The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 806: Chongming City Breaks Down

Hearing the words "Dynasty Fortune", Zhao Shi's mind was instinctively in a trance.

The spiritual consciousness has never been as sharp as it is now, breaking through the surrounding space of more than ten feet and spreading in all directions.

Starting from Mingren City, to recovering Gulai County again, to Shangao County, to Lingzhou, to Shanzhou, Qingzhou, and Yizhou and Kezhou, which have just begun to be pacified, the north and east armies are training and expanding.

He also saw Chongming City in Yanzhou to the west. Half of the Blood Sea banner on the city wall was incomplete, and there were piles of corpses on the ground. The front city wall had been breached under the personal leadership of the three heavenly kings.

The dense army of the Wu Kingdom poured into the city, killing the blood sea soldiers who were still resisting, and the blood lotus flag kept falling, replaced by a new five-clawed black dragon flag.


Manic anger and pain arose in Zhao Shi's heart, and he wanted to do something, but the scene in front of him slowly disappeared, and the inexplicably intense emotions disappeared along with it.

He instantly understood what some so-called imperial luck was.

It has nothing to do with the feudal system or the modern system, but only with the tens of thousands of people in the world. It is similar to the previous world consciousness, but it is even more terrifying. One word can determine whether the aura is inert or active, far exceeding his imagine.

At least, immortal cultivators in the Void Refining Realm do not have this ability.

The luck of the dynasty that can determine these things is extremely important. If you can get it, you will have a great advantage in the subsequent extraordinary war.

While Zhao Shi was in a trance, Qian Wuzong saw an illusory blood lotus phantom on his body. The petals were layered on top of each other, and the tip was sharp. The thick air of fighting and the majesty of life and death condensed on it.

He thumped in his heart, knowing that the divine court's attempt to seize the imperial fortune caused this dragon who was about to transform into a real dragon to instinctively loathe and repel him.

If he is a person who is a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, his soul and mana have been shaken away, and the cultivator of Huashen will also be severely injured.

"You want half of the royal luck of the new country? It's not impossible."

Zhao Shi didn't show any anger on his face, and said lightly: "It's just that the power you provided is too weak. I don't need to say how strong the army is, just 150,000 troops. It's just that it's still useful in a sudden sneak attack."

Qian Wuzong relaxed his heart, was slightly happy, and did not show anything on his face: "Senior Blood Sea,

The Fifteenth Army is not weak, and it can determine your victory or defeat in Mingren City, but if you think it is too much, I can reduce it by another 10%, and only take 40%. "

Ouyang Wu's heart moved, she was sincere enough to work hard, and what she said made sense.

To be honest, in the current Mingren City battlefield, Dagan has the weight to control the balance of the battle.

"I will give you 10% at most, and the time will not exceed five hundred years."

Zhao Shi waved his hand and his face instantly turned blue and red. Qian Wuzong, who wanted to say something, interrupted: "Under the rule of Blood Sea, the population will increase greatly, and the spiritual world of the people will also become richer. The luck of becoming a dynasty will not be less than all the luck you have in two hundred years of hard work."

Qian Wuzong's expression became a little hesitant when he was about to refute.

They also know the information about Lingzhou, Qingzhou, and Hezhou under the rule of Xuehai. Although they don't want to admit it, they are indeed several times better than them.

"I am an immortal cultivator, and I don't want to go around in circles. I may not give you this good luck. I will only sign a formal luck covenant when I am sure to ask you for help."

Zhao Shi said indifferently: "After you go back, fight as much as you can. Only by beating me to a dead end can you get this huge reward."

Qian Wuzong didn't persuade any more, his face showed a thoughtful look.

After a long time, he sneered and said: "Senior Xuehai seems to have made up his mind, so I won't persuade you any more. It's just that when you are at the end of the road, Dagan Shenting agrees or disagrees. Even if you agree, it is by no means a mere Achievements can be passed on.”

Zhao Shi was noncommittal: "As long as you can do it."

He wasn't worried that Dagan would refuse to cooperate when he was at a dead end.

He didn't have much confidence in defeating the three of Wei Tianyang with a huge inferior force, but at the cost of defeat, he was 100% confident in beating the three of Wei Tianyang to the point of paralysis.

If Dagan doesn't want to benefit the fisherman of Wu Kingdom, if he is completely wiped out, he must agree to cooperate with him, no matter how unwilling he is.

Qian Wuzong didn't say anything more, and bowed deeply: "In this case, I will take my leave."

The young girl's eyes were slightly closed, and veins suddenly bulged on his face, which was distorted in pain.

"Don't hurt the soldiers under my command, or you will be killed when the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance is established, so he won't dare to stop you."

The girl's body froze, and she suddenly opened her eyes, looking coldly at the person seated.

Zhao Shi did not even look at the hatred on his face, and practiced cross-legged slowly.

Qian Wuzong felt an inexplicable chill in his heart, as if a basin of cold water was pouring his whole body, his anger disappeared.

After a moment of hesitation, a half-transparent and blurred figure appeared on the girl's body.

The bright yellow four-clawed dragon robe, the eight-pronged crown, the image of a quaint and majestic old man with a long gray beard, are completely two extremes with the green girl.

He stared at his index finger, broke it expressionlessly, and threw it into the girl's body. His body turned into a gloomy light and disappeared into the military tent.

"It's the purest blood of our Fang family. It's not a waste, but it's a pity that it's a girl."

The girl's body fell limply like a puddle of mud.

Rich vitality exists in her body, and her soul is not abnormal, her breathing is smooth, and the corners of her mouth open and close from time to time, as if dreaming of something delicious.

"Liu Qi, first class soldier, please wake up."

Zhao Shi's words came to her ears clearly, and she woke up instantly. Looking at the saliva at the corner of her mouth, her little face lying on the seat turned red.

Liu Qi stammered: "Yes... President, I... I, I..."

She was so ashamed and angry that she couldn't even finish her sentence.

I actually fell asleep while reporting work to the president. Although I said I stayed up late last night, this is too embarrassing! ! !

Will the president suspect that she, the first place in the fourth period of Lingzhou Central Army Military Academy, is a fake, cheating?

The girl was in despair, feeling that her originally bright and infinite life path was gloomy, and she lost all hope.

Zhao Shi didn't blame her for her rudeness: "Go on, tell me what you saw and heard on the front line, as well as your own thoughts. The future of the country depends on you young people."

Players take over almost all army commanders, but this does not mean that the Blood Sea Immortal League lacks the ability to train mid-to-high-level officers.

Lingzhou Central Army Military Academy is such a place.

Excellent graduates will join the blood navy after they come out, and become the deputy of the player's commander, to exercise their commanding qualities, in order to achieve complete victory in the future. After the player quits the army, he will take over the military headquarters of the new country.

However, with the expansion of the army, there is a shortage of players, and now this step has to be accelerated, which is why Zhao Shi summoned her.

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