always act according to the commander's ideas.

If the original federal army was a giant that only moved at ten-second intervals, the purpose of this training program was to try to turn it into a human that could act and respond normally.

Although it is still not as good as the athletes among human beings, it is much stronger than the original self.

"Zhao Shi, this is impossible."

Yang Qiushui said seriously: "This is just a theory, like a theory like a perpetual motion machine. It looks beautiful, but it's actually just illusion."

"Because this is too demanding for the commander. It's just an army of more than 3,000 people. You have to process at least tens of thousands of orders per second, and not just for a while, but for every moment of the battle."

"The federation's training syllabus is not perfect, but it is already the best that can be achieved under various conditions in reality..."

Her expression suddenly froze, and her eyes were fixed on Zhao Shi's left hand.

A gust of wind and sword energy appeared in his hand, changing tens of thousands of times every second, and each change was extremely clear, with a unique aura that any true qi realm warrior could perceive.

The subtlety of the sword qi manipulation is simply outrageous and unheard of.

"Teacher, if the army is well-trained in the later stage, the orders can be simplified. An army of more than 3,000 people only needs to process more than a thousand orders per second."

Zhao Shi said softly: "The requirements for the commander are very high, and it cannot be popularized. This is not a bad thing, but a great good thing.

This means that without me, the strength of this army will drop several levels in an instant. Even if the original training program is changed again, the soldiers will need time to adapt to restore their original weak strength. "

"And time is exactly what the Federation lacks."

"... makes sense."

Yang Qiushui was instantly persuaded. Being from a family, she did not lack ambition and political wisdom. She pondered: "If it is near the headquarters, it is impossible to change the training outline and combat methods casually. Here is a good time, and as long as you can survive Going down and violating this bit of military discipline is nothing."

As for the newly emerging training syllabus, there must be gaps, and there is no need to consider whether it is successful or not. Now that there is no tomorrow, what can't be done, what can't be tried?

"Look, there is a problem with entry, it would be better to change it to this..."

The two discussed in detail the items in the training syllabus, mostly related to the localization of the Federation, and Yang Qiushui gave a lot of useful suggestions.

woo~ woo~ woo~

Harsh sirens and flashing red lights suddenly sounded everywhere in the fortress, accompanied by the cold voice of the fortress controlling the brain machinery.

"Level 1 highest alert! Level 1 highest alert!"

"The army of the Xiewu Empire was found approaching a thousand kilometers away. At present, the Shenqiao unit Shenqiao unit 1 has been found. All units are ready immediately. All mecha divisions enter the mechas. Those who violate the order will be punished by military law on the spot!"

"The enemy's situation has been reported to the headquarters, and the reinforcements will arrive soon. There is no need for you soldiers to panic. This is the time to die for the Federation."

Yang Qiushui's body trembled, and his face instantly turned pale.

I knew this day would come, but why did it come so soon?

They have just arrived here, and they are not even familiar with the environment!

The Fire Banyan Fortress has the ability to resist the warriors of the Shenqiao Realm,

But once the time exceeds half an hour, it will break, and you must rely on the support from the rear to survive.

But Wang Hai did everything possible to send Zhao Shi here, how could there be reinforcements here!

Am I going to die here today?

Thousands of thoughts flashed through her mind, and she couldn't help but look at the person in front of her, why she came here.

The young man in front of him was still extremely calm, it seemed that what came outside was not a warrior in the Shenqiao realm who made him die, but just a trivial scene in his life.

He is so nice, like when the king was a teenager, he was the top arrogance who came out of the common people in this world. If the timing and fate were right, he could even become a great warrior who left a great reputation in the universe.

For some reason, the panic in Yang Qiushui's heart disappeared, and he gradually calmed down.

"Master Battalion!"

"Enemy attack!"

There was a ping-pong sound of mechas hitting the metal floor, and the seven members of Lin Zhen violently slammed into the command room with their mechas tens of meters high, and their voices were terrified, like drowning people looking for straws.

As an old man in the Fire Banyan Fortress, he knew very well what would happen to the warriors of the Shenqiao Realm, and there was no way to escape.

Zhang Ya, Gu Ming and other lieutenants who followed closely behind were equally terrified. Panic spread like a plague among all the people in Huorong Fortress, and their weapons were in disarray.

"What are you panicking about!"

The icy and majestic cold shout spread in all directions like a thunderclap, stopping the nearly collapsed order in Huorong Fortress, like freezing.

Everyone instinctively raised their heads and looked towards the place where the sound happened.

A fiery red mech far surpassing the height of ordinary lieutenant mechas, more than 80 meters high, stands between the sky and the earth, with a long flaming sword behind its back, and the flaming horn on its forehead is more than ten meters long and sharp. The air is soaring.

Just standing there, a heavy sense of oppression was transmitted in all directions, and even Lin Zhen and other Flying Heaven Realm lieutenants and mecha masters couldn't help breathing, angry in their hearts, and the idea of ​​rioting and accountability was instantly extinguished.

They have never seen such a strong lieutenant mech master, just standing up, makes people unable to resist.

Lin Zhen respectfully said: "This subordinate is convicted, the enemy is approaching, please take charge of the defense."

There was some hope in his heart. With such combat power, it should be able to delay more time. The headquarters can delay the rescue for a while, but it can't be delayed forever, right?

"Don't worry, the Huorong Fortress is as stable as Mount Tai." Zhao Shi said slowly: "The first company to the seventh company are on standby, waiting for my order, and the rest of the departments strictly guard their respective positions, and those who make trouble will be killed."


The distance of a thousand miles is not a long distance for a martial artist in the Shenqiao Realm. Soon, a ghost giant with a height of more than 400 meters in the sky came here with heavy steps. The ground became extremely dark.

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