The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 999 Building Blocks

Boom, boom, boom!

In the desperate and hopeful hearts of everyone in the fortress, and in the determined eyes of everyone in the Xiewu Empire, three particularly loud roars of giant cannons sounded again, cutting out three straight channels of light in the dark clouds covering the sky.

Like the black cloud approaching madly by the old demon of Montenegro, it stopped and dissipated slowly.

Not to mention the juniors in the Feitian Realm around, even Qiu Gu couldn't help exclaiming: "How is that possible! Crow Ghost, you can't act like this!"

"That's right!" Baimian Shenqiao said incredulously: "No matter what you pay attention to in your heart, the Zongmen will never believe you."

The black cloud parted, revealing the crow ghost in it.

His huge wings still kept flashing at a high frequency, and his sharp crow's beak was chilling, completely showing the demeanor of a strong Shenqiao.

Only the chest was concentrated to form a small hole in the front, and the true energy in his body was rushing to quickly repair the gap. Needless to say, the true energy in the body was exhausted.

"You two don't need to speak sarcasticly. I know how the sect's discipline is." Yagui's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "After breaking through the fortress, I won't take flesh, blood, soul, or property. I only want this junior who controls the heavy artillery."


The huge wings bombarded the air fiercely, turning it into a lightning-like black light to kill the Huorong Fortress, which could not be detected even with spiritual sense.

Boom, boom, boom!

However, it was still useless, three constant heavy artillery bombardment sounds, two empty shots, and one hit his body again like a pre-determined rule, knocking him down from a high-speed state, revealing his real body.

"Junior, I will swallow your soul in one bite!"

The crow ghost was furious, his eyes were bloodshot, and his heart was full of murderous intent, and he continued to advance regardless of the artillery fire.

Cannon fire kept bombarding him, and soon, after more than a dozen bombardments, the shield on his body shattered into aura that filled the sky and dissipated.

The heavy artillery fired again, and countless feathers scattered, making a deep blood hole on his body. Dark red blood like heavy rain flowed out of it, corroding the ground into deep potholes.

Chou and Gu looked at each other, already believing in their hearts that he was not acting.

It's too bad,

The bones are all exposed, the injury is absolutely real, and it won't be here for a mere fortress.

Everyone in the fortress was ecstatic, and they felt at ease all of a sudden, feeling that they were safe this time.

"Chou Gu!" The Crow Ghost roared suddenly.

He has already approached the Huorong Fortress for ten miles, this distance is almost close to the Huorong Fortress, the heavy artillery is more accurate, and two heavy artillery clusters have bombarded him several times in succession.

Now he is covered in cuts and bruises, bones can be seen everywhere, organs are occasionally seen, and there are even three penetrating wounds, feathers mixed with blood sticking to his body, looking extremely miserable.

This is not like a battle where a high level is suppressing a low level, but facing a stronger person at the bridge of the gods, there is no power to fight back.

Even if he paid such a heavy price, he was firmly nailed ten miles away, unable to enter an inch. If he continued to entangle him, he would die, and there was absolutely no possibility of breaking through the fortress.

Chou Gu said in a deep voice: "Brother Yagui, don't worry, I'll come right away."


Under the terrified gazes of everyone in the fortress, his body suddenly swelled, dispelling the surrounding air, and turned into a blue-eyed black tiger with a height of more than 50 meters and a length of more than 300 meters. He rushed towards the fortress that was close at hand. Leshuba

The terrifying evil spirit attacked everyone, leaving their minds blank and confused, and even the gunner who manipulated the heavy artillery became extremely slow.

Two bridges, two bridges!

The evil spirit and the bad news came at the same time, and instantly broke down all the defenses in their hearts. Although the survival instinct kept warning, they were completely desperate, and they couldn't even raise their spirits in struggling to survive.

"wake up!"

Zhao Shi's low voice, which contained the intent of Gale Wind and Sword, cut off the evil spirits around them, breaking their drowsy dream.

"Master of the Battalion..." They woke up, looked at the blue-eyed black tiger approaching in the distance, and his cold tiger claws that kept tearing the space, crying bitterly, but it was even worse than in the dream. despair.

No matter how hard they searched, how lucky they were to search, they couldn't find a way out anyway.

All rationality is telling them that struggling is useless and ridiculous, the best choice is to stay where they are and die, at least they don’t have to work hard anymore.

"Teacher, let's fight for our lives. I will command the army to assist you."


Yang Qiushui took a deep breath, unsheathed the swords behind the dark blue mech clangingly, and sternly shouted: "Order, the first company to the ninth company will follow me to fight against the enemy Shenqiao, and those who disobey the order will be killed! The family members will be held accountable!" "

Seeing that although everyone was moving, but their fighting spirit was not high, she was immediately furious.

"Since death is inevitable, why not fight to the death to show my aspirations as a Federation fighter? The Federation God Bridge is already within a thousand miles, and I guarantee with the head of the project that as long as you take three hits, you will live!"

Just a few words successfully aroused the fighting spirit of the Federation warriors.

Lin Zhen roared angrily: "Come on, what about the Shenqiao? I'm waiting for my life, kill, kill!"

Gu Ming and Qian Tong were respectively appointed by Zhao Shi as the commanders of the Eighth Company and the Ninth Company. At this time, they did not disappoint Zhao Shi's trust. The true meaning of two different martial arts emerged from the body, one as heavy as a mountain, and the other as a trickle. flow, never ending.

This is undoubtedly the true meaning of martial arts at the level of a king's true species, and even at this moment it has attracted a few people's astonished eyes.

"Master Battalion is right!"

The two looked frenzied, and said loudly: "We wait for warriors, why do we regret fighting to death, it is the highest honor to be able to die in the battle with the warriors of the Shenqiao Realm!"

Except for the tenth company that stayed behind to control the heavy artillery, the entire Huorong Fortress was mobilized. More than 90 lieutenant mechas and more than 2,600 soldier-level mechas flew into the sky, densely covering the sky.

Its formation is not the neat formation like tofu cubes or concentric circles required in the federal training outline, but scattered, even more chaotic than the formation of the Xiewu Empire on the opposite side.

This is the perspective of ordinary people and warriors.

If a monk at the peak of Nascent Soul came here, he might see something different.

Under the command frequency of Zhao Shi directly commanding each soldier, more than 10,000 times per second, the aura of the entire army formation began to change.

There is no mana to connect them to form a large formation, but to build their power like building blocks, using soldiers as raw materials and Yang Qiushui as the center to form a whole.

Qiu Gu couldn't see all this, he just saw a group of miscellaneous soldiers who were so flustered that they couldn't even form a basic army formation. The pitch-black tiger claws tore apart the space into three deep space cracks, covering them all.

"Your flesh and soul, the old man will accept it."

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