The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 998 Extreme Martialism

Hidden in a corner of the sky, whose aura was obscured by the interference of surrounding flying-level warriors, three Shenqiao-level warriors the size of ordinary people looked indifferently at the Huorong Fortress where hundreds of giant cannons roared in the distance.

One of the bald old men suddenly sighed: "The Federation's mecha technology is actually not weak. Not to mention this special fortress in front of us, even in other places, thousands of juniors can block us for more than half an hour."

"Not to mention that a single innate martial artist can tie with our true qi realm warriors, and a true qi realm warrior can tie with our flying sky realm warriors. There are also many powerful war vehicles, even we have to temporarily avoid them. Edge."

"Hey! All these things are really eye-catching. The ancestors have always refused to learn about the federation, and refused to make any concessions. Let the sons live like savages, maybe..."

"Brother Qiu's words are wrong."

Yagui sneered, and pointed to the sky in the distance that was still in the hands of the Federation: "It's enough for me to wait for the warriors to develop human treasures. It's evil to distract him. The Federation has already demonstrated this since it dominated the universe in the future and is now about to perish. , Martial arts must first have a solid foundation, and the way of mecha technology is just a poison for a moment."

Chou Gu wanted to refute, but he gave up when he saw the stubborn eyes of Ya Gui and the warriors in the Shenqiao Realm next to him.

All warriors in the Shenqiao Realm are existences with firm will in martial arts. It is difficult for others to change their thoughts with words, but the way of mecha technology of the Federation is not an evil way. He and many colleagues firmly believe this.

Boom boom boom!

Between the three people chatting, more than 300 heavy cannons have already roared, which is equivalent to more than 300 flying sky-level warriors launching ultra-long-range attacks at the same time, and the Shenqiao-level warriors are unwilling to take most of them, which will cause a great loss of true energy. You have to keep moving and dodging.

But there are more than a thousand flying sky realm warriors here.

The army of the Xiewu Empire was still orderly and orderly, and the large army did not waver in any way. More than 600 fighters in the flying sky realm all slashed out their own blows. The aura of various weapons flashed, and the heavy artillery salvo of the Huorong Fortress was smashed into a breeze. Same with fireworks.

There was a dead silence in the fortress headquarters.

The combat power at the top is crushed, and the combat power at the bottom is crushed. This is facing a hopeless war!

Zhao Shi said lightly: "A group of thirty cannons, fire again."

His composure infected others, and because he once established his prestige, there was no chaos in the fortress. Amidst the huge roar, more than ten bright beams of light blasted out, forming a dense array like a cage, engulfing hundreds of people in the front corner of the Xiewu Empire army. People shrouded.

"Defense! Defense!"

From the front of the battle line came the Zongmen senior brother's crazy shouts, and there was an unconcealable panic in the words.

They numbered far more than three hundred, and they stood very close together, but legion battles were not the core of their skills at all, and the combined attacks could not produce effective aggregation, they were very scattered, and they could not resist the concentrated attack of the fort's heavy artillery at all.

The really effective way is to disperse, disperse within hundreds of miles, avoid artillery fire with constantly changing positions, and the success rate is often very high.

But if they are dispersed, the mecha battalion of the Federation will be dispatched collectively to annihilate them one by one.

Even at this moment, the Federation's low-end battlefield still holds the upper hand, and they lost elsewhere.


Yagui roared, his body swelled like a balloon, and he recovered his 400-meter-high giant Yagui's real body: "I'm going!"

Two hundreds of meters long black wings criss-crossed and slashed, cutting more than ten beams of bright light into pieces with two graceful pitch-black arcs.

It's very easy, the joint attack of thirty heavy artillery pieces is not a big threat to the warriors in the Shenqiao Realm, and it doesn't consume much real energy.

The advancing speed of the Xiewu Empire's army suddenly accelerated, heading towards Huorong Fortress like an arrow. burning text

Once these thousands of flying warriors approached the fortress, all the heavy cannons would be smashed in just an instant, and even the mecha battalion would be besieged to death by ten times as many people.

Even if they are willing to adopt scattered tactics and make some sacrifices, they can break through the Huorong Fortress alone, without the need for three Shenqiao-level warriors to fight.

The other two Shenqiao-level warriors originally planned this way. They are just some low-level warriors. How can their true energy be as important as them?

However, the Crow Ghost had lingering fears about the precision heavy artillery in the past few days and stopped them from doing so.

He suspected that if they were really dispersed, that weird heavy artillery operator could kill more than a thousand Flying Heaven Realm fighters in a short period of time without any effort. In the end, even if the three of them broke through the Huorong Fortress, they would be reprimanded and punished by the sect.

"Order, give me the command of all heavy artillery."

"Yes, Lord Battalion!"

All the soldiers in the fortress were excited and looked at the battlefield ahead intently.

The warriors of the Shenqiao Realm are the absolute core of the Xiewu Empire's army. Once this core is damaged, it is very possible for the entire army to retreat.

Chou and Gu also looked curiously at the Yagui, who was facing a formidable enemy, with some disbelief in their hearts.

It is impossible for the mere juniors at the Flying Sky Realm to hit them accurately through simple predictions. The Crow Ghost is definitely using some kind of trick.

Boom, boom, boom!

The familiar roar reappeared in the sky of Huorong Fortress, and three bright beams of light shot out one after the other, with a large gap between each other, which was full of flaws in the eyes of any Shenqiao-level warrior, and it was not even possible to avoid them. Special attention is required, and a well-trained instinct can automatically avoid it.

Chou and Gu became more certain in their hearts, and they couldn't help raising their vigilance.

Crow Ghost is not a kind person, and it is not that there have been some reasonable and weird injuries in the battle with his master brothers in the past.

If it wasn't for Zongmen's order this time, they would never have come out to fight with Yagui.


Chou and Gu were stunned.

Walking in a zigzag pattern in the sky, the Crow Ghost, which was distorted into an afterimage, was hit head-on by the third heavy artillery cluster attack. His body was stiff, and the aura of the shield on his body was dimmed. Even the tip of his nose could smell the smell of burnt feathers , eyes saw his ferocious expression about to go crazy.

"He... he wouldn't be acting with the little boy from the Federation?"

Even though he knew it was unlikely, the white-faced God Bridge warrior beside Qiu Gu couldn't help but say.

This is really too weird. It is obvious that there are three attacks that can be avoided by closing your eyes, but he just hit the crow ghost that is moving at a high speed. It is hard for people not to think about it.

At the same time, cheers echoed in the fortress.

"Federal offal, die to me!"

The crow ghost's face was as ferocious as a ghost's, and the wind howled, and a large black flame rose from his body, making the space within more than ten miles dark and oppressive.

A large black cloud also gushed out from his body, covering his whole body, completely submerging his figure, even the energy radar could not detect the slightest bit, and the shrill voice echoed, but there could only be vague warnings of the approaching high-energy creatures .

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